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A Gospel Glass, Part I


I FIND men will easily subscribe to this,’ That sin is the procuring cause of all misery;' but I find an aptness to transfer the guilt from one to another, from one party to another; and yet though people do even sell themselves to work wickedness, yet so predominant is self-love, that it sees no spots in itself. AHAB is not the trouble of Israel, but ELIJAH: Nay, a God man, AARON, excuses himself, and lays the blame on others. The sin is theirs, not mine. Men have a natural desire to justify themselves, and their desire is so strong, that they care not who they burden, so they may but ease and acquit themselves.

And, indeed, sin is such an ugly monster, that no man will own it, if he can choose; but had rather lay this child of darkness, at any man's door, yea, at GOD'S, than father it himself. My design in this enterprise, is, to obviate this distemper, and to bring you, all of you, to own your iniquity; that you may confess your iniquity, and GOD may forgive the iniquity of your sin. My place, and duty, as a Minister, (though wholly unworthy of that relation to GOD, or you,) binds me to cause Jerusalem to know her abominations; and therefore I have descended to particulars, that if it be the will of God, I might show to every man the plague of his own heart. The LORD knows, I take no pleasure to rake in these dunghills: I dread the ill uses that the sons of BELLAl may make of this enterprise: I expect various censures from them who should be otherwise minded; but my record is on high, that the great design of this publication is, to reduce professors to a more awful, humble, serious repentance towards God-and singular conversation before men.

I have had no quiet in my conscience, till I entered upon this labor. Though my bodily distempers pleaded hard for my silence; though I was told, the prudent should hold their peace in an evil day; though I know it is an unthankful office to admonish and reprove: yet I have laid by all' impediments and objections; and wish I had such gifts, and such affections, as might render me some way useful, to put you upon self-reflection, upon self-trial, in order to a full repentance: I pray God, I may so far at last succeed, as to obstruct. that cursed exclaiming against the sins of Governors, and other parties, as at length to make you cry out, What have I done Oh! How have I provoked God Having given you an account of my design, and the reason of it, I shall only add,

1. That it may not be expected I should give you a full catalogue of all your sins, which are provocations in the eyes of the LORD this day. Who can understand his errors Cleanse thou me (and the land) from all our secret, as well as known faults.

2. God forbid I should be so censorious, as to judge all guilty of these sins, in all the particularities, or in all the aggravations of them. Some are to be charged one way, some another; but few can wash their hands in innocence, that they are no ways principals or accessories.

3. Far be it from me to be partial in my charge, to advance any party of men upon the ruins of their brethren.

4. I desire you would take this catalogue into your closets with you, and as you read, set a special mark of observation on those sins which are chiefly yours, in order to repentance and amendment; and then give tile LORD no rest, till he has taken his pen, and dipped it in the blood of his Son, and blotted them out of his diary and remembrance. 5. And, lastly, Let me beseech the reader to be very importunate with the LORD, for an humble, tender spirit; that unbelief and hardness of heart may not accompany him in the perusal of the following lines, and thereby both his and my own endeavors become abortive.






Their Regardlessness of Souls.

How careless are we of our own souls

1. O, how few believe they are men, having bodies that must die, but souls that will never die! How few believe that their bodies were given them to be serviceable to their souls! Their heads, their hearts, their eyes, their ears, their hands, their feet, were all to attend upon their souls, and to help them to heaven; but this is not believed by many. As they are ignorant of the blessed GOD who made them, and of JESUS CUBIST who came to redeem them, and ”know not whether there be an HOLY GHOST or no,” so they axe, ignorant of the preciousness of their souls. They have not eyes to see that a man is not, cannot be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.” Alas! Many, who carry the name of Christians, deserve not the name of men. When you begin to value your souls, you begin to be men. O that men would value that which once they shall, they must, value! The damned spirits know now the worth of their souls; how many will not!

2. How few consider the worth and preciousness of their souls! When do such thoughts as these possess you Here in this earthly tabernacle dwells a thing that is worth a world; though here I crawl up and down, like a worm of two or three cubits long, and am in danger to be thrown into a hole every day, yet I carry with me a jewel, the loss whereof the whole world cannot repair.' How seldom do they consider, sadly and seriously, what will become of their souls when their excellence which is in them shall go away, as ELIPHAZ speaks Examine your thoughts all the day long, from morning to evening, and few are laid out for the soul.

3. Are not all the thoughts and cares laid out upon the body, though the body be but clay, and the soul is a spirit The body must die, but the soul shall never die. How frequently do we think of our bodies, what their wants, necessities, are but not so of our souls. How much of every day is spent in providing for thy body, but how little for thy soul The body should be but the soul's servant; yet men feed the slave, and starve the child. The body. must be fed every day, clad every day, yea, adorned every day, and physique, if distempered; but the soul needs food, raiment, physic, continually,-yet lieth unregarded,-is left miserable, naked, starved. A, servant has two talents to keep,-The' child, and the child's clothes: will the master thank the servant if he plead, I have kept the clothes, but I have neglected the life of the child Thy body is but thy soul's outward garment. How often have your Ministers told you, that the soul was better than the body, and that your souls needed daily care more than your bodies And yet you look after the one, with the neglect of the other. A day is coming, when thou wilt wish thou has been bred in the field, among the beasts; for that thou regards thy soul no more than if thou has but the life of a beast: thou wilt wish thou has been made a toad,, a serpent, a worm, a dog, a swine; for then thou should not have suffered to eternity, as now thou wilt, unless the eyes of thy understanding be opened to see, consider, and make provision for thy precious, but perishing soul. Thy body is perishing every day, and thy soul is upon the borders of eternity; it must live for ever; and yet all thy care is for the body, which, likely, will not live threescore years and ten; but the soul- is neglected, that must live threescore millions of years in hell without repentance; and then, when that date is over, thou art as far from the end ’of thy misery as thou was the first day. thou was thrown among the damned'!

4. How many will not speak with their souls! They are greater strangers to them, than the Londoners are to their next neighbors. Didst thou ever ask thy soul such questions ` O my soul, how is it, how will it be with thee O my soul, what will become of thee What will become of thee in the `next world’

5. At what cost were we’any time for our souls The Physician is consulted with, if there be an ache upon the body: we will, with the woman, part with all, beggar ourselves, to recover health of body: when did you know a man starve himself, if he could have bread and water, whatever it cost We will be at any expense of time, labor, and charges, to keep' our bodies from starving; but how are the ordinances of GOD, the word, and sacraments, (the spiritual food of the soul,) neglected The flesh must be satisfied; as for the soul, there is little regard to its well-being. We cannot endure to see a beast want meat; but how easily do many digest the want of that milk, whereby they should be maintained and, grow I GOD (says one) gives to these their request; he gives them quails, but sends leanness into their souls.'

6. How fearless are many of spiritual losses! How common is it for people to draw back from the service of CHRIST! What is the matter I shall lose my estate, liberty, pay such a fine. They little consider what their souls will lose, if they do not persevere. Though you see not the worth of your souls, yet know that they are the most considerable jewels you stand possessed of. All the world will not weigh with one soul. Thy money may ransom thy body nothing but Christ’s blood thy soul. Pause awhile, Reader, and reflect on all thy sinful neglects of thy immortal soul; lest on thy death-bed’thou shriek and cry,’ O my soul, whither art thou going'

II. How little are the souls of others valued and cared for! How many masters are there that care no more for their servants' souls than for the dogs!. nay, not so much. Perhaps some of you are careful that the bodies of your families be clothed, be fed, but the souls he unprovided for.

1. How do we justly censure them as worthy of capital punishments, that murder the bodies of men; but not so others, who poison and destroy thousands of souls.

How do you hate to have a hand in murdering the bodies of any, to lay poison for the destruction of any And yet how commonly do men lay the poison of ill counsel and ill example before others, to cause them to fall into the pit of hell; and are not affected with this great evil.

2. How troubled are we at any that kill bodies, and that murder others; but not so at the millions that destroy their own and others' souls; that have a hand in ruining, in damning, themselves and others!

3. If any neglect means that might have continued the life of their husbands, children, how are they dejected! How do they wring their hands, and beat their breasts! Whereas, if by carelessness, if by the neglect of their duties, if by evil example, they have destroyed their souls, they are not troubled about the matter. How meanly do you think of all that take pains for their souls! That wait at the pool of Bethesda, that consult Ministers and books, and attend on the ordinances for their souls; whilst you account it your wisdom to lay out most, if not all, of your time for your bodies. Hast thou the name of a Christian I pray GOD to let one word sink into thine heart. Thou hast not CHRIST; thou hast not the SPIRIT Of CHRIST in thee: he knows how to value souls, and therefore shed blood for them, and sends his SPIRIT in the Gospel to be importunate for their salvation.

CHAPTER 2: Their want of saving Conviction and Compunction.

How many, like PAUL, are “alive without the law!” How many, like Sardis, have”a name to live, when they are dead!” How many are alive in their own conceit, and perhaps in the conceit of others, and yet' are void of the true supernatural life! How many are contented with their being baptized! They see no need of CHRIST, they were born of Christian parents, they are of the stock of ABRAHAM: “we have ABRAHAM to our father.” They do not consider, how many baptized persons are deadly enemies to CHRIST, and to their souls, and averse to the ways of holiness; they will not consider that swear, drunkards, and adulterers, have as God claims to CHRIST and, heaven as these have. How many also please themselves with the religion of education! But GOD has not molded their hearts, though parents have taught them some principles of religion; but they are strangers to the wonderful operations and teachings of the HOLY GHOST; they have not the” unction from above,” (they know not what it is,)” that teaches all things;” and yet such as these are alive; 1:e., merry, jocund, jovial, confident if any go to heaven, they shall be of the number. But to speak more particularly. First, How many are there that were never convinced of original sin, imputed or imparted!

1. How few are convinced that ADAM was a common person, and that we sinned in his loins; that if he had stood, we, had stood; and that it is just with GOD, that he-shipwrecking himself, we should be counted sinners in him. We did eat of the forbidden fruit in ADAM; we in ADAM believed the Devil rather than GOD; we in ADAM broke with God for toys and trifles; we were ungrateful, disobedient in him; we apostatized in him, and broke covenant with GOD in him; hence ”by one man's offence sin entered into the world, and death by sin; for that (as LEVI paid tithes in ABRAHAM, so) we became rebels against the Majesty of Heaven in our first parents. When did you shed a tear for ADAM'S sin, for your and his grand provocation

2. How few see ADAM'S sinful nature imparted to them! They see not their inward parts are very wickedness, nothing but wickedness. Few see what a sad apostasy from the perfection of man's nature, sin hash brought into the world, and how black an image of SATAN it has drawn upon the soul; they never saw what filthy, loathsome things they are in the eyes of God; they never saw their noisome ness and venom, the garbage and malignity of their hearts. How few see a general defect of all righteousness and holiness, wherein at first they were created! How few are convinced of an antipathy to all that is God! that they are haters of GOD by nature; that” they are dead in trespasses and sins; (a more dreadful estate than if they were rotting in their graves;) that they have an ocean of corruption within them; that they have a worse leprosy than that among the Jews, which got into the very walls. Who almost think so sadly of themselves They bless GOD their hearts are God, though they be the worst of men; they slight ordinances,, closet-duties, and family-worship, yet the Devil’persuades them all is well, their hearts are God; though the heart of man by nature be like hell itself, whose fire of lust is unquenchable, though it be like PETER'S great sheet, which he saw in the vision,” full of all unclean things,” though it be a receptacle of all impiety, yet how few turn their eyes inward, to see their natural deformities! Alas! all the venom the snake sends forth, is nothing to the poison that lies in its nature: and all those monstrous impieties which the lives of men are tainted with, are not to be compared with the venom that lurks in the heart of every man by nature. Men would not glory in their blood and descent, did they but believe how sin descended: men could not content themselves to walk heavily under some actual misdemeanors, were they convinced of the body of sin within them; their greatest sorrows would be for their sinful propensities; neither would you wonder at any impieties and enormities in the earth, but would admire the restraints of (leaven, that they are no greater. Alas! if the Reader were left to himself, he would presently lay hands on his nearest relations, and on himself. Certainly, the reason why we turn not cannibals, why every man is not a Sodomite, a murderer, an oppressor, is, because GOD has a rein on the heart, and curbs it, for the continuation of mankind, that otherwise would soon be destroyed. The great boundary of the seas, and of the ocean of corruption, is the Sovereign above. But O, how do we commend nature! Such a man has a God nature; such a man you may trust him; he will never commit such abominations. You may as well believe a toad will not poison, or the sea will not overflow the earth, if GOD leaves it to itself. But to descend to particulars:

1. How few see the corruption of their mind! How few are convinced, that ”the carnal mind is enmity against God, and is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be!” How are our minds delighted with toys, more than with the serious mysteries of God! How few are sensible that they are as foolish and mad as any bedlams, in that they please themselves with that which should be their greatest burden, namely, sin. They are worse than the bee or ant, for these prepare for a hard winter, these provide for hereafter, whilst most people mind present things, present pleasure, present-profit. They busy themselves to know what is of no consequence, but are careless of momentous and eternal matters. Few employ their minds to know GOD, and how he is to be worshipped and pleased; but employ themselves in unprofitable speculations, like fools and children, who prefer painted glass before jewels of value. They set more by a little mirth and pleasure, than the matters of their salvation. How are our minds enslaved to our affections; to the more brutish and ignoble parts of the soul, and we love to have it so. Through this corruption of our minds, how do we justify sin, excuse it, and plead for it! Hence also there are swarms of idle, confused, impertinent, foolish, ridiculous thoughts, that fill our souls and duties; seldom in the day, week, or year, any conceptions of GOD, suitable to his majesty and holiness. How unstable are our minds and judgments; so that we are as reeds shaken with very wind: now for duty, then soon wheeled off again; now for repenting, then tired, and soon diverted; and if we know the outside of truths, yet how often is that a bar to our closing with CHRIST, and walking in him. And yet, though these poor blind, deluded BARTSMEUSES fill all our ways, so that wherever we go we meet with them, how seldom are any convinced of this; how seldom do any cry for eye-salve, that they may see

2. And though not only the mind, but the conscience is defiled; though there be a blindness upon it, whereby it misjudged, and calls darkness light; and though it be senseless as a stone, yet few believe this corruption. Hence they take sanctuary in their consciences: their conscience bears them witness, though it be bribed and corrupted; and they think they have a God conscience, though they know not what conscience is.

3. Flow few are convinced of the corruption of their will! How do they wish that drunkenness, uncleanness, &c., were no sins! How do they choose to live a merry, rather than a holy, life; to be the servants of the Devil, rather than of GOD; to commit sin, and thereby hazard their damnation, rather than” through many tribulations to enter into the kingdom of GOD;” and how gladly would most take up their rest in somewhat below GOD, if they could but enjoy the world according to their will.

4. Few are convinced of the corruption of their affections. Though they hate what they should love, and love what they should hate; though they love sin, which they should hate, and hate and slight GOD, whom they should love; though all be in disorder, all be misplaced,-though GOD be dethroned, and sin, SATAN, and the world, be set up above all that is called God; yet few really believe that such a miserable chaos is upon them.

5. How few are sensible of the corruption of their memory! Though they are especially charged to remember GOD, how to get possession of him; to remember duty, how to practice it; and to remember sin, how to shun it. Yet how soon do they forget such truths, and lodge in their memories injuries, that they may avenge them; and vanities, foolish jests, unprofitable toys and tales, to please themselves therewith. You can remember how merry you were such a time, but you soon forget a sermon; if you remember any thing of it, it is that which either concerns others, or which yields you the least advantages heavenward. We can remember the fall of PETER much easier than the repentance of PETER; DAVID'S adultery, but not his repentance. Secondly, How few have been convinced that sin is the greatest evil! How few have seen it in its perfect odiousness, as that which makes men devils! How are most strangers to its pedigree, and consider not the Devil to be its father We would be thought to have nothing to do with the Devil, nor that he had any thing to do with us we can live in sin, and yet defy the Devil and all his works; we can make more moderate constructions of our sins, and call them frailties: but ”he that commits sin is of the Devil,” 1:e., the Devil's drudge: SATAN works in him and by him. O, with what greediness is the dung of hell devoured and swallowed! How few see sin to be contrary to the works of GOD! GOD says, I I will have this done;’’ I will not do it,' says sin.’ I will have this suffered,' says God;’ I will not suffer it,' says sin. Nay, so great is the contest betwixt sin and GOD, that if it could it would un-be God. How few take notice of its contrariety to the very nature of GOD! GOD is God, sin is evil; God is pure, sin is impure. How few believe sin to be universally evil; that there is no God in it! We cannot persuade men that there is God in poverty, God in reproaches, and persecutions unto death; but easily are men persuaded there is some God in sin. How few are convinced of the miserable effects and consequences of sin! The wrath of God is not revealed against their unrighteousness and ungodliness so as to make their knees to tremble; the hand-writing on the wall is not observed; they are still alive. We cannot for our hearts persuade men to go up to heaven, to see what spoils it made there: could we herein prevail, then would they infer that there is more evil in the least sin, than there was God in all the angels in heaven: for that one sin conquered them, and spoiled them of all their beauty, and made them, of glorious creatures, to become such loathsome and hideous spectacles. Neither can we prevail with any to take a journey to Paradise, to see its venom there; or to go to the garden, or to Mount Calvary, to see what work it did there or to go to hell-gate, to hear the doleful shrieks and cries which it Lath caused there. Though God had) said,” GOD shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his trespasses;” though ”there is no peace, says my God, to the wicked;” though sin be the sole object of God's hatred; (for God loved the whole creation, till its beauty was blasted and stained by sin;) though sin only separates between GOD and souls; though it be the founder of all graves and of Tophet; though it fill the conscience with terrors, and hell with fire and brimstone; yet few are afflicted with the evils of it, but they drink in iniquity as water!

Thirdly, Flow few are sensible that they are cast by a holy and righteous law; that they are condemned creatures; that the wrath of GOD abides on them! Few have seen the black cloud full of woes, full of wrath, ready to empty itself upon their souls; they take no notice, that though the sentence he not executed speedily, yet it is given forth, and there may be but. a little breath, and they are God for ever. flow many senseless souls are there whose consciences were never shaken; whose spirits were never wounded; who never received the spirit of bondage to fear; who never knew what a fearful expectation of judgment meant; who go dancing to hell! These are”rich, and full, and needing nothing;” when God is about to spew them out of his mouth: these are”wiser in their own conceit, than seven men that can render a reason.” Though we endeavor with scripture upon scripture to convince them of their sin and yet they are confident and easy. Never did they break one night's sleep upon the consideration of their lost condition by nature; never did they loath their ordinary food, or feel the smart of broken bones, as DAVID did; never did they know what a wounded spirit meant, what anguish of soul was; never did they feel God's wrath, or sin, a burthen insupportable; they were never pricked at the heart, so as to cry out, ”What shall I do to be saved” Would you know the reason of all this security They are dead in sins and trespasses. A dead condition is an insensible condition. Death deprives of sense, as well as life. The dead are not frightened with the swords and pistols at their breasts; the dead fear not, though threatened with fire and brimstone; the dead hear not, though GOD be upon Mount Ebal, thundering curses upon curses; the dead see not, though sin be so ugly a monster, and hell so frightful a place; the dead smell not the dead feel not, though that which is heavier than mountains of lead be lying on were husker Though there be so many curses upon the heads of all natural persons; though there be an entail of wrath upon the heads of the very sins they live in; though their sins are, or may be, circumstantiated to a greater degree than any of the scripture-offenders that we read of, as being committed under the open sun of the Gospel; though hell be open to receive them every moment, to entertain them with the vengeance of a justly-provoked GOD; yet few fear, few work out their salvation with weeping eyes and trembling hearts: they are still alive without the law. I pity these secure souls. How short will they fall of their hopes, and how far short of heaven!

Fourthly, flow few are sensible that all this while the Devil works in them, as in his work-house; that he possesses the heart of every unregenerate man!” The strong man keeps the house,” and so all is quiet. It was a sad day when the abomination of desolation was seen standing in the holy place: but what are abominable men to abominable devils They did but exercise their cruelties on the bodies of the Jews but how many devils have their walks in the hearts of natural men and women If thou art in thy blood, the Devil has entered into thee, as sure as ever he entered into the herd of swine, and so hurried thee into base lusts, as he carried them headlong into the sea.


Their Want of Self-Despair.

IF men are sensible of their sin and misery, yet how many are ”going about to establish their own righteousness!” Though some are convinced of the ugliness of sin, of the misery by sin, yet they are not fully convinced that the Covenant of Works requires perfect, personal, and constant obedience; that it admits not of repentance; that it accepts not of the will for the deed; but curses”every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” So that if there be a vain thought, the conditions of that Covenant are broken; and nothing save fearful expectation should seize on such a soul. Few, I say, believe this: but though they are bankrupt children of ADAM, yet they hope to set up again, and maintain themselves, without being beholden to-any other for the procuring of their salvation. Hence they reform in many things; and now,” Soul, take thine ease, then hast Gods laid up for many years,” yea, for eternity; thou art converted sure; and so think all the neighborhood. O what a change is here! The man was a drunkard; not so now. An adulterer, or profane; but wow civilized, yea, a devout man, and, ”touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” Now he is alive indeed; his conscience is pacified, which before troubled him; he can hear the word gladly, he can pray with some delight; when before all the ordinances of God were tedious. Now he thinks, Sure I have life within me; I am not dead. He sees not all this while that he must have life from without, and ability from without. He doth not yet say,” Mine iniquities are God over mine head, as a heavy burthen, they are too heavy for me. Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up.” He doth not see that he is dead, 1:e., damned, and insufficient” to think any thing as of himself, but all his sufficiency is of God.” He thinks he is not utterly unable to make amends for his sins, not quite dead. He sees not that it is as easy to make new worlds, as to put up one acceptable prayer to God. He sees not that he needs an almighty power to enable him to perform his duties, and infinite satisfaction to discharge him of his debts. He is somewhat sensible of his danger by sin, but he eyes not him that”is mighty to save.” He looks for help within, but not without; he sees no absolute necessity of CHRIST all this while; he sees not that there is no salvation in any other, ”no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.” He hopes to go to heaven through doors of his own: the door of repentance, the door of reformation, the door of, God works; hence he takes hold of the mercy of GOD, and the promises of pardon.” Thus have I done,” says he,” and now my case is God. O what a change is here!” This is the case of multitudes whom CHRIST will not save, for they are not lost; they think to save themselves from wrath to come. They see not that there is a satisfaction to be made which they cannot make; wherefore their hopes are from their reformations, not from CHRIST; their peace is from their performances, not from the blood of atonement; whereas, if they saw the absolute necessity of obtaining CHRIST and his righteousness, they would be put off with nothing else. But oh, how hard do we find it first to take off men from their sins, and then from confidence in their duties! We tell men, CHRIST will have no sharer in the glory of saving lost man; but people will at least have their works and CHRIST to divide the spoils. We advise men to lay no weight on their duties, but to lean alone on CHRIST'S merits; but in vain. CHRIST says,”If ye seek me, let these go their was;” these duties, as well as these sins but the deaf ear” is turned, and we find it much easier to persuade men their sins will damn them, than their duties, whilst CHRIST is thereby neglected.


Their miscarriages about their’Spiritual Troubles.

IF the SPIRIT of the LORD has convinced men of their danger by their sins, and their own righteousness, so that they still see GOD angry with them, and their souls remain under trouble and disquiet; yet are they not guilty of some, if not all, of the following miscarriages

1. How few are there that justify GOD!- Few accept of the punishment of their iniquities: they do not clear GOD, as they should, from all unrighteousness. Commonly, proud hearts swell and fume against these methods of GOD. Though the filthiness of their hearts be laid open before them, yet they fall not clown upon their faces in the acknowledgment of their unworthiness of mercy: few charge themselves, and acquit GOD. They cannot be brought to give God the glory of his righteousness, if he should condemn them to the pit of hell: they do not own the desert of damnation, and charge themselves with it as their due portion. Few say, ”I will bear the indignation of the LORD, because I have sinned against him O Lone, righteousness belonged unto thee; but unto us confusion of face.” How seldom do you hear this confession in their mouths:-' Lone, I am thy creature, and thou may do with thy creature what pleases thee. It pleased thee to put thine image on me, to” create me upright; but I have sought out many inventions; I have sold myself for naught;” I have preferred the Devil's work before thine, and therefore thou may abhor me, and give me my portion among the damned; and if I feel some sparks of hell-fire, in thy present frowns, it is of thy rich patience and mercy that they are but sparks. If thou cast me Off for ever, it is but what I have deserved long ago; it is of the LORD's mercy that I was not hurled to hell, because of my native sinfulness; but woe is me, I have provoked the pure eyes of thy glorious Majesty days without number. I have been a rebel of along standing against thee; my will has been quarrelling with thine these many years, and therefore if I be sent to hell, thou art righteous and ”clear when thou judges.” I can blame none save myself, if I perish everlastingly; though I have many fears and sorrows on me, yet blessed be GOD, they are not the sorrows of hell; thanks be to the LORD that I am not yet among the damned, roaring in the pit.' Few believe they deserve damnation: hence souls are murmuring at any affliction; at the loss of a husband, child, estate; as if GOD had dealt hardly with them.

2. How few, when under troubles, are willingly under them! They see not the advantage of having their way hedged up with these thorns; they do not receive ”the spirit of bondage;” they do not accept this punishment; they take it not kindly at God's hands; their troubles are involuntary; they are held in the chains against their will. How many are afraid of sorrow for sin. Some think it will spoil God faces, and their beauty may be lost through their troubles; others think it will bring them to despair, and therefore farewell to such a Preacher: he is too terrible for their souls. Hence SAUL must have his harp to divert him; the cards must be taken up again; some merry hooks must be read; perhaps a play may be seen; company must be called in: and all this to divert the soul from minding its danger: or some unskillful and unfaithful empirick shall be sent for, to sow pillows under him, that he may sleep the quieter. How few are active in their troubles; retire, that they may search the Scriptures, and ransack their hearts! How do some quarrel with their Ministers, and snarl at the books, that give them trouble of spirit

3. How few mourn for sin, upon spiritual accounts! That their GOD is dishonored, (their God and gracious GOD, who has done so much for them,) doth not chiefly cut their hearts; ”Against thee, thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight;” but perhaps they are troubled for wronging themselves, endangering themselves. They cry as dogs, when they have done a fault: they fear the whip, and so they howl.

4. How many mourn for their sins, yet live in the continued practice of them! Notwithstanding their tears, yet their hearts are in league with their lusts. Few, whilst mourning for their sins, are careful which way, GOD may have satisfaction for the injuries that have been done unto him. The mourning of many lasts no longer than the trouble of conscience: as soon as the guilt of sin is removed, (as they hope,) their mourning cease; though the strength of sin be as great as ever.

5. Among the multitudes professing religion, how many seek for grace in order to their comfort; (joy, peace, comfort, being their great end;) but how few seek for comfort in order to grace!

6. How few mourn for their slighting of CHRIST! It is more natural, and so more easy, to mourn for sins against the Law, than those against CHRIST and his Gospel: Therefore, if there be many tears sited for neglect of prayer, for theft, perjury, &c., yet how few are found mourning for undervaluing and rejecting CHRIST! Whose soul cries out,’ O, how unkind have I been to CHRIST O! that he should come out of his FATHER'S bosom for me; come under the Law, yea, die for rue; and yet I should keep him out of doors; that the SON of God, that” the brightness of the FATHER'S glory, and the express image of his person,” the” Upholder of all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,”-should stoop so low as to ”stand at the door, and knock,” and yet that I should not let him in. Break, heart, break into small dust; be trembling all over for thy unkindness to so great, so rich, so God a friend! O wretch that I have been!”I abhor myself in dust before thee.” I meet with few of these mourners..


Their ignorance of CHRIST: their serving their Turns of CHRIST: their making base Capitulations with CHRIST.

How many are ignorant of CHRIST, and of what use he is to perishing souls! They know no more the gift of GOD than the Samaritan woman did. They know not what an excellent gift CHRIST is; that he is ”the Fountain of living water;” and therefore ask nothing of him. How few know CHRIST to be their only life! If you did believe that ”he that has the Sox, has life; and he that has not the SON of GOD, has not life;” and that ”whose findeth me,” (CHRIST,) “findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the LORD. But he that sinned against me,” (CHRIST)”wronged his own soul; all they that hate me,” (CHRIST,)”love death.” Upon such a conviction, what would you not give for life ESAU will part with his birth-right to preserve his life. The woman will part with all her estate to recover health, and to secure herself from the grave. Of all blessings, we value life most; but few have such esteem Of CHRIST. Few can say, as PAUL: “ What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for CHRIST; yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellence of the knowledge of CHRIST JESUS my LORD; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win CHRIST. Or with DAVID: “Whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee.” Few look on CHRIST as the original of their life: that they must live, move, and have their being in CHRIST, and from CHRIST alone; that they are dead without him: and hence their desires are not after him. If you knew that you want CHRIST more than bread and water, then would you cry Out,' LORD, give me CHRIST; none but CHRIST, none but CHRIST: in him is my help, in him is my salvation.' He is the Author of all our God affections, and of all our gracious abilities; but, alas! blind man sees him not in his usefulness. Men must die, and be damned, without CHRIST, but they know it not; they know no God that CHRIST is, and no God that Christ brings.

Secondly, flow many serve their turns of CHRIST; close with CHRIST for their own ends! When men have served their turns one of another, away they go: so these; troubles they have, and ease they would have; they have stayed off from CHRIST as long as they could: they have tried worldly comforts; they will not do: they have tried duties; they will give no rest: and therefore, in the terror of their spirits, they must have CHRIST; so much of him as may give them quiet and rest. Men are weary of the fetters wherein they are held under the Law; they would fain be delivered from SATAN that torments them, and from the sins that now stare them in the face; they groan under the weight of the wrath of GOD, but not under the body of sin: SATAN, as a tormentor, is unwelcome; but as a tempter, is still liked well enough.’ O I am afraid I shall go to hell O if there be no other way to escape but through CHRIST; O then for CHRIST!' Then sermons and Ministers are welcome in hopes of bringing in (not so much Christ, as) peace and comfort to the troubled spirit. So that men use CHRIST, as sick men take meat; not for love of it, or liking to it; (for their stomachs rise against it;) but for fear of death, which makes them force themselves to eat. Though many come to CHRIST, it is by constraint, not willingly; not with delight, not as a healthy man comes to a full table to feed with pleasure. Many, to avoid a greater mischief,-to avoid damnation, to avoid eternal torments, will apply to CHRIST in their sore, extremities: they will then make large confessions; take up great' resolutions against their sins; pray to GOD as they never prayed before: but upon ease to tile imposture matter; upon recoveries out of their troubles; they become, if not profane, yet worldly, and negligent of CHRIST, his person, his laws, his concernments. I appeal to thy conscience, whether CHRIST be valued, be looked after, save in a strait When trouble is upon thee, then-this Physician is sent for; but when the pang is over, the Physician's company is too chargeable, is no way desirable; the sooner he turns his back the better. Is it not so If CHRIST in the day, as well as in the night, lies chief between thy breasts, thou hast cause to say,” Bless the Lo RD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy Name.” But I fear CHRIST in the time of contagion shall go for something, but CHRIST in days of health and ease shall be valued no more than a mere cipher. It is one thing to take CHRIST to pacify the conscience, and another to take him to purify the heart.

Thirdly, How many have base capitulations with CHRIST! Many cone running to CHRIST, and ask him, (with tile man in the Gospel,)” God Master, what shall I do, that I may inherit eternal life” CHRIST tells him and them,” Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shall have treasure in heaven; and come, take up tile cross, and follow Inc.” But as he, so they are discontented: “And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved, for he had great possessions.” Undoubtedly. many have some glimpse of * is lore, and run to CHRIST, whilst others deride him; but they like not the price that CHRIST sets; they would have CHRIST on their own terms. CHRIST'S terms are to have the heart. “My son, give me thy heart;” do not lend it only, but give; give it cheerfully, give it me now give me thy heart, to be framed and fashioned by me; to be stamped and sealed by me; be no longer thine own: give me thine heart, do not keep it to thyself;, lay up and leave thine heart in my hand, for me to keep it for thee.

But, alas, how shamefully do we break with CHRIST We are content to give CHRIST the body, the outward man, the ear, the tongue, the head; but we reserve our hearts for the service of the world and of sin. Or if we are persuaded to give the heart, yet it is but a divided heart, not the whole heart. ”Thou shall love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,” says CHRIST; but pride, covetousness, or voluptuousness have a share. Few see themselves so miserable without CHRIST, as to come up to the price; they will not treat with CHRIST, unless they may have the pleasure of sin, and may Fulfill the lusts of the flesh; but if conscience be disquieted and troublesome, then they make new offers; they will leave many sins, they will except but one; if one sin and CHRIST may share the heart betwixt them, the man is contented; but few are contented that ”every knee should bow,” that every sin be parted from. If the conscience be not quiet upon this, then, as mariners throw overboard their Gods, their jewels, their bales of silk, in a tempest, to ease the vessel, which they wish for in a calm, and labor to fetch up again; so many will part from all the practice of sin, throw all overboard, though much against their wills; in hopes of riding out the storm, and then wish for their lusts again, yea, with the dog, return unto the vomit. Again, many like somewhat of CHRIST, but not all of CHRIST; they like his heaven, but not his commandments; his sacrifice, but not his service. They would take of his mercy, his peace; but not his grace, his holiness. What with CHRIST’ If you will have umy comforts must have me too-,, if my pardons, my person too: you must take me, as well as mine; you must have me, as well as my heaven.' This makes many go away sorrowful.

Again: ’If you will have me, (says CHRIST,) you must be at some cost, at some pains and trouble to enjoy me. Nothing of me or mine is got without difficulty and industry; your cold prayers will not suffice; your lazy hearings are not, enough: you must watch your hearts all the day long; you must make a covenant with your eyes, and keep your lips as with a bridle. Are ye content’’ O no,' says the slothful;’ I would go to heaven on a featherbed: I would be content to pray now and then, morning and evening, so I may be at my own disposal all the following hours.' ‘Three ails I expect you to part with,' says CHRIST.

1. All your sinful lusts, all the ways of the old ADAM.

2. All your worldly advantages. ”By faith MOSES, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” He that has all these must be ready to part with all. 3. All self, self-will, self-righteousness, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, and self-seeking.' But O how do many pretenders to CHRIST hate these proposals!


Their Delays to close with CHRIST.

How many delay in their coming to CHRIST! And O what indignities are herein put upon him! How long doth he stand at the doors of sinners, ere they let him in a”My head” (says CHRIST)”is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night.” Though he limit sinners to a day;” To-day, if you will hear his voice;” though our life be `s even a vapor that appeared for a little time, and then vanished away,” ready every moment to expire; though we must needs be damned, if we believe not in him before we die; though” now is the accepted time;” though the SPIRIT may never invite more; though we are not sure of another day of grace more; yet how do many hazard. their eternity, rather than they will be yet beholden to CHRIST for life and salvation! Though they may have his righteousness, his redemption, his Spirit, his image, his heaven, his glory, his love, his inheritance, by coming to him; yet what trifling delays are men's hearts filled with! Though they are actually condemned by the Law for their capital offences, for high treason against the Majesty of Heaven, and pardons be offered freely by JESUS CHRIST, if they will but accept of him and them; yet so is CHRIST fallen in the account of them who yet are called Christians, that they will hazard their souls, rather than they will yet be so much beholden to CHRIST.

This desperate enmity against CHRIST and his offers is the condemning sin: “ This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light.” All other sins are nothing to this. What When GOD has limited thee to a day, wilt thou, dares thou, carelessly misspend that one day, when thou art not sure of another How dares thou, having so many ways transgressed against this God, having provoked him to wrath by so frequent breaches of his holy u aw, to add to all these iniquities thy trifling delays of coming into CHRIST, that thou may be pardoned How dost thou, when lying under the wrath of a justly incensed GOD, send away CHRIST, as FELIX did PAUL, with”Go thy way for this tune, when I have a convenient season I will call for thee.” When, wretch, is that convenient season Is it then, when thou hast served the Devil some weeks, months, or years longer When thou past spent all the flower Of thy lime and strength in the service of hell Must, then, CHRIST have the dregs of thy time Must he have nothing but SATAN'S leavings Doubtless for these delays is CHRIST'S wrath ready to be poured out upon this nation to the uttermost. ”The LORD JESUS shall be revealed from heaven in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that obey not the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.” By delaying to hearken to CHRIST'S calls and invitations, thou tallest CHRIST to his face that he is not ”altogether lovely,” that he is not” the fairest of ten thousand,” that there is somewhat in Sin's service and the Devil's that is more- desirable than can be had in his. But GOD alone knows how soon his SPIRIT shall cease striving with these poor souls, and how long they shall be within a capacity of obeying the heavenly call. The Jews have a rule, that if a man vows any service to God before he dies, he must do it presently, because he may die presently. Death and hell are described coming on horseback in full speed; ask thyself, therefore, Jeremiah’s question: “Can I outrun these horsemen” However, through the wonderful averseness there is in men's hearts from CHRIST, they stay and linger, like LOT in Sodom, that if God do not work a miracle upon them, and for them, they will perish in the flames. One hash a wife, another a yoke of oxen, all of them some business or other, to detain them for the present from CHRIST. There are several sorts of these delaying professors:

1. Some, from their love to their lusts, and to the sensualities, which they fear when they are under CHRIST'S yoke they shall be bereaved of, delay coming to CHRIST. Sin has so rooted itself in their hearts and affections, that they are loath to take a final farewell thereof, loath to mortify their earthly members; sin is SO prevalent with them, that they had rather part from their fight eye, hand, and foot, than part from their sins; hence they choke their convictions what they can, admit of any pleasures and diversions (to wear out the impressions that are made in their consciences, that they may still lodge sin in their bosoms, and not cone to CHRIST; hence they labor co quench the SPIRIT of God, and will not use the—means whereby they may be fully converted to CHRIST. They pretend they are desirous of CHRIST, only they doubt whether CHRIST is willing to receive then; but that which lieth at the bottom is, they are loath to leave their darling lusts, and loath to pray and watch their hearts, and to do what GOD requires and expects at their hands, in order to conversion. You may imagine God is highly provoked, hereby; for God to send his SON unto you, the best jewel that ever lay in his bosom, and for you to neglect and undervalue him, and prefer swinish lusts before him, it is a plain argument that you never saw sin aright, and that you do not credit God in his discoveries of the glory of his SON. You do not believe you are so miserable without CHRIST as indeed you are; you slight the greatest gift that ever GOD conferred upon the children of men; you make void the great counsels of GOD, all the thoughts of his wisdom and grace, in contriving such a way by JESUS CHRIST, to save you from wrath to come; you also frustrate the expectations of God, for surely, says GOD,” they will reverence my SON;” whereas, by your trifling delays, you tell God and men that you believe not any advantage you shall have by the SON of GOD; you think it will be to your loss to receive the LORD' of glory.

2. Others, in imitation of the old ADAM, believe the' - Devil before God, credit his suggestions beyond all God’s discoveries. O! what a black-grained sin is this! Sayeth the Devil,’ You have sinned against light, and therefore CHRIST will not favor you.' Says GOD,” Let the wicked forsake his way and his thoughts, and I will abundantly pardon.” Says the Devil,’ You have sinned more than others, you have provoked GOD exceedingly, and' therefore never hope for saving benefit by Christ’s death.' Says God,” Cease to do evil, learn to do well; come now, and let us reason together: though your sins be as scarlet; they shall be as white as snow.” Says ’the Devil,’ You have sinned, not only against the Law, but against the Gospel; you have neglected CHRIST.' Says GOD, `' Every sin against the Son of Man shall be forgiven.” Says SATAN, ’You have no- right to CHRIST; it is in vain to come.' Says GOD,’ Whosoever believeth shall not perish.” Says SATAN, ’GOD never intended you God, you, are a vessel of dishonor.' Says God, ”As I live I desire not the death of a sinner, but that he turn and live.” Now I pray consider whether God takes it kindly at your hands, that you should lay more weight on the Father of Lies, than on the faithful God,”who has promised, and cannot lie;” who must cease to be GOD in that very moment wherein he cease to -be true. You believe the enemy more than the friend. O what a provocation is this!

3. Others, through the pride of their hearts, will not come (as yet) unto CHRIST. They have no mind to “submit to the righteousness of faith.” He is a proud man who, when condemned, will not submit, will not stoop so low as to accept of a pardon. I must indeed correct myself: Men are willing to be justified, but they would have their duties to purchase the favor of GOD; they scorn to be beholden to CHRIST. Thousands will die and be damned, rather than they will have a pardon upon the sole account of Christ’s merits and obedience. O thoU cursed pride of the heart! When will men cease to be wiser than GOD To limit GOD When will men be content with God’s method of saving them by the blood of the everlasting covenant How dare men thus to prescribe to the infinitely wise GOD Is it not enough for thee that thy destruction is of thyself But must thy salvation be of thyself too Wilt thou be damned unless thou may be thine own Savior GOD is willing. Art thou so proud, as that thou wilt not be beholden to GOD Thou wilt deserve, or have- nothing and to submit to God's method for salvation by Christ and-his righteousness alone.

4. Others, through their ignorance and weakness, in hopes of working that which cannot be wrought without CHRIST. Could they see all their sins subdued; were their hearts more prepared to lodge so, great a friend, they would then close with the promises; whereas,. they should come to CHRIST as soon as they apprehend they are poor, blind, and naked. But, alas, a sight of their wants is a bar to their coming. They would have the fruit first, and then. the tree; have their: hearts purified, and then come to CHRIST. GOD comes by-his SPIRIT to convince them of their sinful- nature, on purpose that, seeing their necessity of CHRIST, they might fly to him as their City of Refuge, and they are driven farther off by the sight of their sins and unworthiness; whereas they should come to CHRIST as to a magazine and storehouse, and wait on him in the use of means, for the broken heart, the pure heart, and all, other spiritual mercies, which their souls are yet destitute of.” O faithless, generation!. How long shall I be with you, how long shall I suffer you CHRIST is put to the utmost of his patience, to bear with unbelief.

5. Others, through some kind of seeming modesty and tenderness, delay coming to. CHRIST. They are afraid of abusing the holiness and justice of GOD, if they should hope for any privilege in the blood of CHRIST.’ What mercy for me Me, a proud wretch, an unclean wretch, an enemy to GOD, and a slighter of his SPIRIT I deserve nothing but hell. What! Heaven for me! I have affronted the Majesty of the great GOD, and what! This GOD bestow. CHRIST on me! Who can believe that the just GOD, who-turned the glorious angels to hell- for one transgression, will love me, who have committed, more sins in number than the hairs of my head, than the sands on the sea-shore And what, mercy for me! Shall I have CHRIST Will CHRIST accept of me, who have wronged him for so many years together O'1 how long doth many an awakened soul hang in doubts and fears, ere it will venture upon Christ’s graciousness alone; and then, when the soul has long stood out, the fears increase..’-I have refused CHRIST So. long;; now all my former transgressions I have added this, In putting off CHRIST and salvation, when freely tendered, and therefore sure I may not now come.' And now if CHRIST offers them mercy, still they are fearful; they cannot believe that CHRIST is serious and real. O! By these jealousies of CHRIST, you provoke him not a little. You are ready to say, This is too God news to be true. What is this but to say, The Gospel is false; it is no true and faithful word; it is not to be received with”all acceptation, that JESUS CHRIST came into the world to save” the greatest of ”sinners.” This is the great sin'that made CHRIST weep. You seldom find CHRIST weeping over the idolaters of the world: I find him not weeping over Sodom and Gomorrah, but if Jerusalem refuse CHILI ST, this makes him weep indeed. ”Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ~O if thou has known, even thou, at least in this thy' day, the things that concern thy peace!” It troubles CHRIST to see thee go about to make GOD a liar, and to be denied thy affections, for whose sake he submitted to his Father's frowns. O! this sin of unbelief has great unkindness in it, and therefore no wonder if CHRIST upbraids for it. A man is properly upbraided, when the kindness that has been done to him is revealed to him, together with his ungratefulness: but what shall I say So far are souls from coming to CHRIST, that they do seldom heal this sin, and seldom seek to GOD for power against it; and though men pretend they cannot come to CHRIST, yet the truth is, they will not.


Their taking CHRIST partially; without conjugal Affections; and without considering the Cost they may be at.

IF at length men are persuaded to come to CHRIST, yet obey take him partially, both as King, Prophet, and Priest be wrought without CHRIST. Could they see all their'' sins subdued; were their hearts more prepared to lodge so, great a friend, they would then close with the promises; whereas, they should come to CHRIST as soon as they apprehend they are pool-, blind, and naked. But, alas, a sight of their wants is a bar to their coming. They would have the fruit first, and then the tree; have their hearts purified, and then come to CHRIST. GOD comes by-his SPIRIT to convince them of their sinful nature, on purpose that, seeing their necessity of CHRIST, they might fly to him as their City of Refuge, and they are driven farther off by the sight of their sins and unworthiness; whereas they should come to CHRIST as to a magazine and storehouse, and wait on him in the use of means, for the broken heart, the pure heart, and all, other spiritual mercies, which. their souls are yet destitute of” O `faithless, generation!: How long shall I be with you, how long shall I suffer you CHRIST is put to the utmost of his patience, to bear with unbelief.

5. Others, through some kind of seeming modesty and tenderness, delay coming to- CHRIST. They are afraid of abusing the holiness and justice of GOD, if they should hope for any privilege in the blood of CHRIST.’ What! Mercy for me Me, a proud wretch, an unclean wretch,, an enemy to God, and. a slighter of his SPIRIT I deserve nothing but hell. What! Heaven for me!. I have affronted the Majesty of the great God, and what.! This God, bestow CHRIST on me! Who can believe that the just. God, who turned the glorious angels to hell for one transgression, will love me, who have committed more sins in number than the hairs of my head, than the sands on the seashore And what, mercy for me! Shall I have CHRIST Will CHRIST accept of me, who have wronged him for so many years together

O how long doth many an awakened soul hang in doubts and fears, ere it will venture upon CHRIST'S graciousness alone; and then, when the soul has long stood out,, the fears increase.’ I have refused CHRIST So long,

To all my former transgressions I have added this, - my putting off CHRIST and salvation, when freely tendered, and therefore sure I may not now-come.' And now if CHRIST offers them mercy, still they are fearful; they cannot believe that CHRIST is serious and real. O! -by these jealousies of CHRIST, you provoke him not a little. You are ready to say, This is too God news -to be true. What is this but to say, The Gospel is false; it is no true and faithful word; it is not to be received with”all acceptation, that JESUS CHRIST came into the world to save” the greatest of” sinners.” This is the great sin-that made CHRIST weep. You seldom find CHRIST weeping over the idolaters of the world: I find him not weeping over Sodom and Gomorrah, but if Jerusalem refuse CHRIST, this makes him weep indeed.”Jerusalem, Jerusalem, =O if thou has known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things that concern thy peace!” It troubles CHRIST to see thee go about to make GOD a liar, and to be denied thy affections, for whose sake he submitted to his Father's frowns. O! this sin of unbelief has great unkindness in it, and therefore no wonder if CHRIST upbraids for it. A man is properly upbraided, when the kindness that has been done to him is revealed to him, together with his ungratefulness: but what shall I say- So far are souls from Coming to CHRIST, that they do seldom heal this sin, and seldom-seek to GOD for power against it; and though men pretend they cannot come to CHRIST, yet the truth is, they will not.


Their taking CHRIST partially; without conjugal Affections; and without considering the Cost they may be at. IF at length men are persuaded to come to CHRIST, yet they take him partially, both as King, Prophet, and Priest.

As their King, they are contented he shall rule in many things, but not in all. Some part of CHRIST's commandments they will submit to; they pick and choose: here they will obey; in another thing, ’I pray have me excused. Few are brought to say, ’Any thing, LORD; I am brought to, thy foot, (as the, man of the East was,) ready to go after thee to the ends of the earth.' As their Prophet. Here they divide too: many things they will learn of CHRIST, but they must partly lean to their own understandings. They are also partial in their close with CHRIST as their Priest. They hope to be saved partly by his mediation, and partly by their own. As the Papists, so many Protestants are for a divided CHRIST; few are for exalting CHRIST alone, so as to renounce all other LORD’s who have had dominion over them, and to count all other teachers besides CHRIST as vain and weak. Few renounce all their own righteousness as dung, to put the crown on CHRIST's head alone, to make CHRIST their alone mediator, their alone intercessor. How many hope to be pardoned, partly by CHRIST, and partly by their new obedience! They lay their title to GOD, heaven, and glory, partly on CHRIST'S merits, and partly on their own deserts. Few, whose hopes are founded on CHRIST'S satisfaction alone: their hopes of acceptance with God are more from their reformations than front CHRIST'S entering within the, veil. If they have peace of conscience, they ascribe it to their prayers, rather than to CHRIST'S intercession; and if they pray in secret in their closet, and in their family too, when both before were neglected, they hope to pass by this bridge to heaven; but if it be too short they will set CHRIST to patch up what is wanting, that they may land on the other shore. CHRIST is still used only upon necessity, and to make up the want of somewhat else; but very few dare rest on the merits of CHRIST alone. To few is CHRIST made of God’s wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.” But let me tell you, You must receive CHRIST entirely; all CHRIST, and all of CHRIST, or you are not Christians, though you may have a name to live. - These are indispensable terms on which CHRIST will insist; all or none: CHRIST as a refiner, as well as a Savior; CHRIST as a LORD, as well as a sacrifice.

If men are persuaded in the horror of their spirits to take CHRIST as Priest, Prophet, and King, as -a mere shift, to escape their troubles and sorrows, yet their hearts stand off from CHRIST as a Husband; they have not conjugal affections to him, their hearts are not brought over to him, they receive him not into their bosoms, into their choicest affections. CHRIST is not the chief Cornerstone; whereas to them that believe he is precious, exceeding precious. Few, like PAUL, are determined to know nothing save CHRIST, and him crucified. One CHRIST was enough to take up PAUL'S thoughts to eternity: he did not care what he was ignorant of, so he knew CHRIST. Though he was brought up at GAMALIEL'S feet, he laid down all his knowledge at his feet.

1. Are your hearts so drawn to CHRIST, as to count him the most necessary God in all the world; and all other things to be but adjuncts; so •that you are able to live without them, but not without CHRIST Liberty is sweet to a believer; but he can live in a prison, yea, and sing there, if CHRIST be within the grate. Bread is sweet; but he can live in a wilderness, (a desolate howling desert,) and sing there too, as Mosus did, if CHRIST be there, yea, and prefer it before Canaan. A wilderness with CHRIST, is more precious than a Canaan without him. If ye were true believers, the world would not be accounted among the necessaries. One thing is necessary; one, not many. Other things may a little refresh; but CHRIST is the necessary.

Is he, in a sense, the only God to your souls Is nothing else God separated from CHRIST Give a believer what you will without CHRIST, it weighs nothing; he droops as the marygold when the sun withdraws. There is none God but CHRIST; riches are miscalled God they are not God save as they relate to, CHRIST, as they come from CHRIST, from that Bosom of Love, and as they advance CHRIST, and bring CHRIST and the soul to nearer communion. If the world, in its glory and fullness, hinder communion with CHRIST, by deadening, flattening, and distracting the heart, it becomes a burthen; he is burdened with friends, relations, enjoyments of all sorts, that rob him of CHRIST, that eclipse the face of the Sun of Righteousness, through their unhappy interposals. What was gain is counted loss. As he enjoyeth much or little of CHRIST, he laughs or weeps, he riseth or falleth. In CHRIST are riches, honors, and friends; yea, prayers, sermons, sacraments. The LORD is the Temple: he is all things, and in all things; not only by way of merit,whatever they have or expect, is on CHRIST's account; not only by way of conveyance,-through him we have all God communicated; not only byway of causality,--as he worketh in all; but he is all virtually; he is instead of all things to them; he makes up the defect of all things. If he have no estate, no friends, no liberty, no health, yet the believer wants nothing: “As having nothing, and yet possessing all things.” Thus the woman told the persecutor, when he threatened to deprive her of her husband, “CHRIST is my husband.” Look to your affections, and then you will have cause, to cry,” My y leanness; woe unto me, I am a dry tree.”

How few Christians have, in closing with CHRIST, considered the cost they may be at! They were told of the cross, but the cross was at a great distance, and things, when remote, seem little. How many little study the import of that word,-Cross! What a shameful, painful, tedious death it imports! Something of trouble they would undergo for CHRIST, but really they never thought of dying for CHRIST,-of spilling their heart's blood for CHRIST; so that they did not close with CHRIST understandingly. Either they were ignorant of CHRIST'S person, or of the consequents of closing with him; that they should ”be hated of all men for his namesake;” that they must “through much tribulation enter into his kingdom;” that they shall ”be put out of the synagogues, and that the time cometh that whosoever killeth them will think he doth GOD service.” Hence, when unexpectedly “the rain descends, the floods come, and the winds blow and beat upon their houses;” (the stately spiritual buildings which they have been erecting;) they not only totter, but fall; and great is their fall. How many in such times put away”a God conscience, and concerning faith have made shipwreck!” How many are ”trees, whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.” They see not that the riches of CHRIST will make them amends for all the losses and perils; they cannot balance the troubles of the flesh with the comforts of the SPIRIT the present evil things with the future inheritance in heaven. These poor souls (O that my heart could bleed for them!) were willing to come up to some of CHRIST'S terms; to lose a little, nay, to suffer many things; but they cannot endure to lose life. O my soul! weep in secret for them: GOD will not abate a point of what he requires; he expects that we” take up the cross daily;” that we hate life itself, as well as whatsoever else is near and dear unto us. The conditions are irreversible; he will never stoop lower: this makes many a man to go away sorrowful. I beseech thee, Reader, to go over with the work of conversion again, now the cross is in sight, now tribulation arises: now let him see whether CHRIST is better than name, liberty, friends, relations, livelihood,. and life itself; and whether he can believe, that “he that will save his life, shall lose it, and he that will lose his life for CHRIST'S sake, shall find it;” and that with advantage.