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Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah By J. M. Humphrey

Author of  "Sermons That Never Die," "The Lost Soul's First Day in Eternity," "Gleanings from Emmanuel's Land," "The Holy Ghost Searchlight," "Revival Fire in Song," "A Preventive to Suicide," "Ready Arrows for Holiness Workers," etc. 

Dedication: In loving dedication to Mrs. Mattie Humphrey, my faithful stepmother, who reared me to live for Jesus.




Chapter 1 - God With Us

Chapter 2 - Nature's Three Great Preachers

Chapter 3 - The Goodness of God

Chapter 4 - Confidence

Chapter 5 - Life's Race

Chapter 6 - Hinder Me Not

Chapter 7 - The Ministry of Prayer

Chapter 8 - The Great Salvation

Chapter 9 - Love for the Lord

Chapter 10 - The Fire of God

Chapter 11 - Do Christians Commit Sin

Chapter 12 - The Pious Tramp

Chapter 13 - Walking in the Light

Chapter 14 - True and False Joy

Chapter 15 - Humility

Chapter 16 - A Good Conscience

Chapter 17 - Hints on Church Etiquette

Chapter 18 - An X-Ray Examination

Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Heaven

Chapter 20 - The Call of Death

Chapter 21 - The Difference Between the Sinful and the Legitimate

Chapter 22 - Modern Idolatry

Chapter 23 - Blood-Guiltiness

Chapter 24 - Christian Influence

Chapter 25 - Seriousness

Chapter 26 - White Motive

Chapter 27 - Complete Submission

Chapter 28 - Steps to Spiritual Success

Chapter 29 - Looking Back

Chapter 30 - Obtaining and Retaining Divine Healing

Chapter 31 - Getting Out of Divine Order

Chapter 32 - Sanctity in Behavior

Chapter 33 - The Potter and the Clay

Chapter 34 - Blighted Soul Blossoms

Chapter 35 - Progression and Retrogression

Chapter 36 - Some Things to be Forgotten

Chapter 37 - "Rivers of Living Water"

Chapter 38 - Tempting the Lord

Chapter 39 - Faith, Hope and Love

Chapter 40 - Our Need of Each Other

Chapter 41 - Giving Place to the Devil

Chapter 42 - The Church in Symbols

Chapter 43 - Ode to the Bible

Chapter 44 - Benefits Derived from Oppositions

Chapter 45 - On Trying the Spirits

Chapter 46 - Club Throwing

Chapter 47 - The Things That Are Caesar's

Chapter 48 - A Spiritual Appetite

Chapter 49 - Keep Sailing On

Chapter 50 - Some Fruits of Holiness

Chapter 51 - Signs of Heart Backsliding

Chapter 52 - A Vision of Duty and Privilege

Chapter 53 - The Speaking Blood

Chapter 54 - Fervency of Spirit

Chapter 55 - Some Ways of Spoiling a Child

Chapter 56 - The Little Foxes

Chapter 57 - The Resurrection

Chapter 58 - Crying for the Razor

Chapter 59 - Testimony

Chapter 60 - How to Settle a Disagreement

Chapter 61 - "He Knoweth"

Chapter 62 - Sanctified Individuality

Chapter 63 - Life's Sunset