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Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah - Chapter 19


A Glimpse of Heaven

One day at home, while all alone,

I bowed to worship at the throne;

A tranquil feeling came o'er me,

And from the body set me free.

My soul was borne, by angels fair,

So mildly on the balmy air,

From earth and ev'ry hill and dale,

Like fleets swept by the wintry gale.

I quickly passed the moon so bright,

The silver queen of silent night;

And passed the sun and ev'ry star,

Than lightning speed, more swift by far.

And on and up, past chiming worlds,

Which God's great pow'r has ever whirl'd.

What wondrous objects met my sight- The diamond tow'rs aglow with light,

The sparkling domes and snow-white mounds,

Were seen before we crossed time's bounds.

I saw the shining jasper walls,

And heard ten thousand angel calls;

The pearly gates stood open wide,

With beck'ning saints on either side.

I heard the holy angels sing,

While those bright courts with music ring.

I passed the gates of glist'ning pearl

Into that fair and happy world.

I saw that Great Eternal One,

Whose face was shining as the sun,

Exalted on a throne of white,

"As with a garment, clothed with light." 

The streets were paved with burnished gold- A sight most wondrous to behold.

No sun or moon or star was there

To 'luminate that world so fair,

For God and Christ did furnish light- One perfect day, undimmed by night.

Bright throngs I saw of angels fair,

Who knew no pain, no toil, nor care;

Their faces glowed with holy joy,

For naught could there their peace destroy.

Their robes were made of ambient light

And tipped with gold-a wondrous sight!

Like liquid music on my ear

Their voices sounded far and near.

I saw the ransomed saints from earth,

As they redemption's songs rehearsed

Upon those shining harps of gold- Such melodies that can't be told.

I saw the mansions, rich and fine,

A thousand times the sun outshine,

Bedecked with jasper, pearl and gold,

And light congealed, which ne'er grows old.

I saw the trees of crystal green:

Such sight on earth has not been seen.

On each did grow melliffluous fruit,

Which grew prepared each taste to suit.

The hills were draped with flow'rets gay,

Which bloomed for one eternal day.

The azure sky, which knew no night,

Was truly one most glorious sight.

The buxom air was pure and mild,

And filled with fragrance all the while.

No tears were known on that blest shore,

And pain and death were felt no more.

On each, perpetual youth did bloom,

Dispersing all decay and gloom.

And life's pure river, deep and wide,

Where placid waters ever glide,

Was flowing from the great throne white- From God, the Fount of love and light.

 On either side life's tree stood pure,

Whose leaves were for the nation's cure.

While bathing in this nectar stream,

I 'woke and found it but a dream.