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Methodist Hymnal - 1889 Edition

Methodist Hymnal - 1889 Edition 001 - 099

1 = C.M.

1O FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace!

2My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honours of thy name.

3Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace.

4He breaks the power of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me.

5He speaks, and, listening to his voice, New life the dead receive, The mournful, broken hearts rejoice, The humble poor believe.

6Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come, And leap, ye lame, for joy.

7Look unto him, ye nations, own Your God, ye fallen race; Look, and be saved through faith alone, Be justified by grace.

8See all your sins on Jesus laid: The Lamb of God was slain, His soul was once an offering made For every soul of man.

9Awake from guilty nature's sleep, And Christ shall give you light, Cast all your sins into the deep, And wash the 'thiop white.

10 With me, your chief, ye then shall know, Shall feel your sins forgiven; Anticipate your heaven below, And own that love is heaven.

2 = L.M. Luke xiv. 16-24.

1COME, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul be Jesu's guest; Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind.

2Sent by my Lord, on you I call, The invitation is to ALL: Come, all the world; come, sinner, thou! All things in Christ are ready now.

3Come, all ye souls by sin opprest, Ye restless wanderers after rest, Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, In Christ a hearty welcome find.

4Come, and partake the gospel feast; Be saved from sin; in Jesus rest; O taste the goodness of your God, And eat his flesh, and drink his blood!

5Ye vagrant souls, on you I call; (O that my voice could reach you all!) Ye all may now be justified, Ye all may live, for Christ hath died.

6My message as from God receive, Ye all may come to Christ, and live; O let his love your hearts constrain, Nor suffer him to die in vain!

7His love is mighty to compel; His conquering love consent to feel, Yield to his love's resistless power, And fight against your God no more.

8See him set forth before your eyes, That precious, bleeding sacrifice! His offered benefits embrace, And freely now be saved by grace.

9This is the time; no more delay! This is the acceptable day, Come in, this moment, at his call, And live for him who died for all.

3 = 1Os&11s. John vii. 37-39.

1ALL that pass by, To Jesus draw near, He utters a cry, Ye sinners, give ear! From hell to retrieve you He spreads out his hands; Now, now to receive you, He graciously stands.

2If any man thirst, And happy would be, The vilest and worst May come unto me, May drink of my Spirit, Excepted is none, Lay claim to my merit, And take for his own.

3Whoever receives The life-giving word, In Jesus believes, His God and his Lord, In him a pure river Of life shall arise, Shall in the believer Spring up to the skies.

4My God and my Lord! Thy call I obey, My soul on thy word Of promise I stay, Thy kind invitation I gladly embrace, Athirst for salvation, Salvation by grace.

5O hasten the hour! Send down from above The Spirit of power, Of health, and of love, Of filial fear, Of knowledge and grace, Of wisdom and prayer, Of joy and of praise;

6The Spirit of faith, Of faith in thy blood, Which saves us from wrath, And brings us to God, Removes the huge mountain Of indwelling sin, And opens a fountain That washes us clean.

4 = L.M. Isaiah lv. 1-3.

1HO! every one that thirsts, draw nigh! ('Tis God invites the fallen race) Mercy and free salvation buy; Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace.

2Come to the living waters, come! Sinners, obey your Maker's call; Return, ye weary wanderers, home, And find my grace is free for all.

3See from the Rock a fountain rise! For you in healing streams it rolls; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye labouring, burdened, sin-sick souls.

4Nothing ye in exchange shall give, Leave all you have and are behind, Frankly the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find.

5Why seek ye that which is not bread, Nor can your hungry souls sustain On ashes, husks, and air ye feed; Ye spend your little all in vain.

6In search of empty joys below, Ye toil with unavailing strife; Whither, ah! whither would ye go I have the words of endless life.

7Hearken to me with earnest care, And freely eat substantial food, The sweetness of my mercy share, And taste that I alone am good.

8I bid you all my goodness prove, My promises for all are free, Come, taste the manna of my love, And let your souls delight in me.

9Your willing ear and heart incline, My words believingly receive; Quickened your souls by faith divine An everlasting life shall live.

5 = 10s&11s.

1THY faithfulness, Lord, Each moment we find, So true to thy word, So loving and kind! Thy mercy so tender To all the lost race, The vilest offender May turn and find grace.

2The mercy I feel To others I show, I set to my seal That Jesus is true: Ye all may find favour Who come at his call, O come to my Saviour, His grace is for all!

3To save what was lost, from heaven he came; Come, sinners, and trust In Jesus's name. He offers you pardon; He bids you be free; "If sin be your burden, O come unto me!"

4O let me commend My Saviour to you, The publican's friend And Advocate too, For you he is pleading His merits and death, With God interceding for sinners beneath.

5Then let us submit His grace to receive, Fall down at his feet And gladly believe: We all are forgiven For Jesus's sake: Our title to heaven His merits we take.

6 = 8-7s. "Why will ye die, O house of Israel" Ezek. xviii. 31.

1SINNERS, turn, why will ye die God, your Maker, asks you why God, who did your being give, Made you with himself to live-He the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of his own hands, Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross his love, and die

2Sinners, turn, why will ye die God, your Saviour, asks you why God, who did your souls retrieve, Died himself, that ye might live; Will you let him die in vain Crucify your Lord again Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will you slight his grace, and die

3Sinners, turn, why will ye die God, the Spirit, asks you why He who all your lives hath strove, Wooed you to embrace his love: Will you not his grace receive Will you still refuse to live Why, ye long-sought sinners, why Will you grieve your God, and die

4Dead, already dead within, Spiritually dead in sin, Dead to God while here you breathe, Pant ye after second death Will you still in sin remain, Greedy of eternal pain O ye dying sinners, why, Why will you for ever die

7 = 8-7s. The same subject.

1LET the beasts their breath resign, Strangers to the life divine; Who their God can never know, Let their spirit downward go. You for higher ends were born, You may all to God return, Dwell with him above the sky; Why will you for ever die

2You, on whom he favours showers, You, possest of nobler powers, You, of reason's powers possest, You, with will and memory blest, You, with finer sense endued, Creatures capable of God; Noblest of his creatures, why, Why will you for ever die

3You, whom he ordained to be Transcripts of the Deity; You, whom he in life doth hold; You, for whom himself was sold; You, on whom he still doth wait, Whom he would again create; Made by him, and purchased, why, Why will you for ever die

4You, who own his record true, You, his chosen people, you, You, who call the Saviour Lord, You, who read his written word, You, who see the gospel-light, Claim a crown in Jesu's right; Why will you, ye Christians, why Will the house of Israel die

8 = 8-7s. The same subject.

1WHAT could your Redeemer do More than he hath done for you To procure your peace with God, Could he more than shed his blood After all his waste of love, All his drawings from above, Why will you your Lord deny Why will you resolve to die

2Turn, he cries, ye sinners, turn; By his life your God hath sworn, He would have you turn and live, He would all the world receive. If your death were his delight, Would he you to life invite Would he ask, obtest, and cry, Why will you resolve to die

3Sinners, turn, while God is near: Dare not think him insincere: Now, even now, your Saviour stands, All day long he spreads his hands, Cries, Ye will not happy be! No, ye will not come to me! Me, who life to none deny: Why will you resolve to die

4Can you doubt if God is love If to all His bowels move Will you not his word receive Will you not his OATH believe See! the suffering God appears! Jesus weeps! believe his tears! Mingled with his blood, they cry, Why will you resolve to die

9 = L.M.

1SINNERS, obey the gospel-word! Haste to the supper of my Lord! Be wise to know your gracious day; All things are ready, come away!

2Ready the Father is to own And kiss his late-returning son; Ready your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his bleeding hands.

3Ready the Spirit of his love Just now the stony to remove, To apply, and witness with the blood, And wash and seal the sons of God.

4Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate; Tuning their harps, they long to praise The wonders of redeeming grace.

5The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Is ready, with their shining host: All heaven is ready to resound, "The dead's alive! the lost is found!"

6Come then, ye sinners, to your Lord, In Christ to paradise restored; His proffered benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace:

7A pardon written with his blood, The favour and the peace of God; The seeing eye, the feeling sense, The mystic joys of penitence;

8The godly grief, the pleasing smart, The meltings of a broken heart, The tears that tell your sins forgiven, The sighs that waft your souls to heaven;

9The guiltless shame, the sweet distress, The unutterable tenderness, The genuine, meek humility, The wonder, "Why such love to me"

10 The o'erwhelming power of saving grace, The sight that veils the seraph's face; The speechless awe that dares not move, And all the silent heaven of love.

10 = 10s&11s. John vii. 37-39.

1YE thirsty for God, To Jesus give ear, And take, through his blood, A power to draw near; His kind invitation Ye sinners embrace, Accepting salvation, Salvation by grace.

2Sent down from above, Who governs the skies, In vehement love To sinners he cries, Drink into my Spirit, Who happy would be, And all things inherit By coming to me.

3O Saviour of all, Thy word we believe! And come at thy call, Thy grace to receive; The blessing is given Wherever thou art. The earnest of heaven Is love in the heart.

4To us at thy feet The Comforter give, Who gasp to admit Thy Spirit, and live; The weakest believers Acknowledge for thine, And fill us with rivers Of water divine.

11 = L.M. 2 Cor. v. 20.

1GOD, the offended God most high, Ambassadors to rebels sends; His messengers his place supply, And Jesus begs us to be friends.

2Us, in the stead of Christ, they pray, Us, in the stead of God, intreat, To cast our arms, our sins, away, And find forgiveness at his feet.

3Our God in Christ! thine embassy, And proffered mercy, we embrace; And gladly reconciled to thee, Thy condescending goodness praise.

4Poor debtors, by our Lord's request A full acquittance we receive! And criminals, with pardon blest, We, at our Judge's instance, live!

12 = S.M.

1COME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, While ye surround his throne: Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But servants of the heavenly King May speak their joys abroad.

2The God that rules on high, That all the earth surveys That rides upon the stormy sky, And calms the roaring seas- This awful God is ours, Our Father and our love; He will send down his heavenly powers, To carry us above.

3There we shall see his face, And never, never sin; There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endless pleasures in: Yea, and before we rise To that immortal state, The thoughts of such amazing bliss Should constant joys create.

4The men of grace have found Glory begun below; Celestial fruit on earthly ground From faith and hope may grow: Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry; We are marching through Immanuel's grounds To fairer worlds on high.

13 = 8-7s.

1HAPPY soul that free from harms Rests within his Shepherd's arms! Who his quiet shall molest Who shall violate his rest Jesus doth his spirit bear, Jesus takes his every care; He who found the wandering sheep, Jesus still delights to keep.

2O that I might so believe, Steadfastly to Jesus cleave, On his only love rely, Smile at the destroyer nigh; Free from sin and servile fear, Have my Jesus ever near, All his care rejoice to prove, All his paradise of love!

3Jesus, seek thy wandering sheep, Bring me back, and lead, and keep; Take on thee my every care, Bear me, on thy bosom bear: Let me know my Shepherd's voice, More and more in thee rejoice, More and more of thee receive, Ever in thy Spirit live:

4Live, till all thy life I know, Perfect through my Lord below, Gladly then from earth remove, Gathered to the fold above.

5O that I at last may stand With the sheep at thy right hand, Take the crown so freely given, Enter in by thee to heaven!

14 = L.M. Prov. iii. 13-18.

1HAPPY the man that finds the grace, The blessing of God's chosen race, The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by love.

2Happy beyond description he Who knows, The Saviour died for me, The gift unspeakable obtains, And heavenly understanding gains.

3Wisdom divine! Who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandise Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compared to her.

4Her hands are filled with length of days, True riches, and immortal praise, Riches of Christ, on all bestowed, And honour that descends from God.

5To purest joys she all invites, Chaste, holy, spiritual delights; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her flowery paths are peace.

6Happy the man who wisdom gains, Thrice happy who his guest retains! He owns, and shall for ever own, Wisdom, and Christ, and heaven are one.

15 = C.M.

1HAPPY the souls to Jesus joined, And saved by grace alone, Walking in all his ways they find Their heaven on earth begun.

2The church triumphant in thy love, Their mighty joys we know; They sing the Lamb in hymns above, And we in hymns below.

3Thee in thy glorious realm they praise, And bow before thy throne, We in the kingdom of thy grace: The kingdoms are but one.

4The holy to the holiest leads, From thence our spirits rise, And he that in thy statutes treads Shall meet thee in the skies.

16 = L.M. Primitive Christianity.

1HAPPY the souls that first believed, To Jesus and each other cleaved, Joined by the unction from above In mystic fellowship of love.

2Meek, simple followers of the Lamb, They lived, and spake, and thought the same; They joyfully conspired to raise Their ceaseless sacrifice of praise.

3With grace abundantly endued, A pure, believing multitude, They all were of one heart and soul, And only love inspired the whole.

4O what an age of golden days! O what a choice, peculiar race! Washed in the Lamb's all-cleansing blood, Anointed kings and priests to God!

5Ye different sects, who all declare, "Lo, here is Christ! " or, "Christ is here!" Your stronger proofs divinely give, And show me where the Christians live.

6The gates of hell cannot prevail; The church on earth can never fail; Ah, join me to thy secret ones! Ah, gather all thy living stones!

7Scattered o'er all the earth they lie, Till thou collect them with thine eye, Draw by the music of thy name, And charm into a beauteous frame.

8For this the pleading Spirit groans, And cries in all thy banished ones; Greatest of gifts, thy love impart, And make us of one mind and heart.

9Join every soul that looks to thee In bonds of perfect charity; Now, Lord, the glorious fullness give, And all in all for ever live!


1JESUS, from whom all blessings flow, Great builder of thy church below, If now thy Spirit moves my breast, Hear, and fulfil thine own request!

2The few that truly call thee Lord, And wait thy sanctifying word, And thee their utmost Saviour own, Unite, and perfect them in one.

3O let them all thy mind express, Stand forth thy chosen witnesses, Thy power unto salvation show, And perfect holiness below!

4In them let all mankind behold How Christians lived in days of old, Mighty their envious foes to move, A proverb of reproach-and love.

5From every sinful wrinkle free, Redeemed from all iniquity, The fellowship of saints make known; And, O my God, might I be one!

6O might my lot be cast with these, The least of Jesu's witnesses! O that my Lord would count me meet To wash his dear disciples' feet!

7This only thing do I require: Thou knowest 'tis all my heart's desire Freely what I receive to give, The servant of thy church to live;

8After my lowly Lord to go, And wait upon thy saints below; Enjoy the grace to angels given, And serve the royal heirs of heaven.

9Lord, if I now thy drawings feel, And ask according to thy will, Confirm the prayer, the seal impart, And speak the answer to my heart.

18 = 7s&6s.

1FATHER, Saviour of mankind, Who hast on me bestowed An immortal soul, designed To be the house of God; Come, and now reside in me, Never, never to remove; Make me just and good, like thee, And full of power and love.

2Bid me in thy image rise, A saint, a creature new, True, and merciful, and wise, And pure, and happy too. This thy primitive design, That I should in thee be blest, Should within the arms divine For ever, ever rest.

3Let thy will on me be done; Fulfil my heart's desire, Thee to know and love alone, And rise in raptures higher; Thee, descending on a cloud, When with ravished eyes I see, Then I shall be filled with God To all eternity!

19 = 10s&11s.

1REJOICE evermore With angels above, In Jesus's power, In Jesus's love: With glad exultation Your triumph proclaim, Ascribing salvation To God and the Lamb.

2Thou, Lord, our relief In trouble hast been; Hast saved us from grief, Hast saved us from sin; The power of thy Spirit Hath set our hearts free, And now we inherit All fulness in thee;

3All fulness of peace, All fulness of joy, And spiritual bliss That never shall cloy: To us it is given In Jesus to know A kingdom of heaven, A heaven below.

4No longer we join While sinners invite, Nor envy the swine Their brutish delight; Their joy is all sadness, Their mirth is all vain, Their laughter is madness, Their pleasure is pain.

5O might they at last With sorrow return, The pleasures to taste For which they were born; Our Jesus receiving, Our happiness prove, The joy of believing, The heaven of love!

20 = 6-7s.

1WEARY souls, that wander wide From the central point of bliss, Turn to Jesus crucified, Fly to those dear wounds of his: Sink into the purple flood; Rise into the life of God!

2Find in Christ the way of peace, Peace unspeakable, unknown; By his pain he gives you ease, Life by his expiring groan; Rise, exalted by his fall, Find in Christ your all in all.

3O believe the record true, God to you his Son hath give Ye may now be happy too, Find on earth the life of heaven, Live the life of heaven above, All the life of glorious love.

4This the universal bliss, Bliss for every soul designed, God's original promise this, God's great gift to all mankind: Blest in Christ this moment be! Blest to all eternity!

21 = S.M.

1YE simple souls that stray Far from the path of peace, That lonely, unfrequented way To life and happiness, Why will ye folly love, And throng the downward road, And hate the wisdom from above, And mock the sons of God

2Madness and misery Ye count our life beneath; And nothing great or good can see, Or glorious, in our death: As only born to grieve, Beneath your feet we lie; And utterly contemned we live, And unlamented die.

3So wretched and obscure, The men whom ye despise, So foolish, impotent, and poor, Above your scorn we rise: We, through the Holy Ghost, Can witness better things; For He whose blood is all our boast Hath made us priests and kings.

4Riches unsearchable In Jesu's love we know; And pleasures, springing from the well Of life, our souls o'erflow; The Spirit we receive Of wisdom, grace, and power; And always sorrowful we live, Rejoicing evermore.

5Angels our servants are, And keep in all our ways, And in their watchful hands they bear The sacred souls of grace; Unto that heavenly bliss They all our steps attend; And God himself our Father is, And Jesus is our friend.

6With him we walk in white, We in his image shine, Our robes are robes of glorious light, Our righteousness divine; On all the kings of earth With pity we look down, And claim, in virtue of our birth, A never-fading crown.

22 = C.M.

1BEHOLD the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree! How vast the love that him inclined To bleed and die for thee!

2Hark, how he groans! while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend; The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend.

3'Tis done! the precious ransom's paid, "Receive my soul," he cries! See where he bows his sacred head! He bows his head, and dies!

4But soon he'll break death's envious chain, And in full glory shine: O Lamb of God! was ever pain, Was ever love, like thine

23 = L.M.

1EXTENDED on a cursed tree, Besmeared with dust, and sweat, and blood, See there, the king of glory see! Sinks and expires the Son of God.

2Who, who, my Saviour, this hath done Who could thy sacred body wound No guilt thy spotless heart hath known, No guile hath in thy lips been found.

3I, I alone, have done the deed! 'Tis I thy sacred flesh have torn; My sins have caused thee, Lord, to bleed, Pointed the nail, and fixed the thorn.

4The burden, for me to sustain Too great, on thee, my Lord, was laid; To heal me, thou hast borne my pain; To bless me, thou a curse wast made.

5In the devouring lion's teeth, Torn, and forsook of all, I lay; Thou sprang'st into the jaws of death, From death to save the helpless prey.

6Saviour how shall I proclaim How pay the mighty debt I owe Let all I have, and all I am, Ceaseless to all thy glory show.

7Too much to thee I cannot give; Too much I cannot do for thee; Let all thy love, and all thy grief, Graven on my heart for ever be!

8The meek, the still, the lowly mind, O may I learn from thee, my God, And love, with softest pity joined, For those that trample on thy blood!

9Still let thy tears, thy groans, thy sighs, O'erflow my eyes, and heave my breast, Till loose from flesh and earth I rise, And ever in thy bosom rest.

24 = 8-7s.

1SAVIOUR, if thy precious love Could be merited by mine, Faith these mountains would remove; Faith would make me ever thine: But when all my care and pains Worth can ne'er create in me, Nought by me thy fulness gains; Vain the hope to purchase thee.

2Cease, O man, thy worth to weigh, Give the needless contest o'er; Mine thou art! while thus I say, Yield thee up, and ask no more: What thy estimate may be, Only can by him be told Who, to ransom wretched thee, Thee to gain, himself was sold.

3But when all in me is sin, How can I thy grace obtain How presume thyself to win God of love, the doubt explain: Or if thou the means supply, Lo to thee I all resign! Make me Lord-I ask not why, How I ask not,-ever thine.

25 = 8s&6s. Matthew xi. 28.

1STUPENDOUS love of God most high! He comes to meet us from the sky In mildest majesty; Full of unutterable grace, He calls the weary burdened race, "Come all for help to me."

2Tired with the greatness of my way, From him I would no longer stray, But rest in Jesus have; Weary of sin, from sin would cease, Weary of mine own righteousness, And stoop, myself to save.

3Weary of passions unsubdued, Weary of vows in vain renewed, Of forms without the power, Of prayers, and hopes, complaints, and groans, My fainting soul in silence owns I can hold out no more.

4Beneath this mountain load of grief, Of guilt and desperate unbelief, Jesus, thy creature see; With all my nature's weight oppressed, I sink, I die for want of rest, Yet cannot come to thee.

5Mine utter helplessness I feel; But thou, who gav'st the feeble will, The effectual grace supply; Be thou my strength, my light, my way, And bid my soul the call obey, And to thy bosom fly.

6Fulfil thine own intense desire, And now into my heart inspire The power of faith and love; Then, Saviour, then to thee I come, And find on earth the life, the home, The rest of saints above.

26 = L.M.

1I THIRST, thou wounded Lamb of God, To wash me in thy cleansing blood, To dwell within thy wounds; then pain Is sweet, and life or death is gain.

2Take my poor heart, and let it be For ever closed to all but thee! Seal thou my breast, and let me we; That pledge of love for ever there!

3How blest are they who still abide Close sheltered in thy bleeding side, Who life and strength from thence derive, And by thee move, and in thee live.

4What are our works but sin and death, Till thou thy quickening Spirit breathe! Thou giv'st the power thy grace to move; O wondrous grace! O boundless love!

5How can it be, thou heavenly King, That thou shouldst us to glory bring Make slaves the partners of thy throne, Decked with a never-fading crown

6Hence our hearts melt, our eyes o'erflow, Our words are lost; nor will we know, Nor will we think of aught beside, "My Lord, my Love is crucified."

7Ah, Lord! enlarge our scanty thought, To know the wonders thou hast wrought; Unloose our stammering tongues, to tell Thy love immense, unsearchable.

8First-born of many brethren thou! To thee, lo! all our souls we bow: To thee our hearts and hands we give: Thine may we die, thine may we live!

27 = 2-6s&4-7s.

1SAVIOUR, the world's and mine, Was ever grief like thine! Thou my pain, my curse hast took, All my sins were laid on thee; Help me, Lord; to thee I look, Draw me, Saviour, after thee.

2'Tis done! my God hath died; My Love is crucified! Break, this stony heart of mine; Pour, mine eyes, a ceaseless flood; Feel, my soul, the pangs divine; Catch, my heart, the issuing blood!

3When, O my God, shall I For thee submit to die How the mighty debt repay Rival of thy passion prove Lead me in thyself, the Way; Melt my hardness into love.

4To love is all my wish, I only live for this; Grant me, Lord, my heart's desire, There by faith for ever dwell; This I always will require, Thee, and only thee, to feel.

5Thy power I pant to prove, Rooted and fixed in love; Strengthened by thy Spirit's might, Wise to fathom things divine, What the length, and breadth, and height, What the depth of love like thine.

6Ah! give me this to know, With all thy saints below; Swells my soul to compass thee, Gasps in thee to live and move; Filled with all the Deity, All immersed and lost in love!

28 = 6-8s.

1LOVE divine! what hast thou done! The immortal God hath died for me! The Father's co-eternal Son Bore all my sins upon the tree; The immortal God for me hath died! My Lord, my Love is crucified.

2Behold him, all ye that pass by, The bleeding Prince of life and peace! Come, see, ye worms, your Maker die, And say, was ever grief like his Come, feel with me his blood applied: My Lord, my Love is crucified.

3Is crucified for me and you, To bring us rebels back to God: Believe, believe the record true, Ye all are bought with Jesu's blood, Pardon for all flows from his side; My Lord, my Love is crucified.

4Then let us sit beneath his cross, And gladly catch the healing stream, All things for him account but loss, And give up all our hearts to him; Of nothing think or speak beside, "My Lord, my Love is crucified."

29 = 8-7s. Matthew xi. 28.

1COME, ye weary sinners, come, All who groan beneath your load, Jesus calls his wanderers home, Hasten to your pardoning God! Come, ye guilty spirits oppressed, Answer to the Saviour's call, "Come, and I will give you rest, Come, and I will save you all."

2Jesus, full of truth and love, We thy kindest word obey; Faithful let thy mercies prove, Take our load of guilt away; Fain we would on thee rely, Cast on thee our every care, To thine arms of mercy fly, Find our lasting quiet there.

3Burdened with a world of grief, Burdened with our sinful load, Burdened with this unbelief, Burdened with the wrath of God; Lo! we come to thee for ease, True and gracious as thou art, Now our groaning souls release, Write forgiveness on our heart.

30 = 6-8s.

1WHERE shall my wondering soul begin How shall I all to heaven aspire A slave redeemed from death and sin, A brand plucked from eternal fire, How shall I equal triumphs raise, Or sing my great Deliverer's praise

2O how shall I the goodness tell, Father, which thou to me hast showed That I, a child of wrath and hell, I should be called a child of God, Should know, should feel my sins forgiven, Blest with this antepast of heaven!

3And shall I slight my Father's love Or basely fear his gifts to own Unmindful of his favours prove Shall I, the hallowed cross to shun, Refuse his righteousness to impart, By hiding it within my heart

4No! though the ancient dragon rage, And call forth all his host to war, Though earth's self-righteous sons engage Them and their god alike I dare; Jesus, the sinner's friend, proclaim; Jesus, to sinners still the same.

5Outcasts of men, to you I call, Harlots, and publicans, and thieves! He spreads his arms to embrace you all; Sinners alone his grace receives; No need of him the righteous have; He came the lost to seek and save.

6Come, O my guilty brethren, come, Groaning beneath your load of sin, His bleeding heart shall make you room, His open side shall take you in; He calls you now, invites you home; Come, O my guilty brethren, come!

7For you the purple current flowed In pardons from his wounded side, Languished for you the eternal God, For you the Prince of glory died: Believe, and all your sin's forgiven; Only believe, and yours is heaven!

31 = 6-8s.

1SEE, sinners, in the gospel glass, The friend and Saviour of mankind! Not one of all the apostate race But may in him salvation find! His thoughts, and words, and actions prove, His life and death,-that God is love!

2Behold the Lamb of God, who bears The sins of all the world away! A servant's form he meekly wears, He sojourns in a house of clay, His glory is no longer seen, But God with God is man with men.

3See where the God incarnate stands, And calls his wandering creatures home, He all day long spreads out his hands, "Come, weary souls, to Jesus come! Ye all may hide you in my breast, Believe, and I will give you rest.

4"Ah! do not of my goodness doubt; My saving grace for all is free; I will in no wise cast him out That comes a sinner unto me; I can to none myself deny, Why, sinners, will ye perish, why"

32 = 6-8s.

1SINNERS, believe the gospel word, Jesus is come your souls to save Jesus is come, your common Lord; Pardon ye all through him may have, May now be saved, whoever will; This man receiveth sinners still.

2See where the lame, the halt, the blind, The deaf, the dumb, the sick, the poor, Flock to the friend of human kind, And freely all accept their cure; To whom did he his help deny Whom in his days of flesh pass by

3Did not his word the fiends expel, The lepers cleanse, and raise the dead Did he not all their sickness heal, And satisfy their every need Did he reject his helpless clay, Or send them sorrowful away

4Nay, but his bowels yearned to see The people hungry, scattered, faint; Nay, but he uttered over thee, Jerusalem, a true complaint; Jerusalem, who shedd'st his blood, That, with his tears, for thee hath flowed.

33 = 6-8s

1WOULD Jesus have the sinner die Why hangs he then on yonder tree What means that strange expiring cry (Sinners, he prays for you and me) "Forgive them, Father, O forgive, They know not that by me they live!"

2Adam descended from above, Our loss of Eden to retrieve, Great God of universal love, If all the world through thee may live, In us a quickening Spirit be, And witness thou hast died for me!

3Thou loving, all-atoning Lamb, Thee-by thy painful agony, Thy bloody sweat, thy grief and shame, Thy cross and passion on the tree, Thy precious death and life-I pray, Take all, take all my sins away!

4O let me kiss thy bleeding feet, And bathe and wash them with my tears! The story of thy love repeat In every drooping sinner's ears, That all may hear the quickening sound, Since I, even I, have mercy found.

5O let thy love my heart constrain! Thy love for every sinner free, That every fallen soul of man May taste the grace that found out me; That all mankind with me may prove Thy sovereign everlasting love.

34 = 4-6s&2-8s.

1LET earth and heaven agree, Angels and men be joined, To celebrate with me The Saviour of mankind; To adore the all-atoning Lamb, And bless the sound of Jesu's name.

2Jesus, transporting sound! The joy of earth and heaven; No other help is found, No other name is given, By which we can salvation have; But Jesus came the world to save.

3Jesus, harmonious name! It charms the hosts above; They evermore proclaim And wonder at his love; 'Tis all their happiness to gaze, 'Tis heaven to see our Jesu's face.

4His name the sinner hears, And is from sin set free; 'Tis music in his ears, 'Tis life and victory; New songs do now his lips employ, And dances his glad heart for joy.

5Stung by the scorpion sin, My poor expiring soul The balmy sound drinks in, And is at once made whole: See there my Lord upon the tree! I hear, I feel, he died for me.

6O unexampled love! O all-redeeming grace! How swiftly didst thou move To save a fallen race! What shall I do to make it known What thou for all mankind hast done

7O for a trumpet voice, On all the world to call! To bid their hearts rejoice In him who died for all; For all my Lord was crucified, For all, for all my Saviour died!

35 = C.M.

1JESUS, thou all-redeeming Lord, Thy blessing we implore, Open the door to preach thy word, The great effectual door.

2Gather the outcasts in, and save From sin and Satan's power; And let them now acceptance have, And know their gracious hour.

3Lover of souls! thou know'st to prize What thou hast bought so dear; Come then, and in thy people's eyes With all thy wounds appear.

4Appear, as when of old confest The suffering Son of God; And let them see thee in thy vest But newly dipt in blood.

5The hardness from their hearts remove, Thou who for all hast died; Show them the tokens of thy love, Thy feet, thy hands, thy side.

6Thy feet were nailed to yonder tree, To trample down their sin; Thy hands stretched out they all may see, To take thy murderers in.

7Thy side an open fountain is, Where all may freely go, And drink the living streams of bliss, And wash them white as snow.

8Ready thou art the blood to apply, And prove the record true; And all thy wounds to sinners cry, "I suffered this for you!"

36 = C.M.

1LOVERS of pleasure more than God, For you he suffered pain; Swearers, for you he spilt his blood; And shall he bleed in vain

2Misers, for you his life he paid, Your basest crime he bore: Drunkards, your sins on him were laid, That you might sin no more.

3The God of love, to earth he came, That you might come to heaven; Believe, believe in Jesu's name, And all your sin's forgiven.

4Believe in him that died for thee, And, sure as he hath died, Thy debt is paid, thy soul is free, And thou art justified.

37 = C.M.

1JESUS! the name high over In hell, or earth, or sky, Angels and men before it fall, And devils fear and fly.

2Jesus! the name to sinners dear, The name to sinners given; It scatters all their guilty fear, It turns their hell to heaven.

3Jesus! the prisoner's fetters breaks, And bruises Satan's head; Power into strengthless souls it speaks, And life into the dead.

4O that the world might taste and see The riches of his grace! The arms of love that compass me Would all mankind embrace.

5His only righteousness I show, His saving truth proclaim, 'Tis all my business here below To cry, "Behold the Lamb!"

6Happy, if with my latest breath I may but gasp his name; Preach him to all, and cry in death, "Behold, behold the Lamb!"

38 = 6-8s. 2nd. metre

1GOD, of good the unfathomed sea! Who would not give his heart to thee Who would not love thee with his might O Jesu, lover of mankind, Who would not his whole soul and mind, With all his strength, to thee unite

2Thou shin'st with everlasting rays; Before the insufferable blaze Angels with both Wings veil their eyes; Yet free as air thy bounty streams On all thy works; thy mercy's beams Diffusive as thy sun's arise.

3Astonished at thy frowning brow, Earth, hell, and heaven's strong pillars bow; Terrible majesty is thine! Who then can that vast love express Which bows thee down to me, who less Than nothing am, till thou art mine

4High throned on heaven's eternal hill, In number, weight, and measure still Thou sweetly orderest all that is: And yet thou deign'st to come to me, And guide my steps, that I, with thee Enthroned, may reign in endless bliss.

5Fountain of good! all blessing flows From thee; no want thy fulness knows; What but thyself canst thou desire Yes; self-sufficient as thou art, Thou dost desire my worthless heart; This, only this, dost thou require.

6Primeval Beauty! in thy sight The first-born, fairest sons of light See all their brightest glories fade: What then to me thine eyes could turn, In sin conceived, of woman born, A worm, a leaf, a blast, a shade

7Hell's armies tremble at thy nod, And trembling own the Almighty God, Sovereign of earth, hell, air, and sky: But who is this that comes from far, Whose garments rolled in blood appear 'Tis God made man, for man to die!

8O God, of good the unfathomed sea! Who would not give his heart to thee Who would not love thee with his might O Jesu, lover of mankind, Who would not his whole soul and mind, With all his strength, to thee unite

39 = L.M.

1FATHER, whose everlasting love Thy only Son for sinners gave, Whose grace to all did freely move, And sent him down the world to save;

2Help us thy mercy to extol, Immense, unfathomed, unconfined; To praise the Lamb who died for all, The general Saviour of mankind.

3Thy undistinguishing regard Was cast on Adam's fallen race; For all thou hast in Christ prepared Sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.

4The world he suffered to redeem; For all he hath the atonement made; For those that will not come to him The ransom of his life was paid.

5Why then, thou universal Love, Should any of thy grace despair To all, to all, thy bowels move, But straitened in our own we are.

6Arise, O God, maintain thy cause! The fulness of the Gentiles call; Lift up the standard of thy cross, And all shall own thou diedst for all.

40 = 10s&11s.

1YE neighbours, and friends Of Jesus, draw near: His love condescends by titles so dear To call and invite you His triumph to prove, And freely delight you In Jesus's love.

2The Shepherd who died His sheep to redeem, On every side Are gathered to him The weary and burdened, The reprobate race; And wait to be pardoned Through Jesus's grace.

3The blind are restored Through Jesus's name, They see their dear Lord, And follow the Lamb; The halt they are walking, and running their race; The dumb they are talking Of Jesus's grace.

4The deaf hear his voice And comforting word, It bids them rejoice In Jesus their Lord, "Thy sins are forgiven, Accepted thou art;" They listen, and heaven Springs up in their heart.

5The lepers from all Their spots are made clean, The dead by his call Are raised from their sin; In Jesu's compassion The sick find a cure, And gospel salvation Is preached to the poor.

6To us and to them Is published the word: Then let us proclaim Our life-giving Lord, Who now is reviving His work in our days, And mightily striving To save us by grace.

7O Jesus! ride on Till all are subdued, Thy mercy make known, And sprinkle thy blood; Display thy salvation, And teach the new song To every nation, And people, and tongue.

41 = C.M. Psalm xc. 1-5

1O GOD! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home:

2Under the shadow of thy throne, Still may we dwell secure; Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure.

3Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.

4A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun.

5The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood, And lost in following years.

6Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day.

7O God! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while life shall last, And our perpetual home.

42 = C.M.

1THEE we adore, eternal name! And humbly own to thee, How feeble is our mortal frame, What dying worms we be!

2Our wasting lives grow shorter still, As days and months increase; And every beating pulse we tell Leaves but the number less.

3The year roll round, and steals away The breath that first it gave; Whate'er we do, where'er we be, We are travelling to the grave.

4Dangers stand thick through all the ground, To push us to the tomb; And fierce diseases wait around, To hurry mortals home.

5Great God! on what a slender thread Hang everlasting things; The eternal states of all the dead Upon life's feeble strings!

6Infinite joy, or endless woe, Depends on every breath; And yet how unconcerned we go Upon the brink of death!

7Waken, O Lord, our drowsy sense, To walk this dangerous road! And if our souls be hurried hence, May they be found with God!

43 = S.M.

1AND am I born to die To lay this body down And must my trembling spirit fly Into a world unknown-A land of deepest shade, Unpierced by human thought, The dreary regions of the dead, Where all things are forgot

2Soon as from earth I go, What will become of me Eternal happiness or woe Must then my portion be; Waked by the trumpet's sound, I from my grave shall rise, And see the Judge with glory crowned, And see the flaming skies.

3How shall I leave my tomb With triumph or regret A fearful or a joyful doom, A curse or blessing meet Will angel-bands convey Their brother to the bar Or devils drag my soul away, To meet its sentence there

4Who can resolve the doubt That tears my anxious breast Shall I be with the damned cast out, Or numbered with the blest I must from God be driven, Or with my Saviour dwell; Must come at his command to heaven, Or else-depart to hell.

5O thou that wouldst not have One wretched sinner die, Who died'st thyself; my soul to save From endless misery! Show me the way to shun Thy dreadful wrath severe, That when thou comest on thy throne I may with joy appear.

6Thou art thyself the Way; Thyself in me reveal; So shall I spend my life's short day Obedient to thy will; So shall I love my God, Because he first loved me, And praise thee in thy bright abode, To all eternity.

44 = 8s&6s.

1AND am I only born to die And must I suddenly comply With nature's stern decree What after death for me remains Celestial joys, or hellish pains, To all eternity

2How then ought I on earth to live, While God prolongs the kind reprieve And props the house of clay My sole concern, my single care, To watch, and tremble, and prepare Against the fatal day.

3No room for mirth or trifling here, For worldly hope, or worldly fear, If life so soon is gone: If now the Judge is at the door, And all mankind must stand before The inexorable throne!

4No matter which my thoughts employ, A moment's misery, or joy; But O! when both shall end, Where shall I find my destined place Shall I my everlasting days With fiends, or angels spend

5Nothing is worth a thought beneath But how I may escape the death That never, never dies; How make mine own election sure, And, when I fail on earth, secure A mansion in the skies.

6Jesus, vouchsafe a pitying ray, Be thou my guide, be thou my way To glorious happiness; Ah, write the pardon on my heart, And whensoe'er I hence depart, Let me depart in peace.

45 = L.M.

1SHRINKING from the cold hand of death, I too shall gather up my feet, Shall soon resign this fleeting breath, And die, my fathers' God to meet.

2Numbered among thy people, I Expect with joy thy face to see; Because thou didst for sinners die, Jesus, in death remember me!

3O that without a lingering groan I may the welcome word receive! My body with my charge lay down, And cease at once to work and live.

46 = L.M. Isaiah xl 6-8

1THE morning flowers display their sweets, And gay their silken leaves unfold As careless of the noontide heats, As fearless of the evening cold.

2Nipt by the wind's unkindly blast, Parched by the sun's directer ray, The momentary glories waste, The short-lived beauties die away.

3So blooms the human face divine, When youth its pride of beauty shows; Fairer than spring the colours shine, And sweeter than the virgin rose.

4Or worn by slowly-rolling years, Or broke by sickness in a day, The fading glory disappears, The short-lived beauties die away.

5Yet these, new rising from the tomb, With lustre brighter far shall shine; Revive with ever-during bloom, Safe from diseases and decline.

6Let sickness blast, let death devour, If heaven must recompense our pains: Perish the grass, and fade the flower, If firm the word of God remains.

47 = 5 5 5, 11.

1COME, let us anew Our journey pursue, Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear.

2His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve, By the patience of hope, and the labour of love.

3Our life is a dream; Our time as a stream Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay.

4The arrow is flown, The moment is gone; The millennial year Rushes on to our view, and eternity's here.

5O that each in the day Of his coming may say, "I have fought my way through, I have finished the work thou didst give me to do!"

6O that each from his Lord May receive the glad word, "Well and faithfully done! Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne."

48 = L.M.

1PASS a few swiftly-fleeting years, And all that now in bodies live Shall quit, like me, the vale of tears, Their righteous sentence to receive.

2But all, before they hence remove, May mansions for themselves prepare In that eternal house above; And, O my God, shall I be there

49 = 8s.

1REJOICE for a brother deceased, Our loss is his infinite gain; A soul out of prison released, And freed from its bodily chain; With songs let us follow his flight, And mount with his spirit above, Escaped to the mansions of light, And lodged in the Eden of love.

2Our brother the haven hath gained, Out-flying the tempest and wind, His rest he hath sooner obtained, And left his companions behind, Still tossed on a sea of distress, Hard toiling to make the blest shore, Where all is assurance and peace, And sorrow and sin are no more.

3There all the ship's company meet Who sailed with the Saviour beneath; With shouting each other they greet, And triumph o'er trouble and death: The voyage of life's at an end, The mortal affliction is past; The age that in heaven they spend, For ever and ever shall last.

50 = 8-7s.

1BLESSING, honour, thanks, and praise, Pay we, gracious God, to thee; Thou, in thine abundant grace, Givest us the victory; True and faithful to thy word, Thou hast glorified thy Son, Jesus Christ, our dying Lord, He for us the fight hath won.

2Lo! the prisoner is released, Lightened of his fleshly load; Where the weary are at rest, He is gathered into God; Lo! the pain of life is past, All his warfare now is o'er, Death and hell behind are cast, Grief and suffering are no more.

3Yes, the Christian's course is run, Ended is the glorious strife; Fought the fight, the work is done, Death is swallowed up of life! Borne by angels on their wings, Far from earth the spirit flies, Finds his God, and sits and sings, Triumphing in Paradise.

4Join we then, with one accord, In the new, the joyful song; Absent from our loving Lord We shall not continue long; We shall quit the house of clay, We a better lot shall share, We shall see the realms of day, Meet our happy brother there.

5Let the world bewail their dead, Fondly of their loss complain, Brother, friend, by Jesus freed, Death to thee, to us, is gain; Thou art entered into joy: Let the unbelievers mourn; We in songs our lives employ, Till we all to God return.

51 = 8-7s.

1HARK! a voice divides the sky, Happy are the faithful dead! In the Lord who sweetly die, They from all their toils are freed; Them the Spirit hath declared Blest, unutterably blest; Jesus is their great reward, Jesus is their endless rest.

2Followed by their works, they go Where their Head hath gone before; Reconciled by grace below, Grace hath opened mercy's door; Justified through faith alone, Here they knew their sins forgiven, Here they laid their burden down, Hallowed, and made meet for heaven.

3Who can now lament the lot Of a saint in Christ deceased Let the world, who know us not, Call us hopeless and unblest: When from flesh the spirit freed Hastens homeward to return, Mortals cry, "A man is dead!" Angels sing, "A child is born!"

4Born into the world above, They our happy brother greet, Bear him to the throne of love, Place him at the Saviour's feet; Jesus smiles, and says, "Well done, Good and faithful servant thou; Enter, and receive thy crown, Reign with me triumphant now."

5Angels catch the approving sound, Bow, and bless the just award; Hail the heir with glory crowned, Now rejoicing with his Lord: Fuller joys ordained to know, Waiting for the general doom, When the archangel's trump shall blow, "Rise, ye dead, to judgment come!"

52 = 2-6s&4-7s.

1AGAIN we lift our voice, And shout our solemn joys; Cause of highest raptures this, Raptures that shall never fail, See a soul escaped to bliss, Keep the Christian festival!

2Our friend is gone before To that celestial shore; He hath left his mates behind, He hath all the storms outrode; Found the rest we toil to find, Landed in the arms of God.

3And shall we mourn to see Our fellow-prisoner free Free from doubts, and griefs, and fears, In the haven of the skies! Can we weep to see the tears Wiped for ever from his eyes

4No, dear companion, no! We gladly let thee go, From a suffering church beneath, To a reigning church above: Thou hast more than conquered death; Thou art crowned with life and love.

5Thou, in thy youthful prime, Hast leaped the bounds of time, Suddenly from earth released; Lo! we now rejoice for thee, Taken to an early rest, Caught into eternity.

6Thither may we repair That glorious bliss to share! We shall see the welcome day, We shall to the summons bow; Come, Redeemer, come away, Now prepare, and take us now.

53 = 8-7s. A Funeral Hymn

1GLORY be to God on high, God in whom we live and die, God, who guides us by his love, Takes us to his throne above! Angels that surround his throne Sing the wonders he hath done, Shout, while we on earth reply Glory be to God on high!

2God of everlasting grace, Worthy thou of endless praise, Thou hast all thy blessings shed On the living and the dead; Thou wast here their sure defence, Thou hast borne their spirits hence, Worthy thou of endless praise, God of everlasting grace.

3Thanks be all ascribed to thee, Blessing, power, and majesty, Thee, by whose almighty name They their latest foe o'ercame; Thou the victory hast won, Saved them by thy grace alone, Caught them up thy face to see, Thanks be all ascribed to thee!

4Happy in thy glorious love, We shall from the vale remove, Glad partakers of our hope, We shall soon be taken up; Meet again our heavenly friends, Blest with bliss that never ends, Joined to all thy hosts above, Happy in thy glorious love!

54 = 7s&8s.

1HEARKEN to the solemn voice, The awful midnight cry; Waiting souls, rejoice, rejoice, And see the Bridegroom nigh; Lo! he comes to keep his word, Light and joy his looks impart; Go ye forth to meet your Lord, And meet him in your heart.

2Ye who faint beneath the load Of sin, your heads lift up; See your great redeeming God, He comes, and bids you hope: In the midnight of your grief, Jesus doth his mourners cheer; Lo! he brings you sure relief; Believe, and feel him here.

3Ye whose loins are girt, stand forth! Whose lamps are burning bright, Worthy, in your Saviour's worth, To walk with him in white: Jesus bids your hearts be clean, Bids you all his promise prove; Jesus comes to cast out sin, And perfect you in love.

4Wait we all in patient hope, Till Christ, the Judge, shall come, We shall soon be all caught up To meet the general doom: In an hour to us unknown, As a thief in deepest night, Christ shall suddenly come down, With all his saints in light.

5Happy he whom Christ shall find Watching to see him come; Him the Judge of all mankind Shall bear triumphant home: Who can answer to his word Which of you dares meet his day "Rise, and come to judgment!"-Lord, We rise, and come away.

55 = S.M.

1THOU Judge of quick and dead, Before whose bar severe, With holy joy, or guilty dread, We all shall soon appear; Our cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray:

2To pray, and wait the hour, That awful hour unknown, When, robed in majesty and power, Thou shalt from heaven come down The immortal Son of man, To judge the human race, With all thy Father's dazzling train, With all thy glorious grace.

3To damp our earthly joys, To increase our gracious fears, For ever let the archangel's voice Be sounding in our ears; The solemn midnight cry, "Ye dead, the Judge is come, Arise, and meet him in the sky, And meet your instant doom!"

4O may we thus be found Obedient to his word, Attentive to the trumpet's sound, And looking for our Lord! O may we thus ensure A lot among the blest; And watch a moment to secure An everlasting rest!

56 = L.M.

1HE comes! he comes! the Judge severe, The seventh trumpet speaks him near; His lightnings flash, his thunders roll, How welcome to the faithful soul!

2From heaven angelic voices sound, See the almighty Jesus crowned, Girt with omnipotence and grace! And glory decks the Saviour's face.

3Descending on his azure throne, He claims the kingdoms for his own; The kingdoms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphant Lord.

4Shout, all the people of the sky, And all the saints of the Most High! Our Lord, who now his right obtains, For ever and for ever reigns.

57 = L.M.

1THE great archangel's trump shall sound, (While twice ten thousand thunders roar) Tear up the graves, and cleave the ground, And make the greedy sea restore.

2The greedy sea shall yield her dead, The earth no more her slain conceal; Sinners shall lift their guilty head, And shrink to see a yawning hell.

3But we, who now our Lord confess, And faithful to the end endure, Shall stand in Jesu's righteousness, Stand, as the Rock of ages, sure.

4We, while the stars from heaven shall fall, And mountains are on mountains hurled, Shall stand unmoved amidst them all, And smile to see a burning world.

5The earth, and all the works therein, Dissolve, by raging flames destroyed, While we survey the awful scene, And mount above the fiery void.

6By faith we now transcend the skies, And on that ruined world look down; By love above all height we rise, And share the everlasting throne.

58 = 7s&6s.

1JESUS, faithful to his word, Shall with a shout descend; All heaven's host their glorious Lord Shall pompously attend: Christ shall come with dreadful noise, Lightnings swift, and thunders loud; With the great archangel's voice, And with the trump of God.

2First the dead in Christ shall rise; Then we that yet remain Shall be caught up to the skies, And see our Lord again: We shall meet him in the air, All rapt up to heaven shall be, Find, and love, and praise him there, To all eternity.

3Who can tell the happiness This glorious hope affords Joy unuttered we possess In these reviving words; Happy while on earth we breathe, Mightier bliss ordained to know, Trampling down sin, hell, and death, To the third heaven we go.

59 = 8s&6s.

1THOU God of glorious majesty, To thee, against myself, to thee, A worm of earth, I cry; A Half-awakened child of man; An heir of endless bliss or pain; A sinner born to die!

2Lo! on a narrow neck of land, 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand, Secure, insensible; A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to that heavenly place, Or shuts me up in hell.

3O God, mine inmost soul convert! And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress: Give me to feel their solemn weight, And tremble on the brink of fate, And wake to righteousness.

4Before me place, in dread array, The pomp of that tremendous day, When thou with clouds shalt come, To judge the nations at thy bar; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there To meet a joyful doom

5Be this my one great business here, With serious industry and fear Eternal bliss to ensure; Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure.

6Then, Saviour, then my soul receive, Transported from this vale to live And reign with thee above; Where faith is sweetly lost in sight, And hope in full supreme delight, And everlasting love.

60 = 8s&7s.

1RIGHTEOUS God! whose vengeful phials All our fears and thoughts exceed, Big with woes and fiery trials, Hanging, bursting o'er our head; While thou visitest the nations, Thy selected people spare; Arm our cautioned souls with patience, Fill our humbled hearts with prayer.

2If thy dreadful controversy With all flesh is now begun, In thy wrath remember mercy, Mercy first and last be shown; Plead thy cause with sword and fire, Shake us till the curse remove, Till thou com'st, the world's desire, Conquering all with sovereign love.

3Every fresh alarming token More confirms the faithful word; Nature (for its Lord hath spoken) Must be suddenly restored: From this national confusion, From this ruined earth and skies, See the times of restitution, See the new creation rise!

4Vanish, then, this world of shadows, Pass the former things away: Lord, appear! appear to glad us With the dawn of endless day O conclude this mortal story, Throw this universe aside! Come, eternal King of glory, Now descend, and take thy bride!

61 = 7s&8s.

1STAND the omnipotent decree! Jehovah's will be done! Nature's end we wait to see, And hear her final groan; Let this earth dissolve, and blend In death the wicked and the just, Let those ponderous orbs descend, And grind us into dust.

2Rests secure the righteous man! At his Redeemer's beck, Sure to emerge, and rise again, And mount above the wreck; Lo! the heavenly spirit towers, Like flame, o'er nature's funeral pyre, Triumphs in immortal powers, And claps his wings of fire!

3Nothing hath the just to lose By worlds on worlds destroyed; Far beneath his feet he views, With smiles, the flaming void; Sees the universe renewed, The grand millennial reign begun; Shouts, with all the sons of God, Around the eternal throne.

4Resting in this glorious hope To be at last restored, Yield we now our bodies up To earthquake, plague, or sword; Listening for the call divine, The latest trumpet of the seven, Soon our soul and dust shall join, And both fly up to heaven.

62 = 8s&6s.

1HOW happy are the little flock, Who, safe beneath their guardian Rock, In all commotions rest! When war's and tumult's waves run high, Removed above the storm they lie, They lodge in Jesu's breast.

2Such happiness, O Lord, have we, By mercy gathered into thee, Before the floods descend: And while the bursting clouds come down, We mark the vengeful day begun, And calmly wait the end.

3The plague, and dearth, and din of war, Our Saviour's swift approach declare, And bid our hearts arise; Earth's basis shook confirms our hope; Its cities' fall but lifts us up, To meet thee in the skies.

4Thy tokens we with joy confess: The war proclaims the Prince of peace, The earthquake speaks thy power, The famine all thy fulness brings, The plague presents thy healing wings, And nature's final hour.

5Whatever ills the world befall, A pledge of endless good we call, A sign of Jesus near; His chariot will not long delay, We hear the rumbling wheels, and pray, Triumphant Lord, appear!

6Appear with clouds on Sion's hill, Thy word and mystery to fulfil, Thy confessors to approve, Thy members on thy throne to place, And stamp thy name on every face, In glorious, heavenly love!

63 = C.M.

1WOE to the men on earth who dwell, Nor dread the Almighty's frown, When God doth all his wrath reveal, And shower his judgments down!

2Sinners, expect those heaviest showers, To meet your God prepare; For, lo! the seventh angel pours His phial in the air.

3Lo! from their seats the mountains leap, The mountains are not found; Transported far into the deep, And in the ocean drowned.

4Who then shall live, and face the throne, And face the Judge severe When heaven and earth are fled and gone, O where shall I appear

5Now, only now, against that hour We may a place provide; Beyond the grave, beyond the power Of hell, our spirits hide:

6Firm in the all-destroying shock, May view the final scene; For, lo! the everlasting Rock Is cleft to take us in.

64 = C.M. Part II

1BY faith we find the place above, The Rock that rent in twain; Beneath the shade of divine love, And in the clefts remain.

2Jesus, to thy dear wounds we flee, We sink into thy side; Assured that all who trust in thee Shall evermore abide.

3Then let the thundering trumpet sound, The latest lightning glare, The mountains melt, the solid ground Dissolve as liquid air;

4The huge celestial bodies roll, Amidst that general fire, And shrivel as a parchment-scroll, And all in smoke expire!

5Yet still the Lord, the Saviour reigns, When nature is destroyed, And no created thing remains Throughout the flaming void.

6Sublime upon his azure throne, He speaks the almighty word; His fiat is obeyed! 'tis done; And Paradise restored.

7So be it! let this system end, This ruinous earth and skies, The new Jerusalem descend, The new creation rise!

8Thy power omnipotent assume, Thy brightest majesty! And when thou dost in glory come, My Lord, remember me!

65 = 4-6s&2-8s.

1YE virgin souls, arise, With all the dead awake Unto salvation wise, Oil in your vessels take; Upstarting at the midnight cry, "Behold the heavenly Bridegroom nigh!"

2He comes, he comes, to call The nations to his bar, And raise to glory all Who fit for glory are; Made ready for your full reward, Go forth with joy to meet your Lord.

3Go, meet him in the sky, Your everlasting friend; Your Head to glorify, With all his saints ascend; Ye pure in heart, obtain the grace To see, without a veil, his face!

4Ye that have here received The unction from above, And in his Spirit lived, Obedient to his love, Jesus shall claim you for his bride: Rejoice with all the sanctified!

5The everlasting doors Shall soon the saints receive, Above yon angel powers In glorious joy to live; Far from a world of grief and sin, With God eternally shut in.

6Then let us wait to hear The trumpet's welcome sound; To see our Lord appear, Watching let us be found; When Jesus doth the heavens bow, Be found-as, Lord, thou find'st us now!

66 = 8 7, 8 7, 4 7.

1LO! He comes with clouds descending, Once for favoured sinners slain; Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of his train: Hallelujah! God appears on earth to reign.

2Every eye shall now behold him Robed in dreadful majesty; Those who set at nought and sold him, Pierced and nailed him to the tree, Deeply wailing, Shall the true Messiah see.

3The dear tokens of his passion Still his dazzling body bears; Cause of endless exultation To his ransomed worshippers; With what rapture Gaze we on those glorious scars!

4Yea, Amen! let all adore thee, High on thy eternal throne; Saviour, take the power and glory, Claim the kingdom for thine own; Jah, Jehovah, Everlasting God, come down!

67 = 2-6s&4-7s.

1HOW weak the thoughts, and vain, Of self-deluding men! Men who, fixed to earth alone, Think their houses shall endure, Fondly call their lands their own, To their distant heirs secure.

2How happy then are we, Who build, O Lord, on thee What can our foundation shock Though the shattered earth remove, Stands our city on a rock, On the Rock of heavenly love.

3A house we call our own Which cannot be o'erthrown; In the general ruin sure, Storms and earthquakes it defies; Built immovably secure, Built eternal in the skies.

4High on Immanuel's land We see the fabric stand: From a tottering world remove To our steadfast mansion there; Our inheritance above Cannot pass from heir to heir.

5Those amaranthine bowers (Unalienably ours) Bloom, our infinite reward, Rise, our permanent abode; From the founded world prepared; Purchased by the blood of God.

6O might we quickly find The place for us designed; See the long-expected day Of our full redemption here; Let the shadows flee away, Let the new-made world appear!

7High on thy great white throne, O King of saints, come down! In the new Jerusalem Now triumphantly descend; Let the final trump proclaim Joys begun which ne'er shall end!

68 = 8s&6s.

1HOW happy is the pilgrim's lot! How free from every anxious thought, From worldly hope and fear! Confined to neither court nor cell, His soul disdains on earth to dwell, He only sojourns here.

2This happiness in part is mine, Already saved from self-design, From every creature-love; Blest with the scorn of finite good, My soul is lightened of its load, And seeks the things above.

3The things eternal I pursue, A happiness beyond the view Of those that basely pant For things by nature felt and seen; Their honours, wealth, and pleasures mean I neither have nor want.

4I have no babes to hold me here; But children more securely dear For mine I humbly claim, Better than daughters or than sons, Temples divine of living stones, Inscribed with Jesu's name.

5No foot of land do I possess, No cottage in this wilderness, A poor wayfaring man, I lodge awhile in tents below; Or gladly wander to and fro, Till I my Canaan gain.

6Nothing on earth I call my own; A stranger, to the world unknown, I all their goods despise; I trample on their whole delight, And seek a country out of sight, A country in the skies.

7There is my house and portion fair, My treasure and my heart are there. And my abiding home; For me my elder brethren stay, And angels beckon me away, And Jesus bids me come.

8I come, thy servant, Lord, replies, I come to meet thee in the skies, And claim my heavenly rest; Now let the pilgrim's journey end, Now, O my Saviour, Brother, Friend. Receive me to thy breast!

69 = 6-8s.

1THOU, Lord, on whom I still depend, Shalt keep me faithful to the end; I trust thy truth, and love, and power Shall save me till my latest hour; And when I lay this body down, Reward with an immortal crown.

2Jesus, in thy great name I go To conquer death, my final foe; And when I quit this cumbrous clay, And soar on angels' wings away, My soul the second death defies, And reigns eternal in the skies.

3Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, What Christ hath for his saints prepared, Who conquer through their Saviour's might, Who sink into perfection's height, And trample death beneath their feet, And gladly die their Lord to meet.

4Dost thou desire to know and see What thy mysterious name shall be Contending for thy heavenly home, Thy latest foe in death o'ercome; Till then, thou searchest out in vain What only conquest can explain.

70 = 8s.

1I LONG to behold Him arrayed With glory and light from above, The King in his beauty displayed, His beauty of holiest love: I languish and sigh to be there, Where Jesus hath fixed his abode; O when shall we meet in the air, And fly to the mountain of God!

2With him I on Zion shall stand, (For Jesus hath spoken the word) The breadth of Immanuel's land Survey by the light of my Lord; But when, on thy bosom reclined, Thy face I am strengthened to see, My fulness of rapture I find, My heaven of heavens, in thee.

3How happy the people that dwell Secure in the city above! No pain the inhabitants feel, No sickness or sorrow shall prove! Physician of souls, unto me Forgiveness and holiness give; And then from the body set free, And then to the city receive.

71 = 6-8s.

1LEADER of faithful souls, and guide Of all that travel to the sky, Come and with us, even us, abide, Who would on thee alone rely, On thee alone our spirits stay, While held in life's uneven way.

2Strangers and pilgrims here below, This earth, we know, is not our place, And hasten through the vale of woe; And, restless to behold thy face, Swift to our heavenly country move, Our everlasting home above.

3We have no abiding city here, But seek a city out of sight; Thither our steady course we steer, Aspiring to the plains of light, Jerusalem, the saints' abode, Whose founder is the living God.

4Patient the appointed race to run, This weary world we cast behind; From strength to strength we travel on, The new Jerusalem to find; Our labour this, our only aim, To find the new Jerusalem.

5Through thee, who all our sins hast borne, Freely and graciously forgiven, With songs to Zion we return, Contending for our native heaven; That palace of our glorious King, We find it nearer while we sing.

6Raised by the breath of love divine, We urge our way with strength renewed; The church of the first-born to join, We travel to the mount of God, With joy upon our heads arise, And meet our Captain in the skies.

72 = 6-8s.

1SAVIOUR, on me the grace bestow To trample on my mortal foe; Conqueror of death with thee to rise, And claim my station in the skies, Fixed as the throne which ne'er can move, A pillar in thy church above.

2As beautiful as useful there, May I that weight of glory bear, With all who finally o'ercome, Supporters of the heavenly dome; Of perfect holiness possessed, For ever in thy presence blessed.

3Write upon me the name divine, And let thy Father's nature shine, His image visibly exprest, His glory pouring from my breast, O'er all my bright humanity, For ever like the God I see!

4Inscribing with the city's name, The heavenly new Jerusalem, To me the victor's title give, Among thy glorious saints to live, And all their happiness to know, A citizen of heaven below.

5When thou hadst all thy foes o'ercome, Returning to thy glorious home, Thou didst receive the full reward, That I might share it with my Lord; And thus thy own new name obtain, And one with thee for ever reign.

73 = 8s.

1AWAY with our sorrow and fear! We soon shall recover our home, The City of saints shall appear, The day of eternity come: From earth we shall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode, The house of our Father above, The palace of angels and God.

2Our mourning is all at an end, When, raised by the life-giving word, We see the new city descend, Adorned as a bride for her Lord; The city so holy and clean, No sorrow can breathe in the air; No gloom of affliction or sin, No shadow of evil is there.

3By faith we already behold That lovely Jerusalem here; Her walls are of jasper and gold, As crystal her buildings are clear; Immovably founded in grace, She stands as she ever hath stood, And brightly her builder displays, And flames with the glory of God.

4No need of the sun in that day, Which never is followed by night, Where Jesus's beauties display A pure and a permanent light: The Lamb is their light and their sun, And lo! by reflection they shine, With Jesus ineffably one, And bright in effulgence divine!

5The saints in his presence receive Their great and eternal reward; In Jesus, in heaven they live, They reign in the smile of their Lord: The flame of angelical love Is kindled at Jesus's face; And all the enjoyment above Consists in the rapturous gaze.

74 = S.M.

1WE know, by faith we know, If this vile house of clay, This tabernacle, sink below In ruinous decay, We have a house above, Not made with mortal hands; And firm, as our Redeemer's love, That heavenly fabric stands.

2It stands securely high, Indissolubly sure; Our glorious mansion in the sky Shall evermore endure: O were we entered there, To perfect heaven restored! O were we all caught up to share The triumph of our Lord!

3For this in faith we call, For this we weep and pray: O might the tabernacle fall! O might we 'scape away! Full of immortal hope, We urge the restless strife, And hasten to be swallowed up Of everlasting life.

4Absent, alas! from God, We in the body mourn, And pine to quit this mean abode, And languish to return. Jesus, regard our vows, And change our faith to sight; And clothe us with our nobler house Of empyrean light!

5O let us put on thee In perfect holiness, And rise prepared thy face to see, Thy bright, unclouded face! Thy grace with glory crown, Who hast the earnest given, And now triumphantly come down, And take our souls to heaven!

75 = 8-7s.

1LIFT your eyes of faith, and see Saints and angels joined in one; What a countless company Stand before yon dazzling throne! Each before his Saviour stands, All in milk-white robes arrayed, Palms they carry in their hands, Crowns of glory on their head.

2Saints begin the endless song, Cry aloud in heavenly lays, Glory doth to God belong, God, the glorious Saviour, praise: All salvation from him came, Him, who reigns enthroned on high: Glory to the bleeding Lamb, Let the morning stars reply.

3Angel-powers the throne surround, Next the saints in glory they; Lulled with the transporting sound, They their silent homage pay, Prostrate on their face before God and his Messiah fall; Then in hymns of praise adore, Shout the Lamb that died for all.

4Be it so, they all reply, Him let all our orders praise; Him that did for sinners die, Saviour of the favoured race! Render we our God his right, Glory, wisdom, thanks, and power, Honour, majesty, and might; Praise him, praise him evermore!

76 = 8-7s.

1WHAT are these arrayed in white, Brighter than the noon-day sun Foremost of the sons of light, Nearest the eternal throne These are they that bore the cross, Nobly for their Master stood; Sufferers in his righteous cause, Followers of the dying God.

2Out of great distress they came, Washed their robes by faith below In the blood of yonder Lamb, Blood that washes white as snow: Therefore are they next the throne, Serve their Maker day and night; God resides among his own, God doth in his saints delight.

3More than conquerors at last, Here they find their trials o'er; They have all their sufferings past, Hunger now and thirst no more; No excessive heat they feel From the sun's directer ray, In a milder clime they dwell, Region of eternal day.

4He that on the throne doth reign, Them the Lamb shall always feed, With the tree of life sustain, To the living fountains lead; He shall all their sorrows chase, All their wants at once remove, Wipe the tears from every face, Fill up every soul with love.

77 = 8-6s.

1THE Church in her militant state Is weary, and cannot forbear; The saints in an agony wait To see him again in the air; The Spirit invites, in the bride, Her heavenly Lord to descend, And place her, enthroned at his side, In glory that never shall end.

2The news of his coming I hear, And join in the catholic cry, O Jesus, in triumph appear, Appear in the clouds of the sky! Whom only I languish to love, In fulness of majesty come, And give me a mansion above, And take to my heavenly home.

78 = 8s.

1THE thirsty are called to their Lord, His glorious appearing to see; And, drawn by the power of his word, The promise I know is for me: I thirst for the streams of thy grace, I gasp for the Spirit of love, I long for a glimpse of thy face, And then to behold it above.

2Thy call I exult to obey, And come, in the spirit of prayer, Thy joy in that happiest day, Thy kingdom of glory, to share; To drink the pure river of bliss, With life everlasting o'erflowed, Implunged in the crystal abyss, And lost in the ocean of God.

79 = 8s.

1FOUNTAIN of life and of grace In Christ, our Redeemer, we see: For us, who his offers embrace, For all, it is open and free. Jehovah himself doth invite To drink of his pleasures unknown, The streams of immortal delight, That flow from his heavenly throne.

2As soon as in him we believe, By faith of his Spirit we take; And, freely forgiven, receive The mercy for Jesus's sake; We gain a pure drop of his love, The life of eternity know, Angelical happiness prove, And witness a heaven below.

80 = C.M.

1TERRIBLE thought! shall I alone, Who may be saved shall I Of all, alas! whom I have known, Through sin for ever die

2While all my old companions dear, With whom I once did live, Joyful at God's right hand appear, A blessing to receive;

3Shall I-amidst a ghastly band, Dragged to the judgment-seat-Far on the left with horror stand, My fearful doom to meet

4Ah, no! I still may turn and live, For still his wrath delays; He now vouchsafes a kind reprieve, And offers me his grace.

5I will accept his offers now, From every sin depart, Perform my oft-repeated vow And render him my heart.

6I will improve what I receive, The grace through Jesus given; Sure, if with God on earth I live, To live with him in heaven.

81 = 6-8s.

1FATHER of omnipresent grace! We seem agreed to seek thy face; But every soul assembled here Doth naked in thy sight appear: Thou know'st who only bows the knee, And who in heart approaches thee.

2Thy Spirit hath the difference made Betwixt the living and the dead; Thou now dost into some inspire The pure, benevolent desire: O that even now thy powerful call May quicken and convert us all!

3The sinners suddenly convince, O'erwhelmed beneath their load of sins; To-day, while it is called to-day, Awake, and stir them up to pray, Their dire captivity to own, And from the iron furnace groan.

4Then, then acknowledge, and set free The people bought, O Lord, by thee! The sheep for whom their Shepherd bled, For whom we in thy Spirit plead: Let all in thee redemption find, And not a soul be left behind.

82 = L.M.

1SHEPHERD of souls, with pitying eye The thousands of our Israel see: To thee in their behalf we cry, Ourselves but newly found in thee.

2See where o'er desert wastes they err, And neither food nor feeder have, Nor fold, nor place of refuge near, For no man cares their souls to save.

3Wild as the ill-taught Indian's brood The Christian savages remain; Strangers, yea, enemies to God, They make thee spill thy blood in vain.

4Thy people, Lord, are sold for nought, Nor know they their Redeemer nigh; They perish, whom thyself hast bought, Their souls for lack of knowledge die.

5The pit its mouth hath opened wide, To swallow up its careless prey: Why should they die, when thou hast died, Hast died to bear their sins away

6Why should the foe thy purchase seize Remember, Lord, thy dying groans: The meed of all thy sufferings these, O claim them for thy ransomed ones!

7Extend to these thy pardoning grace, To these be thy salvation showed: O add them to thy chosen race! O sprinkle all their hearts with blood!

8Still let the publicans draw near: Open the door of faith and heaven, And grant their hearts thy word to hear, And witness all their sins forgiven.

83 = C.M.

1THOU Son of God, whose flaming eyes Our inmost thoughts perceive, Accept the evening sacrifice Which now to thee we give.

2We bow before thy gracious throne, And think ourselves sincere; But show us, Lord, is every one Thy real worshipper

3Is here a soul that knows thee not, Nor feels his want of thee A stranger to the blood which bought His pardon on the tree

4Convince him now of unbelief, His desperate state explain; And fill his heart with sacred grief, And penitential pain.

5Speak with that voice which wakes the dead, And bid the sleeper rise! And bid his guilty conscience dread The death that never dies.

6Extort the cry, "What must be done To save a wretch like me How shall a trembling sinner shun That endless misery

7"I must this instant now begin Out of my sleep to awake; And turn to God, and every sin Continually forsake:

8"I must for faith incessant cry, And wrestle, Lord, with thee: I must be born again, or die To all eternity."

84 = C.M.

1COME, O thou all-victorious Lord! Thy power to us make known; Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break these hearts of stone.

2O that we all might now begin Our foolishness to mourn; And turn at once from every sin, And to our Saviour turn!

3Give us ourselves and thee to know, In this our gracious day; Repentance unto life bestow, And take our sins away.

4Conclude us first in unbelief, And freely then release; Fill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace.

5Impoverish, Lord, and then relieve, And then enrich the poor; The knowledge of our sickness give, The knowledge of our cure.

6That blessed sense of guilt impart, And then remove the load; Trouble, and wash the troubled heart In the atoning blood.

7Our desperate state through sin declare, And speak our sins forgiven; By perfect holiness prepare, And take us up to heaven.

85 = S.M.

1SPIRIT of faith, come down, Reveal the things of God; And make to us the Godhead known, And witness with the blood: 'Tis thine the blood to apply, And give us eyes to see, Who did for every sinner die, Hath surely died for me.

2No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord, Unless thou take the veil away, And breathe the living word; Then, only then, we feel Our interest in his blood, And cry, with joy unspeakable, "Thou art my Lord, my God!"

3O that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb! Spirit of faith, descend, and show The virtue of his name; The grace which all may find, The saving power impart; And testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart.

4Inspire the living faith, Which whosoe'er receives, The witness in himself he hath, And consciously believes; The faith that conquers all, And doth the mountain move, And saves whoe'er on Jesus call, And perfects them in love.

86 = 2-6s&4-7s.

1SINNERS, your hearts lift up, Partakers of your hope! This, the day of Pentecost; Ask, and ye shall all receive, Surely now the Holy Ghost God to all that ask shall give.

2Ye all may freely take The grace for Jesu's sake; He for every man hath died, He for all hath risen again; Jesus now is glorified, Gifts he hath received for men.

3He sends them from the skies On all his enemies; By his cross he now hath led Captive our captivity; We shall all be free indeed, Christ, the Son, shall make us free.

4Blessings on all he pours, In never-ceasing showers, All he waters from above; Offers all his joy and peace, Settled comfort, perfect love, Everlasting righteousness.

5All may from him receive A power to turn and live; Grace for every soul is free, All may hear the effectual call; All the light of life may see, All may feel he died for all.

6Drop down in showers of love, Ye heavens, from above! Righteousness, ye skies, pour down! Open, earth, and take it in! Claim the Spirit for your own, Sinners, and be saved from sin!

7Father, behold, we claim The gift in Jesu's name! Him, the promised Comforter, Into all our spirits pour; Let him fix his mansion here, Come, and never leave us more.

87 = C.M. Before Reading the Scriptures.

1COME, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, Let us thine influence prove, Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of light and love.

2Come, Holy Ghost, (for moved by thee The prophets wrote and spoke) Unlock the truth, thyself the key, Unseal the sacred book.

3Expand thy wings, celestial Dove, Brood o'er our nature's night; On our disordered spirits move, And let there now be light.

4God, through himself, we then shall know, If thou within us shine, And sound, with all thy saints below, The depths of love divine.

88 = C.M. The same subject.

1FATHER of all, in whom alone We live, and move, and breathe, One bright celestial ray dart down, And cheer thy sons beneath.

2While in thy word we search for thee, (We search with trembling awe!) Open our eyes, and let us see The wonders of thy law.

3Now let our darkness comprehend The light that shines so clear; Now the revealing Spirit send, And give us ears to hear.

4Before us make thy goodness pass, Which here by faith we know; Let us in Jesus see thy face, And die to all below.

89 = 6-8s. 2 Timothy iii. 16, 17.

1INSPIRER of the ancient seers, Who wrote from thee the sacred page, The same through all succeeding years, To us, in our degenerate age, The spirit of thy word impart, And breathe the life into our heart.

2While now thine oracles we read, With earliest prayer and strong desire, O let thy Spirit from thee proceed, Our souls to awaken and inspire, Our weakness help, our darkness chase, And guide us by the light of grace!

3Whene'er in error's paths we rove, The living God through sin forsake, Our conscience by thy word reprove, Convince and bring the wanderers back, Deep wounded by thy Spirit's sword, And then by Gilead's balm restored.

4The sacred lessons of thy grace, Transmitted through thy word, repeat, And train us up in all thy ways, To make us in thy will complete; Fulfil thy love's redeeming plan, And bring us to a perfect man.

5Furnished out of thy treasury, O may we always ready stand To help the souls redeemed by thee, In what their various states demand; To teach, convince, correct, reprove, And build them up in holiest love!

90 = 6-8s. Luke xxiv. 45.

1COME, O thou Prophet of the Lord, Thou great Interpreter divine, Explain thine own transmitted word, To teach and to inspire is thine; Thou only canst thyself reveal, Open the book, and loose the seal.

2Whate'er the ancient prophets spoke Concerning thee, O Christ, make known; Chief subject of the sacred book, Thou fillest all, and thou alone; Yet there our Lord we cannot see, Unless thy Spirit lend the key.

3Now, Jesus, now the veil remove, The folly of our darkened heart; Unfold the wonders of thy love, The knowledge of thyself impart; Our ear, our inmost soul, we bow, Speak, Lord, thy servants hearken now.

91 = C.M.

1LONG have I seemed to serve thee, Lord, With unavailing pain; Fasted, and prayed, and read thy word, And heard it preached in vain.

2Oft did I with the assembly join, And near thine altar drew; A form of godliness was mine, The power I never knew.

3I rested in the outward law, Nor knew its deep design; The length and breadth I never saw, And height, of love divine.

4To please thee thus, at length I see, Vainly I hoped and strove; For what are outward things to thee, Unless they spring from love

5I see the perfect law requires Truth in the inward parts, Our full consent, our whole desires, Our undivided hearts.

6But I of means have made my boast. Of means an idol made; The spirit in the letter lost, The substance in the shade.

7Where am I now, or what my hope What can my weakness do Jesus, to thee my soul looks up, 'Tis thou must make it new.

92 = C.M.

1STILL for thy loving-kindness, Lord, I in thy temple wait; I look to find thee in thy word, Or at thy table meet.

2Here, in thine own appointed ways, I wait to learn thy will; Silent I stand before thy face, And hear thee say, "Be still!"

3"Be still! and know that I am God!"-'Tis all I live to know; To feel the virtue of thy blood, And spread its praise below.

4I wait my vigour to renew, Thine image to retrieve, The veil of outward things pass through, And gasp in thee to live.

5I work, and own the labour vain, And thus from works I cease; I strive, and see my fruitless pain, Till God create my peace.

6Fruitless, till thou thyself impart, Must all my efforts prove; They cannot change a sinful heart; They cannot purchase love.

7I do the thing thy laws enjoin, And then the strife give o'er; To thee I then the whole resign, I trust in means no more.

8I trust in him who stands between The Father's wrath and me; Jesu, thou great eternal Mean, I look for all from thee.

93 = S.M.

1MY gracious, loving Lord, To thee what shall I say Well may I tremble at thy word, And scarce presume to pray! Ten thousand wants have I; Alas! I all things want; And thou hast bid me always cry. And never, never faint.

2Yet, Lord, well might I fear, Fear even to ask thy grace; So oft have I, alas! drawn near. And mocked thee to thy face: With all pollutions stained, Thy hallowed courts I trod, Thy name and temple I profaned, And dared to call thee God!

3Nigh with my lips I drew, My lips were all unclean; Thee with my heart I never knew. My heart was full of sin; Far from the living Lord, As far as hell from heaven, Thy purity I still abhorred, Nor looked to be forgiven.

4My nature I obeyed, My own desires pursued; And still a den of thieves I made The hallowed house of God. The worship he approves To him I would not pay; My selfish ends and creature-loves Had stole my heart away.

5A goodly, formal saint I long appeared in sight, By self and Satan taught to paint My tomb, my nature, white. The Pharisee within Still undisturbed remained The strong man, armed with guilt of sin, Safe in his palace reigned.

6But O! the jealous God In my behalf came down; Jesus himself the stronger showed. And claimed me for his own: My spirit he alarmed, And brought into distress; He shook and bound the strong man armed In his self-righteousness.

7Faded my virtuous show, My form without the power; The sin-convincing Spirit blew, And blasted every flower: My mouth was stopped, and shame Covered my guilty face; I fell on the atoning Lamb, And I was saved by grace.

94 = C.M. Jeremiah vii 4.

1THE men who slight thy faithful word, In their own lies confide, These are the temple of the Lord, And heathens all beside!

2The temple of the Lord are these. The only church and true, Who live in pomp, and wealth, and ease, And Jesus never knew.

3The temple of the Lord-they pull Thy living temples down, And cast out every gracious soul That trembles at thy frown:

4O wouldst thou, Lord, reveal their sins, And turn their joy to grief, The world, the Christian world, convince Of damning unbelief!

5The formalists confound, convert, And to thy people join; And break, and fill the broken heart With confidence divine!

95 = L.M.

1AUTHOR of faith, eternal Word, Whose Spirit breathes the active flame: Faith, like its Finisher and Lord, To-day as yesterday the same;

2To thee our humble hearts aspire, And ask the gift unspeakable; Increase in us the kindled fire, In us the work of faith fulfil.

3By faith we know thee strong to save; (Save us, a present Saviour thou!) Whate'er we hope, by faith we have, Future and past subsisting now.

4To him that in thy name believes Eternal life with thee is given; Into himself he all receives, Pardon, and holiness, and heaven.

5The things unknown to feeble sense, Unseen by reason's glimmering ray, With strong, commanding evidence, Their heavenly origin display.

6Faith lends its realizing light, The clouds disperse, the shadows fly; The Invisible appears in sight, And God is seen by mortal eye.

96 = S.M.

1HOW can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven What we have felt and seen, With confidence we tell; And publish to the sons of men The signs infallible.

2We who in Christ believe That he for us hath died, We all his unknown peace receive, And feel his blood applied; Exults our rising soul, Disburdened of her load, And swells unutterably full Of glory and of God.

3His love, surpassing far The love of all beneath, We find within our hearts, and dare The pointless darts of death: Stronger than death and hell The mystic power we prove; And conquerors of the world, we dwell In heaven, who dwell in love.

4We by his Spirit prove And know the things of God, The things which freely of his love He hath on us bestowed; His Spirit to us he gave, And dwells in us, we know; The witness in ourselves we have, And all its fruits we show.

5The meek and lowly heart That in our Saviour was, To us his Spirit doth impart, And signs us with his cross: Our nature's turned, our mind Transformed in all its powers; And both the witnesses are joined, The Spirit of God with ours.

6Whate'er our pardoning Lord Commands, we gladly do; And guided by his sacred word, We all his steps pursue: His glory our design, We live our God to please; And rise with filial fear divine, To perfect holiness.

97 = 8s&6s.

1THOU great mysterious God unknown, Whose love hath gently led me on, Even from my infant days, Mine inmost soul expose to view, And tell me if I ever knew Thy justifying grace.

2If I have only known thy fear, And followed with a heart sincere Thy drawings from above, Now, now the further grace bestow, And let my sprinkled conscience know Thy sweet forgiving love.

3Short of Thy love I would not stop, A stranger to the gospel hope, The sense of sin forgiven; I would not, Lord, my soul deceive, Without the inward witness live, That antepast of heaven.

4If now the witness were in me, Would He not testify of thee In Jesus reconciled And should I not with faith draw nigh, And boldly Abba, Father, cry, And know myself thy child

5Whate'er obstructs thy pardoning love, Or sin or righteousness, remove, Thy glory to display; Mine heart of unbelief convince, And now absolve me from my sins, And take them all away.

6Father, in me reveal thy Son, And to my inmost soul make known How merciful thou art: The secret of thy love reveal, And by thine hallowing Spirit dwell For ever in my heart!

98 = 7s&6s.

1UPRIGHT, both in heart and will, We by our God were made; But we turned from good to ill, And o'er the creature strayed; Multiplied our wandering thought, Which first was fixed on God alone, In ten thousand objects sought The bliss we lost in one.

2From our own inventions vain Of fancied happiness, Draw us to thyself again, And bid our wanderings cease; Jesus, speak our souls restored By love's divine simplicity, Re-united to our Lord, And wholly lost in thee!

99 = 6-8s.

1FATHER of lights, from whom proceeds Whate'er thy every creature needs, Whose goodness, providently nigh, Heeds the young ravens when they cry, To thee I look; my heart prepare, Suggest, and hearken to my prayer.

2Since by thy light myself I see Naked, and poor, and void of thee, Thy eyes must all my thoughts survey, Preventing what my lips would say; Thou seest my wants, for help they call, And ere I speak thou know'st them all.

3Thou know'st the baseness of my mind, Wayward, and impotent, and blind; Thou know'st how unsubdued my will, Averse from good and prone to ill; Thou know'st now wide my passions rove, Nor checked by fear, nor charmed by love!

4Fain would I know, as known by thee, And feel the indigence I see; Fain would I all my vileness own, And deep beneath the burden groan; Abhor the pride that lurks within, Detest and loathe myself and sin.

5Ah! give me, Lord, myself to feel, My total misery reveal; Ah! give me, Lord (I still would say) A heart to mourn, a heart to pray; My business this, my only care, My life, my every breath, be prayer.


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