Wesley Center Online

November 1785


Nov. 1, Tuesday


4 Prayed, I Cor. xv. 58! Society! tea; 6.45 chaise, Woburn, tea, chaise; 12 Newport [-] chaise; 3 Northampt [on], Mag.; 4.30 tea, conversed; 6 prayed; 6.30 Mark iii. 35! Mag.; supper, con­versed, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 2


4 Prayed, Heb. xii. 5! within, tea, prayer; 8.15 chaise; 10.30 on business; 11 errata; 12.30 dinner, conversed, visited, Journal, prayed; 5 tea, conversed, within to many, prayer; 6.30 I Pet. i. 18; 7.30 Society, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30. 


Thursday 3


4 Prayed, Journal; 6 I Pet. v. Jo! Journal; 8 tea, conversed, Journal 9.15 chaise; 10.15 within, Journal; 1 dinner, conversed, read Perry; 5 tea, conversed, prayed; 6.30 1 Pet. iv. 7! 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Stone. I had long supposed that there could not be in nature any such thing as a lithontriptic, a medicine that could dissolve the stone without dissolving the bladder; but I am now 


convinced; there is no arguing against matter of fact; the fact here alleged are too recent to be denied, and too clear to be evaded. Therefore I cannot but earnestly advise every one that has this dreadful distemper to try without delay, if he can afford it, this sovereign remedy.


Fri. 4. - I returned to London.


Sun. 6. -I preached a funeral sermon for that great and good man, Mr. Fletcher; and most of the congregation felt that God was in the midst of them. In the afternoon I buried the remains of Judith Perry, a lovely young woman, snatched away at eighteen; but she was ripe for the Bridegroom, and went to meet Him in the full triumph of faith.[1]


Friday 4


3 tea, conversed, prayer; 4 chaise, Fenny Stratf[ord], tea, chaise; 9.45 Dunsta[ble]; 10.30 chaise; 12.15 St. Albans, chaise; 2.45 Barnet, dinner, conversed; 4 coach; 6.15 at home, letters, prayed; 8 supper conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Saturday 5


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, conversed, prayer, letters; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer, visited some, letter; 3.15 prayed; 4 walk, visited, tea, conversed; 6 prayers, Lu. ix. 55, communion, supper, conversed Pen[ry], on business; 9.30.


Sunday 6


4 Prayed, letters; 7 read narrative; 8 the preachers; 9.15 prayers, Psa.  xxxvii. 37! communion; 1 at sister Box’s, dinner, conversed, sleep, the leaders, tea, buried Jud[ith] Perry, prayed, I Cor. xv. 55! Society, supper, within, prayer; 9.30.


Monday 7


4 Prayed, I Pet. 11, 12! select society, letters; 8 tea, conversed, pray letters, within; 1 dinner, conversed, prayer; 2 letter, prayed; chaise; 4 Wandsw [orth], conversed, tea, prayed; 6 Jo. iv. 24! class; 8 at brother Crowth[er], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Sun. 13. -I preached at Shoreditch church. The congrega­tion was very numerous, and the collection unusually large.


Mon 14.[2] - This week I read over again, and carefully con­sidered, Mr. Fry’s tract upon Marriage.[3] I wonder it is not more known, as there is nothing on the head like it in the


Tuesday 8


4  prayed, read narrative; 6 I Pet. iv. 7! tea, in talk, prayer; 7.30 chaise; 8.30 at home, letters; 12 chaise; 1.15 at P. Liev[re’s], in talk; 2 dinner, in talk; 3 Mag.; 4 sermon; 5 tea, class; 6.30 1 Pet. i. 18, class, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 9


4 Prayed, Journal, tea, within; 7.30 chaise; 8.45 at home, letters; 1.15 at Miss Well’s, dinner, conversed; 3.30 chaise, visited; 4.30 Brentford, tea, Mag.; 6.30 Mark iii. 35! class; 8 at Mr. Holbro[ok’s], supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 10


4  Prayed, Mag.; 6 Mark iv. 25! at Mr. Holbr[ook’s], in talk, tea, prayer, chaise; 10.30 Lambeth, Mag.; 1 dinner, Mag., prayed; 5 tea, conversed; 6 Mag.; 6.30 1 Cor. xv. 55! class, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


I Cor. xv. 55


Friday 11


4 Prayed, Mag.; 6 I Pet. iv. 5-7; 10 the children, tea, conversed, chaise, at home, letters; 11 chaise; 12 Stratford, I Cor. xiii. 13, class; 2 dinner, chaise; 5.45 Hadley, tea, Heb. xii. 14! class, supper prayer; 9.30,


Saturday 12


4 Prayed, writ narrative, tea, conversed; 7 chaise; 9 at home, letters, within to some; 1 dinner, read narrative; 3 Mag., prayed, tea, visited; 6 prayers, 2 Thess. iii. 15! communion, society; 8.15 supper, on business; 9.30.


Sunday 13


4 Prayed, letters; 8 the preachers, Mag.; 10.30 Shoreditch, prayers; 12 I Cor. xiii. I, etc.; 1 dinner, walk; 3 Chapel, the leaders prayers; 4 Psa. xxxvii. 37! Society, coach, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Monday 14


4 Prayed, i Pet. 13-15, select society, class, tea, class, dinner; 2.30 Wap[ping], class, tea, class; 6.15 read prayers, Rev. xiv. I, etc., coach; 8.15 supper, in talk, prayer; 9.45.


 English tongue. I still think he has proved, to a demonstrated that no marriages are forbidden either by the law of God or England but those of brothers and sisters, and those in ascending and descending line. The contrary supposition seems to be built wholly in a misinterpretation of that expression in Lev. xviii. ‘Thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.’ But this he clearly shows does not mean to marry a woman, but deflower her.


Sun. 20. -I preached in Bethnal Green church, and spoke as plain as I possibly could on ‘having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.’ And this I judged to be far more suitable to such a congregation than talking of justification by faith.


Tuesday 15


4 Prayed, letters; 6 class, tea, class; 1 at brother Hudson’s, dinner, conversed; 2 class; 4.45 tea, prayed; 6.30 I Pet. ii. 16, the leaders, supper; 8 within, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 16


 4  Prayed, letters; 6 class, tea, class; at brother Kemp’s, dinner, conversed; 1 class; 4.45 tea, in talk, prayed, letters, read, [cipher], *; 8.15 supper, within; 9 prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 17


 4  Prayed, letters; 6 class, tea, class; 1 dinner, conversed; 2 class; 5 tea, prayed; 6.30 read prayers, I Pet. ii. 17! the bands, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Friday 18


 4  Prayed, letters; 6 class, tea, class; 1 at brother Park’s, dinner, conversed; 2 class; 4.30 tea, on business, sleep; 6 the committee; 7.30 prayed, conversed; 8 supper; 8.30 I Pet. ii. 17! 9.45.


Saturday 19


 4  Prayed, letters; 7 class, tea, class; 1 dinner, at brother Collinson’s, within; 2 class, prayed; 4.30 tea, conversed, prayed; 6 prayers, 2 Tim. ii. 19! class, society; 8 supper, within, on business; 9.30.


Sunday 20


 4  Prayed, letters; 8 Sp[italfields]; 9.30 prayers, Jer. xxii. 6, communion dinner, conversed; 2.30 Bethnal Green, prayers, 2 Tim. iii. 5! tea, prayed; 5 prayers, 2 Tim. iii. 5, society, on business; 8 supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Monday 21


 4  Prayed, i Pet. ii. 17, select society; 7 class, tea, class; 12 society; 1 dinner, conversed; 2 class; 5 tea, conversed, prayed; 6.30 prayers, 2 Tim. iii. 4! supper; 8.15 the bands; 9.30.


Having promised our friends at Winchester to come and open their preaching-house[4] when it was ready, I set out on Thursday the 24th[5] and preached there in the evening to a numerous congregation. But I have not seen a people less affected; they seemed to be mere stocks and stones. How­ever, I have cast my bread upon the water; possibly it may be found again after many days. On Friday evening we went into the mail-coach, and reached London at eight in the morning. 


Sun. 27. -As soon as I had concluded my sermon at the new chapel, I hastened away to preach at St. Luke’s,[6] one of


Tuesday 22


4 Prayed, I Pet. ii. 17, class, tea, class; 1 dinner, conversed; 2 class; 4.30 visited, class, tea; 


         6.30 2 Pet. ii. 9! supper, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 23


4  Prayed, letters, class, tea, class; 1 dinner, conversed, class, coach; 4.30 on business; 5 tea, prayed; 6 the committee, letter, supper, on business, prayer; 9.30.


Thursday 24


4  On business; 4 coach; 6 within; 7.15 tea, coach, within; 3.15 Win­chester, dinner; 4 on business, prayed, tea; 6 i Cor. i. 24! society, writ narrative, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Friday 25


4 Prayed, letters; 8 tea, letters; 12 Heb. iv. 14, letters; 2 at Mr.Blackw [ell’s] [he resided in Winchester. See above, Oct.10, 1783]; 2 dinner, within; 3 letters, brother Winscom,[7] etc., in talk, tea, 6 Isa. iv. 6, 7! writ narrative; 8 supper, conversed, prayer, within; 10.30 coach.


Saturday 26


4 Sleep; 9 at home, tea, conversed, letters; 1.15 dinner, prayer; 2 sleep, letters; 5 tea, conversed, prayed; 6.30 letters, supper, Pen[ry], within, on business; 9.30.


           Sunday 27             


4 Prayed, letters, the preachers, prayers, Rom. xiii. 12, 13, St. Luke’s, Rom. xiii. 11, etc.; 1 at brother Sturly [?], dinner, conversed; 2 sleep, letter, the leaders; 4 tea, prayed; 5 prayers, Heb. iii. 7, society, on business, supper, prayer; 9.30.



the largest parish churches in London. It was thoroughly filled, as it was seven years ago, when I preached there before. God enabled me to speak strong words on the Epistle for the day and I believe some felt that it was now high ‘time to awake out of sleep.’


Mon. 28. -I went to Canterbury; the chapel was more than filled. On Tuesday I found at Dover also a considerable increase of the work of God.


Wed. 30. -I went on to Margate.[8] Some years since we had a small society here; but a local preacher took them himself.[9]  Only two or three remained, who from time to time pressed our preachers to come again; and, to remove objection that there was no place to preach in, with the help of a few friends they built a convenient preaching-house.[10] Thus day, I opened it in the evening. The congregation was large and perfectly well-behaved; and I cannot but hope that, after all the stumbling-blocks, there will be a people here who will uniformly adorn the gospel of Christ. On Friday I returned to London.


Monday 28


4 Prayed, tea, within; 5.30 diligence, within, Mag.; 10.45 Rochester, tea, conversed, prayer; 11.45 diligence, Mag.; 4.15 Cant[erbury], brother Hogil’s, dinner, conversed; 5 on business, prayed, tea, prayer; 6.30 Rev. vii., etc.; 9 society, supper, prayer; 9.30.


Tuesday 29


4 Prayed, letters, 7 Heb. xii. 5; 8 tea, conversed, prayer; 9.30 chaise; 12.30 Dover, read narrative; 1 dinner, conversed; 2 Mag.; 4 prayed; 5 tea, conversed; 6 Jo. iv. 24! 7 society, supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Wednesday 30


4 Prayed, Mag.; 6 Gal. v. 5, tea, conversed, prayer; 8 chaise; 10 Sando [? Sandown Castle]; 11 chaise; 1 Margate, dinner, Mag.; 4.30 tea, prayed; 6.30 Mark iii. 35! 7.30 Mag., supper, conversed, prayer; 9.30.


Rev. vii. 3-5; Psa. cxvi. 8; [1] Pet. ii. 21.


[1] On Nov. 8 he wrote from London to Thomas Wride, and again on the 17th, both 


 letters dealing with the case of James Byron, who was in danger of being spoiled by 


those who loved him too well. (Tyerman’s Life of Wesley, vol. iii. p. 467.)


 On Nov. 9 he wrote the Preface to his sermon on Fletcher (Works, vol. vii p. 431, and above, Oct. 23). On the 11th he wrote from London to Zechariah Yewdall (Works, vol. xiii. p. 15).


[2] On Nov. 16 he wrote from London to John Bredin, of Athlone, and, on the fly-leaf, to Matthew Stuart, who wished go to America (new ed. Wesley to Letters).


[3] See above, vol. iv. p. 187.



[4] In Parchment Street. The house was used until replaced by a new chapel in St. Peter’s Street in 1864.


[5] He wrote to Robert Carr Brackenbury (Works, vol. xiii. p.7).


[6]     Old Street. See above, vol. ii. pp. 368, 373. The vicar from 1775 to1795 was Henry Waring, MA.


[7] See above, vol. v. p.190


[8] See an interesting article entitled, ‘John Wesley and Margate,’ by the Rev. F. F. Bretherton (W.H.S. vol. vii. p. 102); and Meth. Rec. June 28, 1906.


[9] Mr. Coleman, converted under Wesley, was the local preacher, his school-room the first preaching place, and he the chief preacher.


[10] It was situated in Hawley Square (W.M. Mag. 1909, p. 412).