Nearly twenty years ago I was asked by the Department of Education of the Church of the Nazarene, of which Dr. J. B. Chapman was then chairman, to prepare a work on Systematic Theology for use in the Course of Study for Licensed Ministers. I immediately set myself to the task but my range of vision was too narrow. I was constantly discovering new truth and each new discovery demanded a place in the plan of the work. Now after nearly twenty years of constant study and teaching, I am presenting to the church the result of these efforts in a work entitled Christian Theology. It is offered with a prayer that it may find at least some small place in the preparation of young men and women who look forward to the work of the ministry. I have no thought of attempting any new contribution to modern theological science. My purpose and aim has been to review the field of theology in as simple a manner as possible for the use of those who, entering the ministry, desire to be informed concerning the great doctrines of the church.
I wish to acknowledge my obligation to the Rev. Paul Hill. of Lynbrook, New York, who has collaborated with me in the preparation of this work and who has made many helpful suggestions and criticisms. To the General Superintendents of the church, Dr. John W. Goodwin, Dr. R. T. Williams and Dr. James B. Chapman; I owe a special debt of gratitude for their constant help and inspiration during the heavy years of preparation. To Dr. Chapman especially I am indebted for the Introduction to this work. Dr. Olive M. Winchester has reviewed the references to the Hebrew and Greek texts, and Dr. L. A. Reed has furnished the parallel between the Genesis Account of Creation and Modern Science. To all the above I express my sincere appreciation for the help given to me.
The various publishers have extended me the privilege of making certain quotations from their books, and for this I am deeply grateful. I acknowledge my debt to the following: to Funk and Wagnalls for permission to use a quotation from The Institutes of the Christian Religion by Gerhart; to the Pilgrim Press for a selection from their book, Christ and the Eternal Order by my former honored professor, John Wright Buckham; to the Cokesbury Press for permission to quote from their work on Systematic Theology by Dr. Summers; to the Methodist Book Concern for selections from Systematic Theology by Dr. Miley, System of Christian Doctrine by Dr. Sheldon, and Foundations of the Christian Faith by Dr. Rishell; to Scribners for references to Present Day Theology by Dr. Stearns, and An Outline of Theology by Dr. William Newton Clarke; to Longmans for a reference to their work entitled A Theological Introduction to the Thirty-nine Articles by Dr. Bicknell, and to any others not mentioned above whose works have furnished me inspiration and help in the preparation of this work.
It is to the Nazarene Publishing House that I am specially indebted for the publication of this work now presented to the church. The Manager, Mr. M. Lunn, and the Assistant Manager, Rev. p. H. Lunn, have given the writer every encouragement and been patient with his many shortcomings. Both the writer and the church are indebted to the publishers for the splendid form in which the book is presented.
I would indeed be ungrateful if in this, the publication of my first work, I did not pay rich tribute to her who for the entire period has had an unflagging interest in the preparation of this work, and has ever been a constant stimulus and blessing, my wife, Alice M. Wiley.
Pasadena, California.