Asbury Journal |
Christian Resource Library - The Twelve Apostles |
E.E. Shelhamer, Popular and Radical Holiness Contrasted |
Extracts From the Works of Thomas Manton |
First-Person Sermons by Rev. Wayne A. Hogue |
H. Orton Wiley - Christian Theology (nearing completion) |
Herald of Holiness - Silver Jubilee Issue
Holiness Classics Library |
Immortality of the Soul, The |
J. M. Humphrey, Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah |
John Wycliffe's Bible Translation |
Libronix Library |
Methodist Review |
Modal Argument for the Existence of God in the Tradition of Anselm (Our thanks to J. Prescott Johnson, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Monmouth College) |
Nazarene Manifesto |
Noncanonical Literature |
Pragmatic Faith, A - By Bob Andrews |
Preacher's Magazine |
Richard Lucas, Enquiry After Happiness |
Vic Zarley's Christian Holiness Audiobook Presentations |
W. T. Purkiser, Interpreting Christian Holiness |
Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Periodicals The University of Manchester has now made available a number of Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Periodicals, including: |
Wesleyan Theological Journal |
William Tyndale's Bible Translation |
“Your Calling Have You Found It?” by Donald W. Grobe |