Wesley Center Online

October 1785


OCT. 1, Sat.-I preached at Shepton to a crowded audience. In the evening I preached at the Weavers’ Hall to such a congregation as I had not seen there for many years.


OCT. 1, Saturday


4 Prayed; 5 Heb. vi. I, tea, conversed; 7 chaise; 8 Shepto[n] [Mallet], I Pet. ii. 16, chaise; 1.15 at home, on business; 2 dinner, visited many; 5 tea, conversed, prayer; 6 Heb. ii. 15, Pen[ry], at sister Jo[hnson’s], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Sun. 2.[1]-After reading prayers and preaching, I adminis­tered the sacrament to many hundred communicants. We then solemnly renewed our covenant with God; and while we solemnly avouched Him to be our God, I believe many felt, with holy, humble joy, that He avouched us to be His people. At four we went into the mail-coach. At twelve, it being exceeding dark, the wheel of a wagon touched ours, and the coach was over in a moment; but just on the spot were some rails which stopped it, so that it did not fall to the ground; so that it was easily set right again, without any hurt to man or beast. About seven we reached Hyde Park Corner and the new chapel at eight.


Tues. 4. -I made a little excursion into Hertfordshire; and on Friday the 7th returned to London.[2]


Sunday 2


4 Prayed, letters, tea; 8 on business, prayed; 9.30 read prayers, Eph. iv.17 Covenant! 1.30 dinner, visited, prayed; 4 Mail coach, sleep; 12.


Monday 3


7 London, chaise, within, tea, prayed, prayer, letters; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer, letters; 4 garden; 5 tea, conversed, prayed, letters, within to many; 8 supper, within, prayer; 9.30.


Tuesday 4


4 Prayed, writ letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, writ accounts, sorted my books; 12 garden; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer, on business; 4.15 visited, tea, conversed; 5.30 prayed; 6.30 prayers, I Pet. ii. 13-16, the leaders, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 5


4 Prayed, letters, tea; 6.15 chaise, Hatfield, tea; 10.15 M[iss] Harvey, chaise; 2.30 Hinxwor[th], dinner, conversed; 3.30 read narrative, Mag.; 5 prayed, tea, Mag.; 6.30 Rom. iii. 22, Mag., supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 6


4 Prayed, Mag.; 7 the children, tea, conversed; 9 Mag.; 12 walk; 1 dinner, conversed, on business; 3 chaise; 4.30 Wrestli[ng]w[orth], tea, within, prayed; 6 prayers, 2 Cor. v. 17, etc. ; 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Mon. 10. -Setting out for Oxfordshire, I preached at Wailingford in the evening, and at five in the morning. I preached in Oxford at noon; and in the evening at Witney, where the power of God uses to be eminently present.


Thur. 13. - Returning to oxford, I once more surveyed many of the gardens and delightful walks. What is wanting but the love of God to make this place an earthly paradise? I preached in the evening to a very serious audience; as also the


Friday 7


4 Prayed, Mag.; 6.15 cart; 7.45 Hinxw[orth], tea, conversed, prayer; 9 chaise; 12.45 Hatfield, 


        dinner, conversed; 2.30 chaise; 4 at home, letters, tea, prayer, writ narrative; 6 the Audit, 


         supper, within prayer: 9.30.


Saturday 8


4.30 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters; 11 walk; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer; 2 errata, 


             letters; letters, supper; 8.15 Pen[ ry], on business; 9.30.


Sunday 9


4 Prayed, letters; 8 the preachers; 9.30 prayers, Mark xii. 44! communion; 1 at brother Ha[-]d’s, conversed, dinner; 2.30 sleep, prayed, prayers, I Pet. i. 24, society, lovefeast! 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Monday 10


4 Prayed, on business; 4.30 chaise, Brentf[ord], tea, chaise, Salthill, tea, chaise; 12.30 Henley, chaise; 2.30 Wall[ingfor]d, at Mr. Ludgr., dinner, Mag. ; 5 prayed, tea ; 6 John v. 8! Mag., supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Tuesday 11


4 Prayed, Isa. lvii. I, 2! walk, chaise, Nuneham! walk, tea, christened.; 10 chaise; 11 Oxon, Mag.; 12 Heb. ii. 15! 1 dinner, conversed; 2.30 chaise; 4.30 Witney, on business, tea, Mag.; 6.30 I Thess. iv. 3! society, supper, within, prayer; 9.30.,


Wednesday 12


4 Prayed, Mark i. 15, sermon; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, visited, sermon; 2 dinner, together; 3 sermon, prayed; 5 tea, conversed, prayer, sermon; 6.30 Mark xii. 34! 8 within to 4 B.; 8.30 supper, prayer; 9.30. 


Thursday 13


4 Prayed, I Pet. iv. 7! tea, conversed, prayer; 7 chaise; 9 Oxon, tea, prayer, walk; 11.30; on business; 12 sermon; 1 dinner, conversed, walk; 3.45 sermon, prayed; 5 tea, conversed, prayer, visited; 6 Jo. iv. 24; 7.30 sermon, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


next evening at High Wycombe. In all this circuit the work of God appears both to widen and to deepen.


Sat.15.[3] - I returned to London.


Sun. 16. - At nine in the evening I set out for Norwich.


Tuesday the 18th, and the following days, I visited Yarmouth and the other parts of the circuit.


Friday 14


4 Prayed, Psa. Lxxxiv. 1! tea, prayer; 6,45 chaise ; 9 Tetsw[orth]; 10 chaise; [H­igh] 


       Wyc[ombe], letters ; 2 dinner, conversed; 3 letters; 4 prayed; 5 tea, conversed; 6.30 Eccl. 


        vii. 29! Society; 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Saturday 15


4 Prayed, Isa. lix. 1, 2, tea; 6.30 chaise; 9 Uxbr[idge], tea; 9.30 chaise 12.30 at home, letters ; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer, Mr. Bethell; 2.30            letters ; 5 tea, prayer, letters, supper, Pen[ry], on business; 9.30


Sunday 16


4 Prayed, letters, walk, Chapel, prayers, Eph. vi. ii! communion, dinner, conversed, prayer; 3 the leaders; 5.30 prayers, Psa. lxxxiv. 1, society, Charles, society, on business; 8 supper, prayer; 9 coach; 12.


Monday 17


6 Conversed; 7 Newma[rke]t, tea, conversed; 7.30 coach, conversed Mag.; 2.30 Norwich, at home, dinner, prayer, letters; 5 tea, conversed, prayed; 6.30 Mark iii. 35! Mag., supper, within, prayer; 9.30.


Tuesday 18


4 Prayed, Isa. lvii. 1, 2, letters, tea; 8 coach; 12 Yarmou[th], letters 1.30 dinner, conversed, prayer; 3 sermon, prayed; 4 walk, prayed; 5.15       tea, conversed, prayer; 6.30 Lu. xii. 7; 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 19


4 Prayed, Heb. vi. i, [-]; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9.30 sermon within! 12 walk; 1 sermon; 1.30 dinner, conversed, sermon; 4 prayed; 5 tea, conversed, prayed; 6.30 Jo. v. 8, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 20


4 Prayed, Eph. iv. 30, etc., sermon; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, sermon; 10.30 chaise; 12 Lo[we]stoft; 12.15 walk; 1 dinner, conversed; sermon ; 4 prayed, walk, tea, prayer; 6.30 Mark i. 15; 7.30 society, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Sat. 22.[4] -  I returned to Norwich,[5] and in the evening spoke home to an uncommonly large congregation, telling them, ‘Of all the people I have seen in the kingdom, for between forty and fifty years, you have been the most fickle, and yet the most stubborn.’ However, our labour has not been lost, for many have died in peace; and God is able to say to the residue of these dry bones, ‘Live!’


Sun. 23. -I administered the Lord’s Supper to about a hundred and sixty communicants.


Tues. 25. -I crossed over to Lynn, which has been, of a


Friday 21


4  Prayed; 6 I Cor. Xii. 31, tea, conversed, prayer; 8 chaise, Cove, tea, Mark ix. 23; 10.30 chaise; 1 Loddon, read; 1.45 dinner, conversed; 2.45 Journal, prayed; 5 prayed, conversed, prayer; 6.30 Ecc. vii. 29! society, walk, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Saturday 22


4   Prayed, Matt. v. 6, tea, conversed, prayer; 7 Whisk; 9 Norw[ich], letters; 11 sermon; 2 at Dr. Hunt’s, together; 3.30 sermon; 4.45 tea, prayed; 6.30 I Pet. i. 18! Society; 8.30 conversed, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Sunday 23


4 Prayed, Mag.; 7 communion, tea; 8.45 sermon; 10 prayers, communion; 1 dinner, conversed, sermon; 2.30 Lu. ix. 62, sermon; 4.30 tea, prayed; 5.30 Lu. ix. 55, society, sermon; 8 supper, conversed; 9 prayer; 9.30.


Monday 24[6]


4 Prayed, I Cor. x. 12! Sermon; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, sermon; 12 visited some; 1.15 dinner; 3 sermon; 5 tea, conversed, prayer; 6.30 Matt. v. 20! the leaders, supper, prayer, on business; 9.30.


Tuesday 25


4 Prayed, i Pet. iv. 7! Letters, tea, prayer; 8 machine; so tea, machine; 12.30 dinner, within; 2 machine; 4.30 Lynn, tea, conversed, prayer, prayed; 6.30 Mic. ii. 10; 7 society, supper, within, prayer; 9.45.


long season, a cold and comfortless place. But the scene now entirely changed: two young, zealous, active preachers,[7] strongly urging the people to expect a full and present salvation, have enlivened both the society and the congregation. But the difficulty was how to get to London. No coach set out till Friday morning, nor got in before Saturday night. So I took a postchaise after preaching, and reached Downham between ten and eleven; but here we were informed that, in so dark a night, we could not travel over Ely roads, which run between two banks, across which are many bridges, where the coachman must drive to an inch; but we knew in whom w trusted, and pushed forward, till about one on Thursday we reached London.


Wednesday 26


4 Prayed, Isa. lix. 1, 2, in talk, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, business; 9 sermon; 12.30 dinner, conversed; 2 visited some; 3.15 letters, tea, prayed; 6 Jo. iv. 24 communion; 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9 chaise; 12.


Thursday 27


4 Chaise; 7.30 Royston, tea; 8 chaise; 1 New Chapel, on business, dinner, within; 3 chaise; 4.30 Deptf [ord], letters; 5 tea, conversed letters, prayed; 8 supper, conversed; 9 prayer; 9.30.


Friday 28


6 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer; 2 letters; 5 tea, prayed, tunes; 8.15 supper, conversed prayer; 9.30.


Saturday 29


4.15 Prayed, tunes; 8 tea, conversed, tunes; 10 prayer, visited, chaise; 11 London, on business, tunes; 1 dinner, conversed, tunes, business; 2 letters; 4.30 tea, conversed, prayer; 6 prayed; 7 letters, supper, Pen [ry], on business; 9.30.


Sunday 30[8]


4 Prayed, letters, Sp[italfields], prayers, Lu. xvi. 31! Communion, visited, dinner, the leaders, tea, prayed; 5 prayers, Phil. iv. 7! society supper, conversed, prayer, on business; 9.30.


Mon. 31. -I set out for Northamptonshire, and in the afternoon came to Luton. For many years I had lodged at Mr. Cole’s in Luton[9]; but he was now gone to his long home. The room prepared for me now was very large and very cold, and had no fireplace in it. After dinner I called upon Mr. Hampson, the lawyer who had made Mr. Cole’s will. He gave me, with the utmost courtesy, all the information I wanted; and after­wards invited me to lodge at his house, which I willingly did. In the evening the preaching-house was thoroughly filled, and we had a blessed season, both now and in the morning.


Nov. 1, Tues.—When I came to Northampton the new Presbyterian meeting-house was offered to me, twice as large as our own. The congregation was numerous and deeply attentive. Many attended again in the morning; I trust, not without a blessing.


Wed. 2. -I preached at Whittlebury.


Thur. 3. -I met with Perry’s[10]  Treatise upon the Gravel and


Monday 31


4 Prayed, Mark iv. 19! tea; 6.15 chaise ; 8.30 Barnet, tea, conversed, chaise; 11 St. Albans; 1 chaise; 2 Luton, dinner, in talk, Mag., on business; 5 at Mr. Hampson[’s], tea, within; 6.30 Phil. iv. 7! society; 8 supper, prayer; 9 at Mr. Ha[mpson’s], together; 9.30.



[1] He wrote from Bristol to Mrs. Fletcher respecting the choice, by the people, of a curate for Madeley. He recommends Mr. Horne ‘as a sound Methodist . . . if he can procure ordi­nation.’ Failing Mr. Horne, he thinks Mr. Dickinson may do ‘near as well.’ (Works, vol. xii. P.407.)


[2] On Oct. 8 he wrote to Miss Loxdale (Works, vol. xiii. p. 131).


[3] He wrote from London to Charles Atmore.


See New edition Wesley Letters


[4] He wrote from Norwich to Mrs. Fletcher respecting her ‘papers,’ doubtless on her late husband’s character; referring also to his own proposed Life of John Fletcher (Works, vol.xii.p.408)


[5] Under Oct.22 Tyerman quotes the substance of a correspondence with ‘querulous and quarrelsome Thomas Wride,’ the assistant in Norwich circuit. See life of Wesley, vol.iii.pp.465-6. For Wride see W.H.S. vol. iv. P. 101; obituary in minutes, 1797; and for letters written by him at this time, W.H.S. vol. i. P.140


[6] On Oct. 24 he wrote a sermon on the death of Fletcher, which he delivered in London on Nov. 6. It was published immediately, with an address to the reader, in which Wesley promises ‘when I have more leisure and more materials, to write a fuller account of his life.’ See Wesley’s designated successor, p. 566.


[7] In 1784 John Barber and John McKersey were the ‘preachers, and the year following William Palmer and Charles Bland. For early Methodism in Lynn see W.M. Mag. 1913, p. 811.


[8] On Oct. 30 he wrote from London Miss Cooke (Works, vol. xiii. p. 95). 


[9] At the old Vicarage. See above, vol. iv. P.94, and vol. vi. P.300


[10] Dr Charles Perry. See W.H.S. vol. iv. P. 235.