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The Gospel Of Philip

The Gospel of Philip


Though called a gospel, The Gospel of Philip is a random anthology of mystical statements of many literary genres. Its main focus is the restoration of humanity's original androgynous nature as God created it. This book claims that death is the result of the division of the sexes. Jesus is the first one to overcome this division of the sexes and has made available to his followers the resurrection by which they too may attain an androgynous nature. The author refers to the "Bridal Chamber," which is the instrumental, yet mysterious, sacrament by which men and women enter into knowledge of their new sexless state. Four other sacraments are also identified - baptism (by immersion), Eucharist, chrism (anointing with oil for immortality), and ransom. The resurrection is understood as spiritual in nature, and so able to be experienced before physical death. The author speculates on the meanings of Jesus' names.


Cites excerpts from canonical Matthew, John, 1 Corinthians, and 1 Peter Alludes to the beginning portions of Genesis


Canonical Status:

Part the more recently discovered New Testament Apocrypha



Attributed in the subscript to the Apostle Philip Actually written by anonymous early Valentinian Gnostic Christians (perhaps from Syria)


Date: perhaps late 3rd century


Original Language:

Probably Greek (possibly Syriac) Extant in only one Coptic manuscript produced in 350

Notes prepared by Mark Seitz (Junior Biblical Literature Major)

for the Wesley Center for Applied Theology at Northwest Nazarene University

Copyright 2000 by the Wesley Center for Applied Theology

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