Wesley Center Online

September 1785


SEPT. 1, Thursday


3.30 Prayed, tea; 4.15 chaise; 7.30 Okeham[pto]n, tea; 8.15 walk, coach; 12 Crediton, dinner; 12.30 chaise; 3 Tiverton, letters, tea, conversed, sermon, prayed; 6 Isai. i. 3; 7 society, supper, prayed; 9.30 


Friday 2


3.30 Tea; 4.15 chaise, Cicero; 7 Well[ing]ton, tea, conversed, Heb. ix. 27! chaise; Taunton, within, prayer; 10.30 chaise; 11.30 Cathanger, Lu. ix. 62! dinner, chaise, Ditche[a]t, tea, Matt. viii. 2, supper, prayer, 9.30


people to deal with, I spoke exceeding plain; and I think many of them, even Somersetshire farmers, felt as well as heard. Thence we went on to Ditcheat. The people here are all attentive; so that I had nothing to do but apply the promises. The society is continually increasing, and more and more of the hearers are convinced and justified. What is the strangest thing is, there is no opposer in the town, but rich and poor all acknowledge the work of God.


Sat. 3. - In the afternoon the good providence of God brought us once more well to Bristol.


Sun. 4.[1] - Finding a report had been spread abroad that I was just going to leave the Church, to satisfy those that were grieved concerning it I openly declared in the evening that I had now no more thought of separating from the Church than I had forty years ago.


Tues. 6. - I preached at Paulton and Coleford[2]Wednesday


Saturday 3.


4Prayed; Matt. viii. 13! writ narrative, tea; 7.30 chaise, Shept[on Mallet]; 9 Matt. vii. 24, chaise; 2 at Mr. Durb[in’s], within, dinner, [-] prayer; 4 on business, letters; 5 prayer, tea, conversed, letters; 7.30 at Miss Chapm[an’s], supper, conversed, prayer, on business; 9.30.


Sunday 4


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, on business; 9.30 prayers; Matt. v. 48! communion; 1 at brother Ewer’s; 2 conversed, prayer; 2.30 sleep, letters; 4 tea, prayed; 5 Matt. vi. 24, society, singers; 8 supper, con­versed, prayer; 9.30.


Monday 5


4 Prayed, Matt. xx. 6; letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters; 10.30 [-]; 12 select society; 1 at Miss Jo[hnson]’s, dinner, conversed; 2 writ texts; 4 [cipher]* , prayed, tea, conversed, prayed; 6.30


Luke xii. 7! at sister Chap[man’s] supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Tuesday 6


4 Prayed, letter; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9.15 on business; 9.45 chaise, Buchan; 12 Paulton, dinner, Matt. v. 47! 2 chaise; 4 Colef[ord], writ narrative, prayed, tea; 5.30 prayed; 2 Cor. i. 22, communion, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


the 7th in an open place near the road, at Mells. Just as I began, a wasp, though unprovoked, stung me upon the lip. I was afraid it would swell, so as to hinder my speaking; but it did not. I spoke distinctly, near two, hours in all; and was no worse for it. In the evening I preached with much satisfaction at Frome, to a mixed multitude of rich and poor; and after­wards strongly exhorted them that had believed to walk in love, after the example of our Great Master. On Thursday I preached at Trowbridge; and on Friday at Bradford, where the work of God has much increased lately; indeed, it has increased this year through the whole circuit as it has not done for twenty years before. On Saturday evening I preached at Bath.[3]


Sun. 11.-Mr. Bradburn preached at seven, and Mr. Collins[4]


Wednesday 7


4 Prayed, letters, tea, prayer; 8.15 chaise, Mells; Isa. Iv. 7! chaise; 11.15 Frome, letters; 1 dinner, conversed; 2 letters, Journal; 5 tea, conversed, prayed; 6 I Pet. i. 18! society, supper, within, prayed; 9.30.


Thursday 8


4 Prayed, Mag.; 7.30 tea, conversed, prayer; 8.30 writ narrative; 10.30 chaise, Road; 12 dinner; I Sam. xx. 3, chaise; 3.30 Trowbridge, within, letter, prayed; 6 John xvii. 3, christened two, society, read narrative, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Friday 9


4 Prayed, letters; 7.30 tea, conversed, prayer; 8 letters; 11 conversed, walk; 12.30 letter; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer; 2 chaise, conversed, Bradf[ord], letters, tea; 5 prayed; 6 Matt. viii. 13, society, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Saturday 10


4 Prayed, I Pet. i. 18, read letter; 8 tea, conversed; 8.45 chaise; 10.15 Bath, at brother Giles’; 11 read letter; 1 dinner, conversed, letters; 4 walk, tea, conversed, prayed; 6 Mic. ii. 10! 7.30 prayed, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30. 


I Pet. ii.


Sunday 11


4 Prayed, sermon; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9 writ narrative; 10 prayers; Eph. iii. 14! communion, visited; 1 dinner, conversed, sleep; 2.45 Mr. Collins, prayed; 4.30 tea, within, prayer, visited; 5.30 Rom. xii. I! 7 society, supper together, prayer; 9.30.


about two in the afternoon. I began the service at eleven, and preached on part of the Epistle, Eph. iii. 14, &c. Both then and in the evening the word ‘distilled as the dew, and as the rain on the tender herb.’


Tues. 13.[5]-I preached at Stoke, and in the evening at Pensford; where, I fear, after all the pains we have taken, the generality of the people know just as much of religion as the Hottentots.


Wed. 14.-I preached in the evening in the old Temple Church on Ps. lxxiv. 12. In the old translation it runs, ‘The help that is done upon the earth, God doeth it Himself.’ A glorious and important truth! In the new,  ‘Working salvation in the midst of the earth.’ What a wonderful emendation! Many such emendations there are in this translation: one would think King James had made them himself.[6]


Monday 12


4 Prayed, sermon; 6 Rom. xii. 2! on business, tea, prayer, visited; 9 chaise; 11.30 Kendalshire; 12 Isa. lvii. i. 2! chaise; 1.30 dinner; 2 chaise; 3 at home, on business; 4 letters; 5 prayer, tea, prayed; 6.30 I Pet, ii. 1-5, at sister Cha[pman’s], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Tuesday 13


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters; 10 chaise; 12 Stoke; Jo. ix. 4! dinner, within; 2 prayer; 2.15 chaise; 3.15 Belton, letter, prayed, tea, walk; 6 Pens[ford]; 2 Tim. iii. 5! walk, Belton, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 14


4 Prayed, sermon; 7 tea, conversed, prayer, chaise; 9 at home, letter, sermon; 12.30 visited some; 1.15 at Mr. Stoc[k’s], dinner, conversed, prayer, visited, communion; 3.30 letters, prayed, tea, conversed; 6.30 Temple [Church] ; 7 prayers, Psa. lxxiv. 14 [sic)! supper, con­versed, prayer; 9.30.


Thur. 15.[7] - I went over to Hanham once more, and saw poor disconsolate Louisa,[8] still wrapping herself up naked in her blanket, and not caring to speak to anyone. The late pretty tale of her being the Emperor’s daughter is doubtless a mere catch-penny; and her four-and-twenty examinations are as credible as Mahomet’s journey through seventy thousand heavens.


Sun. 18. -I read prayers and preached at the new room in the morning, at two under the sycamore in Kingswood, and at five near King Square in Bristol. In the following week I visited the classes, and was amazed to find there is no increase


Thursday 15


4 Prayed, sermon; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters, sermon; 12.15 chaise; 1 Hannam, garden! within; 2 dinner, conversed, prayer, chaise; 4 prayed; 5 tea, conversed, prayer, prayed; 6.15 I Pet. ii. 5-9! 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Friday 16


4 Prayed, sermon; 11 within to some, [cipher] *; 12 the females, sermon; 1 prayer; 2 at Mr. Cas[tleman’s] dinner, conversed, prayer; 3.30 prayed; 4.15 chaise, at the School, prayer, within, tea; 6 sermon, garden, supper; 8.30 I Pet. iv. 18! coffee, prayer; 12.


Saturday 17


6 Prayed, sermon, the children; 8 tea, in talk, letters, garden; 1 at brother de Bondry’s, dinner, conversed, prayer, chaise; 3.30 in talk, visited, tea, conversed, prayer; 6 I Pet. ii. 9! Pen[ry] at       sister Chap[man’s],supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Sunday 18


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, on business; 9.30 read prayers, Matt. xix. 29! communion, chaise; 1 at the School, dinner, within; 2 Matt. xix. 31 [sic] society, chaise, sleep; 4 tea, prayed; 5 Matt. xix. 20, 21, society, within, the singers, supper, conversed,           prayer; 9.30.    .


Monday 19[9]


4 Prayed, I Pet. ii. 11-15, writ narrative; 7 class, tea, within; 9 class; 12 on business, class; 1 dinner, conversed; 2 class; 4 sermon, prayed, tea, conversed; 5 tea, conversed, prayer; 6 prayed; 6.30 I Pet. ii. 11! 8 at sister Cha[pman’s], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


in the society, considering what able and diligent preachers they have had the last year.[10]


Tuesday 20


4 Prayed; 5 letter; 6 class; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9 class; 1dinner, conversed, prayer; 2 class; 4 prayed, within; 5 tea, conversed, prayer, prayed; 6.30 I Pet. ii. 17! the leaders, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30 ill.


Heb. viii. 10.      Matt. xix. 29.         I Pet ii. 11, 16, 17.


Wednesday 21


4.30 Prayed; 6 class; 8 tea, conversed; 9 class; 1 at brother Hopk[ins], dinner, conversed; 2 class; 4 Jacob’s Wells, tea, conversed, prayer; 5 Psa. xc. 12! class, walk, at Mr. Bowsher’s, writ society, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 22


4.15 Prayed, writ society; 7.30 tea, conversed, prayer, walk; 9 writ society, [-]; 1 at J[ohn] Ellison’s; 2 together; 3 society; 4 prayed, tea, conversed; 6.30 I Pet ii. 17! the bands; 8.15 at sister Chap[man’s], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Friday 23


4 Prayed, letters; 10 writ society; 12 the females, within to some; 1 prayer; 2.15 dinner, conversed; 4 visited some, tea, conversed; 6 Gui[nea] Str[eet], Rom. i. 16! society; 7.30 at brother Stock’s, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Saturday 24[11]


4 [-] letters, tea, chaise; 8 at Mr. Irel[and’s], tea, conversed, prayer, chaise; 10.30 at home; 11 writ society; 2.30 at Mr. Durb[in’s], dinner, conversed prayer, visited some, tea, conversed; 6 Matt. vi. 33, Pen[ry] at sister Jo[hnson]’s, supper, conversed, prayer, on business; 9.30.


Sunday 25


4 Prayed, Journal, letters, tea, conversed, prayer; 8.30 on business, prayed; 9.30 read prayers, Matt. xxv. 12, communion; 1 at brother Wait’s, dinner, conversed, sleep, Temple [Church], prayers; 3 I Cor. x. 13! tea, prayed; 5 Heb. viii. 10! society, supper, con­versed, prayer; 9.15.


Monday 26


4 Prayed, Psa. cxxxix. Ult., letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9 letters; 12 select society; 1 at brother Cross’s, dinner, conversed, prayer; 2.30 visited many; 4.30 prayed; 5 tea, prayed; 6 committee! I Pet. ii. 17, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Tues. 27. -I visited the little flock at Almondsbury, humble, simple, and much devoted to God.


Fri. 30. - About eleven I preached in the church at Midsomer Norton to a numerous congregation. The curate, Mr. Sims, read prayers for me, and read them admirably well. About five I began at Ditcheat, where it rained almost all the time I preached; but this did not much lessen the congregation. Indeed all of this town, hardly one excepted, seem to have a liking to the truth.


Tuesday 27


4 Prayed, letters, sermon; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9 writ narrative; 10.30 chaise, Amesbury [Almondsbury]; 12 Heb. ii. 14, dinner, con­versed, prayer; 12.30 chaise; 4 writ narrative, prayed, visited; 5 tea, within; 6 prayed; 6.30 read the letters, the leaders; 8.30 supper, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 28


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, writ narrative; 9.30 brother Lock, etc., in talk; 12 visited some; 1 at brother Lane’s, dinner, conversed, prayer; 2.30 on business, prayed, tea, conversed; 6.30 prayers; I Cor. xiii. 13! at sister Johns[on’s], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 29


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer; 2.30 visited some; 4.30 at sister Philips’s, tea, conversed; 6 Committee; 6.30 I Pet. ii. 22; 7.30 the bands, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Friday 30


4 Prayed, letters; 6.15 chaise; 9 Mids[omer] Norton, tea, conversed; 11 prayers, Mark iii. 32! dinner, prayer; 1.30 chaise; 4.15 Ditche[a]t, tea, conversed; 5 Matt. xv28! society, within, supper, visited, prayer; 9.30.


Mark xii. 44.


[1] He wrote from Bristol to Robert Costerdine, urging peace with all men (new ed. Wesley Letters).


[2] From the Frome circuit stewards’ book we learn that Wesley’s expenses during this visit to the circuit amounted to 14s. 6d. (Tuck’s Methodism in Frome, P.46.)


[3] He wrote from Bradford (Wilts) to Miss Cook of Trowbridge. See new ed. Wesley Letters.


[4] Rev. Brian Bury Collins. See above, vol. vi. p. 354, and W.H.S. vol. ix. pp 25 ff.


[5] He wrote to his brother, crying a truce to controversy. See Tyerman’s Life of Wesleyvol. iii. P.447. On the same day he wrote to Jasper Winscom (see new ed. Wesley Letters).


[6] There is a covert allusion, no doubt, to the exaggerated language of the Pre­face to the Authorized Version, where the appearance of ‘Your Majesty’ is described as of the sun in his strength.


The Prayer-book version, in Wesley’s day, as now, read for verse 13, ‘For God is my King of old: the help that is done upon earth, He doeth it Himself.’ The A.V. (1611) version reads: ‘For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.’ See also below,


p. 265.


      [7] He wrote from Bristol to Mrs. Fletcher, suggesting that she should settle in Bristol or London (Works, vol. xii. p. 407). For Fletcher’s death see above, p. 106.


[8] See above, vol. vi. pp. 343 and 482. 


[9] On Sept. 19 he wrote from Bristol to Mr. Lock, gently reproaching him for hiding things from him. ‘Tell me all or nothing . . .’ (New ed. Wesley Letters.).


[10] In 1784 Samuel Bradburn, Thomas Lee, and James Hall were the preachers; in 1785 Samuel Bradburn, John Murlin, and Jeremiah Brettell.


[11] On Sept. 24 he wrote from Bristol to Robert Carr Brackenbury and to Miss Cooke, afterwards Mrs. Adam Clarke (Works, vol. xiii. pp. 6, 93); also to Simon Day (new ed. Wesley Letters).