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Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah - Chapter 63


Life's Sunset

I'm summon'd home. Farewell, vain world,

With all thy toil and tears!

My task is done, my race is run,

I'm freed from all thy fears. 


Across the isthmus of my life

Streams light from yonder shore:

'Tis daybreak of Eternity,

And tells me all is o'er.   

'Tis true it's but the noon of life,

And all invites my stay;

But Jesus calls, and work is done;

Why should I yet delay   

Thy iron hand has pressed me hard

Since life's unclouded morn;

And all along my winding path

Set here and there a thorn.   

My shining face thou oft didst bathe

In sorrow's midnight dew;

And issued with each passing day

Temptations not a few. 


I blame thee not; 'twas all for good;

My Father deigned it so;

"Through tribulation," Jesus' blood

Has washed me white as snow. 


I've "overcome" and won the prize,

Through grace, which Jesus gave;

And now a victor stand complete

O'er Death, and Hell, and Grave. 


O, let not friends and loved ones sigh,

For we shall meet again,

When Jesus comes to claim His own

With all His heav'nly train.