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Popular and Radical Holiness Contrasted - Chapter 6

Bible Regeneration No. 3

Regenerated souls have the Spirit and consequently the fruits of the Spirit. Gal.5: 22-23.

They have "love." They love God supremely-that is, they walk in all the light and meekly obey every God-given conviction, regardless of public ridicule. They are consecrated to have all their acquaintances misunderstand and oppose them rather than compromise and grieve the Spirit on any point. They love God supremely hence they love to read His Word more than any religious book or paper. They love to pray and talk to God more than to any intimate friend. They look forward and hail with delight the hour when they can meet in worship with God's humble followers. More than this, they love their enemies. They really love them, not only outwardly but their hearts yearn and go out for their salvation. They do not need to strain and put forth an effort, for since grace predominates they naturally do good to those who hate them, they bless those that curse them and pray for those which despitefully use them; and still more wonderful, if their enemy should smite one cheek, they manifest no resentment should he smite the other. Is this your experience

They have "joy." Their joy is not simply that happy feeling that comes over a person, in anticipation of some future blessing or attainment in life, but their joy centers in God. They have the same joy He has. The Joy of the Lord is their strength. This enables them to meet and overcome every test and unpleasant circumstance in life. The blessing of the Lord comes upon them in overwhelming power at times. They frequently "rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." UNSPEAKABLE! Reader, do you ever receive such manifestations of the power of God All truly regenerated souls do.

They have "peace." Not that peace or relief of conscience which comes from rejected light or stifled convictions, but peace with God. Yea, not only peace with God, but they have the peace of God. They are not continually haunted with dreams, doubts, and fearful forebodings, for they have a calm, quiet rest in believing in Jesus. They have given their business, families, reputation and all to Him who never made a mistake or permitted a single thing to befall one who walked conscientiously before Him.

They have peace, such as the world cannot give. Jesus said to the disciples previous to the day of Pentecost, "Peace I leave with you, my peace 1 give unto you." This is not holiness, though some teach it as such.

They are "longsuffering." They bear with the frailties and provocations of others, without manifesting a fault-finding spirit. They are saved from unkind looks and words. They meet the troubles and inconveniences of life without murmuring or complaining; yea, they submit resignedly, (if not always joyfully) to every dispensation of Divine providence. Do you always do this

They are "gentle." They are saved from pevishness and fretfulness. They are saved from harshness and censoriousness. They are saved from wanting to have their own way.

On the other hand they have a disposition that bears affronts and injuries without desiring revenge or manifesting retaliation. They can bear to be told of their faults, yea they can bear reproof and correction without showing a spirit or resentment; how can anyone get the consent of his will to feel or retain resentment (though but for a moment,) and be clear before God. True, the involuntary principle within, may struggle to assert itself, but in the clearly regenerate, grace so sanctifies the will and predominates in the soul that the first and last whisper of the "old man" is immediately arrested and compelled to remain silent. Very few live thus clearly regenerated long enough at one time to get the real experience of holiness. What they profess to receive as holiness of heart, is in reality nothing more than reinstatement.

They possess the spirit of "goodness" They have a burning desire to do good, both to the bodies and souls of their fellow creatures. This renders it a delight to devote all their time and means possible in caring for the sick and needy. They are saved from selfishness and stinginess, especially when they see others in need. They are kind to dumb animals. They cannot abuse, torment or over-work them. How is it with you 

They have "faith." They live in touch with God. They have confidence in Him and He has in them, for he answers their prayers. They have power with God to pray conviction upon souls. They "smile at Satan's rage, and face a frowning world."

They are "meek."This seems to be the principle characteristic that distinguishes them from other men. They have a mild, teachable, unassuming disposition; they are humble and inoffensive. They never get angry; they are saved from an arguing, talkative spirit. They are saved from boasting; yea, it grieves them to hear others flatter them, (though the principle that loves human praise may lurk within).      They are "temperate." They would rather deny themselves of a momentary gratification, in order to enjoy that which is lasting and eternal. They are victors over themselves. They are conscientious and self-denying in dressing, eating, sleeping and. the outlay of their money. Their natural desires and sensual appetites are under strict subservience to their sanctified will. In short, whether they eat or drink or whatsoever they do, they aim at the glory of God.

"Against such there is no law," for they are through grace, just what the law demands.Hallelujah!

This is not holiness but regeneration.

We take the following from Lee's Theology: -

"Regeneration reverses the current of the affections, and so renews the whole soul that all the Christian graces exist. They may not all exist in an equal degree of maturity and power but they are all there."

"The power of sin is broken, the principle of obedience is planted in the heart, holiness is the rule and habit of life, and an increase in the strength and development of all the Christian virtues is a duty."

"Justification and regeneration are concomitant, that is, they transpire at the same time and exist together. It may be said, that God never pardons a sinner without renewing him, and never renews a sinner without forgiving all his past sins at the same time. Yet there is a wide difference between them.

1. Justification is a work done for us, but regeneration is a work done in us.

2. Justification changes our relation to God, and restores us to his favor by a pardon, while regeneration changes our state, our real character.

3. Justification removes the guilt of the sins which we have committed, while regeneration removes the love of sin, and takes away our bent to sinning