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Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah - Chapter 10


The Fire of God   

"The fire of the Lord fell" (1 King 18: 38) ; "The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out' (Lev. 6:13). 

Fire in the Old Testament is a symbol of the presence and the holiness of God. The old Jewish altar was a type of the human heart.

The only way an ancient Jew knew his offering was accepted, when the priest offered it, was by the fire of God coming upon the sacrifice and consuming it. The Jew was not satisfied with just presuming his sacrifice acceptable, but he did not rest contented unless the fire came upon it. This caused the trouble between Cain and Abel. The fire of God came upon Abel's sacrifice, but did not upon Cain's. They may have had the same size and same kind of altar; they may have built their altars on the same place, etc. It was not simply the form and size of the altar that made the difference with God, but it was the kind and condition of the sacrifice.

Now in those days every man had to bring his offering to the priest and have him offer it, but in this dispensation every individual is his own priest, and must do his or her own sacrificing. Now we are not to present bulls and goats and doves, etc., but we are to present ourselves, soul body and spirit to God, to be always His. Now our question to-day is, not what church you belong to, or how many times you have been baptized, nor what ecclesiastical position you hold, but is the fire of God falling on your life

Now as we examine the old sacrificial law (which holds good in the spirit yet), let us see if it is still being complied with in our lives; if it is not, then we can see why the fire is not falling on our sacrifice and kept burning daily. Notice:

1. The sacrifice had to be without blemish (Lev. 1: 10). If it had the least blemish it was rejected and the fire would not come down upon it. Now let us spiritualize these blemishes. Is your life being kept free from all backbiting, all tale-bearing, all sowing discord among the brethren Is your heart being kept clear from all secret criticism, i. e., imagining uncharitable things about your brother or sister, etc Is your conversation being kept free from all harshness, all scolding, all extravagance, all lightness and all guile Are you swinging clear before God and the bar of conscience on all lines of Christian living If not, that is why the fire is not falling.

2. The sacrifice had to be a dead animal, i. e., it had to be brought to the priest alive and he had to kill it, since he could not get a living ox or a living goat on the altar. The sacrifice had to be passive in the hands of the priest. Think of the priest trying to offer a live ox on the altar! Think of the kicking and lowing and snorting and raving there would be in the temple. It would take ten or twelve men to handle a live ox, i. e., to get him on the altar. So it is with us-the self life has to be crucified, dead, DEAD, DEAD! so that we are passive in the hands of God, like the clay in the hands of the potter, so that He can send us any place, deny us of anything, make any demand on us, and we will humbly submit, no matter how it will cause people to laugh at us or ignore us. No matter how the world will dishonor us, we will remain dead to its frowns, scoffs, honor or sneers-

"So dead that no desire will rise,

To appear good, or great or wise,

In any but my Savior's eyes."    Now, reader, is this condition of the sacrifice ever being met in your life If not, there is no marvel that the fire is not burning on the altar of your heart. If you have become alive to the love of the world's honor, pomp, pride, show, customs, methods, etc.; again, if you have so become alive as to defend yourself, and shun the reproach of the cross of Christ, seeking a good reputation in the opinion of the world; and are being swayed by public sentiment, popularity, fame, money, etc., you are out of the royal way of complete self-abandonment to God, hence He cannot bless you until you return to the old path.

3. The sacrifice had to be cut in pieces, i. e., divided in half (Lev. 1: 12). This was the ancient method of covenant-making between two parties. They would kill a heifer and cut it in half, and lay it on the ground, possibly two feet apart, and both parties would pass between the two halves of the heifer, thus binding the agreement. God used something similar to this with Abraham when He made a covenant with him (Gen. 15: 9). Now every man or woman who gets saved or sanctified, has to make some covenants with God, that they will do this or do that; that they will suffer this or suffer that, etc.

So let us now examine our covenant, our vows, and see if they are still being paid; and if not, why not Then we can see why the fire has ceased to fall. You promised God to walk cheerfully in all His revealed will, from the altar to your dying day, no matter how it crossed your own. Are you doing so You promised God to live a separated life from all worldliness, and carefully guard against all classes of lying, all forms of dishonesty, all forms of Sabbath desecration, all useless adornments, all doubtful and questionable things and practices. Are you still paying this vow If not, this is where the trouble lies.

4. The altar had to be kept in repair. Now perhaps your altar of private and family devotion is torn down, and you are now too busy to stop and have any amount of private prayer; or perhaps you are too full of home cares to read and pray with the children daily. Perhaps you are too busy to attend any prayer-meetings and mid-week services, but just attend on Sunday. Perhaps you do not take up your cross and testify or pray in the meetings as in former days. If this is the case, your altar needs to be rebuilt, and that with twelve stones (1 Kings 18: 31), viz.: 1. "Firmness"; 2. "Promptness"; 3. "Sincerity"; 4. "Free from hurry"; 5. "Orderly"; 6. "Constantly"-every day; 7. "Universally"-everywhere, at home or abroad; 8. "Courageously"-free from fear of the neighbors; 9. "Obediently"-whenever the Spirit bids; if it is fifty times a day; 10. "Faithfully"-expecting fruit therefrom; 11. "With a single eye"-as to God, not to be heard or seen of man; 12. "With Delight"--not as a task but as your greatest earthly delight.

Now, dear one, if you adjust yourself to these few hints we are sure you will have all of the fire you can handle. Praise God!