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Looking Unto- Jesus, In His Intercession, The Eighth Book



BOOK EIGHT CHAP. 1: SECT. 1: What the Intercession of CHRIST is.

WE have spoken of CHRIST's entrance into heaven, and of his immediate acting after his entrance there. That transaction which yet remains, and will remain until his coming again, is his intercession for the saints. In these acting of CHRIST in heaven, (if we follow him,) we must go from glory to glory. No sooner come we out of one room of glory, but presently we step into another. One would think enough has been said already of the glory in CHRIST. Who would not willingly sit down under the shadow of this happiness, and go no farther But yet this is not all; so thick and fast do the glories of CHRIST break in upon us. O' what a blessed thing is it to be looking up to JESUS CHRIST! Saints might do nothing else but ravish their hearts with the diversity of heavenly light and comfort which breaks forth from the bosom of JESUS CHRIST. Here is now another mystery as great and amazing as, the former, which springs up before our eyes in the transaction of CHRIST's intercession.

And in prosecution of this, as in the former, I shall first lay down the object, and secondly direct you how to look upon it. The object is JESUS carrying on the great work of our salvation in his intercession: in ordering of which, I shall examine these particulars: 1. What this intercession of CHRIST is. 2. To whom CHRIST's intercession is directed, and for whom. 3. What agreement there is between CHRIST's intercession and the intercession of the high-priests of old, and what difference. 4. What are the, properties of this intercession. 5. Wherein it does more especially consist: 6. How powerful CHRIST's intercessions are with God. 7. What are the reasons of this great transaction of CHRIST's intercession for his people.

1. What is the intercession of CHRIST' Some define it thus: " CHRIST's intercession is that part of his priestly office whereby CHRIST is Advocate and Intreater of GOD the Father for the faithful." I shall give it thus: " CHRIST's intercession is his gracious will, fervently and immovably desiring, that, for the perpetual virtue of his sacrifice, all his members might, both in their persons and duties, be accepted of the Father." 1. 1 call the intercession of CHRIST his own gracious will; for we must not imagine that CHRIST in his intercession, prostrates himself upon his knees before his Father's throne, uttering some submissive form of words; that is not beseeming the majesty of him: that sits at GOD’s right hand. When he was but yet on earth, the substance of his requests for his saints ran thus, "Father, I will that they also, whom you has given me, be with me where I am;" and much more now he is in heaven, is this the form of his intercession, "Father, I will this." 2. The foundation of CHRIST's intercession is the death of CHRIST; and hence we make two parts of CHRIST's oblation; the one expiatory, when CHRIST suffered upon the cross; the other presentatory, when he appears in heaven before GOD for us; the one was finished on earth, when CHRIST suffered without the gate; the other is performed- in heaven now CHRIST is Within the city; the one was a sacrifice indeed, the other is not so much a sacrifice as the commemoration of a

sacrifice. The first was an act of humiliation, and this latter is an act of glory. The first was performed once for all, this latter is done continually. The first was for

the obtaining redemption, and this latter is for the application of redemption. The matter interceded for, is, that “all the saints and their services might find acceptance with GOD," first, CHRIST's intercession is for our persons, and then CHRIST's intercession is for our works; by CHRIST's intercession, is CHRIST's satisfaction applied to our persons, and by consequence, the defect of our duties is covered and removed; and both we and our works are approved and accepted of GOD the Father. CHRIST intercedes, according to both natures. 1'. According to his humanity; partly by appearing before his Father in heaven; and` partly by desiring our salvation. " CHRIST is entered` into' heaverr itself, now to appear in the p'res4ence of GOD for us'." "I say not unto' you that I will pray, or desire the Father for you, for the Father himself loves you." 2. According to his deity, partly by applying the merit of his death, and partly by willing the salvation of his saints; and as the effect thereof, by making requests' in the hearts- of the saints with sighs unspeakable. "Elect, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of JESUS CHRIST:" this sprinkling is the applying of the blood of JESUS, and that is an act of intercession. Again "Father, I will that they whom you has given me, be with me where I am. He desires' as man, but he wills as God; and as the effect of this, he gives the Spirit'; "The Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." But what are the intercessions of the Spirit, to the intercessions of CHRIST I answer, Much every way. The Spirit's- intercessions are as the effect, and CHRIST's intercessions' are as the cause: the Spirit's intercessions are as the echo, and CHRIST's intercessions are as the first voice. The Spirit intercedes for men in and by themselves, but CHRIST intercedes in his own person. There is a dependence of the Spirit's intercessions in us upon CHRIST's intercession in himself. First, CHRIST by his intercession, applies his satisfaction made, and then sends down his Holy Spirit into our hearts to help our infirmities, and to teach us what to pray for, and how to pray as we ought. Now this- he does as GOD, for who shall give a commission to the Spirit of GOD, but God himself

SECT. 2:

To whom is CHRIST's Intercession directed, and for whom

To whom is CHRIST's intercession directed I answer, Immediately to GOD the Father: "If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous." In the work of intercession are three persons; a party offended, a party offending, and the Intercessor,. distinct from them both. The party offended is GOD the Father, the party offending is sinful man, and the Intercessor, distinct from them both, is JESUS CHRIST. I deny not but CHRIST's intercession is made to the whole Trinity, but yet immediately and directly to the first Person, and in him to the rest: 1: e. "three Persons, and but one


This intercession is made, in one sense, for the world;, so CHRIST upon the cross, prayed for the bloody Jews, " Father,,forgive them, for they know not what they do." But in a particular manner for all, and every faithful man. As the high-priest went into the sanctuary with the names of the twelve tribes I1pon his breast, so CHRIST entered into the holiest of all with the names of all believers upon his heart; and still he carries them upon his breast, and presents his will and desire unto his Father for them. Nor does he only intercede in general,, but, whatever thy name is, John, Peter, Thomas, Mary, Martha, if you art a believer, CHRIST prays for thee. It is our common practice to desire the prayers one of another; but O, who would not have a share in the prayers of JESUS CHRIST Why, certainly, if you believest in CHRIST, CHRIST prays for thee.

SECT. 3:

What disagreement there is between CHRIST's Intercessions, and the Intercessions of the High-priests of old, and what Difference.

Among the Jews, in the times of the Old Testament, they had an high-priest, who was in all things to stand between GOD and them. Now, as the Jews had their high-priest to intercede for them, so the Lord JESUS was to be the High-Priest of our profession, and to intercede for us. It will therefore give some light to this doctrine of intercession, if we compare these two. And first, consider what agreement there is between CHRIST and the high-priests of old; between CHRIST's intercession and the high-priest's intercessions.

1. CHRIST and the high-priests of old agreed in name; not only were they called high-priests, but CHRIST himself is called an High-Priest; "We have such an High-Priest who is set down at the right hand of the Majesty on high."

2. They agreed in office, which consisted of two parts, oblation and presentation: First, they offered a sacrifice a and, secondly, they presented it in the. holy of holies, with prayer and intercession unto God; the one was done without, the other within the holy of holies; and in answer thereunto, there are two distinct parts of CHRIST's priesthood. (L) The offering of himself a sacrifice upon the cross. (2.) The carrying of himself, and of his blood, into the holy of holies, or into the heaven of heavens; where he appears and prays in the virtue of that blood. And indeed this part of his priesthood is of the two the more eminent; and therefore it is held forth to us in the types of both those two orders of priesthood that were before him, and figures of him, both that of Aaron and that bf Melchisedec. 1. This was typified in the Levitical priest-hood of Aaron and his fellows.. The highest service of that office was the going into the holy of holies,. and making an atonement there; yea, this was the height of the high-priest's honor, that he did this alone; and it constituted the difference between him, as he was highpriest, and other priests for they killed and offered the sacrifices without, as well as he; but only the high-priest was to approach the holy of holies with blood, and that but once a year. 2. This was typified by Melchisedec's priesthood, which the apostle argues to'have been much more excellent than that of Aaron,. in as much as Levi, Aaron's father, payed tythes to this Melchisedec in Abraham's loins. Now Melchisedec was his type, not so much in respect of his oblation, or offering sacrifice, as in respect of his continual presentation and intercession in heaven; and therefore the same clause, for ever, still comes in when Melchisedec is named; " You art a Priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec." Here then is the agreement between CHRIST and the high-priests of old: in respect of name, both were priests; and in respect of office, both had their oblations and presentations, or intercessions, with GOD in glory.

3. In the point of intercession, they agree in these particulars: (1.) The high-priests of old, usually on cc a year, went into the most holy place within the veil; and so is CHRIST,' our great High-Priest, passed into the heavens within the veil, even into the holy of holies. (2.) The high-priests of old had a plate of pure gold upon their foreheads, which was " to bear the iniquity of the holy things, that they might be accepted before the Lord;" and so does CHRIST bear.. the iniquity of our holy things. Spiritual Christians! here is your comfort; you are not able to perform any. duty to GOD but there is sin in the same; you cannot hear, nor pray, nor confer, nor meditate, without sin; but CHRIST bears all these sins, even the iniquity of your. holy things, and he presents your parsons and prayers, without the least spot, to his Father; being the Angel of the Covenant that stands at the altar, " having a golden censer with much incense, to offer it with the prayers of his saints;" and so they are acceptable before the Lord." (3.) The Jewish high-priests "bore the names of the children of Israel on a breast-plate upon their hearts, for a memorial before the Lord;" and so does CHRIST, our great High-Priest, bear the names of his people upon his heart before the Lord continually; 1.. In presenting them to his Father without spot, as righteous in his own righteousness; " CHRIST loved the church, that he might present it" to his Father, and in him "to himself, a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy, and without blemish." 2. In remembering them; "The righteous shall be had in continual remembrance:" this.is the soul's comfort in a time of desertion, or in an evil day; if any cry out, as sometimes David did, "How long wilt you forget me, Lord For ever How long wilt you hide thy face from me" Let such a one remember, that CHRIST's redeemed ones are upon his heart, and he cannot forget them. "But Zion says, The Lord has forsaken me, and my GOD has forgotten me." O no! "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb Yea, they may forget, yet I will not forget thee." 3. In loving them; they are near and dear unto him. He has set them as a seal upon his heart; so was the prayer of the spouse, " Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm;" and then it follows, " for love is strong as death." CHRIST has an entire love to his saints; he died for them, and now he intercedes for them: he keeps them close to his heart; and there is none shall pluck them out of his hand. Thus far of the agreement between CHRIST's inter, cessions and the intercessions of the high-priests of old.

Secondly, the difference between CHRIST and them, and between CHRIST's intercessions and their intercessions, may appear in these particulars:

1. The high-priests then were but for a time, but CHRIST is " a Priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec." Melchisedec (says the apostle,) was "without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life." That is, as far as it is known; and so is CHRIST without a father on earth, and without a mother in heaven; without beginning, and without end; he abides a Priest perpetually, even to the end of the world; yea, and the virtue of his priesthood is infinitely beyond all time, even for ever and ever.

2. The high-priest then entered only into that place that was typically holy, but. CHRIST is entered into that place which is properly holy; he is entered into the heavens.

3. The high-priest then did not always intercede for the people; only once a year the high-priest entered into the holy of holi~s; but our great High-Priest is ascended into the holy of holies never to put off his princely, priestly garments. Nor does he only once. a year sprinkle the mercy-seat with his sacrifice, but every day; he lives for ever to intercede: O what comfort is this to a poor dejected soul l He intercedeth ever, till he shall finish our salvation; the smoke of his incense ascends for ever without intermission.

4. The high-priests then interceded not for sins of presumption, • If a man sinned ignorantly, there was indeed a sacrifice and intercession for him; but, " if a man sinned presumptuously, he was to be cut off from among his people:" there was no sacrifice, no intercession by the high-priest then. But we have such an High-Priest as makes intercession for all sins; every sin, though it rise to blasphemy, (so it be not blasphemy against the Holy Ghost,) shall, by the virtue of CHRIST's intercession, be forgiven. "In, that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness:" 1: e. for sins of all sorts. "Verily, I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men."* Scarlet sins, or crimson sins; sins of the deepest dye shall, by CHRIST's intercession, be done away; for the voice of his blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel; it intercedes for the, abolition of bloody sins.

5. The high-priests then interceded not without all these materials, viz. a temple, an altar, a sacrifice, a censer of burning coals taken off the altar, the putting the incense upon the fire, that the cloud of the incense might cover the mercy-seat, the sprinkling the mercyseat with the blood of the bullock and of the goat. But JESUS CHRIST, in his intercessions now, needs none of these materials; but rather he himself, and his own merits, are instead of all. As, 1. He is the temple; "Destroy this temple," (says CHRIST,) "and I will build it again in three days." It was destroyed; and GOD found it an acceptable sacrifice, and smelt in it a sweet savour, as in a temple. 2. He is the altar according to his Deity, for as the altar sanctifies the gift, so does the Godhead sanctify the manhood. 3. He is the sacrifice properly, according to the manhood; for although by communication of properties, the blood of the sacrifice is called the "blood of GOD," yet properly, the human soul and flesh of CHRIST was the whole Burnt-offering, roasted in the fire of his Father's wrath.

6. His merits are the cloud of incense, for so the angel; CHRIST is said to have "a golden censer, and much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints, upon the golden altar which was before the throne; and the smoke of the incense which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before GOD out of the angel's hand." The merits of CHRIST are so mingled with the prayers of his saints, that they perfume their prayers, and so they find acceptance with GOD his Father. We see now the difference between CHRIST's intercessions and the intercessions of the high-priests of old.

* That is, on condition of their repentance, and faith in CHRIST and his gospel, working by love, and producing obedience.

SECT. 4:

What the Properties of this Intercession of CHRIST are.

What are the properties of this intercession of JESUS CHRIST I answer: 1. It is heavenly and glorious; which appears in these particulars. (1.) CHRIST does not fall upon his knees before his Father, as in the days of his humiliation, for that is not agreeable to that glory he has received. He only presents his pleasure to his Father, that he may thereto put his seal and consent. (2.). CHRIST does not pray out of private charity, as the saints_ pray one for another in this life, but out of his public office of mediation: " There is one GOD, and one Mediator between GOD and man, the man CHRIST JESUS." (3.) CHRIST prays not out of humility, but authority, which is the desiring of a thing so as withal he has a right of bestowing it; as well as desiring it. (4.) CHRIST prays not merely as an Advocate, but as a Propitiation too; CHRIST's Spirit is an Advocate, but only CHRIST is Advocate and Propitiation CHRIST's Spirit is our Advocate on earth, but only CHRIST in his Person applies his merits in heaven, and furthers the cause of our salvation with his Father in heaven. In all these. respects we may see CHRIST's intercession is heavenly and glorious.

2. It is ever effectual and prevailing. As he has power to intercede for us, so he has power to confer that upon us for which he intercedes: " I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter. If I go: not away, the Comforter will riot come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you." If when CHRIST prayed on earth, he was always heard; we may be sure when he prayed in heaven, the Father ever heareth and answers there. When CHRIST as man, prayed for himself, he was heard in that which he feared; but now CHRIST as mediator, prays for us, and he is ever heard in the very particular which he desires.

3. It is, of all the other transactions of CHRIST, till the very end of the world, the most perfect and consummate; without- it all the other parts of CHRIST's mediatorship would have been to little purpose. As the sacrifices under the law would not have been of force, had not the high-priest entered into the holy place to appear there, and to present the blood there unto the Lord; so all that ever. CHRIST did or suffered upon earth, would have been ineffectual unto us, had he not entered into heaven, " to appear there in the presence of GOD for us." In his life and death CHRIST was the meritorious cause, but by his intercession CHRIST is the applying cause of our soul's salvation,

SECT. 5:

Wherein the Intercession of CHRIST consists.

Wherein more especially does the intercession of JESUS CHRIST consist I answer, in these particulars:

1. CHRIST's intercession consists in the presenting of his person for us. He himself went up to heaven, and presented himself; the apostle calls this, an appearing for us; " CHRIST is not entered into the holy place made with hands, but into heaven, now to appear in the, presence of GOD for us." I believe there is an emphsis in the word appearing for us. But how appears he for us I answer; (1.) In a public manner, whatsoever he did in this kind, he did it openly and publicly; he appears for u in the presence of GOD the Father; he appears for us in the presence of his saints and angels; heaven's eyes are all upon him in his appearing for us. (2.) He appears for us a Mediator; he stands in the middle between GOD and us: hence it is that he is God-man, that he might be a Mediator between GOD and man. (3.) He appears for us as a Sponsor, and a Pledge; surely it is a comfort for a man to have a friend at court, that may own him and appear for him; but if this friend be both a mediator and surety, a mediator to request for him, and a surety to engage for him, O what comfort is this Thus CHRIST appears in every respect: he is a Mediator to request for us; and he is a Surety to engage focus; as Paul was for Onesimus, a mediator, " I beseech thee for my son, Onesimus;" and a sponsor, " if he has wronged thee, or owe thee ought, put that on my account, I will repay it." So is JESUS CHRIST for his saints: he is " the Mediator of a,better covenant," Heb. viii. 6. And he is " a Surety of a better testament, Heb. 8: 22. (4.) He appears, as a Solicitor, to present and promote the desires and requests of his saints, in such a way as that they may find acceptance with his Father. (5.) He appears, as an Advocate: "If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous." An advocate is more than a solicitor; an advocate is one that is of counsel with another, and pleadeth his case in open court; and such an Advocate is JESUS CHRIST unto his people. He is of counsel with them; that is one of the titles given him by the prophet Isaiah, " Wonderful, Counselor;" he counsels them by his Word and Spirit. And he pleads for them, and this he does in the high court of heaven, at the bar of GOD’s own justice; there he pleads their cause, and answers all the accusations that are brought in by SATAN, or their own consciences. But of this anon. (6.) He appears as a public agent, or ambassador:. what that is, some tell us in these particulars; 1. His work is to preserve peace; and surely this is CHRIST's work. " He is our peace," (says the apostle,) that is, the Author of our peace; he purchased our peace, and he maintains our peace with God; to this purpose he sits at GOD’s right hand to intercede for us, and to maintain the peace and union between GOD and us; therefore, " being justified by faith, we have peace with GOD, through our Lord JESUS CHRIST." 2. His work is to maintain intercourse and correspondence; and surely this is CHRIST's work also, " By him we have an access unto the Father. In him we have boldness and access with confidence." The word access, does not only signify coming to GOD in prayer, but all that intercourse and communion which we have with GOD, as united by faith to JESUS CHRIST; according to that, " CHRIST once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God." This benefit have all believers, in and by CHRIST; they come to GOD by him, they have free commerce and intercourse in heaven. 3. His work is to reconcile and make up differences, and this is CHRIST's work also: "He makes intercession for the transgressors;" he composes the differences that our transgressions make between GOD and us. 4. His work is to procure the welfare of the people or state for which he negotiates; and this is no less CHRIST's work, for he seeks the welfare of his people. He sits at GOD’s right hand to intercede for them, and, commending their estate to his Father, he makes it his request, that his members may have a continual supply of the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST, that they may be strengthened in temptations, confirmed in tribulations, delivered from every evil work, enabled to every good duty, and finally preserved unto his heavenly kingdom.

2. CHRIST's intercession consists in the presenting of his wounds, death, and blood, as a public satisfaction for the guilt of sin, and as a public price for the purchase: of our glory. We read in the law, that when the high-priest went within the veil, "he took the blood of the bullock, and sprinkled it with his finger upon, the mercy-seat eastward; and before the mercy-seat he sprinkled the blood with his finger seven times." Surely these were " patterns of things to be done in the heavens." CHRIST, that was slain fQ without the gate," carried his own blood into the holy of holies, or into the heaven of, heavens, for " by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." And, being come thither, he sprinkles it, (as it were,) upon the mercy-seat; 1: e. he applies it, and obtains mercy by it. By the blood of CHRIST, GOD’s mercy and justice are reconciled in themselves, and reconciled' unto us. CHRIST's blood was shed upon the earth, but CHRIST's blood is sprinkled now he is in heaven. Heaven is all besprinkled, as the mercy-seat in the holy of holies was; the earth is all besprinkled, as the altar out of the holy of holies was. Heaven and earth are all besprinkled with the blood of JESUS, so that the saints and people of GOD are no where, but their doors, and their posts, and their houses, (I mean, their bodies and souls,) are all besprinkled with the blood of the Lamb, slain from the beginning of the world. Why, this is that " blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of Abel." Mark that; CHRIST's blood has a tongue; it speaks, it cries, it prays, it intercedes; 'CHRIST's blood cries out, it makes a loud' cry, it fills heaven' and earth with the noise; yea, the-Lord's ears are so filled' with it,. that it drowns. all other sounds, and' rings continually in his ears. I do not mean that the very blood which CHRIST shed` on. the cross is now in heaven, nor that it speaks in heaven; these cryings are merely metaphorical; yet this I maintain as real- and proper, that the power, merit, and virtue of CHRIST's blood' is presented by our Savior, to his Father, both as a public satisfaction for our sins, and as a public price for the purchase of our glory.

3. CHRIST's intercession consists in the presenting of his will, his request for us, grounded upon the virtue of his glorious merits. " Father, I' will that they also whom you have given me he with me where I am, that they may behold-my glory, which you has given me." This was-a' piece of. CHRIST's' prayer while he was yet on earth; and it is a summary of CHRIST's intercession, which now he makes- for us in his glory: Me prayed on earth, as he meant to "pray for us when he came' to• heaven; he hints at this in the beginning of his prayer, for he speaks as if all his work had been done on earth, and as-if then he were beginning his work in heaven; "I have glorified thee on earth, I have finished the work which you gayest me to do; and now, O Father, glorify you me with thy own self, with the glory' which I had with thee before the world was.

4. CHRIST's intercession consists in the presenting our persons, in his own person, to his Father; so that now GOD cannot look upon the Son, but he must behold the saints in his Son; and this was shadowed out by that act of the high-priest, who went into the holy of holies, with the "names of all the tribes of Israel upon his shoulders, and upon his breast;" and this the apostle speaks yet more plainly, "By him we have an access unto the Father, and in him we have boldness and access with confidence." We find in the law that Aaron was to put " two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod, for stones of memorial unto the children of Israel, and so Aaron was to bear the names before the Lord upon' his two shoulders for a memorial." And again; Aaron was to "bear the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he went into the holy place, for a memorial before the Lord continually." Here we find the names of the twelve tribes of Israel engraves in stones, which the high-priest usually took with him into the most holy place, when he appeared before the Lord; a lively type of CHRIST's- intercession, who being entered into the heavens, there appears in our behalf, and presents our persons to his Father, bearing them, (as it were,) upon his shoulders, and- upon his heart; thus CHRIST takes our persons into heaven, and represents them in his own person to his Father. We also find in the gospel a gracious promise, that "by CHRIST we have access unto the Father," and "in CHRIST we have access with confidence." Where the word access, xgoaa ywym, signifies properly a manuduction, or leading by the hand to God; an introduction, or bringing unto God; • alluding to the custom in princes' courts, where none may come into the presence-chamber, unless they be led, or brought in by some favorite or courtier there; thus none may have access into the presence of GOD, unless they are brought in by this favorite of heaven, the Lord JESUS CHRIST; whose very office it is to bring men unto God; he takes us by the hand, and leads us to the Father.

5. CHRIST's -intercession consists in the presenting our duties unto God. Not only does he take our persons-, and lead them into the presence of GOD, but, together with our persons, he presents all our services in his own person. Alas! "All our righteousness is as filthy rags;" but CHRIST draws out the evil of duty, and failings in duty, before he presents it unto God. And he observes what good tnere is in any of our duties or performances, and with that he mingles his own prayers and intercessions, and presents all as one work interwoven or

mingled together unto GOD the Father. It is JESUS, and only JESUS, that presents our prayers, and sanctifies our prayers, and mingles our prayers with-his merits, and so makes them come -sweetly before his God.

6. CHRIST's intercession consists in presenting our plea, or answer in heaven, to all those accusations that are brought-in against us. And this I take to be the meaning of the challenge, " Who shall lay any thing to the charge of GOD’s elect It is GOD that justifieth, who is he that condemneth It is CHRIST that died, yea- rather that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of GOD, who also makes intercession for us." CHRIST intercedes, and who shall condemn CHRIST takes off all accusations, and who shall charge; if sin or SATAN shall dare to accuse, our JESUS is ready at GOD’s right hand to answer all. And in this respect he is truly called our Advocate, " If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, JESUS CHRIST the righteous." We have an Advocate that pleads for us, that answers for us; that in a way of equity, (grounding all upon his own merits,) calls for the pardon of our sins, and for the salvation of our souls.

SECT. 6:

How powerful CHRIST's Intercessions are with God.

How powerful CHRIST's intercessions are with GOD will appear if we consider:

1. That CHRIST is our great High-Priest to- God; "We

nave such an High-Priest, who is set down on the right hand of his majesty on high;" now it was the way of GOD to lend his ear in an especial manner to the highpriests. " Samuel called on the Lord, and the Lord sent thunder and rain that day. And all the people said to Samuel, Pray for thy servants unto the Lord thy God. And Samuel said unto the people, GOD forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you." Now such an high-priest as this, (though with far more eminency,) is CHRIST to God; he intercedes for his people, (" GOD forbid, that he should ever cease to pray for his people!") and he has GOD’s ear in an especial manner: if ever GOD lend his ear to any one, it must needs be to this High-Priest, because of his office to intercede between GOD and his people. CHRIST stands next to GOD, as our great High-Priest; and therefore he must needs prevail with GOD in every petition he puts up for us.

2. That CHRIST was called to this office by God. " CHRIST glorified not himself to be made an high-priest;" no, no; but " he was called of GOD, as Aaron was;" it was GOD the Father that designed him to it, and that furnished him for it, and that invested him in it; "The-Lord has sworn, and will not repent, you art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec." Now to what purpose should GOD call him to this office, but especially to intercede for them to whom GOD was willing to communicate salvation Surely the Father is engaged to hear the Son, in that he is an high-priest to GOD,' and called to his office by God.

3. That CHRIST is GOD’s Son; and that is more than GOD’s High-Priest; he is his beloved Son, his Son that never gave him the least offence; sure then when he comes and intercedes for a man, he is most like to speed; if a child do but cry, " My father, my father," he may prevail very much, especially with a father who is tenderhearted; JESUS CHRIST is the precious Son of GOD the Father; and GOD the Father is a dear and kind-hearted Father, how then should the intercessions of CHRIST but be most powerful with God All the relations of son and father in the world are but a shadow of this relation _between GOD and CHRIST; it is so near, that though they are two, yet CHRIST speaks of them as one, " I and my Father are one;" if then the Father should deny him any thing, he should deny himself; or cease to be one with his Son, which can never be. CHRIST is GOD’s Son, his natural Son, his beloved Son; " This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," says God. O then how prevalent must CHRIST's intercession be with God

4. That CHRIST is GOD himself; how powerful in this respect must his intercessions be unto the Father; it is true, that CHRIST is another Person, but one and the same GOD with the Father; CHRIST is the very essential substantial representation of GOD himself; CHRIST is the very self of God', both GOD sending, and GOD sent; CHRIST is the fellow of GOD, " Awake, O sword, against my Shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow;" nay, CHRIST is GOD, and not another GOD, but one God; "God of GOD, Light of light, very GOD of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made." Can we imagine now that GOD himself, should be denied any boon of GOD himself; if GOD sometimes spoke to his servants, "Ask of me, command ye me, concerning all the work of mine hands:" will not GOD much more say to CHRIST, "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession" We have brought it now so near, that if GOD be God; and GOD be omnipotent, that he can do, and can have whatsoever he pleases; then CHRIST being one GOD with his Father, he must needs prevail.

SECT. 8:

Of the Reason of CHRIST's Intercession

What are the reasons of this great transaction of CHRIST's intercession for his people I answer:

1. It is the Father's will that it should be so; he called JESUS CHRIST to his office, the command for GOD is upon JESUS CHRIST; "Ask what you wilt for thy redeemed ones, I willingly engage myself to grant, only it is my pleasure you should ask." As sometimes he said to the house of Israel, "I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it; notwithstanding I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them." So says GOD to CHRIST, " I the Lord have spoken, and will do it; only my Son, I will be inquired of by thee." I look upon this as the main reason of CHRIST's intercession, "Even so Father, for it seems good in-thy sight."

2. It is CHRIST's own inclination to do this office. What is the will of the Father is the will of CHRIST; so that what the Father would have CHRIST to own, he cannot but own; for the same Spirit is in CHRIST which is in the Father; and in the self-same measure. As GOD is captivated with love towards all captives, so am I, says CHRIST. As GOD would have all be saved, and to come to the' knowledge of the truth, so would I too, says CHRIST; the same bottomless sea of love that fluctuates in my Father's breast is in my breast; "for I and the Father are one."

3. It is CHRIST's love to his saints: he intercedes for them for ever. They are in covenant with JESUS CHRIST, and therefore in nearer relation than any others; hence it is that they are called the portion of God; the treasure of God; the peculiar people of God; those that GOD and CHRIST satisfy themselves in; those that GOD and CHRIST have set their hearts on; the children of GOD the Father, the very spouse and bride of GOD the Son, in some respect nearer than the angels themselves, for the angels are not so married to CHRIST in a mystical union, as GOD’s people are. Now, is it any wonder that those who are so very dear to CHRIST should be in the prayers of CHRIST If they were so much in his heart, that he shed his blood for them, will he not now intercede for them O yes!, to this end he carries them on his breast or heart, as near as may be, that they may be in a continual remembrance before the Lord for ever; his very love compels him to this office, to intercede for them.

4. It is CHRIST's compassion that causes intercession. " CHRIST is such an High-Priest," says the. apostle, " as cannot but be touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." When he was on earth, be felt our infirmities; frailties, miseries! and as a man that has felt the stone, or gout, or fever; or especially that has felt soul troubles. cannot but compassionate those that are in the like condition; so CHRIST, having had the experience of our outward and inward sufferings, cannot but compassionate us; and hence it is (his very compassion is moving,) that he intercedes to his Father in- our behalf. It is observed, that the very office of the high-priest was to sympathize with the people of God; only in the case of the’death of his kindred, he was not as others, to sympathize or mourn. But JESUS CHRIST goes beyond all the. high-priests that ever were before him; he does fully sympathize with us, not in some, but in all conditions; " In all our afflictions he is afflicted." I believe CHRIST has carried a man's heart up with him to heaven; and though there be no passions in him as he is God; yet the flower, the excellency of all these passions are infinitely in him, as he is God; he striketh, and trieth, and yet he pitieth; when Ephraim bemoaneth himself, GOD replies, "Is Ephraim my dear son Is he a pleasant child For since I spoke against him, I do earnestly remember him still, therefore my bowels are troubled for him." Surely there is a violence of heavenly passion in CHRIST's heart, as God-man, which makes him to break out into prayer to GOD, and into compassions towards men. - O that tempted souls would consider this! It may be CHRIST is giving you a cup of tears and blood to drink, but who knows what bowels, what turning of heart, what motions of compassion are in JESUS CHRIST all the while Those who feel the fruit of CHRIST's- intercession, know

this; and cannot but subscribe to this truth. "O. se of little faith," why do ye doubt of CHRIST bowels Is he not our compassionate High-Priest " He is touched," says the apostle, " with the feeling of our infirmities." It is an allusion to-the moved bowels of GOD in Jeremiah xxxi. 2O. CHRIST in heaven is burning and flaming in compassion towards his weak ones; and therefore he pleads, intercedes, and prays to GOD for them..

CHAP. 2:

SECT. 1: Of knowing JESUS as carrying on the great Work of our Salvation in his Intercession.

Let us know JESUS carrying on this great work of our salvation in his intercession. Ever since his ascension into heaven, he has been doing this work; it is a work already of above sixteen hundred years; and summer and winter, night and day, CHRIST has been still praying, still interceding; CHRIST's love has no vacation, no cessation at all. Yea, even now whilst you read this, CHRIST is acting as an Advocate for you, CHRIST has your names engraven as a seal on his heart, and standing right opposite to the eye of his Father, the first opening of the eyelids of GOD is terminated upon the breast of JESUS CHRIST; is not this worth the knowledge O my soul, leave off thy vain studies; if they do not conduce to the right understanding of this, they are not worth the while. What is it.for an Aristotle to be praised where he is not, and to be damned where he is O the excellency of the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST! Such a knowledge, (if true,) is no less than saving. Come, study his intercession in all the former particulars; only remember this, that in CHRIST's intercession are many secrets, which we must never know on this side heaven. O take heed of "entering into this labyrinth without the clue of the word; above all, desire the guidance of the Spirit to enlighten thy

darkness, and whatever you knows, " know it still for thyself!"

SECT. 2:

Of considering JESUS in that Respect.

Let us consider JESUS carrying on this work of our salvation in his intercession; is it not as incense, a sweet odour with GOD himself And shall not each thought of

it be sweet to us Come, let us be serious in this duty; and that we may do it thoroughly, let us consider it in these particulars

1. Consider the nature of CHRIST's intercession; what is it but the gracious will of CHRIST, fervently desiring that for the virtue of his death and sacrifice, thy person and performances may be accepted of God As CHRIST on earth gave himself to the death, even to the death of the'cross, for the abolition of sin; so now in heaven he prays the Father, " By his agony and bloody sweat, by his cross and passion, by his death and sacrifice;" that thy sins may be pardoned, thy services accepted, and thy soul saved. This is the will of CHRIST, even thy justification, sanctification, and salvation; accordingly he represents his will, " Father, I will that all those privileges flowing from my death, may be conferred on such a person; such a soul is now considering my intercession, and my will is, that his meditation may find acceptance with God." O what workings would be in thy heart and spirit, if you didst but consider that CHRIST even now is speaking his will, that thy person and duty may both find acceptance, and be well-pleasing with God

2. Consider the person that intercedes for thee; it is CHRIST in both natures; it is thy Mediator, one between GOD and man. n this respect, you may consider him as one indifferent, and equally inclining to either party. " A Mediator is not of one," says the apostle, CHRIST indifferently partook of, both natures, Godhead and manhood, that so he might be fit to stand in the gap, between his Father and us.

3. Consider the person to whom. CHRIST intercedes; is it not to his Father You art sure to speed well, O my soul, for GOD is the Father of thy Intercessor. If I had a suit to some majesty, and the prince would but mediate, I might hope to speed; CHRIST is GOD’s Prince, (as I may call him) and in respect of us, " The first begotten of many brethren;" and herein is thy rejoicing, that the party offended is CHRIST's own Father, and fathers cannot be cruel to their own dear children.

4. Consider the persons for whom CHRIST intercedes; it is for all believers, and in particular for thee. O that ever the world, or flesh, or devil, should steal this meditation out of my heart! O that ever I should forget that CHRIST is gone to heaven, that he is entered into the holy of holies, and that he carries my name into the presence of GOD the Father! I speak the same to thee that readest, if you art a believer, there is no doubt but CHRIST is speaking to his Father in thy behalf; he can no more forget thee in his intercessions than a mother can forget her suckling child. Look up to JESUS, and never leave looking, till you spiest thy own name written on his heart.

5. Consider the agreement and difference between CHRIST's intercessions, and the intercessions of the high priests of old; they did both intercede, but CHRIST is more faithful than ever any high priest was; CHRIST is more compassionate than ever any was; and hence it is that he has the title of *, “One of many

commiserations;" all is mercy, and love, and sweetness, and more than motherly affection that comes from CHRIST. O my soul, why shouldst you say with Israel, " My way is hidden from the Lord, and my judgment is passed over by my God" As if JESUS CHRIST had left thee out of the count of his people, and out of the roll of those whom he is to look after. No, no; he is a faithful and merciful priest; far above all the high priests of the Old Testament; and if they were so careful not to leave out of their breast-plate one name of all the twelve tribes how much more careful is CHRIST not to leave out thy name in his intercession

6. Consider the properties of CHRIST's intercession; is it not heavenly and glorious, effectual and prevailing O give me the intercession of CHRIST above all the intercessions of men or angels. I know the saints on earth pray mutually one for another, but they pray not in their own names, or for their own merits, but in the name and for the merits of JESUS CHRIST; and as for the saints and angels in heaven, Cyprian and Jerome seem to grant, that they pray for the state of the church militant; but if so, they do it only out of charity, as brethren, not of office as mediators; such an intercession as this, so heavenly, so effectual, is proper only for CHRIST. I would be glad of the prayers of every saint upon earth; but above all let me have a property in those prayers and intercessions that are proper only to CHRIST, such as are heavenly, glorious, and effectual.

7. Consider the particulars wherein more especially CHRIST's intercession consists; is it not in presenting of his person, blood, prayers Is it not in the presenting of our persons, performances, pleas or answers to the accusations of SATAN Men little think how busy our Mediator, Sponsor, Solicitor, Advocate is now in heaven for us; men little think that CHRIST is appearing, and his blood crying, and his prayers are ascending, and his robe of righteousness is covering us, and the iniquity of our holy things. O my soul, look up, consider JESUS thy Savior in these respects! I am persuaded if you didst but know, if you couldst but see, what a deal of work CHRIST has in hand, and how he carries it on for thy salvation, it would melt thy heart into tears of joy. O think on it, that CHRIST, and CHRIST's blood, and CHRIST's prayers, are all at work! that CHRIST pleads thy cause, and perfumes thy duties with this incense; and takes thy person to GOD his Father, and cries, " O my Father, be merciful to this sinner, pardon his sins, and. save, his soul,

for the sake of JESUS:" O blessed mediation.! O blessed is the man that knows how to meditate on this day and night.

8. Consider the power of CHRIST's intercessions with his Father. Is he not to this purpose a priest to GOD, and called thereto by God Is he not the Son of GOD, yea, GOD himself Is not the Father's heart as much towards us and our salvation, as CHRIST's own heart As sure then as CHRIST is gone into heaven with thy name engraven on his heart, so sure shall you follow him, and be with him where he is.

9. Consider the reasons of CHRIST's intercession; many are given, but this may be sufficient, It is GOD’s own ordinance; the very wisdom of GOD found out this way, that a high priest should be appointed, who should die for sinners, and afterward present his death to his Father by way of intercession on their behalf. Now, then, if GOD himself found out this way, and has said, " This is my pleasure, that CHRIST my Son shall be a priest, and that he shall offer himself, and present himself, and his offering and his prayer to me for his people:- O my soul, dispute not, but rest on this, admire the contrivance of God; say, O the depth! question no farther, only meditate and ponder, and consider it till you feelest CHRIST's intercession darting its influence and efficacy on thy sin-sick soul.

SECT. 3:

Of desiring JESUS in that Respect.

Let us desire JESUS carrying on this great work in his intercession. O my soul, rouse up, and set this blessed object before thy face Take a full view of it, until thy affections begin to be warm, and you beginnest to cry, G O for my part in CHRIST's intercession! O I would not be left out of CHRIST's heavenly prayers for ten thousand worlds!" Come, and be serious! the object is admirably precious; long for it, pant after it! GOD understands the rhetoric of thy breathing, as well as of thy cry. But what is there in CHRIST's intercession that is so desirable I answer

1. In CHRIST's intercession lies the present transaction of our soul's salvation. Such passages as hitherto we have spoke" of are done and past; the virtue and influence of all these transactions continue, and will continue for ever and ever, but the several acting had their periods; and only CHRIST's session and mission of his Spirit, and his blessed intercession both were, and now are, the present employment of JESUS CHRIST. Now he prays, now he presents his person, merits, intercession. This is the present transaction of JESUS CHRIST, and therefore most desirable; methinks I long to know what CHRIST is now doing in heaven for my soul; and is it not this, is not all his time spent either in reading pardons for his redeemed ones, or in presenting petitions for them,’and pleading for them Surely he is still interceding every day, it is his present work for our souls, O desirable work!

2. In this present transaction lies the application of all CHRIST's former actings, whether of his habitual righteousness, or of his active and passive obedience. All these passages of CHRIST's incarnation, conception, birth, life, and death, which more especially we look upon as the meritorious causes of our salvation, had been nothing to us, if they had not been applied by CHRIST: CHRIST purchased salvation by those acts, but he possesseth us of our salvation by this consummate act of his intercession. But if CHRIST's intercession be the applying cause, if it bring home to my soul all the former transactions of CHRIST, saying, "All these are thine, even thine," O how desirable must this intercession be

3. In this application lies that communion and fellowship which we have with the Father and the Son: 1, I pray for these, that as You, Father, art in me, and I in thee, they also may be one in us." Understand this soberly, we cannot think that there should be that oneness in eclnality between GOD and us, as between GOD and CHRIST; no, but there is oneness in similitude, even in this life; by virtue of CHRIST's intercession we have oneness with GOD and CHRIST, not only in comforts, but also in graces; I pray you mark this. When I speak of communion with GOD in this life, I mean especially the communion of grace between GOD and the soul; on GOD’s part there is a special influence of grace and favor to man; and on man's part there is a special return of grace and honor to God. Some trembling souls are apt to think, that all communion with GOD and CHRIST consists only in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, whereas Christians may as really have communion with GOD in secret conveyances of grace, inward supports, in the hidden drawings of the soul Godward, as in the more open and comfortable manifestations of GOD unto the soul. Communion with GOD is a familiar friendship, (I speak it in an holy, humble sense,) now do we not as usually go to a friend for advice, as for comfort In a friend's bosom we intrust our sorrows as well as our joys. Suppose a soul even overwhelmed, and ready to break, betaking itself unto GOD, and venting itself before the Lord; if after the soul has no more ease, than by the bare lancing of the sore, if GOD pours in no balm at all, but only gives support; shall we say that this soul in this case has no communion with God O yes! that soul lives, the sun shines, though a cloud interposeth; GOD smiles, though the soul does not perceive it; you hast! It is strengthening presence, if not his shining; now this is the fruit of CHRIST's blessed intercession; and this is the subject matter of CHRIST's intercession, " O my Father, that these may be one in us; I in them, and you in me; I in them by the influence and power of my Spirit, and you in me by the fullness and power of the Godhead." And is not this a most desirable thing

4. In this communion lies the fruition of CHRIST in glory; grace brings to glory. If we have communion here, we shall have communion hereafter; and this also is a part of CHRIST's prayer and intercession, " Father, I will that they also whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which you has given me." This communion with CHRIST is above all desirable; the communion which the saints shall have with CHRIST never will wander after any other objects; O the intimacy that will be then between CHRIST and Christians! O what communication of glory will there be to each other! " These shall walk with me," says CHRIST, ".for they are worthy."

O my soul, if this be the business of CHRIST's intercession, if all these particulars are contained in this one transaction, bow is it that you art not gasping, groaning, sick unto death with the vehement thirst after thy portion in CHRIST's intercession If there be such a thing as desire in this heart of mine, O that now it would break out O that it would vent itself with mighty longings, and infinite aspirings after this blessed object! Lord, I desire, but help you my faint desires; blow on my dying spark, it is but little; and if I know any thing of my heart, I would have it more; O that my spark would flame! Lord, I desire that I might desire; O breathe it into me, and I will desire thee.

SECT. 4:

Of hoping in JESUS in this Respect.

Let us hope in JESUS carrying on this great work of our salvation in his intercession. O my soul, hope in JESUS, but rest not till you can give a reason of thy hopes; till you can prove that they are the hopes which grace, and not only nature has wrought; that they are grounded upon Scripture promises, and sound evidences; that they purify the heart; that the more you hopest, the less you sinnest; that they depend on sure and infallible causes, as on the truth, power, and mercy of God; on the merits, mediation, and intercession of JESUS CHRIST, is this among the rest the spring of thy hope Canst you follow the stream, till it brings thee to this fountain, that now you can say, “O this intercession is mine" Come, search, and try, it is worth the pains.

1. If CHRIST's intercession be mine, then is the Spirit's intercession mine. In this case, we need not to ascend up into heaven to learn the truth, rather let us descend into our own hearts, and look whether CHRIST has given us of his Spirit, which makes us cry unto GOD with sighs and groans which cannot be uttered; O come and let us examine our own consciences; let us search whether we feel the Spirit of CHRIST crying in us, Abba Father: certainly these two are as the cause and the effect; CHRIST's intercession in heaven, and his Spirit's intercession are as twins of a birth Or rather CHRIST's intercession in heaven breeds another intercession in the hearts of his saints. It is the same Spirit dwelling in CHRIST and in all his members, that excites them to cry, Abba Father. Here then is my argument, if CHRIST has put his Spirit into thy.heart, and if the Spirit has set thine heart on work to make incessant intercessions for thyself, then is CHRIST's intercession thine. O my soul, has GOD sent forth the Spirit of his Son into thy heart Have you the indwelling of the Spirit; and now by the help of the Spirit canst you pray with earnestness, confidence, and an holy importunity Can you cry, " Father," with confidence And "Abba Father," or "Father, Father," with'an holy importunity These are the signs of the Spirit's intercession. O that you wouldst deal faithfully with thyself! Can you by the help of the Spirit go to thy Father in the name of CHRIST As CHRIST is gone before into the holy of holies to intercede; so can you with boldness follow after, " and enter into the holiest by the blood of JESUS" Can you say, GOD has given me his Spirit, and his Spirit has shown me CHRIST as my Mediator at the right hand of God; and now under the wing of such a Mediator, I can with the Spirit's assistance go with boldness to speak any thing in the ears of God Surely this is the fruit, the effect of CHRIST's intercession, and therefore you may comfortably conclude, " CHRIST's intercession is mine."

2. If I feel a holy disposition to pray and intercede for others, especially for the distresses of the church of GOD, then is CHRIST's intercession wine. We should, (as near as we may,) in every thing conform to CHRIST; and this conformity is an evidence of our interest in CHRIST. O my soul, go down into the inmost closet of thy heart, look what disposition there is in it towards the members of CHRIST; and you may conclude, there is in CHRIST's heart the very same disposition towards thee. Can I think that my narrow, straitened, sinful bowels are larger than those wide, compassionate, tender bowels of JESUS CHRIST As a drop of water is in comparison of the ocean, and as a gravel stone is in comparison of the sand, so is my heart to CHRIST's, and my love to CHRIST's, and my bowels to CHRIST's. Come then, and try by this sign; " Hereby we know that we are translated from death to life if we love the brethren; he that loves not his brother, abides in death.-Hereby perceive we the love of GOD, because he laid down his life for us." Is not this plain, if I love the brethren, CHRIST loves me; if I feel in my heart an holy disposition to go to GOD, and to pray, and cry, and intercede for a saint in misery, surely the Lord JESUS has as much bowels towards me, to go and intercede for me, and to present my prayers unto GOD the Father; his intercession is mine.

SECT. 5:

Of believing in JESUS in that Respect.

Let us believe in JESUS, as carrying on this great work of our salvation in his intercession. Silence, unbelief be not tyrannical to thyself, for CHRIST will not, sin shall do thee no hurt, nor SATAN, no, nor GOD himself, for JESUS CHRIST can prevail with him in every thing; if he but open his wounds in heaven, he will so influence the Father, that thy wounds on earth shall be closed up presently. Go to CHRIST as interceding for his saints. This act of CHRIST is for the application of all the former acts on CHRIST's part; and our faith closing with it, is for the application of this, and all other the acting of CHRIST on our part.- Now is our faith led up very high; it may at once see earth and heaven; it may see all that CHRIST has acted for it here, and all that CHRIST does act, and will act in heaven for it hereafter. It is not an ordinary, single, particular act of faith that will come up to this glorious mystery; it is a comprehensive act, it is such an act as puts the soul into a condition of glorious triumph; "And being made perfect," (says the apostle) " he became the author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him." Now therefore lead up thy faith to this blessed object, and you have under consideration the whole of CHRIST's acting in this world from first to last; in respect of mediation this is the finishing part, the period, the consummation, the perfection of all.

In going to CHRIST as interceding for us, look to the purpose, end, intent, and design of CHRIST's intercession. Now the ends of CHRIST in the reference unto us, are these:

1. That we might have fellowship with the Father and the Son; " I pray for these, that as you Father art in me, and I in thee, they also may be one in us."

2. That we might have the gift of the Holy Ghost; " I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever, even the Spirit of Truth."

3. That we might have protection against all evil; " I pray (says CHRIST) " that you wouldst keep them from evil."

4. That we might have free access to the throne of grace; so the apostle, " Seeing then we have a great High Priest that is passed into the heavens, JESUS the Son of GOD, let us hold fast our profession, and come boldly to the throne of grace." And again, " Having therefore boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of JESUS, and having an High Priest over the house of GOD, let us draw near with a true heart in a full assurance of faith."

5. That we might have the inward intercession of the Spirit, which is, as it were, the echo of CHRIST's intercession in our heart: " The Spirit makes intercession for us, with groanings which cannot be uttered." It is the same Spirit groans in us which more distinctly in CHRIST prays for us. " These things I speak in the world (says our Savior) that they might have my joy filled in themselves." I have made this prayer in the world, and left a record and pattern of it in the church, that they feeling the same heavenly desires kindled in their own hearts, may be comforted in the workings of that spirit of prayer in them, which testifieth to their souls the quality of that intercession which I made for them in the heaven of heavens; certainly there is a dependence of our prayer on CHRIST's prayer: as it is with the sun, though the body of it abide in the heavens, yet the beams of it descend to us here on earth; so the intercession of CHRIST, though it is made in heaven; yet the groans and desires of the touched heart, as the beams thereof are on earth.

6. That we might have the sanctification of our services; of this the levitical priests were a type, " For they bear the iniquity of the holy things of the children of Israel, that they might be accepted;" and he is the angel of the covenant, who "has a golden censer to offer up the prayers of the saints." Some observe a three-fold evil in man, of every one of which we are delivered by CHRIST: first, an evil condition under the guilt of sin: secondly, an evil nature under the corruption of sin: thirdly, an evil in all our services by- the adherence of sin; for that which toucheth an unclean thing, is made unclean thereby. Now CHRIST by his righteousness and merits justifieth our persons from the guilt of sin; and CHRIST by his grace and Spirit does purify our faculties from the corruption of sin; and CHRIST by his incense and intercession does cleanse our services from the adherence of sin; so that in them the Lord smells a sweet savour; and both we and our services find acceptance with God.

7. That we might have the pardon of all sin. It is by virtue of CHRIST's intercession that a believer sinning of infirmity, has a pardon of course, for CHRIST is his advocate to plead his cause; or if he sin of presumption, and the Lord give repentance, he has a pardon at the hands of GOD the Father by virtue of this intercession.

8. That we might have the salvation of our souls in the day of JESUS; " Father, I will that they also whom thou have given me, be with me where I am; that they might behold my glory." O to see the Lord JESUS CHRIST glorified, must be a glorious thing; what is it to see his glory, but to behold the lustre of his divinity through his humanity We may be sure GOD shall appear through the humanity of CHRIST, as much as is possible for the divinity to appear in a creature; and therefore men and angels will be continually viewing of CHRIST. I know there is another glory of CHRIST which the Father will put upon him; CQ Because he humbled himself, therefore GOD has exalted him, and given him a name above every name;" and we shall see him in this glory. O the ravishing sight CHRIST is so lovely, that the saints cannot leave, but they must and will " follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes;" there shall be no moment to all eternity, wherein CHRIST shall be out of sight to so many thousand thousands of saints; is not this a blessed end of CHRIST's intercession Hither tend all the rest; and for this above all, CHRIST intercedes to his Father, " Father, I would have my saints with me." O that all the daughters of Zion may behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith you have crowned him in the day of his espousals and in the day of the gladness of his heart."

Let our faith then act dependently upon the intercession of CHRIST, in these very ends. This is the very nature of faith, it relies upon GOD in CHRIST, and upon all the promises of CHRIST. So then is there a desirable end in CHRIST's intercession which we aim at O let us act our faith dependently; let us rely, stay, or lean upon CHRIST to that same end. Let us cast ourselves upon the very intercession of JESUS CHRIST, saying, " O CHRIST, there is enough in thee, and in this intercession of thine, and therefore there will I stick, and abide for ever." Faith also must ever and anon be crying, wrestling with GOD, that virtue may go out of CHRIST's intercession into our hearts. s` I have heard, _Lord, that there is an office erected in heaven, that CHRIST, as priest, should be ever praying and interceding for his people. O that I may feel the efficacy of CHRIST's intercession! and now in prayer, O that I could feel in this prayer, the warmth, and heat, and spiritual fire, which usually falls down from CHRIST's intercession into the heart! Lord, warm my spirit in this duty; give me the kisses of thy mouth; O that I may now have communion with thee, thy Spirit upon me, thy protection over me! O that my pardon may be sealed, my grace

confirmed, my soul saved in the day of JESUS!


Of loving JESUS in that Respect.

'Let us love JESUS, as carrying on this great work of our salvation in his intercession. Now two things more especially will excite our love. 1. CHRIST's love to us. 2. Our'propriety in CHRIST. For the first, many acts of CHRIST's love have appeared before, and every one is sufficient to draw our loves to him again.

(1.) In the beginning of time he loved man above all creatures, for after he had made them all, he then spoke as he never did before. " Let us make man after our own image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over all the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth;" and though man unmade himself by sins, CHRIST's love yet was not broke off, but held forth in a promise till the day of performance, " The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head."

(2.) In the fullness of time his love was manifest; the seed then blossomed, and the birth then came out in an high expression of love; the love of CHRIST was born, and saw the light. CO After that," says the apostle, " the kindness and love of GOD our Savior towards man appeared." I shall not need sure to instance in succeeding passages; so far as we have gone, we have clearly seen CHRIST's life was a perfect mirror of his love; as there is no beam in the sun in which there is no light, so there was no act in the life of CHRIST, but to a spiritual eye it shines with the light of love.

(3.) At this time there is a coal of burning love in the breast of CHRIST. This fire was indeed from everlasting, but the flames are as hot this day as ever; now is it that CHRIST loves, and lives; and wherefore lives But only to love us, and to intercede for us. CHRIST makes our salvation his constant calling; he is ever at work, " yesterday, and to-day, and for ever:" there is not one hour in the day, nor one day in a year, nor year in an age, wherein CHRIST is riot busy with his Father in this heavenly employment of interceding for us. He loved us before he died for us, his love being the cause why he died for us; and he loves us still, in that now he intercedes for us: it is as much as to say, " CHRIST has loved us, and he repents not of his love." Love made him die for us, and if it were to do again, he would die over again O the love of CHRIST towards our poor souls! how many thousands of particulars might I draw out of Scripture, expressing CHRIST's love to us in this respect

2. Another motive of our love to CHRIST is our propriety in CHRIST, " Ye are not your own," said the apostle of us; "and he is not his own," may we say of CHRIST. If any ask how this may be; I answer, That the soul in loving CHRIST is not her own, and in regard of loving, CHRIST is not his own; every one makes over itself to another; and propriety or interest to itself on both sides ceases: " My beloved is mine and I am his," says the spouse; not as if CHRIST should leave off to be his own, or to be a free GOD, when he becomes ours; no, but he so demeans himself, in respect of love, as if he were not his own. He putteth on such relations, and assumes such offices of engagement, as if he were all for us, and nothing for himself; thus he is called a Savior, a Redeemer, a King, a Priest, a Prophet, a Friend, a Guide, an Head, an Husband, a Leader, Ransomer, Intercessor; and what not of this nature

O my soul, come hither, if you hadst as many hearts in one, as there are men and angels in heaven and earth, all these would be too little for JESUS CHRIST: only go as far as you can, and love him with that heart you bast, yea, love him with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy might; and as CHRIST in loving thee, is not his own, so let thy soul in loving CHRIST be not her own; come, love thy CHRIST, and not thyself; possess thy. CHRIST, and not thyself; enjoy thy CHRIST, and not thyself; live in thy CHRIST, and not in thyself; solace thyself in JESUS CHRIST, not in thyself; say with the apostle, " I am crucified with CHRIST, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but CHRIST lives in me." Certainly, if ever you comest to love CHRIST truly, you can not but deny thyself and all created lovers. This love will screw up thy soul so high above the world, and above thy flesh, and above thy life, and above all other lovers, that nothing on this side CHRIST, whether in heaven or earth, will come in competition with him. O for a soul filled with the fullness of God! O for a soul stretched out to its widest capacity for the entertainment of God! O my soul that you wert but " able to comprehend with all the saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of CHRIST that passes knowledge!"

SECT. 8:

Of joying in JESUS in that Respect.

Let us joy in JESUS, as carrying on this great work of our salvation in his intercession. O I am much opposed, says one, " Dogs have compassed me, the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me." They persecute, reproach, revile, so that I am killed all the day long-And what then What matters opposition of men, so long as CHRIST does intercede for thee in heaven And tell me, has you no experience of this truth Does not relief come in strangely now and then Why, write upon the forehead of such favors, " I have a merciful and compassionate Mediator in heaven."

O, I am much opposed, (says another) that I cannot pray; alas! my prayers are dull, weak, and dry, and without spirit and life. If so, be humbled for it; and

yet know this, that when you can not pray, CHRIST prays for thee, and he prays that you may pray. And tell me, has you no experience of this truth; has not sometimes thy spirit been enlarged in prayer Have you not sometimes felt thy heart warmed Have you not sometimes in prayer been lifted up above thyself, and above the world Conclude then, My Intercessor above has sent me this gift; it is not I, but CHRIST's intercession, that by a secret operation has given me the Spirit to help mine infirmity; these are the intercessions of the Spirit of CHRIST, and they are the very echo of the intercession of CHRIST in his own person.


Of praying to, and praising of JESUS in that Respect.

Let us pray to, and praise our JESUS in that respect. 1. Let us pray or sue our interest in this intercession. Call on JESUS, or on GOD the Father, in and through JESUS, that CHRIST's intercessions may be ours, and that he would make it out to us in a way of assurance every day more and more. 2. Let us praise, let us bless GOD and CHRIST for every transaction in heaven for us. Heaven is full of his praises; why should not earth ring with the sound thereof " Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me praise his holy name."

SECT. 9:

Of conforming to JESUS in that Respect.

Let us conform to JESUS in respect of his intercession. I cannot thinkbut in every action of CHRIST there is something imitable by us. As to the present, I shall instance only in these particulars.

1. CHRIST appears in heaven for us; let us appear on earth for him. Is there not equity, as well as conformity in this duty O my soul, consider, what CHRIST is doing, consider wherein the intercession of JESUS CHRIST consists t Is not this the first part of it He appears in heaven before saints and angels, and before GOD his Father in thy behalf; and art you afraid of worms, mortals, dust and ashes, in his cause, or for his truth shall JESUS CHRIST own thee in heaven and wilt you not own JESUS CHRIST here- in this world O what a mighty engagement is here to stand for CHRIST, and to appear for CHRIST, and to own his cause in these backsliding times; in that CHRIST, who sits at the right hand of GOD, is ready to appear in person for us, both as a Mediator, Sponsor, Solicitor, Advocate, and Ambassador

2. CHRIST spends all his time for us and our salvation, let us spend all our time for him, and in his service. The apostle tells us, that " he ever lives to make intercession for us;" it is not for a day, or a month, or a year, but he lives for ever upon this account; for ever, 1: e. during all the time from his ascension until the end of the world, he is still interceding; surely people do not think what CHRIST is doing in heaven for them. If you would but seriously consider, that CHRIST; without any weariness or intermission, is ever interceding; how would this engage you in his service Ah Christians! If you should continue praying, praising, reading, hearing all this day without any intermission: how would you say, "When will the day be done, when will the Sabbath be at an end" Well, but CHRIST is not weary of serving you: when you have done your duties, he takes your persons and duties, and presents all unto his Father; he prays over your prayers, continues praying, and saying, " Lord, accept of a short, poor, imperfect service done on earth, for my sake, and for those merits sake, which I am continually presenting to thee in heaven." O why do we not come up to this conformity O why are we so unconformable to the acting of CHRIST We cannot but judge this to be most equal; that " they who live, should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him who ever lives to make intercession for them."

3. He prays for us, and for all believers, to his Father. Let us pray for ourselves, and for all our brethren, and for all sorts of men, though they be our enemies, for we were no better to JESUS CHRIST. " Learn of me," says CHRIST; and so far as he is imitable, let us follow him. Does CHRIST pray Let us pray. Does he pray for us and others Let us pray for our selves, and then let us pray one for another.

4. CHRIST takes our prayers, and mingles them with his own prayers, intercessions, incense, and so presents all as his own work unto GOD the Father. O let this be our care, to put up all our prayers to GOD in the name of CHRIST; and to stay ourselves upon the intercessions of CHRIST. When all is done, let us beg the acceptance of our prayers, not for our sakes, but for his sake, who perfumes our prayers, by interweaving them with his prayers. Many a poor soul is afraid to pray to GOD, for want of the due consideration of this conformity. Such a one goes to prayer, and he looks upon it as it lies upon his own heart, or as it comes from himself, and then he cries, " O, what a poor, weak, sinful prayer is this" Well, but if this weak prayer of thine be once mingled with the glorious and heavenly prayer of JESUS CHRIST, the weakness will soon vanish, and thy prayer will find acceptance with God. O conform to CHRIST in this point; he will not present thy prayer to GOD, but he will first mingle it with his own prayers; no more shouldst you present a prayer to GOD but in CHRIST's name, considering that all thy prayers find acceptance in, for, and through the intercession of JESUS CHRIST.

5. CHRIST by his intercession,.”saves us to the uttermost." O let us serve him to the uttermost; surely all we can do is too little to answer so great a love as this. O Christians! why should it be esteemed a needless thing to be rigorously and exactly circumspect CHRIST payed our debt to the uttermost farthing, drunk every drop of our bitter cup, and now presents all unto his Father, by way of intercession, and saves us thoroughly to the uttermost. Why should not we labor to perform his service, and to fulfill every one of his commandments thoroughly and to the uttermost also Certainly there is a duty which concerns us, to be hot in religion, Rev. 3: 16; to be "zealous of good works," Tit. 2: 14; to "walk circumspectly," or "precisely," as the word implies, Ephes. 5: 15; to be "fervent in spirit," Rom. 12: 11; to "strive to enter in at the strait gate," Luke 13: 24; to "contend for the faith," Jude 3: with an holy kind of violence, " to lay hold upon the kingdom of heaven," Matt. 11: 12. O that ever men should be afraid of taking GOD’s part too much, or fighting too valiantly under the colors of CHRIST; of being too busy about salvation; of being singular (as they call it,) in the duties of religion. I observe, men are content to be singular in any thing save in the service of God. You desire and labor to be singularly rich, and singularly wise, and singularly proud; but you can by no means endure singularity or eminency in zeal, and the Lord's service: in matters of religion, you are resolved to do as the most do, though in so doing you damn your own souls! O come and learn this lesson of CHRIST, he saves us to the uttermost; let us serve him with all our hearts, and with all our souls, and with all our might.