MORNING PRAYER. Come, let us adore the King of saints.
GREAT is the Majesty of the King we serve, rich the splendor of his court; over all the world he sends his commands, and who dare resist, or dispute his power!
Come, let us adore the King of saints.
Great is the clemency of our gracious Sovereign, to pardon the offences of repentant sinners; great is the bounty of our glorious LORD, to crown with reward his faithful servants.
Come, let us adore the King of saints.
Thousands of saints attend at his presence, and millions of angels wait on his throne, all beauteously ranged in perfect order, all joyfully singing the praises of their Creator.
Come, let us adore the King of saints.
You art our King too, O blessed JESU, and we, alas! thy unprofitable subjects; we cannot praise thee like those thine own bright choirs, yet humbly we offer our little tribute.
Come, let us adore the King of saints.
Let us bow down low our heads to him, before whom the Seraphim cover their faces: Let us bow down our faces to him, at whose feet the saints lay down their crowns.
Come, let us adore the King of saints.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
THEY who now are gladly arrived at the quiet harbor of eternal rest;
They behold us here below embarked in the same ship, and bound with all our interests for the same port.
They behold us struggling yet in this sea of storms, while they are safely landed on the coasts of everlasting light and joy.
O who is there that shall be able to help us, while the winds and the waves so beat upon us
Yea, who is there in heaven, that shall deliver us Is it not You, O LORD, even you alone
You art ready to guide us safely through all our dangers, even as you have guided them.
Let the heavens therefore hear thy voice, and let all the powers thereof give glory unto thee.
And You, O sovereign LORD of universal nature, on whom the celestial court continually waits!
Command now thy angels to watch about us, and carry us to the place of our desires.
Save us, O You, whom the sea and winds obey! Save us, O merciful LORD, or we perish.
Save us, who call on thee in all our distresses; save us, for whom there is intercession made in the heavenly temple, thy blood speaking better things for us than that
of ABEL.
Save us, for whom thyself wert pleased to die, and graciously receive us into thy own blessed arms.
You art thyself, O LORD, the haven of repose; bring us to thyself, and our souls shall be safe.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
Deliver us, O LORD, from the deplorable end, which thy justice has prepared for the wicked, and deliver us from those vain deceitful ways that lead to so miserable an end. O make us always fear thy judgments, that we may never feel them; and always hope in thy mercies, that we never forfeit them. Bless us, O LORD, with a happy death, that our souls may depart in peace, and go up to dwell among the saints and angels: Bless us, O LORD, with a holy life, and then our death cannot but be happy.
O PRAISE the LORD, all ye powers of my soul, praise the immortal King of saints and angels.
Praise him, the Author of all their graces; praise him, the Finisher of all their glories.
Praise him in the mighty hosts of angels, whom he sets about us, as the guard of our lives:
That they may safely keep us in all our ways, and carry us at last to their own home.
Praise him in the sacred college of Apostles, to whom he revealed the mysteries of his kingdom:
That they may teach us too those heavenly truths, and show us the same blessed way to felicity.
Praise him in the generous fortitude of Martyrs, whom he strengthened with courage to resist even to death:
That we might learn from them to hold fast our faith, and rather lose this life, than hazard the other.
Praise him in the eminent sanctity of Confessors, whose whole design was a course of virtue:
That we might raise our minds from earth, and with quick and active wing mount up towards heaven.
Praise him in the angelical purity of Virgins, whose hearts he enflamed with his divine charity
That they might kindle our breasts with the same chaste fire, the same fervent love to the Bridegroom of our souls.
Praise him in the perfect holiness of all his saints, whose lives he beautifully has moulded into so various shapes:
That every size of ours might readily be furnished with a pattern fitted for itself.
O praise the LORD, all ye powers of my soul, praise the immortal King of saints and angels.
Praise every person of the sacred Deity, and give a shout of joy to the whole court of heaven.
Blessed for ever be the eternal FATHER, who has fixed his angels in so high a happiness.
Triumph, bright angels, on your radiant thrones, and shine continually in the presence of GOD.
Blessed for ever be the eternal Son, who has so honored human nature, as to exalt it above the very angels.
Blessed for ever be the eternal SPIRIT, whose grace brings all the saints to glory.
Rejoice, every happy saint, in your own felicity; rejoice every one in the felicity of all.
Blessed for ever be the holy and undivided Trinity, whose sight alone is the heaven of heaven.
Sing, all you holy citizens of heaven, sing ye all together everlasting hymns.
Sing aloud the triumphs of our dear Redeemer, and praise him for his mercies to us pilgrims here below.
Praise him, all ye angels, and magnify him with us, all ye stars of the morning.
Praise him, all his glorious hosts following him in white;
O praise him for his wondrous mercies, which endure for ever.
Praise him in his holiness, O praise him with us, for the mighty acts of his love; and let us together adore the GOD that has redeemed us.
Let the renowned society of Prophets, and the glorious college of Apostles, bless together the GOD that has redeemed us.
Let the goodly train of' Confessors, and the bright army of Martyrs, glorify him, who is the only strength of our salvation, even as he was of theirs.
Glory be to our LORD from the heavens, and praises to our GOD from the heights, for our LORD is glorious in his saints, but will not give his honor to another.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.THE GREAT FESTIVALS.
Loot. up, my soul, and see the innumerable multitude of triumphing spirits.
See how they stand all clothed in white robes, with palms in their hands, and crowns on their heads.
Behold the glorious angels fall down before the throne, and prostrate adore him who liveth for ever.
Behold the blessed saints lay their crowns at his feet, and on their faces adore him who liveth forever.
Hark how they fill that spacious temple with their hymns, while night and day they continually sing:
Holy, holy, holy, LORD GOD Almighty; who was, and is, and is to come, Hallelujah.
Holy, holy, holy, LORD GOD of hosts! Heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Hallelujah.
Glorious art you in creating all things, glorious in preserving them every moment.
Glorious in governing them their several ways, glorious in appointing them their proper ends.
Glorious in rewarding thy servants above their hopes, glorious in punishing sinners below their demerits. Glorious, O LORD, art you in all thy works, but infinitely more in thine own selfblessed essence.
Hallelujah. Thus they rejoice above, thus they triumph; and may their joy and triumph last for ever!
But O! were we not made, as well as they, to serve and glorify our great CREATOR
We owe him all we have, and they can owe no more; they can but do their best, and we should do no less.
Nor is envy in them, if we worms aspire to sing the same bright name which they adore;
Since there is but one family of us both in heaven and earth, under one Head, and all are knit together by one SPIRIT.
They stand as at the golden altar, compassing it about with songs of praise; but we, as without the porch, wait at a distance, till we also be admitted to be with them in the heavenly sanctuary.
Does not the smoke of this their incense, the sweet perfume of their praises, which comes with our prayers, ascend up before GOD, even our GOD and their God
O how sweet is the perfume of these their praises before the throne of GOD! O that our praises also and prayers could be but as the incense which they offer!
O that this our low service were now set forth in his sight as that heavenly incense! And that the lifting up of our hands were as the precious odours ascending out of the angel's hand!
But how, alas! can we sing those glorious songs which they now sing, while we are yet as in a strange land.
Yet fain would we join with you, O ye blessed spirits, and, as in one communion, together celebrate the glories of our triumphant LORD.
Praise this thy LORD, O Jerusalem that art above; praise thy GOD, O glorious Sion; and let all thy children shout aloud his triumphs.
Though we are now, alas! in this land of banishment, and indisposed for those songs of Sion;
Yet it is our hope one day to dwell above, and hear your holy harps, and learn to sing of you.
We hope to walk with you those ways of light, and follow the LAMB with you wherever he goes.
Meanwhile, we every day will join our vows to yours, and say a glad Amen to all ye sing.
We will every day repeat those short ends of your seraphic hymns:
" Salvation to our GOD, who sits on the throne, and to the LAMB, that redeemed us with his blood. Hallelujah.
" Blessing and honor, wisdom and power, be to him that sits on the throne, and to the LAMB for all eternity. Hallelujah, Hallelujah."
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
TAKE courage, my soul, and chase away thy doubts; for more are with us than against us.
GOD and his holy angels are on our side, JESUS takes our part, and his blessed saints rejoice over us.
Our Almighty Creator looks on to excite us, our gracious Redeemer came down to instruct us.
The blessed SPIRIT iS within us, to confirm our hearts, and the whole Trinity present, to crown our victories.
Whom then shall we fear, being thus safely guarded Who can resist so invincible a strength
None but our own corrupted nature dare contend, and the evil spirits that conspire with it against us.
Not that they can compel our wills, unless we yield, or make the least wound without our consent:
Much less prevail against the power of Heaven, and frustrate the purpose of almighty Wisdom:
Whose mercy has more arts tosave us, than the craft of SATAN can invent to destroy us.
O infinite Goodness, how generous is thy love! how liberally extended over all the world
You invitest little children to come unto thee, and the lame and the blind to sit down at thy feast.
None are shut out of heaven, but such as will not go in; none made unhappy, but those who care not to be otherwise.
Cheer then thyself, my heart, and let no fears molest thee, nor even death itself abate thy courage.
Lose not thy hope in so glorious an enterprise; eternity is at stake, and heaven the reward.
That heaven for which so many wandered about in old time in sheepskins and goatskins, being outwardly destitute, afflicted, tormented.
That heaven. for which so many have been content to lay out all they had, and have trampled under their feet all the flattering pomps of an earthly court.
That heaven for which the holy Confessors spent all their time, and innumerable Martyrs laid down their lives.
That heaven where millions of Angels continually sing, and all the blessed make one glorious choir.
That heaven, where the adored JESUS eternally reigns, and the immortal Deity shines bright for ever.
That very heaven is promised to thee, my soul, that blessed eternity you art commanded to hope for.
Raise now thy head, and see those beauteous prospects, that ravish the hearts of all their beholders.
Yonder is thy Savior's kingdom, yonder we must dwell when we leave this earth.
Yonder must our souls remove to rest, when the stroke of death shall divide them from their bodies.
And, when the Almighty Power shall join them again, yonder we must live with our GOD for ever.
O bounteous LORD, the only author of all we have, the only object of all we hope!
As you have prepared a heaven for us, O may thy grace prepare us for it!
O make us live the life of the righteous, and let our last end be like theirs!
O let us die the death of the righteous, and live for ever in their blessed society!
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
O God, whose merciful providence has still from the beginning sown the seeds of grace in the hearts of thy chosen servants, which, at the resurrection of thy SON, (the first fruits of them that sleep,) sprang up into glory, who, by his holy doctrine, and life, and precious death, have infinitely increased the means of salvation, and number of thy saints! Grant, we beseech thee, that we, whom you have favored with so many advantages, by calling us into communion with them, may obtain thy grace to imitate them here, and to rejoice with them in thy kingdom hereafter, through the same our LORD JESUS CHRIST, their and our merciful Redeemer: To whom, with thee and the HOLY GHOST, be all glory for ever.
THUS we have passed another day, another step towards our long home.
We have seen the sun a few hours more, and our day is lost in its own night.
But is it lost and all the holy words we have heard and read
Leave they no mark in our memories behind them but make a little sound and vanish into air
Have we not been at a solemn feast and do we so soon forget our entertainment
Was there no fit provision for some virtue we want no proper remedy for some weakness we have
Are we devout already, as the saints of GOD, and chaste, " and temperate, and resigned as they
Do we despise the world with a zeal like their's, and value heaven at the same rate with them
Would we give all we have just now to be there; and part with life itself to go thither
Alas! how short are we of these perfections! how slowly do we follow those excellent guides!
O that we lived, like you, whose aim was high, and a generous heat glowed in your breasts!
At least let us learn to humble ourselves, and check the vanity of our proud conceits.
Let us mourn and blush at our many infirmities, and so much the louder call to Heaven for relief.
Let us worship and' fall down, and kneel, like you, before our LORD and Maker.
We hope assuredly to be with you, and enter into his Test, where you already are arrived.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
LET Us humble ourselves, but not grow faint, at the sight of others so far before us.
Rather let us quicken our sdoes by their swift pace, and encourage our fears with their happy success.
We, who profess the religion of all those saints, who lived and died in the same Church with us:
We, who partake of the same holy Sacraments, and eat the same celestial food;
Why should we fear one day to shine above, and rejoice together with you, O glorious saints
Are we not all redeemed with the same rich price and is not the same eternal crown proposed to us all
You lived in a dangerous world, like this, and were tied to bodies frail as ours.
But, by a constant vigilance, you overcame the world, and subdued those bodies to the service of your mind.
You overcame with a joyful heart, and we thus congratulate the triumphs of your victories.
You overcame, but not with your own strong hand; you now triumph, but it is by the bounty of your GOD.
Cheer up then thyself, my soul, and raise thy head, and open thy bosom to the hopes of heaven.
If we perform, with them, the part of faithful servants, we shall surely, with them, have the portion of children.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
PRECIOUS, O LORD, in thy sight is the death of thy saints, which finishes thy greatest work, the perfecting of souls:
Whom you esteemest as the jewels of heaven, and choicely gatherest them into thine own treasury.
Precious to themselves, O LORD, is the death of thy saints, which takes off the dusty cover that hides their brightness:
Which shapes and polishes them to a beautiful lustre, and sets them as stars round about thy throne.
Precious to us, O LORD, is the death of thy saints, which makes us heirs of so great a wealth:
Which leaves us furnished with so rich variety of examples, that every want is abundantly supplied.
O gracious LORD, whose love still looks about, and searches every way to save us sinners!
Who tamest thyself, bright Sun of Glory, to enlighten our darkness, and warm our frozen hearts!
Who, with thy fruitful beams, still kindlest others, to burn as tapers in thy Church's hands:
O make us bless thy name for all these mercies, and let not one be lost by our ingratitude.
Let us not see in vain the crowns at the race's end, and sit down in the shades of ease.
Let us not keep in vain these sacred memorials, to be only a reproach to our unprofitable lives.
But let us stretch out ourselves, and pursue to the mark, for the glorious prize that is set before us.
Still with our utmost speed let us follow them, whose travels ended in so sweet a rest.
And when our life's last day begins to fail, and bids us hasten to prepare for night:
Then, O you dear Redeemer of the world, and sovereign King of life and death,
You that despisest not the tears of the penitent, nor turnest away from the sighs of the afflicted!
You that preserve all that rely on thee, and fulfillest their desires that long to be with thee!
Call us to thyself with thine own blessed voice, call us, O JESUS! in thine own sweet words:
" Come, ye blessed of my FATHER, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world."
Then, O my happy soul, immediately obey, and go forth with gladness to meet thy LORD:
To live with him, and behold his glory; to rejoice with him, and sing his praise.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
Come, let us adore our GOD, to whom all things live.
HE is the great Creator of the world, and sovereign Judge of all mankind; he sits above on his glorious throne, and in his hands are the keys of life and death.
Whatever he pleases he brings to pass, and none can resist his almighty power; whatever he does is still the best, and none can accuse his, all knowing goodness.
All things live to thee, O LORD, you sole Preserver of universal nature; the blessed saints rejoice in thy glory, and with pleasure expect from thee the accomplishment of their bliss.
Even the unhappy spirits declare thy justice; and the rest of thy creatures look up for mercy, expecting at last to be removed from corruption, into the glorious liberty of the sons of GOD.
LORD! whilst we breathe, let us live to thee; and when we expire, depart in thy peace; that whether we live or die, we may be always thine, and after death still live with thee.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
WHAT, O glorious Go)), is our business here, but to trim our lamps, and wait for thy coming
But to sow the immortal seed of hope, and expect hereafter to reap the increase
No matter how late the fruit be gathered, if still it go on in growing better.
No matter how soon it fall from the tree, if not blown down before it be ripe.
O you most just, but secret Providence, who governest all things by the counsel of thy will;
Whose powerful hand can wound, and heal, lead down to the grave, and bring back again:
Behold, to thee we bow our heads, and freely submit our dearest concerns.
Strike, as you pleasest, our health, our lives; we cannot be safer than at thy disposal.
Only these few requests we humbly make; which, O may thy clemency vouchsafe to hear!
Cut us not off in the midst of our folly, nor suffer us to expire with our sins unpardoned;
But make us, Loon, first ready for thyself; then take us to thyself in thine own fit time.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
O THAT we may rightly use the day of grace; and repent, while repentance is available to salvation!
O Sun of Righteousness, arise upon us with healing in thy wings!
O enlighten, and water our hard frozen souls with the radiant beams of thy HOLY SPIRIT!
You who earnest humble once to redeem us, come graciously now to deliver us, whom you have redeemed with thy precious blood.
Come, LORD, come quickly, and rescue with thy power thine own inheritance.
O may that happy day make haste to come, and cheer our darkness with its radiant beams!
O may that Light of lights speedily arise, and disperse the mist that intercepts our sight!
Come, LORD, come quickly! and lead thy servants forth out of the house of bondage.
Come, and deliver us out of the snare of the enemy; O deliver all the captives of SATAN out of the hands of that wicked one;
That they may pass from death to life, and dwell with thee in thy blessed peace.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
WHEN we have shed our solemn tears, and paid our due sighs to the memory of our friend,
Let us wipe our eyes with the comfort of hope, and change our grief into a charitable joy.
The friends we mourn for are delivered from this world, and all the miseries we deplore.
They quietly rest in the silent grave, till they rise again to immortal glory; which whilst they there expect in peace, their souls are enlarged to a spacious liberty.
No longer confined to this prison of the body, but gone to dwell in the region of spirits:
No longer exposed to these stormy seas, but gladly arrived at their safe harbor.
O glorious LORD, the free original source and final end of universal nature!
Since by thy grace you have thus begun, and sown in our hearts the seeds of glory:
O may the same blessed hand go on to finish its own blessed work.
Ripen the fruit you reserve for thyself, and hasten the days of our joyful harvest.
Send forth thy angels to reap thy grain, and lay it up safe in thy heavenly magazine,
There to supply the place of those unhappy tares, which thy justice threw down into everlasting fire;
There to assist among those holy angelic choirs, which thy mercy established in everlasting bliss;
There to join with thy perfectly blessed, to sing eternal hallelujahs unto thee.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
CAME, let us praise the goodness of our GOD, who orders every thing to the best for his servants:
Whose providence governs us all our life, and takes so particular care of our death.
He casts us down on our bed of sickness, and draws the curtain between the world and us:
Shutting out all its vain designs, and contracting our business to a little chamber.
There, in that quiet solitude, he speaks to our hearts, and sets before us all our life.
Thither he sends even his only Son, to secure our passage and conduct us unto himself.
Blessed for ever be thy name, O LORD! whose mercy sanctifies even thy punishments into favors.
You commandest the grave to dispense with none, but indifferently seize on all alike;
That all may alike provide for that hour, and none be undone with mistaken hopes.
You tellest us plainly that all must die, but kindly concealest the time and place,
That every where we may stand on our guard, and every moment expect thy coming.
You teachest the use of decent funerals, and the duty we owe to our deceased friends,
That we may often renew the memory of our own grave and the wholesome thoughts of our future state.
Let not, O LORD, these gracious arts be lost, which thy merciful wisdom contrives for our sakes.
But whilst we thus remember the death of others, make us still seriously reflect upon our own.
And let every time we reflect upon our own, the more diligent in preparing for it.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
O PRAISE the LORD, all ye nations of the earth, whom his providence yet sustains alive;
Whom he so long forbears to strike, though our sins have so oft provoked his wrath.
O praise the LORD, all ye faithful souls, for his mercy shall preserve the just.
Though, we lie below in this valley of tears, and sit lamenting in the shades of sorrow,
Yet he will bring us up to his eternal mountains, and fill our eyes with glorious light.
Though our bones stare us in the face, and our hearts faint with age or sickness,
Yet we shall be clothed with strength and beauty, and placed to sing among the blessed saints.
O praise the LORD, all you blessed above, whom his bounty has already crowned with glory.
You who were weaned from the allurements of the world, and fit to die at the hour of death.
O praise the LORD, all you glorious angels, whose bright felicity began so early:
Stars that arose in the morning of the world, and still maintain your unchangeable lustre.
O praise the LORD, all ye his works; praise and magnify him for ever.
Praise his almighty power that gave you being, and still preserves you from relapsing into nothing.
Praise his all seeing wisdom, O ye saints, that here directs your steps, and leads you on to your eternal end.
Praise above all his boundless goodness, that pours into every thing as much as it can hold.
And though our short sight now reaches not so far, but often mistakes and repines at his government:
Yet at the last day we shall easily discern a perfect concord in the harshest note.
When our adored REDEEMER shall come in the clouds, and summon all nature to appear before him,
There to receive each one their proper part, exactly fitted to their best capacity;
There to behold the whole creation strive, to express in itself the perfections of its Maker,
Whose admirable wisdom shall guide that last universal scene, and finish all into a beauteous close.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
ALMIGHTY GOD, with whom do live the spirits of them that depart in the LORD, and with whom the souls of the faithful, after theyare delivered from the burden of the flesh, do rest from their labors; we give thee hearty " thanks for that it has pleased thee to deliver our dear friends, who have gone before us, out of the miseries of this sinful world, [Here any of our dear, virtuous friends or relations, natural, civil, or spiritual, whom we believe to have died in the peace of GOD, may be commemorated by saying, " Particularly thy servant, our late father, mother, brother," &c.,] beseeching thee, that it may please thee to accomplish the number of thine elect, and to hasten thy kingdom; that we, with all those that have departed in the true faith of thy holy Church, may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in thy eternal kingdom, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
HEAR our prayers, O LORD, for thy sick servants, that are visited with thy rod at this time.
Hear their own prayers, O LORD, and tenderly regard their complaints.
Look upon them with the eyes of thy mercy, and give them, we beseech thee, comfort and sure confidence in thee, their strong salvation.
Quench not, O GOD of, mercy, the smoking flax, nor break the bruised reed.
But sanctify thy fatherly correction to them that fear thee, and pardon the sins of the days of their folly.
O let thy saving word leap down from heaven, and heal all their infirmities.
Let thy grace at this time mercifully assist them; that the sense of their weakness may add strength to their faith, and seriousness to their repentance:
That they, being sincerely contrite for their sins, may by thee mercifully be delivered:
And being themselves forgiven may from their hearts both forgive all that have offended them, and make satisfaction to' all whom they may have injured:
That being reconciled to thee, and all the world, they may, with a constant faith and firm hope, cast themselves upon thy mercy, and continue to the end in thy grace and favor:
That howsoever it shall please thee to dispose of them, either for life or death, they may cheerfully submit to thy most holy will.
O LORD, according to the multitude of the sorrows in their souls or bodies, let thy comforts refresh their hearts.
And as the sufferings of CHRIST abound in any; so may their consolation much more abound by CHRIST, to thy glory.
Favorably accept our petitions for all those who are any ways afflicted in mind or distressed in body.
O show thy mercy unto them, and let thy kingdom come both unto them and us!
Make haste, O LORD, you GOD of our salvation, and suffer not thy servants to faint when they are proved by thee!
But may their diseases, and all their bodily infirmities, work together for good to them.
And may these momentary and light afflictions work for us all an eternal weight of glory.
Make haste, O GOD of Truth, to accomplish thy word, and give all thy faithful perfect rest in thee.
Let the days of misery and sin be brought to an end, and may thy light gloriously shine upon them for ever.
O how long delayeth our LORD to come! Why are the wheels of his chariot so slow
Have you not said, O LORD of Glory, " Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me"
Come, glorious JEsu! with all thy holy angels, and the bright attendance of rejoicing saints.
The Spirit says, " Come," and the Bride says, " Come:" Even so " come" to all that are athirst for thee, most gracious JESU!
Come, and redeem the captivity of thy children: And lead them away as trophies of thy victory.
Come, and redeem us from this body of sin: Yea, come, and redeem all thy Israel from their iniquities.
THE Wisdom of GOD cries in the streets, in the temples, and in the chief places of concourse, she cries daily, saying,
" Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts."
O LORD, we hear thy voice: O melt you down our hearts, we pray thee!
O merciful LORD! thy voice do we hear with gladness: Though we have erred and strayed from thy ways, yet are we the sheep of thy pasture, and know thy voice.
The voice of our LORD is mighty in operation; the voice of our LORD is a glorious voice.
At this thy voice, O GOD, death and hell are made to flee, and in thy temple shall every one speak of thy honor.
You have by thy powerful voice graciously called us out of darkness, into thy marvelous light.
Whence we trust that that day shall never surprise us; but that when it comes we shall be found already in the light of it.
O lift you up the light of thy countenance upon us, so that we may walk all the day long in thy light, and continually behold light in this thy light.
And when thy day shall be revealed, with the night of this world; then let a garment of light be ready for us:
In which we may be led into the bride chamber of the Lamb; and there, by his grace, take possession of the saints' inheritance in light.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
WE confess Him that is the resurrection and the light; we acknowledge Him that is the light of angels and saints.
Our LORD CHRIST is the very light of life; whosoever truly seeks him shall live and not die.
He is the life everlasting; and to know him is also life everlasting, as to serve him an unfading crown.
O come, let us worship, then, and fall down before our LORD, the LORD of life, to whom all things live.
Come, let us adore the LORD our Redeemer, by whom all things live, and kneel before him who visits the chambers of the dead, and opens the graves:
Who causes his dew to fall upon the mown grass, and remembering the prayers of his dead Israelites calls them forth by name.
For faithful is he in all his promises; and his covenant. is confirmed to all the generations of his saints.
They live in him, and he in them; and as he liveth, so also must they live, and death can have no power over them.
They have sought him, and they have found him; and they know that with him is life, and that his mercy endured), for ever.
Lo! How is the shadow of death by him turned into the glorious morning of the resurrection!
The shadows are passed, and the LAMB is risen as a glorious Sun, shining upon them with healing in his wings.
Healing all their former maladies, and wiping away all tears from their eyes.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
ALMIGHTY GOD, with whom do live the spirits of the just made perfect, we bless thee for all thy faithful, whom you have delivered out of the snares and miseries of this sinful world; more especially those of thy blessed saints, whom you madest burning and shining lamps in their generation, filling them with thy righteousness and true holiness; and we likewise pray thee to hasten thy kingdom, that all those that are departed in thy faith and fear, may have their perfect consummation and bliss; and that we who here wait and sigh after the day of our deliverance, may together with them see thee, and in the light of thy glory rejoice everlastingly; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
GRANT, O blessed LORD, the Father of mercies, to whom alone belong the issues of life and death, that whether we live, we may live unto thee, or whether we die, we may die unto thee; that CHRIST thy Son may be glorified in our bodies and in our souls, whether we live or die, that neither life nor death, nor any other creature, may be able to separate us from the love of thee in CHRIST JESUS our LORD: That so as the earthly house of this our tabernacle shall be dissolved, we may possess an eternal habitation, not made with hands, in the heavens; through the same thy Son, and our only Redeemer and Mediator, JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
The Divine assistance abide with us henceforth and evermore; that even walking in the midst of the shadow of death, and by the gates of hell, we may fear no evil, because GOD is with us, even IMMANUEL, who is LORD and CHRIST blessed for ever. Amen.
In the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen.
PREVENT US, O LORD, in all our actions with thy holy inspiration, and carry on the same by thy gracious assistance, that both every prayer and every work of ours may from thee always begin, and by thee always be happily ended; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
LORD, have mercy upon us.
CHRIST, have mercy upon us.
LORD, have mercy upon us.
Our FATHER, &c.
O eternal, infinite and omnipotent Gov! whose gracious wisdom vouchsafes to command such things as are necessary to fit us for everlasting bliss, and forbids such as are apt to render us eternally unhappy; we, miserable sinners, humbly prostrate our souls and bodies before thy most adorable Majesty; and with a true and hearty sorrow, each of us particularly accuse and condemn ourselves. [Here pause a while to examine and repent, and make holy purposes.] We confess, O LORD GOD, that we have grievously sinned against thee in thought, [ ] word, [ ] and deed: [ ] But have you mercy upon us, O most merciful FATHER, for thy SON's sake, JESUS CHRIST, our only LORD and Advocate. Amen.
The great and glorious LORD of heaven and earth, have mercy upon us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
O GOD the FATHER, Creator of the world, have mercy upon us.
O GOD the SON, Redeemer of mankind, have mercy upon us.
O GOD the HOLY GHOST, Perfecter of the faithful, have mercy upon us.
Holy, holy, holy, LORD GOD of hosts!
Have mercy on this family we beseech thee:
And spare every soul therein for thy name's sake.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand; yea, the night is past, and the day is now risen: Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Come, let us adore the Dayspring from on high.
They that walk in darkness have seen a great light; and upon them that dwell in the land of the shadow of death has this glorious light shined.
Come, let us. adore the Dayspring from on high.
CHRIST is that Dayspring from on high, whence only there is joy to GOD in the highest.
Come, let us adore the Dayspring from on high.
He is the Light that shines in our darkness; but the darkness of our understanding comprehends him not.
Come, let us adore the Dayspring from on high.
The LORD is our Light; for with him, and with none else, is indeed the light of life; and in this light shall we, by faith, behold light.
Come, let us adore the Dayspring from on high.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
O glorious JESUS! without whom we are dead, quicken us with thy SPIRIT, that we may live by thy life; and so putting thee on, may make no more provision for the flesh, to fulfill its desires; but for the spirit only, thereby to fulfill all righteousness in thee, and bring forth the fruits of the HOLY GHOST: While, by thy power, we cast away the works of darkness, and put on the impregnable armor of light.
Almighty GOD, and most merciful FATHER, give us, we beseech thee, that grace, that we may duly examine the inmost of our hearts, and our most secret thoughts, how we stand before thee; and that we may henceforth never be drawn to do any thing that may dishonor thy name, but may persevere in all good purposes, and in thy holy service unto our lives' end: And grant that we may this day begin to walk before thee, as becometh those that are called to an inheritance of light in CHRIST.
LORD, you knows what is best for us to do, according to thy will; give us, we beseech thee, to at you wilt, as much as you wilt, and when you wilt. Do with us in all things, as you knows best to be done; and. as it shall please thee, and as may be most for thy honor, put us where you wilt, and freely do with us in all things after thy will and pleasure. We are thy creatures, and in thy hands; lead us, O GOD, and turn us wheresoever you wilt. Lo! we are thy servants, ready to do all things that you cornmandest us; for we desire not to live to ourselves, but to thee, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
O LORD, we give thee humble and hearty thanks for all the benefits and blessings, both spiritual and temporal, which in the riches of thy great mercy you have bountifully poured down upon us; but especially for the spiritual. Let us not live, but to praise and magnify thee and thy glorious name. Particularly we give thee most unfeigned thanks for our preservation from the time of our birth to this present; [and yet more particularly for thy late mercies vouchsafed us, for bringing us safe to the beginning of this day; in which, and all the days of our life, we beseech thee, preserve us from sin, and from danger; so governing and leading us, that all our thoughts, words, and works may tend to the honor and glory of thy name, the good of thy Church, the discharge of our duties, and the salvation of our souls in the day of our appearance and account to be made before thee, through JESUS CHRIST our only Savior and Redeemer. Amen.
O eternal GOD and merciful FATH ac, we humbly beseech thee, bless thy holy Catholic Church, wheresoever spread upon the whole earth. Good LORD, purge it from all heresy, schism, superstition, and factious maintenance of groundless opinions; that one faith, one LORD, one baptism, may in all places be uniformly professed, as thy Church is and can be but one. And grant that we here present may be, and continue, faithful, living, and working members under CHRIST the Head, in that Church the Body, all the days of our lives, and through the hour of our death; for the merits, and by the grace, of the same JESUS CHRIST our LORD and only Savior. Amen.
O merciful GOD, bless this particular Church in which we live; make it, and all the members of it, sound in faith, and holy in life; but especially so illuminate all its Bishops, Priests and Deacons, [Particularly N. or N., under whose care we are by thee placed,] with the true knowledge of CHRIST, and understanding of thy word, according as thy SPIRIT meant it; that both by their preaching and living, they may set it forth to thy glory, and that all thy people committed to their charge may from their mouths meekly hear thy word, receive it with pure affection, and through thy gracious assistance bring forth the fruits of the SPIRIT, for the honor of JESUS CHRIST, our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.
O LORD, bless all the afflicted members of the body of thy Son, wheresoever or howsoever distressed; [More especially those/or whom our prayers are desired; ] send them constant patience, or speedy deliverance, as seems best to thee, and is best for them, according to their several wants and necessities whatsoever, known unto thee: And do unto them according to all those mercies, which we would desire you should show unto our own souls, if at any time you shall be pleased to make our estate as theirs is at this present. And this we beg of thee, O merciful FATHER, in the name, and for the' merits of thy dear SON CHRIST JESUS, our LORD and only Advocate. Amen.
The LORD bless this family, and keep us; the LORD lift up the light of his countenance upon us all, and give us peace now and for evermore.
In the name of the FATHER, and f the Sow, and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen.
Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity. Amen.
THIS day is past, and the night is come; but the day has taught us, and the night shall teach us also.
One day, O GOD, shall tell another of thy wondrous works; and one night shall certify another of thy marvelous goodness.
How deep are thy thoughts towards the children of men; and how unsearchable the ways of thy Providence!
As thy judgments, so thy mercies, are past finding out; and there is none in heaven or in earth that can utter the mighty acts of thy love.
GOD is exalted above all the earth; and as high as the heaven is in comparison of the earth, so high and so great is his mercy towards us.
Praise then the LORD, O ye nations of the earth; praise him, and his mighty deeds.
Praise the LORD in the heights; praise him also in the depths, O ye children of men.
Praise our LORD, all ye nations of the earth; O praise him for the mercies he has vouchsafed us.
Praise our LORD, ye happy nations of heaven; O praise him, ye saints, whom praise becomes.
But praise, alas! becomes not us; impure lips pollute the holy sacrifice.
Our lips should be first touched with a coal from the altar; we should first learn to praise him with our lives.
My GOD, when shall I thoroughly shake off this drowsiness; and rise, and run in the ways of thy commandments
What sweetness is it to think of thee What happiness to love thee
What an hell is it to be without thee What an heaven to possess thee
Overcome our perverse laziness, Almighty Goodness! and mercifully compel us to come to thee.
Add this one more, we beseech thee, to the vast heap of thy mercies; but one, without which all the rest are useless:
Give us effectually both to will and to do; and suffer not, LORD, thy grace in us to be void, and to return to thee empty.
Do you open our lips, and open our hearts; that so, loving thee perfectly, we may worthily praise thy holy name;
With angels and archangels, and with all the heavenly host of the blessed saints, that are now following the Lamb upon his holy hill.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.
Praise the LORD, ye heavens; praise him, O you Jerusalem which art above.
Let all the heavenly congregation praise him; let the whole church of the firstborn, written in heaven, praise him.
Let the spirits of the Prophets, and just men made perfect, praise him; let the souls of the Apostles, and all holy Martyrs, praise him.
O praise the LORD in his noble acts; and let all his saints rejoice before him with glory.
Let us praise him for his excellent greatness; let us praise him for the way by which he has appointed us to be happy.
By forsaking all things, we come to possess all things; and by our desire of nothing; we attain to want nothing.
By our being careful for nothing, but how to serve and please him, we come to be provided of all things.
As the heavens are above the earth, so is his wisdom above our reason.
How are the most cunning devices of human reason brought to nought by him! Yea, how has the Louis scattered the proud reasoner in the imaginations of his heart!
For the foolishness of GOD is wiser than the wisdom of men, and the weakness of GOD stronger than the strength of men.
So the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong;
Neither is bread to the wise, nor favor to the skilful, nor riches to the understanding, nor honor to the learned.
But as our LORD distributes these, even so they are; in wisdom he disposes of them all, yet is there none that can find out his ways.
O’LORD, our GOD, how glorious art you in all thy works! and how excellent is thy name throughout the heavens and the earth!
You have showed strength, O LORD, with thy arm; and with the Son of thy righthand have you loosed the prisoners, and led captivity captive.
You feedest by him the hungry with the bread of life; by him you givest sight to the blind;
By him you have helped them that were fallen, and raised up those that were bowed down.
Therefore shall thy praises be in our hearts, and our mouths shall also speak the glorious honor of thy Majesty.
Day by day we will speak of the glory of thy empire; and night after night will we utter the memory of thy great goodness, and of thy tender mercies that are over all thy works.
All thy works shall praise thee, and we will bless thy name for ever.
Thy mercies shall be our songs of the night; and concerning thy righteousness, O GOD, will we sing and rejoice upon our beds.
Praise the LORD, O ye heavens; praise him, O you Jerusalem which art above. Hallelujah.
Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Hallelujah.
Almighty and everlasting GOD, we render thee most humble and hearty thanks, for that you have vouchsafed of thy great goodness to preserve us this day; we beseech thee also to preserve and keep us this night from all danger, as well of body as of soul, but especially so enlighten the eyes of our souls, that we may never sleep in sin; that, being by thee graciously preserved, we may (if it be thy good pleasure) rise again in health to praise thy Majesty, and joyfully serve thee in thanksgiving, with chaste bodies and clean hearts; nor may fail finally of attaining thy everlasting light, through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD. Amen.
Save us, good LORD, waking, and keep us sleeping; that we may watch with CHRIST, and rest in peace. Amen.
Pause a while, to reflect on what you have now performed, and renew your attention.
O GOD, the comfortable Repose of thy servants in hope, and their blissful Rest in thy everlasting possession! Obedient to thy call by the voice of our nature, we retire, to lay down our weary heads; and, instructed by thy grace, confidently resign all we are and have, while we sleep, into the hands of thy everwaking Providence; most humbly beseeching thee, that if it please thee to take us hence this night, the eyes of our souls (as those of our bodies) may be found closed to all this world's goods, and at the same time wide open to receive thy ardently expected vision; or if you vouchsafest to protract our lives, we may rise from our beds cheerfully disposed, by works of faith and true righteousness, in our several vocations, to make our calling and election sure, and advance to our glorious mansion for ever with thee; through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, thy SON, who, with thee and the HOLY GHOST, lives and reigns, one GOD, world without end. Amen
O eternal, infinite, and Almighty God! whose goodness
has vouchsafed to command us such things as are necessary to fit us for everlasting bliss, and forbid us such things as will make us eternally miserable; we, wretched sinners, the sinful offspring of our disobedient first parents, humbly prostrate our souls and bodies before the throne of thy adorable Majesty, to accuse and condemn ourselves with true and hearty sorrow for all the sins of our lives, and particularly for those we have committed this day by thought, word, or deed, against thy holy laws, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We confess them with shame and confusion of face before thee, humbly beseeching thee to have pity upon us, according to thy great goodness, and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out our transgressions. But as is thy Majesty so is thy Mercy, O gracious FATHER, and therefore we beseech thee to hear our humble supplication, for the forgiveness of our sins: Forgive them all, O LORD, of what kind or degree soever they be; our sins of omission, and our sins of commission; the sins of our youth, and the sins of our riper years; the sins of our souls, and the sins of our bodies; our secret, and our more open sins; our sins of ignorance and surprise, and our more deliberate and presumptuous sins; the sins we have done to please ourselves, and the sins we have done to please others; the sins we know and remember, and the sins we have forgotten; the sins we have strove to hide from others, and the sins by which we have made others offend forgive them, O LORD, forgive them all for his sake, who died, for our sins, and rose again for our justification, and now stands at thy right hand to make intercession for us, JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
Here followeth the LITANY, to be used after morning or
evening prayer for a family, especially upon days of fasting and abstinence, or at other times, according to the discretion of the head of the family.
O GOD, the FATHER, Creator of the world,
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD the Son, Redeemer of mankind;
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD the HOLY GHOST, Sanctifier, Comforter, and Perfecter of the faithful;
Have mercy upon us.
Holy, holy, holy LORD GOD of all the hosts of heaven and earth;
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD, the eternalfulness of all perfection; the overflowing Source of all beings; the bountiful Author of all our good; O GOD, in whom we live, move, and have our being;
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD, who has made us out of nothing after thine own image, who preserve us every moment from returning into nothing; O GOD, who has made the world for our use, and us for thyself;
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD, who has prepared a glorious inheritance for those who love thee, and keep thy commandments; who art thyself that glorious inheritance and the end of all our labors;
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD, the only rest of our wearied souls, the only joy of our time and of our eternity; O GOD, our GOD, and all things that we can desire;
Have mercy upon us.
From all manner of evil, but especially from sin; from all occasions of offending thy divine Majesty, and from the particular temptations to which, by time, place, or temper, we are most exposed;
Deliver us, O LORD.
From the treachery of our own hearts, and the violence of our passions; from unprovided death here, and from everlasting death hereafter;
Deliver us, O LORD.
By thy almighty power and unsearchable wisdom; by thy adorable goodness, and all thy other glorious attributes;
Deliver us, O LORD.
By the mystery of thy holy incarnation, and humble birth; by the sanctity of thy heavenly doctrine, the perfect example of thy heavenly life; and by all the miracles you didst work for us;
Deliver us, O LORD.
By the merits of thy bitter passion and death; by thy victorious resurrection; by thy triumphant ascension, and by the glory of thy kingdom, who art King of Kings and LORD of LORDs, in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment;
Deliver us, O LORD.
We sinners beseech thee to hear us, O LORD GOD; and that it may please thee to give us true repentance for all our past offences, and to work in us a firm and effectual resolution to amend our lives for the time to come;
We beseech thee to hear us, O LORD.
That it may please thee to pardon the sins of our life, and so to prevent and assist us with thy grace while we live here, that we may not fail to be eternally happy hereafter;
We beseech, &c.
That it may please thee to have pity on the infirmities of our frail nature, and in all our dangers, trials, and temptations, to strengthen and relieve us;
We beseech, &c.
That seeing our daily imperfections, we may quicken our diligence, depend on thee, and love to pray unto thee;
We beseech, &c.
That acknowledging all we have is derived from thy free bounty, we may delight to praise and glorify thee, and, above all thy benefits, love thee our Benefactor;
We beseech, &c.
That knowing all we hope for proceeds from thy free gracious promises, we may faithfully endeavor to serveand please thee, and secure to ourselves thy everlasting rewards;
We beseech, &c.
That believing you governest the world by thy providence, we may humbly and thankfully accept of any condition of life you assignest us, and not murmur at the part you givest us to act, but strive to act it well;
We beseech, &c.
That we may religiously observe the rules and duties of our several places, and contentedly submit to the meanest works of our condition;
We beseech, &c.
That we may live in peace and charity with all the world, especially among ourselves, united into one family, patiently forbearing, freely forgiving, and readily assisting one another;
We beseech, &c.
That in the midst of our daily business we may lift up our hearts to heaven, and thereby comfort and refresh our spirits, and increase our desires of a glorious eternity;
We beseech, &c.
That whether we sleep or wake, we may be safe under thy protection, who never slumberest or sleep; and whether we live or die, we may always be thine;
We beseech, &c.
SON of GOD, we beseech thee to hear us.
SON of GOD, we beseech thee to hear us.
O LAMB of GOD, that takest away the sins of the world; Grant us thy peace.
O LAMB of GOD, that takest away the sins of the world; Have mercy upon us.
LORD have mercy upon us.
CHRIST have mercy upon us.
LORD have mercy upon us.
Our FATHER, &c.
Bless, O LORD, thy spouse, the holy Catholic Church; And evermore mightily defend her.
Deliver her from all strange doctrines, heresies, and schisms;
And bless her with truth, unity, and concord.
Clothe her Priests with righteousness and holiness;
And give her people grace to hold fast their holy profession, and adorn it with good works.
Comfort her where she is distressed;
And strengthen her where she is languishing and weak.
Deliver her where she is in danger;
And restore her where she is laid waste.
Bless her friends;
Convert her enemies.
Reduce those who have wandered from her fold;
And may all the kingdoms of the world be the kingdoms of our LORD and of his CHRIST. Bless all our kindred and acquaintance;
And abundantly reward our friends and benefactors.
Bless our enemies and slanderers, and all that persecute us, and despitefully use us.
Turn their hearts, O LORD, and make them become our f Mends.
Have mercy, O LORD, on the nations who do not know thee;
And those who knew thee once, but since have fallen from the truth.
Have mercy on the poor, helpless, and afflicted
And hear their prayers, when they cry unto thee.
Have mercy on us thy servants here assembled in thy presence;
And guard and defend us from all evil this day [night]. At night, add here as follows:
Keep us from the terror and danger of fire;
And from all assaults of wicked men and wicked spirits.
Into thy hands, O LORD, we commend our souls;
O LORD, our refuge, our strength, and our Redeemer.
Into thy hands, O LORD, we commend our spirits;
O bless us, and keep us this night without sin.
Accept, O gracious FATHER, this our evening sacrifice of most humble and hearty thanks for all the mercies and blessings of this day, and not only of this day, but of all the days of our past lives. Thy daily care has been of us, and our daily praises are due unto thee, to whom we owe our being and well. being, even all that we are, and all that we have. You have ordained the day for labor and business, and the night for moderate and refreshing sleep; and now, in obedience to thy order and the voice of our nature, we desire to lay down our wearied heads upon our beds, humbly beseeching thee, that as you have dwelt with us this day, it may please thee to watch over us this night; and to grant each of us such convenient refreshment, as the necessities of our common nature make us stand in need of. Keep us, therefore, gracious LORD, in safety under the shadow of thy wings; for unto thy almighty protection we4 commit ourselves this night; humbly beseeching thee, that, after due rest, we may rise from our beds with thankful hearts, and return with cheerful dispositions to the duties of our several vocations, to glorify thee by our good works, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD; to whom, with thee, and the HOLY GHOST, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.
GOD the FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the GOD of the Patriarchs and Prophets, the GOD of the Apostles, Martyrs and Confessors, and of all true believers, increase our faith, confirm our hope, and enlarge our charity; and grant that we may faithfully serve him, by doing and suffering his will all the days of our short pilgrimage here, and after death be made partakers of immortal glory. Amen.
The grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the fellowship of the HOLY GHOST, be with us all. Amen.
O GOD, who gatherest thy flock out of all nations into the saving fold of one holy Catholic Church, purchased by the precious blood of thy Son, wherein you hast, in thy providence, graciously ordained Bishops. and Pastors to feed thy sheep and lambs; let thy continual pity cleanse and defend the same, and because without thee it cannot continue in safety, preserve it evermore by thy help and goodness; and so govern the minds of thy servants the Bishops, that they may never lay hands suddenly on any man, but may always make a wise and faithful choice of fit and worthy persons to serve in the ministry of thy church. Bless them all, we beseech thee, and their Clergy with courage and skill and fatherly care, to edify and guard their several charges by thee committed to them. Bless also the faithful with an humble filial love, and due obedience for thy sake, to their superiors whom you have set over them; that so the clearness of truth, and beauty of holiness, daily increasing in this thy church, through every one's devout pursuance of his duties, all may come at last into the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righteousness of life; all heresies and schisms may vanish away, and all Jews, Turks, and Infidels, may be brought home, and saved among the remnants of thy true Israelites, and be made with us, and with all who profess themselves Christians, one fold under one Shepherd, JESUS CHRIST our LORD, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the HOLY GHOST, one GOD, world without end. Amen.
O GOD, by whom alone Kings reign, and all kinds and degrees of lawful magistracy are substituted, to provide for the public peace, among such infinite varieties of humors and interests; and by restraining private injuries, to remove the impediments of true charity, that so the whole state and each member be built up together, to their greatest fitness for thy heavenly kingdom. Preserve, we beseech thee, and govern with thy grace those whom you have adorned with thy power: Rule their hearts in thy faith, fear, and love, that they may not seek their own, but thy honor and glory only, O LORD of LORDs,' and King of Kings; and may at all times, and in all cases, truly and indifferently minister justice, to the punishment of all wickedness and vice, and to the furtherance of thy true religion and virtue. Make both them and their subjects to know that you reignest, that so they may seek in all things truly to obey and please thee, and Kings may be, indeed, the nursing fathers and Queens, the nursing mothers of the church. Grant this, O LORD, we humbly pray thee; and for this end save and defend all Christian Kings, Princes, and Governors; inspire them with a true zeal for thee, and so give by their means to all nations unity, peace, and concord, that they may become the kingdoms of thee and of thy Son; who, with thee and the HOLY GHOST, liveth and reigneth in the one only eternal Majesty, GOD and King for ever, world without end. Amen.
O LORD, who has commanded us to make prayers and supplications for all others as well as for ourselves, we beseech thee, O you Creator and Preserver of all mankind, for all sorts and conditions of men, that you wouldest be pleased to extend thy mercy to them all, to open and enlighten the eyes of them that sit in darkness, and to guide their feet into the way of peace; that thy ways may be made known upon earth, and thy saving health among all nations. More especially we pray for the good estate of all orders and degrees in thy church, that both Priests and people may, by their faith and holy conversation, shine as lights, set in candlesticks of gold: Distribute, therefore, thy graces and blessings to every one, as you shall judge most meet, and as may best fit, and enable, and encourage them in their several callings, in performance of their duties of worship and obedience to thee, and of justice, and truth, and charity to their brethren. Particularly bless and keep all those to whom we are bound by any special relation, whether of nature or otherwise. [And in special N. N. or N. N.] You knows our several desires and wants: Now, therefore, mercifully proportion thy blessings to every one accordingly, that we may be mutual helps and comforts in our passage through this vale of misery. Finally, we commend to thy fatherly goodness all those who are under any calamity in mind or body, or outward condition; more especially those that suffer for righteousness sake. Give them, we beseech thee, patience to bear, and prudence to make a right use of their afflictions, and, in thine own good time, relieve and restore them here, or take them to thine eternal rest, through thy mercies in JESUS CHRIST our LORD and mighty REDEEMER. Amen.
O GOD, our heavenly FATHER, who makest thy sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendest rain on the just and unjust; and who of thy tender love towards us, while we were enemies, didst send thy beloved SON JESUS CHRIST to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death for us upon the cross, that we might all follow the example of his great love and deep humility; mercifully grant that we may follow his most blessed example, and being filled with his SPIRIT, may learn to love and bless all those that trespass against us, and in any wise despitefully use us. Wherefore, we beseech thee, O merciful FATHER, in obedience to thy command, and in conformity to thy SON's practice, that it may please thee to forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers; especially those that have either caused or increased the destructions in Church or State. Have mercy upon them, good LORD, have mercy upon them; remember not their offences, neither take you vengeance of their sins: Spare them, because they are the work of thy hands; spare them, because they are redeemed with thy SoN's precious blood; and lay not to their charge whatever they have said or done against us thy servants, who stand bound unto thee in ten thousand talents. Deliver them both from the secret crafts and open assaults of their and our great enemy; open their eyes and hearts, that they may see and consider the errors of their own ways, and so turn into the straight path, walking therein in all meekness and brotherly love, in all charity, condescension, and humility; that we may live together in peace here, and reign together in thy glory hereafter; for the love of JESUS CHRIST our LORD, to whom, with thee and the HOLY GHOST, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.
O GOD, our heavenly FATHER, who have commanded us to love one another, as thy children, and have ordained the highest friendship in the bond of thy SPIRIT; we beseech thee to preserve us always in the same bond, to thy glory, and our mutual comfort, with all those to whom we are bound by any special tie, either of nature or of choice; that we may be perfected together in that love which is from above, and which never faileth. Bless more particularly this family by thy grace; bless our kindred, our acquaintance, our friends, our benefactors, [especially N. or N. to whom, by the wisdom of thy providence, we are in a peculiar manner obliged,] and all thy servants whom you wiliest to be more nearly knit unto us in any relation whatever. Distribute thy blessings among them according as may, on all accounts, be fittest for them, O you that knows their several desires and necessities; give them such temporal blessings as it shall seem best unto thee, and may be most for the advancement of their eternal interest; but, above all, send down the dew of thy heavenly grace upon them, and pour the light of thy SPIRIT into their hearts, which may lead them steadfastly in thy way, and enable them to walk in the same all the days of their life; that we may have joy in each other that passes not away; and having lived together in love here, may live for ever together with them, in the glory of thy kingdom, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
O ETERNAL FATHER, whose holy SPIRIT, by thy blessed Apostles, has planted in the world the saving doctrine of thy Son, and watered it with so much blood that it has overspread the earth, and borne much fruit to heaven! most thankfully we praise thee for the gracious lives and deaths of all thy saints here, and for the glorious crowns with which they are recompensed; beseeching thee to give us grace so to follow their good examples, applying home to our hearts their precious memories, that we, living and dying like them, may together with them be partakers also of thy heavenly kingdom, and numbered with these thy holy ones in glory everlasting. Grant this, O FATHER, for the merits of JESUS CHRIST, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen.
O SOVEREIGN LORD of life and death! by the order of whose providence thy servant now lies dangerously sick, and summons the utmost of our charity in his [or her] assistance; hear, we beseech thee, our humble supplications for him, that, if possible, this sickness may only be for thy greater glory, and he recover his health, better instructed by this thy discipline duly to value and use it; or, if it mus be to death, that he may be strengthened by thy grace to b ear the approaches to his dissolution, however painful, and yie ld up his soul with that courage and constancy as become th a Christian. Hear us also, good LORD, for ourselves, and grant that wisely improving this opportunity of exercising our right judgments, both in discourse and practice with him, we may sink them'deeper into our own selves, and thereby be more strongly disposed to pass fearless through the same rough way to immortality, through our
Here follows the LITANY or GENERAL SUPPLICATION, to be said after MORNING PRAYER, chiefly upon the days of fasting and humiliation, or according as discretion or devotion shall prompt.
O GOD the FATHER of Heaven, Maker of all things,
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD the SON, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy upon us.
O GOD the HOLY GHOST, Sanctifier of the Church,
Have mercy upon us.
Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, that art but one GOD,
Have mercy upon us.
Holy, holy, holy, LORD GOD Omnipotent, who art, who wast, and who art to come,
Have mercy, &c.
O GOD of GODs, who didst unto Moses manifest thy name, " I Am that I Am," whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain,
Have mercy, &c.
Everlasting King, immortal, invisible; who inhabitest that light unto which no man can approach, great in council and mighty in work, and of whose wisdom there is no end,
Have mercy, &c.
Who only doest great things, and unsearchable marvelous things without number; who workest all things according to the purpose of thy will, and madest all things for thyself,
Have mercy, &c.
One GOD and Father of us all, who art above all, and through all, and in us all; from whom, by whom, and in whom are all things; in whom we live and have our being;
Have mercy, &c.
O GOD, who have disposed of all things in number, weight, and measure, who madest heaven and earth, and all things therein, who createdst the earth by thy power, and the universe by thy wisdom,
Have mercy, &c.
The LORD forming light and creating darkness, making peace and creating evil for punishment of transgressors; in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all flesh,
Have mercy, &c.
O LORD, who searchest the heart and triest the reins, who quickenest the dead, and tallest those things that were not, as if they; were whose eyes are brighter than the sun, beholding all the ways of men,
Have mercy, &c.
O LORD GOD, who killest and makest alive, who sendest to the grave and bringest back again, who increasest the nations and destroyest them, who enlargest the nations and straitenest them,
Have mercy, &c.
O God, who takest no pleasure in iniquity, with whom is no acceptance of persons, terrible in thy counsels concerning the sons of men, the strong and jealous GOD, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children,
Have mercy, &c.
O God, whose anger none can withstand, but whose mercy is above all thy works; O GOD most gracious, showing mercy even to a thousand generations,
Have mercy, &c.
The LORD, compassionate, longsuffering, of great mercy and truth, our Protector and exceeding great Reward,
Have mercy, &c.
O Father of mercies, and GOD of all consolation, who only can comfort us in all our tribulations,
Have mercy, &c.
O God, who by the death of thy Son has redeemed, and by the grace of thy SPIRIT dost sanctify us, and all thy faithful people,
Have mercy, &c.
Have mercy, O LORD, and spare us
Have mercy, &c.
Have mercy, O LORD, and hear us:
Have mercy, &c.
From all evil and from all sin, but particularly from all pride, obstinacy, and vainglory, and from all covetousness, Deliver us, O LORD.
From gluttony and surfeiting, from envy and hatred, from anger and illwill, from luxury and uncleanness, from does and inordinate heaviness, and anxiety,
Deliver us, &c.
From all hypocrisy, and all uncharitableness, from all baseness and cowardice, from all blindness and hardness of heart;
Deliver us, &c.
By the might of thy omnipotency, by the Majesty of thy glory, and by the multitude of thy mercies;
Deliver us, &.c.
Now, and at all times, when we look unto thee; but especially in the hour of death, and in the clay of judgment;
Deliver us, &c.
We sinners beseech thee to hear us, O LORD; that it would please thee to give us thy grace that we may worship thee our LORD GOD, in spirit and in truth;
We beseech thee to hear us, O LORD.
That we may love thee with all our hearts, with all our minds, with all our souls and with all our strength; that we may steadfastly believe in thee, give thee thanks always, and put our trust in thee;
We beseech, &c.
That we may honor thy holy name and thy word, that we may remember our covenant with thee in baptism, and all our renewed vows to adhere unto thee only, against all manner of opposition from the world, the flesh, or the Devil;
We beseech, &c.
That we may love our neigbour as ourselves; that we may do to all men as we would they should do unto us;
We beseech, &c.
That we may obey and reverence our parents and superiors, and may submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for thy sake;
We beseech, &c.
That we may be perfectly true and just in all our dealings, that we may injure no man's life, good name or honor, and may be ready to do them all the good we can;
We beseech, &c.
That we may forbear one another in love, being careful to keep the unity of the SPIRIT in the bond of peace; that we may bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of GOD;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest cleanse our hearts from all inordinate desires and impure affections, by pouring into us thy holy love; that we may obtain the true love of thee and our neighbors, with the contempt of ourselves and the things of this world;
We beseech, &c.
That we may present our bodies a living and holy sacrifice, wellpleasing to thee, and at length attain to that kingdom which you have prepared for us from the beginning of the world;
We beseech, &c.
That it may please thee to rule thy Church universal, as in the beginning; and to deliver the same, in every branch thereof, from all false doctrine, heresy and schism;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest give to all Christian Princes and states, unity, peace, and firm concord, with zeal for thy glory;the same, thy name may be great among all the Gentiles, and that all the kingdoms of the earth may become the kingdoms of thy SoN;
We beseech, &c.
That thy kingdom may come into us, and all that truly call upon thee, with peace, righteousness, and joy in the HoLY SPIRIT; and that both thy name may be sanctified, and thy will done in us and by us on earth, as it is done in heaven by thy holy angels;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest be pleased to give us, with all thy faithful people, this day our daily bread, spiritual and bodily;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest graciously forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, or suffer us not to be tempted above what weare able, but deliver us from the evil one, and all evil;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, stubbornness, pride, and contempt of thy word;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest open and enlighten the eyes of all them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death; and guide their feet into the way of peace;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest bring into the way of truth all such as have erred or are deceived by themselves and others, and fetch all wandering souls home to thy flock;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest vouchsafe to strengthen all such as stand, to comfort and assist all that are weak and broken, and to raise up again them that fall;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest vouchsafe to defend the cause of the orphans and widows, to succor all that are desolate and
We beseech, &c.
That from the rising of the sun even unto the setting of oppressed, and to have pity upon all that are under any calamity in body or mind, or outward estate;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest give them perfect patience in all their afflictions, and wisdom to receive spiritual profit by all that thine hand has laid upon them;
We beseech, &c.
That neither by frailty, enticements, or any tortures, you wouldest permit any of us to fall from thee, but wouldest perfect thy praise in us by the steadfastness of our faith, and by the invincibleness of our charity;
We beseech, &c.
That you wouldest hear always the prayers of thy Church; and that whatever we faithfully ask, either for ourselves or for others, may through thy grace be effectually obtained;
We beseech, &c.
O FATHER, in the name of thy Son,
We beseech, &c.
O LORD, our Protector, behold us; And look upon the face of thy CHRIST. Remember thy people, O LORD, with thy good pleasure; And visit them with thy salvation.
Convert us, O LORD GOD of hosts;
And show us the light of thy countenance. Let thy Priests be clothed with righteousness; And make thy faithful people joyful. Turn the scourge of thine anger from the earth; And give peace in our time, O LORD.
O Lamb of GOD, that takest away the sins of the world;
Grant us thy peace.
O LAMB of GOD, &c.
Have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of GOD, &c.
Send thy HOLY SPIRIT into us.
Our FATHER which art, &c.
Save thy servants, O LORD;
And send us help, from thy holy place
O Almighty everlasting GOD, by whose SPIRIT the whole body of thy Church is sanctified and governed, mercifully hear us for all estates of the same; that by all degrees you mayst be faithfully served and glorified, from the gift of thy grace, through JESUS CHRIST, our LORD. Amen.
After which may be added one or more of the following COLLECTS, according to discretion.
O GOD, the Author of peace, and the Lover of charity, give, we beseech' thee, unto all our enemies that peace and charity which are thy gift, and are without all hypocrisy; and mercifully grant unto them forgiveness of all their sins, and unto us protection from all their snares and assaults; that we, securely trusting in thy almighty defense, may not fear either the policy or the power of our adversaries, but may evermore give thanks unto thee for thy great deliverances and mercies to us; through CHRIST our LORR. Amen.
Blessed GOD, from whom all holy desires, all good designs, and all just enterprizes do proceed, inspire, we humbly pray thee, all Christians Princes and states with principles of righteousness and peace; pour into their hearts reasonable and religious desires, instruct them secretly with good counsels and wise resolutions, for the honor and peace of the Church, and for the true interest of them and their subjects: And so bring down the pride of man, disarm the power, baffle the designs, and confound the devices, of all that put their confidence not in thee, but in their own strength, and sacrifice to their own nets; that so thy servants being armed with thy defense, and secure from the fear of their enemies, may in thy holy Church pass their time in rest and quietness; through the merits of JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR Amen.
O GOD of peace, and Author of concord, whom to know is to live, and whom to serve is to reign, mercifully defend us thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies; that we, putting our whole trust and confidence in thee our mighty Deliverer, and only Refuge, may not be afraid of any weapons of the enemy, but may continually triumph in thy salvation; through the might of JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
O GOD, who rulest in the kingdoms of men, and in whose hand are the hearts of the Kings and mighty ones of the earth which you turnest as the course of waters is turned; so dispose all hearts, and remove all obstacles, that none may longer have the will, much less the power, to hinder the establishment of thy peaceful kingdom throughout all the Churches: And give hereby to all nations unity, peace, and concord; that the course of the world may be so peaceably ordered, according to thy holy will, that thy Church universal may joyfully serve thee in all Godly quietness; through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
O PROVIDENT LORD, who permittest the power of darkness in this world to persecute the children of light; that their sufferings may exercise themselves, and attest to those without, the utter contempt of all temporal goods, in comparison of their eternal hope: Sustain us, we humbly beseech thee, against being shaken by the dread of men, or rage of Devils; support us under the present burden you have seen fit to lay upon us for our trial; maintain us by thy grace under all difficulties, in the strictest obedience to all thy commandments; and never suffer us basely to start from the cross, which we have been so powerfully commanded to take up, and therewith to follow Him who was made perfect by sufferings; neither suffer us to be discouraged at all by the outward prosperity of our persecutors: But grant that, in due compassion both to them and to ourselves, no temptation maybe able to sway us from our duty, or prevail on us to violate any obligation, public or private, that we may stand in, and may we be ready continually to render them all good offices, and to pray unto thee forthem, that you wouldest not lay this sin to their charge, but have mercy upon them, and bring them back into the path of peace and true righteousness, through our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
Here may be added also one or other of the following COLLECTS, as discretion shall direct.
O MOST powerful and righteous LORD GOD, mercifully assist our prayers when we cry unto thee, powerfully defend the cause of thy truth against the face of the wicked, and put forth now thy right arm, and let those evils which the craft and subtlety of the Devil or man worketh against us be brought to nought, and by thy good Providence dispersed; that we thy servants, being hurt by no persecutions, may evermore glorify thee, and give thee thanks, through CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
Grant, we beseech thee, O GOD, the Strength of all that put their trust in thee, that in all our sufferings here upon earth, for the testimony of thy truth, and for righteousness sake, we may steadfastly look up to heaven, and by faith behold the glory that shall be revealed, and being filled with the HOLY GHOST, may learn to love and bless our persecutors, by the examples that you have set before us: And that we may not be afraid through many tribulations and persecutions to enter into the kingdom of heaven; but may count all things dross and dung so we may but gain CHRIST. To whom with thee, O FATHER, and the HOLY GHOST, be all glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Keep, we beseech thee, O LORD, thy household the Church; and because it cannot continue in safety without thv succor, preserve it evermore by thy help and goodness; and let the course of this world be so peaceably ordered by thy government, that we and all the members of thy Church may henceforth joyfully serve thee in all Godly quietness, through JESTS CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
O MOST blessed, and gracious GOD, who only can heal a wounded spirit, and quiet a troubled mind, look with pity on the misery of thy most unworthy creature, that load of misery which I feel within me, but am not able to express. Unto thee do I cry for help, O you great Physician of body and soul: Uphold and comfort my weak and dejected spirit. As you alone can relieve me, so unto thee do I call for relief; O hear my most earnest supplication, and make me to possess an easy, quiet, and cheerful spirit, as my trust is in thee. I ask this, O LORD, as the greatest of blessings you can bestow upon me; I ask it, because I cannot enjoy any other of thy blessings without it; I ask it, because you alone can give it; and if you art pleased to glorify thy goodness in granting this my earnest request, then shall I serve thee faithfully, with a cheerful and thankful heart, and glorify thy goodness, all the remainder of my life, through JESUS CHRIST My LORD. Amen.
O blessed JESU, who has made man, and who in our nature tookest our infirmities, and wast once exceeding sorrowful unto death, and who in anguish of spirit upon the cross, cried out to thy FATHER, and our FATHER, " My GOD, my GOD, why have you forsaken me!" O you most merciful, faithful, and unchangeable High Priest, who wast made like unto thy brethren, and can not but be touched with the sense of our infirmities, I beseech thee by thy infinite compassion to look down from heaven upon me, who am a miserable object of thy pity, being sore afflicted, and sore let and hindered in the course of my Christian duties by sadness and dejection of spirit. You knows, O LORD, how exceedingly my soul is troubled: You seest how much it is disquieted within me; I take no delight in any thing I do, no not in my spiritual exercises. I am wholly indisposed for my own business, and loathe to do any thing, even to pray unto thee, though I will not forbear to pray unto thee, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer. I beseech thee, blessed SAVIOR, hear my complaint, and take away this plague from me. It is with this most earnest petition that I now he prostrate at the throne of mercy: Remove it, I beseech thee, be it fixed in the body, or In the soul, of thy afflicted servant, or in both; speak but the word, and I shall be whole. I ask this in submission to thy good will and pleasure: If it is sent to me to punish me for my sins past, or restrain me from sins to come, or to correct my pride, or exercise my patience and trust in thee, not my will but thine be done. I am content to bear it to my life's end: If you shall think fit to continue it, and support me under it with the assistances of thy HOLY SPIRIT. But if it please thee, O let this torment of soul depart from me, that, being restored to an easy, free, cheerful, and active spirit, I may serve thee with delight, and vigor, in all the duties of my heavenly calling, and enjoy all other blessings and comforts of life, which you art pleased to continue unto me, and better bear any other sufferings which you shall fit, for the exercise of my patience, to lay upon me. O LORD, hear this prayer, which in anguish of spirit I make unto thee. I come to thee at this time in hopes to obtain this great mercy of thee, who art all mercy. O grant it for thy own merits' sake, who wast a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and now live, and reignest with the FATHER, and the HOLY GHOST, one GOD, world without end. Amen.
WHY art you so vexed, O my soul; and why art you so disquieted within me
The LORD has covered me with a cloud in his anger; and with darkness am I compassed about.
My soul is sore troubled; but, LORD, how long wilt you punish me
I am bowed down greatly; for mine iniquities are gone over my head, and as an heavy burden too heavy for me.
There is no peace in my spirit, for it is grievously wounded; neither is there quiet found in my soul, because the hand of the LORD presseth me hard.
And I said, Surely my strength and my hope are pershed from the LORD.
O my GOD, why have you caused the arrows of thy quiver to enter thus into my reins And why have you so filled me with bitterness, and made me drunk with wormwood
Why have you led me, and brought me into darkness; and turned thy hand against me all the day
You have removed my soul far off from peace, whence I go mourning all the day long.
But why art you so cast down, O my soul; and why art you so full of heaviness
Put thy trust yet in the LORD, of whose mercies it is that you art not utterly consumed.
It is good that you both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD, who will not cast off for ever.
But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies.
Hope you therefore in GOD, O my soul, for thy hope is not yet perished from the LORD; yea, hope you in GOD, for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.
He will make me to hear of joy and gladness, that the bones which have been broken may rejoice.
Return therefore unto thy rest, O my soul; and be no longer disquieted within me.
Return unto thy rest, O my soul, in GOD: For he is thy resting place and thy salvation.