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Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah - Chapter 49


Keep Sailing On!

Though long may be the voyage of life,

O'er Time's tempestuous sea;

And every hope of reaching port

Like shadows swiftly flee:

Keep sailing on! keep sailing on! 

Though angry winds beset thy bark,

And rudely 'gainst it blow;

And billows like a tidal wave

With fury o'er it flow:

Keep sailing on! keep sailing on! 

Though fogs of doubt may gather 'round,

Engulfing sea and land;

And all along thy homeward course

Lie rocks and sinking sand:

Keep sailing on! keep sailing on! 

The Christ of old is still aboard,

Who ruleth wind and wave;

And, as in sinking Peter's day,

He still hath pow'r to save:

Keep sailing on! keep sailing on!