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Devotions: For The Great Festivals



HE is our great and sovereign LORD, the absolute King of heaven and earth; he sees at once the whole frame of all things, and throughly comprehends their various natures.

Come, let us adore our GOD that governs us.

To every creature he appoints a fit office, and guides all their motions in perfect order; till he has wrought his glorious design to finish the world in a beauteous close.

Come, let us adore our GOD, &c.

All these he governs by his infinite wisdom, and all for the good of them that love him; his counsels are deep, and beyond our reach, but all his ways are just and merciful.

Come, let us adore our GOD, &c.

He governs his enemies with a rod of iron, and punishes their willfulness with eternal miseries; but his servants he blesses with the privilege of children, and provides for their duty a rich inheritance.

Come, let us adore our GOD that governs us.


WHY do you laugh, unhappy wretches! who tire yourselves in the ways of sin

Ways that indeed seem smooth at first; but lead to danger, and end in ruin.

Why do you boast your pleasant life, who he asleep in the arms of death

Awake, and chase the dream away, that deludes your sick heads with empty fancies.

Awake, and fill your eyes with tears, and sadly look on your real miseries.

Whither, alas! will your souls be hurried, when you sigh away your last faint breath

They shall fly away amazed from the sight of heaven, and hide their guilty selves in eternal darkness.

There shall they dwell with intolerable pains, weeping, and wailing, and lamenting for ever.

Their understanding shall sit as in a deep dungeon, and think on nothing but its own calamities.

Their will shall be heightened to a madness of desire, and perpetually racked with despair of obtaining.

Their memory shall serve but to renew their sorrows; and their whole souls be drowned in the sea of bitterness. They shall wish the mountains to fall on them; and cry to the hills to cover them.

But nothing shall fall on them but the wrath of GOD; nor cover them, but their own confusion.

There every vice shall have its proper torment, prodigiously bred out of its own corruption.

The lascivious shall burn with unquenchable fire, perpetually flaming from their own passions.

The glutton and drunkard shall vainly sigh for a drop of water to cool their tongues.

The choleric shall rage like mad dogs; and the envious gnaw their own bowels.

But O, what horrid pangs shall seize them all; and wound, and pierce the very centre of their souls!

When they shall see themselves eternally deprived of the bright and blissful vision of GOD.

When they shall see themselves eternally banished from the sweet and gracious presence of JESUS.

That GOD, who made them to enjoy his glory; that JESUS, who redeemed them to be heirs of his felicity! Then shall they curse the day of their birth, and the

unfortunate companions that inveigled them to sin.

They shall curse this vain deceitful world; and cry out with desperate fury, Are these the effects of those fond desires, whose enjoyments we made our chief felicity

Alas! what avail now our wanton liberties, and the fugitive pleasures we so eagerly pursued

What comfort receive we from those empty honors, and faithless riches we so highly esteemed

They all are vanished away like a shadow, and as a cloud of smoke scattered with the wind.

But the remorse and punishment endure for ever, and torture our spirit with perpetual anguish.

Thus shall they cry, and none regard; thus shall they mourn, and none shall be found to pity them.

O sad expectance of a dissolute life! O dreadful consequence of an impenitent death!

Eternally to long for what they never can enjoy; eternally to suffer what they can never avoid.

Blessed be thy gracious providence, O GOD, that with such tender care forewarns us of our dangers.

O save us too from all those dangers; save us for thy mercy's sake.

Save us, and make us fearful to do what, when we have done, will make us miserable to suffer.

Quicken our apprehensions of the ruinous effects of sill; and with thy terrible threatenings check our unbridled passions.

That if thy glorious promises move not our hearts, the fear at least of hell may fright us into heaven. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.

The day will come, it will infallibly come, when GOD will crown all that love his glory.


WHY do you mourn, you children of the light, to whom belong the promises of bliss

Who feed on the pleasant fruits of piety, and the continual feast of a good conscience.

Who taste already the sweetness of hope; and hereafter shall be satisfied with the fullness of fruition.

What can molest your happy state, whom the GOD of, glory has chosen for himself

Whom he has adopted into his own family, and designed for heirs of the kingdom of heaven

That blessed kingdom where all delights abound, and sorrow and tears are banished away.

Where none are sick, or grow old, or die; but flourish in health, and youth, and immortal life.

Where none are perplexed with cares or fears, but dwell secure and free for ever.

Where we no more shall be subject to pain; no more exposed to the danger of temptation.

Where we no more shall be crossed by others, no more disquieted by our own passions.

But a serene tranquility shall be perpetually within us, and innumerable joys all round about us.

Joy in the excellences of our glorified bodies; joy in the perfections of our enlarged souls.

Joy in the sweet society of saints; joy in the glorious company of angels.

Joy in the ravishing sight of our beloved JESUS; joy is the blissful union with the adored Deity.

All shall be joy, and love, and peace; and all endure for eternal ages.

Let then the impenitent sinner be in fear; and the obdurate heart break with grief;

But for the innocent, let them always be glad; and the servants of JESUS rejoice and sing.

Sweet is the yoke of thy love, O LORD! light is the burden of thy commands.

But O! how far more rich are thy faithful promises! How infinitely greater thy glorious rewards!

When every virtue shall wear its proper crown, and shine with a diadem fit for its own head.

The humble there shall be highly exalted; and the poor in spirit preferred to be Kings.

The meek shall possess the Holy Land, and the mourners be comforted with eternal refreshments.

The pure in heart shall see the GOD of purity; and the lovers of peace have the privilege of his children.

They who hunger and thirst after heaven shall be filled! and the merciful entertained with embraces of mercy.

They who suffered persecution shall be abundantly rewarded; and the enlighteners of others shine bright as

the stars.

They who relinquished any thing for GOD shall receive a hundred fold; and all the just shall be in glory for ever. Then shall they bless the true friend that reproved them, and the charitable hand that assisted them to their happiness.

They shall bless the provident mercies of their GOD, and sing aloud the victories of his grace.

Is this the effect of those little pains we took Are these the repairs for those petty losses we suffered.

Happy we, who denied ourselves toys, and now are advanced to these high felicities!

Millions of years shall pass away, and our glory shall seem then but to begin.

Millions of millions shall pass away, and our glory shall be no nearer its end.

Thus shall they rejoice, and none disturb them; thus shall they sing, and all the heavens join with them.

O sweet expectance of a pious life! O happs consequence of a holy death!

Eternally to be free from whatsoever can afflict; eternally to enjoy whatever can delight.

Blessed be thy gracious providence, O GOD, that with so large a bounty wooes us to our happiness:

Wooes us in a way we are so apt to be taken, the love of ourselves, and our own great interest.

As you have prepared such felicities for us, O may thy grace prepare us for them.

O may this best of works take up all our time, at least take up the best of our time.

At least every morning let us renew our hopes, and close the evening with the same sweet thoughts.

Let us not. faint, and we surely shall see a prosperous issue of all our sorrows.

Still let us labor, still let us suffer; our troubles are short and our joys eternal.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.

What will it Profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul

Or what shall we give in exchange, or our souls


COME now, my soul, and choose; for life and death are set before thee.

Choose whilst thy gracious LORD allows thee day; lest the night of darkness overtake thy neglect.

Choose, but remember eternity is concerned; and examine well ere you make thy resolve.

Call all the pleasures of the world before thee, and ask if any of them be worth such pains.

Ask, if to satisfy some irregular passion, can recompence the forfeiture of such felicities

Ask, if the vain forbidden things you loves, deserve thy affection better than thy Maker

Are they more worthy in themselves, or beneficial unto thee, that you can prefer them before thy Redeemer

Dost you expect to be quiet by enjoying them; or everlastingly happy in their procurement

Will they protect thee at the hour of death; or plead thy cause at the day of judgment

O no! they but deceive me with a smiling look; which I too oft have proved by dear experience.

It is heaven alone that yields a true content; it is heaven alone that fills us with delight.

Take then away your flatteries, false world, and leave me free for better thoughts.

Turn you thy face to me, O JESUS; and keep mine eyes still turned towards thee:

That I may look continually on thy glorious beauty, and be ravishes for ever with the charms of thy sweetness.

It is thee, chaste Spouse of souls, it is thee alone I choose, and dedicate myself entirely to thy service.

You art my sole and absolute LORD; be you my part and inheritance for ever.

But, O my LORD, do you choose me, and guide my uninstructed soul to choose thee.

O make me choose to love thee, till I come to see thee; and then I am sure I cannot choose but love thee, and be ravished with thee for ever.

Here, alas! we move slowly in the dark, led on by the evidence of things not seen.

Did we but clearly see what we say we believe, we should certainly change the course of our lives.

Did we but see the damned in their flames, or hear them cry in the midst of their torments;

How should we fear to follow them in their sin, which we know has plunged them into all those miseries!

How should we strive against the next temptation, and cast about to avoid the danger!

Did we but see the glories of the saints, or hear the sweet hymns they continually sing;

How should we study to imitate their lives, which, we know, have raised them to all their happiness!

How should we seek all occasions of improvement, and make it our business to work out our salvation!

Nay, did our faith but firmly believe the truths we every day recite in our creeds,

What would we do to attain those joys; what would we do to escape those sorrows!

Would half an hour be too long to pray, or once a week too often to last

Would the pardon of an injury be too hard a law, or the making restitution too dear a price

Durst we return to our sins again, or spend our time in idleness and folly

Yet is all this as sure as if we saw it; and would move us as much if we seriously considered it.

Which of us doubts but ere it be long we shall all be dust; yet which of us lives as if we thought to die

Pity, O gracious LORD, the frailties of thy servants, and suffer not our blindness to lead us to ruin.

Supply our want of sight by a lively faith; and strengthen our faith by thy powerful grace.

Maks us choose wisely, and pursue our choice; and as well use the means as pursue the end.

O set you right the bias of our hearts, that in all our motions we may draw off from the world:

That they may still incline towards the, and rest at last in thy holy presence.

You art our LORD, and we will serve thee in fear; you art our GOD, and we will love thee in hope, and humble confidence too of enjoying thee for ever.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.



Let them neglect thy praises, O LORD, who never consider thy mercies.

Let them be silent to thee, O gracious GOD, whose mouths are full of themselves.

But as for us, who subsist by thy gifts, and thankfully acknowledge the riches of thy goodness,

Our hearts shall continually meditate on thee, and our lips delight to sing thy glory.

Blessed for ever be thy name, O JESU; and blessed be the sweetness of thy wisdom:

Whose infinite love has vouchsafed our earth such excellent rules to guide us to heaven.

You taughtest us that happy skill of finding our lives, by losing them to follow thee.

You taughtest us to trample this world under our feet; and use it as a step to climb up to the next.

From thee we learn those glorious mysteries, that exalt our faith so high above reason.

From thee alone, and from thy school of discipline and grace, all know we, all learn we, and all we receive.

How long, alas! might we have wandered here, in the midst of darkness and error,

Had not thy love and pity, O merciful LORD, brought down thyself to become our light!

Never else should we have learned to deny ourselves, and take up our cross, and follow thee.

Never should we have known that great secret, to forgive our enemies, and do good to those that despitefully use us. On the unsatisfying things of this low earth should we blindly have set our whole affections:

Hadst you not told us of the kingdom of heaven, and bid us lay up our treasures there;

Hadst you not terrified us to fear thy wrath, by declaring the miseries that attend our sins:

Hadst you not invited us to obey thy commands, by proposing the felicities of a pious life.

What host you promised, gracious LORD, to the meek and poor in spirit!

What have you promised, LORD, to the weepers here; to those that hunger and thirst after holiness!

How many joys has thy bounty prepared, for the lovers of mercy, and makers of peace!

How many blessings for the pure of heart, and those who with patience bear their crosses!

O you allseeing Wisdom of the Eternal Father, and sovereign King of men and angels!

Who from thy glorious throne descendedst on our earth, familiarly to teach us the oracles of heaven:

Write these sacred words in the tables of our hearts, and suffer not at any time our passions to break them.

Make us still study thee, our heavenly Master, and continually admire the beauty of thy law

A law, that so clearly shows us our end, and so plenteously furnishes us with means to attain it.

A law, that so safely cures our infirmities, and so fitly supplies all our defects.

A law, so exactly conformable to true reason, and so highly perfective of human nature.

A blessed law, that makes even here our life more sweet, and leads us hereafter to everlasting felicity. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


NEVER will we cease to exalt thy goodness, O JESU, since you never ceasest to oblige us with new blessings.

Thy generous love could not thus be satisfied, to have only spoken to us the words of life.

It was not enough for thy excessive love, that thy heavenly sermons told us our duty;

But thou must urge and provoke our obedience, by the sweet enforcement of thine own example.

You forbiddest thy followers to affect superfluities, and thine own provision was a few barley loaves.

You biddest us not fear them that kill the body, and yieldest up thine own to the death on the cross.

You enjoinest us to love our fiercest enemies, and thy dying breath prayed for thy crucifiers.

Thy perfect soul needed not, as our weak natures, the outward forms and discipline of religion:

Yet you vouchsafest to observe the common feasts, and assist at the public offices of the temple,

To watch, and pray, and fast with so fervent a zeal, that thy practice outdid thine own precepts.

This life, and death itself, our merciful Lord undertook, to mark out for us the way to heaven, and purchase everlasting happiness for us.

Shall we not then, O my soul, rejoicingly follow that path which we see our SAVIOR has trod before us

Which we see, though spread all over with thorns, yet carried him directly to the glories of Paradise.

Shall we not confidently rely on so gracious a Leader, who promises, if we faint, to look back and relieve us!

O LORD, bow down thy gracious eye, and pity the frailties of our imperfect nature.

Reach forth thy hand, and strengthen us with thy grace, that, nothing may divert our advance towards thee.

But in this dangerous labyrinth of the world, and the whole course of our pilgrimage here, Thy heavenly dictates be our map, and thy holy life be

our guide.

Glory be, &sc. As it was, &c.


MAY every age sing praises to our GOD, and all generations adore his providence.

From the beginning, his mercy has still laid means to raise us to those blessed objects above our nature.

At first he created ADAM with all necessary knowledge, and then ordained the Patriarchs to inform their families.

Afterwards he charged the angels to bring us his commands, and often inspired the Prophets to declare his will.

When he had done all this, and found it not enough to guide untoward man to his true end,

What did he do then to save the perishing world O strange excess of the divine goodness!

He sent his own beloved Son to dwell amongst us, and teach us the art of working out our salvation:

That sacred art of training up our souls for heaven, and fitting them for the blissful union with himself.

But, O you King of glorious sweetness, whose flowing tongue drops milk and honey!

We were not so happy as to behold thy person, nor our ears to hear thy voice.

Yet ere we were born, you hadst us in thy thoughts, and didst provide a method to supply that defect:

Selecting a number, of choice disciples, and throughly instructing them in thy heavenly doctrine;

That they might keep alive the memory of thee, and witness to all nations thy stupendous works.

You didst verify their mission with the power of miracles, and enflamedst their hearts with the fire of thy SPIRIT.

Deep in the breasts of the faithful did they write thy Gospel, and sealed it before their eyes with their own blood.

Their successors deposited the same precious treasure in the common magazine of the universal church:

Enjoining their children to guard it with their lives, and convey it unchanged to future ages.

Blessed be thy goodness, O gracious GOD, who have thus made known thy will to us.

Blessed be thy power, O LORD, who by thy Apostles have wrought such miracles to confirm thy faith, and inclined our hearts to believe it.

How many souls are unhappily seduced, and lose themselves in the wilderness of error and heresy!

While we, by thy providence, are directly led in the strait way to bliss.

How many nations are miserably involved in the darkness of barbarism and unbelief!

While we enjoy a clear noonday, and safely walk in the light of truth.

O infinite Goodness! who freely choosest to pour forth thy blessings on us, though unworthy of them,

As it is alone from thee we receive these favors, to thee alone let us return our praises.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. IN THE AFTERNOON.

A good conscience is a continual feast, and a Peaceful mind the antepast of heaven.


LORD, how secure and quiet they live, whom thy grace preserves in innocence!

The day goes smoothly over their heads, and silent as the shadow of a dial.

Their spirits run calm and even, and ebb and flow in obedience to reason.

All their delight is to think of heaven, and reckon the joys they shall one day possess:

Till some unruly passion presses to come in, and by its fawning outside gains admittance.

It promises at first all joy, all happiness; but soon discovers its pernicious effects.

Soon it grows bold to undermine their repose, and open a door to all their enemies.

So at a little breach of the city wall, an whole army pours in:

Enslaving all that submit to their violence, and destroying all that resist it.

And such, alas! is their confusion, when once they have, yielded to the first assault;

Immediately a throng of tumultuous thoughts crowd in, and utterly consume their peace.

Vain at the best, and short are the enjoyments of this

world; and, after a little flattery, betray us into ruin.

Save us, O blessed JESUS, or else we perish; awake,

and with thy speedy mercy rescue thy servants.

Send down thy powerful grace to sustain us, and thoroughly reduce these unquiet disorders;

That we again may return to our former rest, and constantly enjoy an universal peace.

Peace with the had, by bearing their injuries; peace with the good, by conforming to their virtues.

Peace with ourselves, by subduing sense to reason; and peace with thee, by improving reason with religion. Glory be, c. As it was, &c.

You art, O LORD, the only anchor of our hope; save us, O JESU, or we perish.


THUS are they miserably tossed up and down, who float on the waves of their own passions.

Their wearied souls soon faint within them, when they see their LORD has withdrawn his presence.

They seek him, but cannot find him; they call upon him, but he gives them no answer.

O still seek on, still call upon your GOD; for his mercy will surely awake at last.

Though he seem sometimes to slumber for a while, to try your duty, or punish your disobedience;

Though he suffer a while the fury of the tempest, to show you your hopeless state, if left unto yourselves:

Yet be assured he will hear your prayers at last; he will not permit you to perish for ever:

For he is a Gm) hearing prayer, and the hope of the poor destitute; and when they cry unto him, he delivereth them out of their distress.

When they are even at their wit's end, they cry aloud, " LORD," save us, or we perish;" and their soul even melts away because of the trouble.

And now, when all their fears are grown to the height, and no means appear to sustain their patience:

When the proud waves beat violently against them, and cover their little vessel with despair and ruin:

Behold his blessed voice commands a calm, and immediately the sea and winds obey him:

Immediately his sun arises in their hearts, and with its gentle beams revives their hopes.

Then is their darkness turned into light, and the clouds dispersed into a bright day.

Then they recollect their scattered thoughts, and range them again in their ancient order.

Often they look back on the dangers they have escaped, and as often bless the mercy that delivers them.

Often they look forwards on the course they are going, and as often sing with joy for their happy change.

Welcome again that easy yoke of CHRIST, and the light burden of loving our SAVIOR.

Welcome the holy offices of sweet devotion, and that soul enflaming fervent prayer.

Now, now we discern this beauteous truth; and O may we print it deeply in our minds:

That the pleasures of virtue are pure and constant, and

infinite blessings attend to reward it.

But the pursuit of vice is troublesome and intricate, and finishes its course in an abyss of misery.

Pity, O LORD, you Raiser of them that fall, and sole

Sustainer of them that stand!

Pity thy children's weakness, who look up to thee, and know we are nothing in ourselves.

Let us not lose this experience; but teach us wisdom

from our own miscarriage.

Teach;us ito observe where our error was, and fortify

ourselves against that defect.

To suppress our temptations in their first approach; when their power is weak, and our grace is in full strength.

To remember how formerly their flatteries have abused us; and when they counterfeit again, be no more deceived:

Never to look on the face of pleasures, as they come dressed up and smiling towards us:

But always reflect how sadly they go off, and leave nothing behind, but their venomous sting.

So shall we gain the best of victories, whilst we master our own corrupt inclinations.

So shall we be honored with the noblest of triumphs, whilst our conquered passions draw us up to heaven. Glory be, 4,c. As it was, &c.

All our lots are in the hands of GOD, and all our safety in the assistance of his grace.


LORD, as thy all wise providence seems to sleep sometimes and permits the storm to grow high and loud;

Yet never fails to relieve thy servants, who faithfully call on thee in their day of trouble:

So let thy favorable hand still bear us up, when you seest us charged with any strong assault.

Leave us not then to our own infirmities, lest the enemy of our souls prevail against us.

Forsake not our misery when we are fallen, lest we he for ever grovelling on the earth.

Suffer not our frailties to become a custom, lest we die impenitent, and perish without recovery.

Deliver us, O LORD, from the occasions of sin, and the importunities of such as delight in folly.

Deliver us from the snare of enticing company, and the dangerous infection of ill example:

Infection, that spreads in every place its poisonous air; and wherever it enters, corrupts and kills.

Once more, my soul, let us repeat this prayer; and humbly implore again so necessary a blessing.

" Deliver us, O LORD, from the occasions of sin, and " the importunities of such as delight in folly.

" Deliver us from the snare of enticing company, and 46 the dangerous infection of ill example."

Set a strict watch continually over our eyes, and diligently keep the door of our lips.

Govern all our senses, that they seduce not our mind; and order every motion of our heart.

Perfect the work you have begun, and make our passions servants of thy grace.

Change our anger into a severity against ourselves, and a prudent zeal for others.

Convert our fear into a timorousness to offend, and art awful reverence of thy sacred name.

Let our affections be turned into love, that our hearts may desire nothing but thee:

Whom we may safely love with our whole strength; whose heaven we may covet, and fear no excess.

O You, whose blissful vision is the joy of angels, and sovereign happiness of all saints!

O that our souls could love thee without limits, as you art in thyself infinitely amiable:

That we could fix all our thoughts on thee; and never take them off from the memory of thy sweetness.

At least, O you fountain of eternal bliss and bounty, that flowest so freely with perpetual blessings!

Let every day we receive of thee, still set apart some portion of itself,

Seriously to meditate thy infinite mercies, and heartily rejoice in thy glorious rewards:

Mercies that give us all we have, and rewards that reserve for us all we can wish.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


When, O my soul, did we ever follow our passions, bin they instantly wrought our disturbance, and threatened at last our ruin

When did we ever turn our thoughts to piety, but it presently brought us peace, and refreshed our minds with new hopes of felicity

The winds are often rough, and our own weight presses us downwards.

Reach forth, O LORD, thy hand, thy saving hand, and speedily deliver us.

O GOD, whose grace it is that mightily rescues our reason from the desperate rebellion of our passions! Grant, we beseech thee, that the experience of the miserable effects of yielding to their allurements, may make us warier in observing, and severer in repressing their first motions; and let thy grace so strongly fortify us against all their assaults, that reason may more and more recover its due force, and calmly join with faith to secure and exalt in our hearts the blissful throne of thy love, through our LORD JESUS CHRIST, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the HOLY GHOST, one GOD, blessed for ever. Amen.


Repent now, my soul, for the evils you heist done,

and bless thy GOD for the goods you have received,


WELL! we are so much nearer our grave, and all the world is older by a day.

The portion of the wicked is so much less, and the time of their punishment so much approached.

The sufferings of the patient so much diminished, and their hopes of deliverance so much increased.

They who have spent this day in sin and folly, see all their thoughts now vanish like a dream.

They see all is past, but the fear of justice, and the best that can follow is a bitter repentance.

LET others court what joys they please, And gain whatever they court:; For me, I find but little ease

In all their gayest sport.

Be you alone but with my heart, My GOD, my only bliss, I shall not murmur at my part, Nor envy their success.

They talk of pleasure, talk of gain, None must their humor cross; But well I know their pleasure's pain, Their greatest profit's loss.

Let them talk on; for have not we Our gains, our pleasures too

Pleasures that spring more sweet, more free.

Gains that more fully flow. Nay, well endured, our very pains.

To us a pleasure are; And all our losses turn to gains, If hopes may have their share.

And sure they may, such hopes that cheer the heavenespoused breast:

Hopes that so strangely charm us here,

What will they be, possessed

All glory to the sacred Three, All honor, power and praise;

As twas at first, still may it be Beyond the end of days. Amen.

But such as have wisely bestowed their time, and made another step towards heaven:

They see their joys come to meet them in the way, and

still grow bigger as they come:

Till by a holy death they join in one, and dwell together for eternal ages.

O you blessed Author of all our hopes, and perfect

Satisfier of all our wishes;

Do you instruct us in this great and wise truth, and let every evening renew it in our minds:

" That the things of this world are of little import; " since its joys and griefs last but for time.

" But that the future state infinitely concerns us, where " life and death endure for ever."

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


WE ARE nearer indeed the end of our life; but are we nearer the end for which we live

What have we done, my soul, today, that truly advanceth us to our last great home

Have we increased our esteem of heaven, and settled its love more strongly in our hearts

Have we avoided any known temptation, or faithfully resisted when we could not avoid

Have we interrupted our customary faults, and checked the vices we are most inclined to

Have we embraced the opportunities of good, which the mercy of providence has offered to us

Have we industriously contrived occasions to improve, as we are able, ourselves and others

Alas, LORD! what do we see, when seriously we look into our guilty selves

When we reflect upon our former years; nay, even the follies of this one day

O meek Redeemer, what our passions have done; and favorably supply what our weakness has omitted.

Make us hereafter more carefully watch, that our time slide not unprofitably away.

Make us select every day some fit retreat, to study the knowledge of ourselves and thee:

' Of ourselves, to correct our many infirmities; and of thee, to adore thy infinite perfections.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


LITTLE, you knows, O LORD, is the good we do; and every grain of it is derived from thee.

Great, we confess, are the evils we commit; and all be charged entirely upon ourselves.

Tell me, my soul, when first you have well examined the innumerable circumstances that concern thy state;

Tell me, and let not pride deny the truth; nor any thing divert thy free confession:

Could we have saved ourselves from any dangerous temptation, unless our GOD had powerfully sustained us

Could we have carried on any pious purpose, unless his hand had blessed our endeavors

No! To thyself, O LORD, we give all the praise, if thv creatures have performed the least good work.

Take to thyself all the glory, O LORD, if they have not committed the worst of sins.

Thy hand alone directs us to do well; and the same blessed hand restrains us from ill.

It is not in us to esteem those unseen joys, and despise the flatteries of this deceitful world.

It is not the work of nature to mortify our senses, and patiently bear the crosses we meet.

Of ourselves we are inclined to none of these; but the grace of GOD enables us to do all.

Grace gives us strength to overcome our passions; and the world and the flesh shall be subject unto us.

Grace gives us faith to fortify our reason; and heaven it itself shall be conquered by us.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.




Come, let us adore our GOD that feeds us.


He freely opens his bounteous hand, and fills with his blessings every living creature;

he gives even Kings their daily bread, and all the world is maintained with his provisions.

Come, let us adore our GOD that feeds us.

He feeds our understanding with the knowledge of truth, and strengthens our wills with his holy grace; he refreshes our memories with a thousand benefits, and feasts our whole souls with everlasting hopes.

Come, let us adore our GOD that feeds us.

With himself, and his sacred body, and blood, he feeds us, and nourishes us up to immortal life; beginning even here that blessed union, which shall be fully perfected his own kingdom.

Come, let us adore our GOD that feeds us.

Come, all ye servants of so gracious a LORD; whom he daily entertains with innumerable mercies: Come, all ye children of so loving a Father; for whom he has provided an eternal feast.

Come, let us adore our GOD that feeds us.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


HE who made the sun to enlighten our steps in the pilgrimage of this short life.

Has he ordained no guide to conduct our souls, in the difficulty to their eternal home

He who feeds the ravens that call upon him; has he not provided bread for his children

He has, and still his mercy furnishes us with means to perform whatever he commands.

At first he espoused to himself by the preaching of his Apostles, a glorious, faithful, spotless church;

Which he built upon the foundation of the Apostles, and Prophets, himself being the chief cornerstone.

He promised to be with it, and preserve it, and the faith delivered to it, unto the end of the world:

Establishing his truth on a firm pillar; a solid foundation to sustain our faith.

That we waver no longer as children; nor be carried about with every wind of doctrine:

Nor consume all our days with studying to believe, without ever proceeding to life and action.

This spouse, O you glorious King of heaven, and admirable Lover of poor ruined man!

This humble spouse, you camest down to woo, and dearly purchase with thine own blood.

You have endowed her with eminent prerogatives and powers, above the rest of the daughters of the earth.

Preserving her in the midst of Pagans and Jews, and against more subtile and dangerous enemies than they; worldly politicians, and the authors and maintainers of heresy and schism:

Preserving thy truth in her, and the Holy Scriptures committed to her, bright and conspicuous as the sun; that every open willing eye may see her light.

You have adorned her with the beauty of order, when thy church is in splendor; and with peace and patience, under an eclipse.

You didst introduce her with the power of miracles, and cement her with the blood of martyrs.

You have given her the keys of thy treasures, and opened unto her the mysteries of heaven.

Mysteries that free our souls from the dominion of sense, and place them above the reach of reason.

These thy whole church unanimously confesses and attests, as derived from thee, their original source.

Whence running along through every age, they have always maintained their constant channel.

O may they still bear on their course, and still spread wider their wholesome streams.

May all the world be watered with this dew of heaven, and bring forth fruit to everlasting life.

May the faith, which was once delivered to the saints, continue in an happy progress to the end of all things. Glory be, e c. As it was, &c.


SAFE in the hands of the Apostolic Catholic church, has our provident Lott') deposited the richest treasures of his kingdom.

Commanding his Bishops and Priests to conserve them with reverence, and in unity; and dispense them to others with a prudent charity.

Soon as we are born into this world of danger, his pastors are ready to dispense his baptism to save us:

To wipe out the guilt of our birth, our original sin, and write our new name in the book of life.

What all eternity could not have worn off, a little washing of water cleanses away.

Healed by the bitter waters of penitence, we are invited to all the sweetness of Paradise:

To taste the delicious bread of angels, offered in the holy Eucharist;

And spiritually, in full effect and virtue, to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of GOD.

Thereby to become entirely one with him; while we feed on his body, and are governed by his SPIRIT.

That the world may continue in a blessed succession, he in the beginning instituted marriage;

And adorned that holy estate with his presence, and first miracle, which he wrought in Cana of Galilee.

lie also made it a symbol of that mystical union, that is between himself and his church.

Exalting that state to the honor of a mystery, that we might the more regard the holiness of its duties.

To prevent the failing of governors in the church, the church for which the world continues;

Themselves are empowered to kindle fresh successive lights, who still may shine on when the old ones are spent.

Thus by thy wise indulgent care, O you sweet Conductor of our souls!

Every station of our pilgrimage has a fit entertainment, and every defect a proper remedy.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


BEHOLD He comes to us in the symbols of bread and wine; who is, indeed, both GOD and man;

He, whom the Seraphim prostrate adore, and fly with all their wings to perform his commands;

He, who came down to die for us sinners, and ascended again above the highest heavens;

Himself is there, and graciously stays our coming, to receive our prayers, and sendus home with a blessing.

All the faithful, that approach him with prepared hearts, feel the virtue of his divine love;

Going out of him to heal their infirmities, and warm their souls, and inflame their affections:

And thus a lively faith passes through the veil, and confidently enters into the holy of holies.

A faith that works by love may enter, and fill itself with celestial manna.

Behold, O LORD, we believe; perfect by thy vigorous grace our faint endeavors.

Bring us where our dark faith shall cease into vision, and our hope expire into full enjoyment;

Where all our affections shall be contracted into love, and love shall be extended to all eternity.

Glory be, eke. As it was, &c.

We confess, we are bound to do many things against our will; why not believe some few above our understanding



How great is the multitude of thy loving kindnesses, which you host laid upon them that fear thee!


WHERE, O you boundless Ocean of Love, where will thy overflowing streams stay their course

We and our ingratitude strive to oppose thee; but nothing can resist thine almighty goodness.

When the impiety of men was at the height, and their treacherous heads plotting to betray thee,

Then did thy wisdom mercifully consult to overcome our malice with thy bounty.

Immediately you contrivedst an admirable way, to invite all the world to a feast of miracles:

A feast where thy sacred body should be our food, and thy precious blood our drink:

A feast in which are continually wrought new miracles of love for us.

And, as if it had not been love enough to have given thyself on the cross for us,

You have found out a way to give thyself to us in the holy Sacrament;

To unite us to thyself with the most intimate union that it is possible to conceive, and which we can better feel than


For what greater mercy and bounty can be extended to us, poor mortals, than for our Redeemer to become the very food of our souls'

To become the life, the strength, the support, and comfort of our beings:

Nay, to become even one with me, and be unto me the very soul of my soul

O LORD My GOD, this is so inconceivable a blessing, this is so divine a union,

That the very angels, who so much desire to look into the great mystery of our redemption,

Do crowd about our altars, and with awful admiration contemplate thy wonderful condescension in it.

What thanks then, gracious LORD, can I return thee for those wonders of love you have showed to me a wretched sinner; which those blessed angels above, who never sinned, so much admire!

A feast, where thy whole allglorious self is freely given to the meanest guest:

A feast of peace, and love, and incomparable sweetness, to which thine own blessed mouth thus calls us,

Come to me all ye that labor for holiness, and are oppressed under the weight of your sins:

Come to me ye that hunger after heaven, and thirst to drink at the fountain of bliss:

Come to me, and I will refresh you with the wine of gladness and the bread of life:

Come you that are weak, that you may grow strong; and you that are strong, lest you become weak:

Come you that have leisure, and here entertain your time: Come you that are busy, and here learn to sanctify your employment:

Come all, and gather freely of this celestial manna, and fill your souls with the food of angels.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


Titus does our gracious LORD invite; and shall we go Shall sinners dare to sit down at his table

Thus he invites, and shall we not go Shall wretches presume to refuse his call

Rise then, my soul, and take thy swiftest wings, and fly to the presence of this great mystery.

Soon as you comest, bow low thy head, and humbly adore thy blessed Redeemer;

Our GOD that comes so far to meet us, and brings along with him a whole heaven to entertain us.

Arise, and leave the world behind thee; and run with gladness to salute thy LORD.

Enter the palace of his glorious residence, the place where his honor dwells.

There shall we see the Eternal Wonn, who descended from heaven to become man for us;

There we shall see the Prince of Peace sacrifice himself to reconcile us with his FATTIER;

There shall we see, O stupendous mercy! the Sow of GOD with food entertaining the sons' of men.

Can we believe the wonders of this mystery, and not be ravished with admiration of thy goodness

Can we acknowledge thy supreme veracity, and not believe this wonder of thy love

What, though our eyes see nothing but bread and wine! our faith, yea experience too, assure us, that you art there also.

For, O the joy and overflowing comforts the just find herein!

Producing nothing but praises and thanksgivings; but love, and joy, and fear;

And care of offending that blessed Loin, who meets them at this holy and mysterious feast.

What earnest supplications do they make, that their LORD will take possession of their hearts, and never depart from them more!

Let us not then refuse to believe our GOD, because his mercies transcend our capacities.

No, no, it is thy very self, O blessed JESU; and it is thine own light by which we see thee.

And it is thine HOLY SPIRIT, the Comforter, by which we feel and find thee.’

None but infinite wisdom could ever have invented so strange and high a mystery.

None but an inconceivable goodness would ever have imparted so dear, and tender, and rich a blessing. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


LORD, who are we, unworthy sinners, that thus you regardest our wretched dust

What is all the world compared to thee, that thus you seemest to disregard thyself

It was for our sakes, and to draw us up to thy love, that you have commanded us to commemorate, and represent thy passion;

And present the merits of it before thy FATHER on earth, as you dost present them to him in heaven.

It was for our sakes, and to help the infirmities of our nature, that you didst appoint a commemorative sacrifice,

Of that one oblation of thyself once offered upon the cross; and bread and wine so offered, and blessed, as symbols of thy body and blood.

Blessed are the eyes, O JESU, that see thee in these holy signs; and blessed is the mouth that reverently receives thee.

Blessed yet more is the heart that desires thy coming, and longs to see thee in thy beauteous self.

O you eternal LORD of grace and glory, our joy and portion in the land of the living!

What have you there prepared for thy servants, who bestowest such pledges of thy bounty here!

What dost you there reserve in thine own kingdom, who givest us thyself in this place of banishment!

How will thy open vision transport our souls; when our dark faith yields us such delights!

Nothing on earth so sweet as to kneel whole hours before thee, and one by one consider thy innumerable mercies.

What must it be in heaven to shine continually before thee; and all in one contemplate thy unspeakable goodness and glories!

O my adored Redeemer! when will that happy day appear, when mine eyes may behold thee without a veil

When will the clouds and the shadows pass away; that thy beams may shine on me in their full brightness

Object not against me, gracious LORD, that none can see thy face, and live.

Those fears thy love has changed, and all my hope is now to live by seeing thee.

Say not, O you mild and gracious Majesty, if I approach thy presence I must die.

Rather instruct me so to die, that I may live for ever in thy presence.


Whither, O my GOD, should we wander, if left to ourselves Where should we fix our hearts, if not directed by thee


UNHAPPY man! at first created just; as every work comes fair from the hands of GOD.

At first endowed with dominion over the earth, and which was more, with dominion over thyself.

At first not only made sole LORD of Paradise; but heir apparent of the heaven of heavens.

All this was lost by one rash act of thine; disobeying the law of thy wise Creator.

All this, alas! we lost by thy transgression, which brought in sin, and death, and universal misery.

Our bodies were depraved by thy distemper; and our souls by such depraved bodies.

Our senses quickly rebelled against reason; and both together conspired against grace.

Dullness and ignorance overspread the world; error and vice possessed mankind.

The law they observed was their own unruly appetite; and the deity they worshipped, the work of their own hands.

Even the selected people of the true GOD; the favorite nation of, the Almighty Providence:

They who were brought out of Egypt with so many wonders, and seated in a country flowing with milk and honey:

They who had seen the sea divide before them; and stand on each side as a wall to defend them:

They who had tasted the quails and the manna from heaven; and drunk of the streams that came gushing out from the rock.

Even they forgot their great Deliverer; and set up for their GOD a golden calf.

Thus lay the miserable world, all covered with darkness; and with the thickest mists of gross idolatry.

Thus had poor man lost his way; and all he could do was to wander up and down awhile:

Till, when his few vain years were spent, he suddenly descended into everlasting sorrows.

This moved thy pity, gracious LORD! who often art found by those that seek thee not.

Who never withdrawest thy hand in time of need; but constantly suppliest us in all our distresses.

This moved thy pity to undertake our relief; to come down thyself to dwell amongst us.

To rescue the deluded world from idolatry, and call men from darkness to thy marvelous light.

Glory be, tic. As it was, &c.

O bounteous LORD, the continual Supplier of thy creatures with all convenient sustenance to advance our growth and strength, till we are fit to take heaven by violence, and rise at length to be eternal enjoyers of thyself: Fix, we beseech thee, our eyes and adoration on that open hand, which thus graciously gives us our daily bread. And grant that the wonderful feast of thy Son's body and blood may duly sanctify our tastes to all other thy bounties, that they may only relish, and feed upon thy dear love to us, through the same our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

You earnest first to thine own, and didst dwell among them, that they might see thy glory:

The glory as of the only begotten Son of GOD, that God man, GOD manifested in flesh, whom they might safely worship.

But you must again ascend into thy FATHER'S bosom, to prepare a place for thy faithful followers.

Yet even then, O you wise and infinite Goodness! Thou didst not wholly forsake our earth; you didst not leave us comfortless.

But didst send forth thy HOLY SPIRIT to guide and comfort us; and give thyself in the Holy Eucharist to feed and nourish" our hungry souls with' that sacramental


Still you art really present to us in that holy mystery of love; hence we offer up our devotions in it, with our utmost reverence, wonder, and love.

We know it is impossible to adore and love our GOD too much; O that it were possible to love, and admire him, and adore him enough.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.

Blessed be thy providence, O GOD, that so tenderly nurses up the Church,

that it may still grow on to new degrees of perfection.


LORD, what a happy change has thy coming wrought! what glorious effects has thy doctrine produced!

Once in a populous city not ten that were just! and on the whole earth but eight that were saved!

But O what a happy change did thy coming work in the world! O what glorious effects in a little while did thy doctrine produce!

When, by thy abundant grace, thousands, with a strong and vigorous love, ran swiftly after thee in the ways of thy commands.

Now we see Kings and mighty nations submit to thee; and hope ere long that all the world will adore thee.

Whence could this strange improvement come Whence could all those blessings spring

But from thy holy life, O blessed JESUS, and the infinite merits of thy painful death!

Both which are united, and the fruits thereof abridged, in this holy Sacrament of thy blessed body and blood. These sacred things, thy word and sacraments, breed in us not only profound veneration and adoration to thee: But also a great and due respect to thy Pastors and Priests, the dispensers thereof.

These saving mysteries keep alive our clear Redeemer's death and apply to our souls all the merits of his passion.

These fill our hearts with heroic courage; to do and suffer for the name of JESUS.

These are the food of faith, and hope, and love, which fit us for eternal happiness.

O blessed memorial of my Savior's love, and faithful seal of all his promises!

If I forget to sing of thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.

If I forget to meditate on thee, let my head forfeit its power to think.

All the short time that I remain in thy presence I will wholly employ to adore thy Majesty.

Thee will I bless for all thy mercies; to thee will I open all my necessities.

Begging thy pardon for my past offences, and thy gracious assistance for the time to come.

Imploring the preservation of thy Church, and thy blessing upon all the world.

O spotless Lamb, once slain for us on the cross; and duly commemorated on, and communicated to us at thy holy altar!

Be you our powerful Advocate with thy heavenly FATHER; and solicit, by thy merits, his mercy for us.

Offer thyself before his throne, and turn away the wrath we deserve for our sins.

So slaves are rescued from their chains, from the doom of death.

Whilst they appease their offended King, with the pleasing remembrance of his beloved SON.

And so we hope, and infinitely more, from the infinitely greater mediation of JESUS

If You, O LORD, shall thus restore our liberty, and clothe thy servants with the robes of thy righteousness,

Then shall we delight to be still in thy presence; and follow thee, O Lamb of GOD, whithersoever you goest.

Wherever you art, we will never forsake thee; and wherever we are, our hearts shall always be with thee.

Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor any of the powers either of this or the invisible world, nor indeed any other creatures whatever,

Shall be ever able,' we firmly hope, to separate us from thee, or diminish that love which draws us after thee, O GOD of our life.

Glory be, cfc. As it was, &c.


AND does our glorious GOD not only visit, but dwell perpetually with us then upon earth

He whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain; does he make his residence in our little tabernacles,

Where are you, ye holy angels, that you fly not swiftly down, and in your whitest robes attend your LORD

Where are you, ye careless men, that you run not quickly hither; and with your lowest homage bow to your King

Who though he shines out clear to the blessed above; and the beams of his glory strike bright upon their faces:

Yet have his mercies to us far more of miracle, far more of care, and tender providence:

Whilst he not only is pleased to be among us, but condescends to become even one with us:

While he is not only our GOD to go before us; but our very food to enter into us.

O souls redeemed by the blood of JESUS; and nourished with the flesh and blood of his sacred body:

Why melt you not away into tears of joy, for being so regarded by the King of heaven

'Why not at least dissolve ye into tears of sorrow, for so little regarding him

Who will not tremble with loving reverence, that stands in the sight of so great a Majesty

Who can forbear to be transported with joy, that thinks in himself, I am a guest at the table of my GOD

Who can contain the overflowings of his heart, whilst his breast can say, I have the honor to be entertained by my God

My great and glorious GOD, who, merely out of love, thus gives me himself in a mystery of grace, and leaves me the pledges of my salvation.

O infinite Sweetness! How good it is for us to be here, and, as it were, behold our LORD transfigured before us!

Here let us make a thousand tabernacles; one, O my JESUS, for thee, and one for each of us.

That in our little tents we may dwell about thee; and sing, and bow, and rejoice before thee.

What should the captive wish but liberty, and the weary pilgrim but to be at rest

What should the sick desire but health; and what can I, but to be with my GOD

But have I considered how chaste those eyes should be, which go to behold the GOD of purity

Have I considered how clean that mouth should be, which presumes to eat the bread of heaven

But most, how celestial that soul should be, which aspires to an union with the body of our Lou])

Look, look, my heart, look well into thyself; and strictly search every corner of thy breast.

Alas! How poor, and dull, and empty are we! How infinitely unworthy of so divine a mystery

Yet are we called by him that can command; by him that sees, and pities our miseries.

He bids us come, he will surely receive us; and with his bounteous fullness supply our defects.

Go then, my soul, go to that sacred table, and take thy part of that delicious banquet.

Go all enflamed with love, and joy, and hope; and quench thy holy thirst at that spring of bliss.

When you have tasted the sweetness of thy GOD, and feelest his heavenly streams flow gently on thee,

Open thy happy breast, and suck those waters in; and let them freely run over all thy powers.

Let them soak deep to the root of thy heart, and turn the barren heath into a fruitful land.

Fruitful in holy thoughts, and pious words; fruitful in good, and just, and charitable deeds:

Fruitful in thyself in thine own improvement; fruitful to others in thy good example.

No more ingratitude to so gracious a GOD; no more neglect of so glorious a Majesty.

Away false pleasures, sin and vanity; for the GOD of holiness has touched my heart.

He has himself gone in and taken full possession, and sealed it up for his own service.

Glory be, d c. As it was, &c.



Who will give me this happy favor, that I may find my GOD alone

That I may find him in the silence of retirement, where the noise of' this world can no way interrupt us; And that my GOD may speak to me, and I to him, as

dearest friends converse together: That I may unfold before him all my wants, and freely ask his counsel.

What shall I do, O my gracious LORD, to be happy here What shall I do to be happy hereafter

Nature already has thus far taught me, that in all I undertake I should seek my own good.

Only I have cause to fear I may mistake that good, and set up an idol instead of thee:

Unless my GOD vouchsafe to instruct me, and show my soul its true felicity.

Hark! how the Eternal Wisdom gives thee advice! And let every word sink deep into thy soul:

"Seek with thy first endeavor the kingdom of heaven, " and all things else shall be added to thy wish.

"Love with thy whole affections the enjoyment of thy ` GOD; and all things else shall conspire to thy happiness."

These, my lips confess, are excellent truths; but when, O my GOD, shall my life confess them

When shall I perfectly overcome my passions, and guide them so that they may draw me to thy light

While they are mine, alas! I cannot govern them behold, LORD, I offer them all to thee.

Check you their lawless motions by thy grace, lest they’ carry me away from my duty.

Wean you my heart from the follies of this world, and quicken its appetite to thy solid joys:

That I may hunger and thirst perpetually after thee, and those glorious promises you have made to thy servants

That my whole soul may seek thee alone; since you alone art all my heaven.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


WHEN, O my soul, shall thy GOD find thee alone; free from those busy thoughts that fill thy head

O with what ready love would he then instruct thee, and let thee into his blessed secrets!

Himself would become thy familiar guest, and dwell with thee in thy perpetual joy.

LORD, you must enter first, and chase those fancies away, and consecrate my soul a temple to thyself.

Take you entire possession, and hold it fast for ever and suffer not the enemies of my peace to return.

Sit you as sovereign King, and absolutely command; for thy government is mild, and thy rewards are infinite.

What have you promised, gracious LORD, to him that receives thee with an humble love

All that is contained in those sweet and mystic words; " He dwells in me, and I in him."

O blessed words, if once my soul can say, " He dwells " in me, and I in him!

" He is my refuge in all temptations! He is my comfort " in all distresses!

"He is my security against all my enemies! He dwells " in me, and I in him.!"

What can an infinite bounty give greater than itself And what can an empty creature receive greater than his


O glorious GOD, my life, my joy, and the only center of all my hopes!

Were my unsteady soul once united to thee; or once had relished the sweetness of thy presence:

How would all other company seem dull and tedious, and the whole world be bitter to my taste!

How would my thoughts cleave fast to thee, and gladly seal thine everlasting covenant!

If You, O LORD, wilt dwell with me, my heart shall continually attend on thee.

Night and day will I sing thy praises, and all my life long adore thy mercies.

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c.


Thou art my only hope, O blessed JESUS; and thy favor alone is all things to me.

In thee I find the providence of a father, and the tender kindness of an indulgent mother.

In thee I enjoy the protection of a King, and the rare fidelity of a constant friend.

In thee I possess whatsoever I want; and thy fullness exceeds even my utmost desires.

You art, O JESUS, My GOD, and all things; what can I think, or wish for more

Already enough is said for them that love, and know the value of those precious words.

Sweet words, My GOD, and all things! Sweet in excess to those that taste them.

Not to the corrupted palates of the world, who relish nothing but the food of sense.

Words that revive the fainting mind, and fill its darkest thoughts with light and joy.

O may these blessed words dwell on my tongue, and live for ever in my faithful memory!

Wherever I am in this inconstant world, and whatever business entertains my hands,

Still let my inward eye look up to thee, and fix its sight on thy glorious face;

Still may I wish and long for that happy day, which opens to my soul so blessed a view;

Where I shall see, and no longer darkly believe, " that You, O LORD, art my GOD, and all things."

Glory be, &c. As it was, &c,