Wesley Center Online

Sermons, Essays & Books


Arranged Alphabetically

Asbury Journal

Christian Resource Library - The Twelve Apostles

E.E. Shelhamer, Popular and Radical Holiness Contrasted

Extracts From the Works of Thomas Manton

First-Person Sermons by Rev. Wayne A. Hogue

H. Orton Wiley - Christian Theology (nearing completion)

Herald of Holiness - Silver Jubilee Issue

Holiness Classics Library

Immortality of the Soul, The

J. M. Humphrey, Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah

John Wycliffe's Bible Translation

Libronix Library

Methodist Review

Modal Argument for the Existence of God in the Tradition of Anselm
 (Our thanks to J. Prescott Johnson, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Monmouth College)

Nazarene Manifesto

Noncanonical Literature

Pragmatic Faith, A - By Bob Andrews

Preacher's Magazine

Richard LucasEnquiry After Happiness

Vic Zarley's Christian Holiness Audiobook Presentations

W. T. Purkiser, Interpreting Christian Holiness

Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Periodicals 
The University of Manchester has now made available a number of Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist Periodicals, including:  

      • Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine (inc. Arminian Magazine and Methodist Magazine) 1778-1897
      • Minutes of Methodist Conferences 1744-1932
      • Primitive Methodist Magazine 1834-1928

    The print volumes of all these journals are held as part of a larger online archive, which may be accessed through the following link: https://www.britishonlinearchives.co.uk/collection.php?cid=9781851172092.

Wesleyan Theological Journal

William Tyndale's Bible Translation

“Your Calling Have You Found It?” by Donald W. Grobe