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Select Fruits From The Highlands of Beulah - Chapter 9


Love for the Lord 

"I will love thee, 0 Lord, my strength!" (Psa. 18: 1). 

The psalmist found the secret of rendering a joyful service unto the Lord in all circumstances of life. Truly, there is nothing else that will equip a soul for following the Lord Jesus through His life of reproach; through Gethsemane's lonely garden; through Pilate's scornful judgment hall,' and to Calvary's cruel summit, but divine love. As it requires more than fancy to induce the bride to abandon her home of plenty. and go to share a life of tears and toil with the husband of her choice, so does it to become a real follower of the Lord Jesus and serve Him not only when the sun is shining, and the multitudes crying, "Hosanna to the son of David!" but when the sun of success veils its face, and the brethren are forsaking and the multitudes crying, "Away with Him! Away with Him!"

It was this love that caused 'Paul to leave a life of honor and count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus. It was this love which caused the martyrs to go rejoicing to the stake, and shout the praises of God in the flames; choosing to die for Jesus rather than deny their Lord and live.

It was this all-consuming flame of love that caused John Bunyan to remain twelve years in the old Bedford jail. It was this that caused our forefathers to sacrifice friends, comfort, reputation, and all under the sun, and take an uncompromising stand against false religion, secret societies, human slavery, worldly dress, divorce marriages, etc.

When we have this heavenly flame glowing in our hearts no trial is counted too hard, no cross too heavy, no way too dark, no burden too great to bear for Him whom our soul loveth. But it makes us cherish the cross, and run in the way of duty, no matter how dark and lonely the way, rejoicing that we are counted worthy to suffer for our Lord and Master. O, hallelujah!

When this love is in our heart, God becomes our highest delight; more than any other object on earth or in heaven. He fills the whole domain of our life, like a new-found lover; like the sun, mantling the whole heavens. He is the first in our thoughts at morn, and fills our mind the livelong day. We see Him everywhere we look, working ((all things for our good," both losses and gains; sickness and health; enemies and friends; yes, working all things, in heaven and earth, for our good. Hence we love nothing but what He loves, and that which leads to Him. The language of our soul is this continually: "Whom have I in heaven but Thee and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee" (Psa. 73: 25). All of our thoughts either begin or I end in Him. And love's flame, like holy incense, burns on the altar of our heart, night and day; thus making our whole life, yea, every action, one unbroken stream of praise and adoration. Hence we live in an unclouded realm (unknown by doubts and fears), where the sun never goes down and the moon never withdraws herself, where the flowers of peace and love unfading bloom; and the perennial spring of holy joy doth flow forever. Hence we can sing with the poet: 

"Now heaven has begun below,

In this glad heart of mine;

Earth's darkest den seems all aglow

With love and light divine," 

Again he says: 

"My joys are inexpressible,

Increasing ev'ry day;

I'm filled with love immeasurable,

And almost blest away!" 

| Select Fruits From The Highlands Of Beulah - J. M. Humphrey

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