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Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah - Chapter 32


Sanctity in Behavior

"Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" (Ex. 3: 5). 

We now come to one of the most blessed stages of Christian experience on this side of eternity. However, it is rarely found among the so-called Christians of modern times. There are many people who testify, make loud professions, go to church and even live clean and straight, but it is only now and then we meet one who is baptized and filled with holy modesty, heavenly solemnity and Christlike sanctity.

What the fragrance is to the rose, sanctity is to the holy soul. This is one of the graces which make their possessor as "a city set on a hill, which cannot be hid."

Let us notice the conduct of souls filled with this unearthly treasure.

1. They are controlled by a sweet, sacred spirit all the time, and they continually move as in the immediate presence of the great God. They are filled with such a sacred awe and heavenly tranquility, until the very air they breathe, and the community in which they live (so to speak) seem surcharged with the glory of God. O glorious life of bliss divine!

2. Their daily walk. They are not only saved from sin and straying into forbidden paths, but are so conquered and refined by divine grace that there is not a vestige of looseness or pride, or self, or lightness, to be seen about them. But they are lowly, patient, sweet and heavenly. They never storm around the house, nor slam doors, nor scold, nor talk loud and boisterous. Their conduct is as saintly and Christlike in the home every day of the week as it is at church on Sunday.

3. Their attire. If we judge by the way modern professed Christians adorn themselves, we would conclude there was nothing in Christianity. And until we convince the unsaved that these fashion-loving, proud, haughty, worldly-minded church members are no more Christians than they are angels, our effort to get them saved is a failure. But the people of whom I speak, who live as under the eye of a visible God, are not only saved from such heathenism as wearing jewelry, feathers, flowers, beads, silks, satins, etc., etc., but are filled with such a heavenly humility that they are scrupulous not to wear a conspicuous or gaudy color. They refrain from wearing anything which does not render comfort, and on the other hand they are patterns for neatness, cleanliness and good manners.

4. Their conversation. They are not only saved from lying and unclean ribaldry, but from all joking, all idle, nonsensical talk, all street slang, all "bywords," all harsh speaking, all "Santa Claus" lies, etc. And their conversation is godly and uniform, all the time, like that of the Son of God (1 John 2:6).