The first edition of 10,000 being almost exhausted necessitates a second edition of this little book. It formerly appeared under the title of "Bible Standard of Regeneration and Holiness," but having undergone a careful revision, some things being expunged, and other matter added, we have changed the title to the one it now, sustains,
Much of the matter found herein, formerly appeared in The Repairer, hence was not originally intended for anything else but the paper. This may account for the same thought appearing more than once, or not being considered at length, as if written for book work. We do not pretend to say that it is free from mistakes, or that it will be endorsed by all, but we do claim for it, a sincere effort in the right direction, viz.: to lift up a purer and holier standard of religion than the generality of professed Christians seem to be satisfied with. If one soul is benefited by reading these pages, we will humbly thank God and take courage. AUTHOR.