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Nazarene Manifesto - Preface

This book has been written from the viewpoint of a member and a minister in the Church of the Nazarene, with reference to the modern ecumenical concern among many churchmen. It presupposes an understanding of, and agreement with, the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene and the writings of H. Orton Wiley concerning the church as set forth in Vol. III of his Christian Theology. It is not a full portrait of either the Church of the Nazarene or its ministry, but rather an attempt to present what might be termed "the Nazarene attitude" toward some present implications of the theological climate of thinking about the church.

Since Nazarenes are avowedly Arminian and Wesleyan in their doctrinal stance, the writings of both Arminius and Wesley are frequently referred to as suggestive of what would usually find approval among us. However, issue is taken with John Wesley's sacramentarianism and our deviation from his Anglican viewpoint is set forth.

This is not offered as a substitute for what our leading theologian, Dr. Wiley, has written, but rather as a footnote or supplement thereto.

 --Ross E. Price

The manuscript of this book was originally prepared for presentation at the Nazarene Theology Conference held in Kansas City, Mo., August 27-29,1967, and has been only slightly modified for publication.