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John Wesley

John Wesley

John Wesley was an 18th century Anglican evangelist and founder of the Wesleyan Tradition.

During the late Eighteenth Century, the pseudo-science of craniology attempted to explain the differences between saints and criminals (and other human differences) in terms of variations in the size, shape, and proportions of skulls. To advance this research, impressions of the faces of recently deceased persons were taken, producing what came to be called "death masks." Methodists prepared John Wesley's Death Mask, however, to insure that future statuary would represent him accurately. The mask is courtesy of the Drew University Methodist Collection (Madison, New Jersey).

Wesley died on Wednesday March 2, 1791, in his eighty-eighth year. As he lay dying, his friends gathered around him, Wesley grasped their hands and said repeatedly, "Farewell, farewell." At the end, summoning all his remaining strength, he cried out, "The best of all is, God is with us," lifted his arms and raised his feeble voice again, repeating the words, "The best of all is, God is with us."



A Christian Library
Consisting of Extracts From and Abridgments of the Choicest Pieces of Practical Divinity Which Have Been Published in the English Tongue (In Thirty Volumes). 

Ken Collins' exhaustive bibliography of Wesleyan studies (click here to access the document on his site).


John Wesley the Evangelist
John Wesley the Methodist
The Life of John Wesley
The life and times of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., founder of the Methodists (volume 1volume 2volume 3)

Covenant Service
Several different versions 

A Compendium of Natural Philosophy

Explanatory Notes
Bible notes on the Old and New Testament 

New Testament Translation

John Wesley's Journal (Vols. 4 & 7)

John Wesley's Letters

An Address to the Clergy

A Plain Account of Christian Perfection

John Wesley's Sermons

Definitions of terms used in Wesley's writings that have changed meanings since the 18th century. 

Register of John Wesley's Preaching Texts
This register is the result of many years of work by Wanda Willard Smith, who served as faculty secretary to Albert Outler at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University from 1963 until Outler's death. The register is over 400 pages long, available in a fully searchable pdf format.