Wesley Center Online

John Wesley the Methodist

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By a Methodist Preacher
NEW YORK, 1903

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Chapter I: A Race of Preachers

The Wesley Ancestry - The First John Westley - Samuel Wesley, Poet and Preacher - Susanna Annesley - Piety and Culture


Chapter II: The Epworth Household

Epworth in Lincolnshire - The Wonderful Mother - Pecuniary Difficulties - "A Brand Plucked from the Burning"


Chapter III: The Gownboy of the Charterhouse

A Friendly Duke - The Charterhouse School - John's School Days - The Epworth Ghost - The Brothers at Westminster


Chapter IV: The Crisis at Oxford

A Freshman at Christ Church - No Religious Friends - Letters from Home - Choosing a Profession - The First Convert - Fellow of Lincoln - Curate at Wroote


Chapter V: The Holy Club

Charles Wesley Begins It - "Methodists" - John Wesley Its Father - "Men of One Book" - Works of Mercy and Help - The Oxford Methodists - Whitefield - Death of the Epworth Rector - Reserved for a Better Appointment


Chapter VI: To America and Back

The Missionary Spirit - Oglethorpe's Philanthropic Colony - John Wesley, Missioner to Georgia - The High Churchman at Savannah - Moravian Influences - The First Methodist Hymnal -  An Unhappy Ending


Chapter VII: The New Birth

Whitefield's Revival Fire - Peter Bohler's Influence - Charles Wesley's Happy Day - John Wesley's Heart "Strangely Warmed" - A Spiritual Revolution


Chapter VIII: Revival Preaching

"Jesus, the Sinner's Friend, Proclaim" - "By Grace Are Ye Saved" - A Happy New Year - Whitefield Calls Wesley Out of Doors - Shouts in the Camp - The Old Room at Bristol -  The Foundry for Gospel Artillery - Wesley's Chapel in City Road - Wesley's House


Chapter IX: Society and Class

No Solitary Religion - The First Society -  A Layman's Notion - An Unspeakably Useful Institution -  The General Rules - Quarterly Tickets - Mother and Son - "Jack May Excommunicate the Church" - Braving the Bishops - " I Look upon All the World as My Parish" - Preaching from His Father's Gravestone - Death of Susanna Wesley


Chapter X: Lay Helpers

Wesley's "Irregularities" - "Soul-saving Laymen" - Cennick, Humphreys, Maxfield - "He is as Surely Called of God to Preach as You Are" - John Nelson, of Birstal - The Extraordinary Call of Women - Mary Bosanquet and Others


Chapter XI: Two Sorts of Methodists

Whitefield's Calvinism - Arminians - "The Queen of the Methodists" - Trevecca College - Lady Huntington's Connection - Time Heals the Wounds - Whitefield's Candle Burns to the Socket


Chapter XII: Wesley Faces Mobs

The Wednesbury Riots - Before the Magistrate - A Noble Champion - "Always Look a Mob in the Face" - Stoned at the Market Cross - Causes of the Disturbance - Quarter Times


Chapter XIII: In Conference with the Preachers

An Ecclesiastical Statesman - The First Conference - Notable Conferences - One-man Power - "Christian Democracy" - Early Discipline - Circuits


Chapter XIV: Doctrinal Wars

Antinomianism - The Minutes of 1770 - Fletcher's Checks - The Hills, Toplady, and Berridge - Wordy Wars


Chapter XV: Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

Island Visits -"The Dairyman's Daughter" - Irish and Irish-American Methodism - Shamefully Treated - The Palatines - Wesley in Scotland - A Dash into Wales


Chapter XVI: The Work Beyond the Sea

Methodism in 1769 - An American Offshoot - Shall Wesley Go? - Political Pamphlets - Wesley to Lord North - A Calm Address - A Methodist Episcopal Church for America


Chapter XVII: Traveler, Preacher, and Philanthropist

Wesley's Travels - His Preaching Power - The Last University Sermon - A Pioneer of Benevolence - Temperance - Sunday Schools - The Press - Hymns and Tunes


Chapter XVIII: Setting His House in Order

"Thou art the Man!" - Methodist Clergy - The Swiss Recruit - Fletcher's Proposals - The Deed of Declaration - The Ordinations - The Rubicon Crossed


Chapter XIV: The Passing of John Wesley

An Active Octogenarian - Welcomed in Ireland - Triumphal Progresses - "I Do no Lack for Labor" - Last Open-air Sermon - The Last Text - A Last Letter -  "The Best of All is, God is with Us!"


Chapter XX: The True John Wesley

John Wesley's Appearance - His Habits - His Temperment - His Tact - His Love of Children - His Unhappy Matrimonial Experience - His Wit and Humor - His Freedom from Selfish Ambition - Asbury's Tribute