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Private Devotions For Several Occasions









1. As soon as ever you awakest, lift up thy heart to Gov in this or the like short Prayer. LORD, as you have awaked my body from sleep, so by thy grace awaken my soul from sin, and make me so to walk before thee this day, and all the rest of my life, that when the last trumpet shall awake me out of my grave, I may rise to the life immortal, through JESUS CHRIST.

When you have thus begun, suffer not (without some urgent necessity) any worldly thoughts to fill thy mind, till you have also paid thy more solemn devotions to Al-mighty GOD); and therefore, during the time you art dressing thyself, which should be no longer than common decency requires, exercise thy mind in some spiritual thoughts; as for example, consider to what temptations thy business or company that day are like to lay thee open, and arm thyself with resolutions against them; or consider what occasions of doing service to GOD, or good to thy neighbor, are that day most likely to present themselves, and resolve to embrace them; and also contrive how you may improve them to the uttermost. But especially it will befit for thee to examine whether there have any sin escaped thee since thy last night's examination. If, after these considerations, any further leisure remain, you may profitably employ it in meditating on the general resurrection, (whereof our rising from our beds is a representation)) and on that dreadful judgment which shall follow it; and then think with thyself in what preparation you art for it, and resolve to husband carefully every minute of thy time towards the fitting thee for that great account. As soon as you art ready, retire to some private place, and there offer up to God thy morning sacrifice of praise and prayer.


At thy first kneeling down, say,

O HOLY, blessed, and glorious Trinity, Three Persons and one GOD, have mercy upon me a miserable sinner.

Lord, I know not what to pray for as I ought; O let thy Spirit help my infirmities, and enable me to offer up a spiritual sacrifice, acceptable to thee by JESUS CHRIST.

A Thanksgiving.

O gracious LORD, whose mercies endure for ever, I thy unworthy servant desire to render thee the tribute of my humblest praises for them. In thee, O Lord, I live, and move, and have my being. You first madest me to be; and then, that I might not be miserable, you sentest thy Son out of thy bosom, to redeem me from the power of my sins by his grace, and from the punishment of them by his blood, and by both to bring me to his glory. You bast, by thy mercy, caused me to be born within thy church, where I was early consecrated to thee in baptism, and have been partaker of all those spiritual helps which might aid me to perform the vow 1 there made to thee; and when by my own negligence I have failed to do it, yet you in thy manifold mercies has not forsaken me, but have graciously invited me to repentance, afforded me all means for it, and with much patience have waited, and not cut me off in those many damning sins which I have committed. It is, O Lord, thy restraining grace alone by which I have been kept back from the greatest sins, and it is thy inclining and assisting grace alone by which I have been enabled to do any the least good; therefore not unto me, not unto me, but unto thy name be the praise. For these and all other thy spiritual blessings, my soul does magnify the Lord, and all that is within me does praise his holy name. I likewise praise thee for the many outward blessings which I enjoy; for health, friends, food, and raiment; for the comforts as well as the necessaries of this life; for thy continual protection by which I and mine are kept from dangers, and those gracious deliverances which you have often afforded; for that mercy of thine whereby you have sweetened and allayed those troubles which you have not seen fit wholly to remove; for thy particular preservation of me this night, and for all other tokens of thy goodness towards me. Lord, grant that I may render thee not only the fruit of my lips, but the obedience of my life, so that these blessings may be an earnest of those richer blessings which you have prepared for those that love thee, for his sake whom you have made the author of eternal salvation to all that obey him, even JESUS CHRIST.

A Confession

O righteous LORD, who hates iniquity, I thy sinful creature cast myself at thy feet, acknowledging that I most justly deserve to be utterly forsaken by thee. For I have drunk iniquity like water, gone on in a continued course of rebellion against thee, daily committing those things you forbiddest, and leaving undone those things you commandest. Mine heart, which should be an habitation for thy Spirit, is a cage of unclean birds, of foul and disordered affections; and out of this abundance of the heart my mouth speaketh, my hands act; so that in thought, word, and deed, I continually transgress against thee. [Here mention the greatest of thy sins.] Nay, O Lord, I have despised that goodness of thine which should lead me to repentance, hardening my heart against all those means which you have used for my amendment. And now, Lord, what can I expect from thee but judgment and fiery indignation, which are indeed the due reward of my sins But, O Lord, there is mercy with thee that you may be feared. O fit me for that mercy, by giving me a hearty repentance; and then, according to thy goodness, let thine anger be turned away from me. Look upon me in thy Son, my blessed Savior, and for the merit of his sufferings, pardon all my sins: and I beseech thee, by the power of thy grace, so to renew and purify my heart, that I may become a new creature, utterly forsaking every evil way, and living in constant, sincere, and universal obedience to thee all the rest of my days, that behaving myself as a true and faithful servant, I may by thy mercy at the last be received into the joy of my Lord. Grant this for JESUS CHRIST'S sake.

A Prayer for Grace.

O most gracious GOD, from whom every good and perfect gift cometh, I, a wretched creature, that am not able of myself so much as to think a good thought, beseech thee to work in me both to will and do according to thy good pleasure. Enlighten my mind that I may know thee, and let me not be barren or unfruitful in that know-ledge. Lord, work in my heart a true faith, a purifying hope, and an unfeigned love give me a full trust on thee, zeal for thee, reverence of all things that relate to thee: make me fearful to offend thee, thankful for thy mercies, humble under thy corrections, devout in thy service and grant that in all things I may behave myself so as befits a creature to his Creator, a servant to his lord. Enable me likewise to perform that duty which I owe to myself. Give me that meekness, humility, and contentedness, whereby I may always possess my soul in patience and thankfulness: make me diligent in all duties, watchful against all temptations, perfectly pure and temperate, and so moderate in my most lawful enjoyments, that they may never become a snare to me. Make me also, O Lord, so affected towards my neighbor, that I may never transgress that royal law, which commands me to love him as myself: grant me exactly to perform all parts of justice, yielding to all whatever is their due; and give me such bowels of mercy, that I may never fail to do all acts of charity to all men, whether friends or enemies, according to thy command and example. Finally, I beseech thee, O Lord, to sanctify me throughout, that my whole spirit, and soul, and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to whom, with thee and the HOLY GHOST, be all honor and glory, for ever. Amen.


O blessed LORD, whose mercy is over all thy works, I beseech thee to have mercy upon all men; and grant that the precious ransom which was paid by thy Son for all, may be effectual to the saving of all. Give thy enlightening grace to those that are in darkness, and thy converting grace to those that are in sin. Look with thy tenderest compassions upon the universal church. O be favorable and gracious unto Sion; build you the walls of Jerusalem. Unite all that profess thy name, to thee by purity and holiness, and to each other by brotherly love. Have mercy on this desolate church and sinful nation: you have moved the land and divided it; heal the sores thereof, for it shaketh. Make us so truly to repent of those sins which have provoked thy judgments, that you may also turn and repent, and leave a blessing behind thee. Bless those whom you have appointed our governors, whether in church or state; so rule their hearts, and strength their hands, that they may neither want will nor power to punish wickedness and vice, and to maintain true religion and virtue. Have pity, O Lord, on all that are in affliction: be a father to the fatherless, and plead the cause of the widow: comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, heal the sick, relieve the needy, defend the oppressed, and administer to every one according to their several necessities. Let thy blessings rest upon all that are near and dear to me, and grant them whatsoever you seest necessary, either to their bodies or their souls. [Here mention thy nearest relations.] Remember all those that have done me good, and pardon all those that have done or wished me evil; and work in them and me all that good which may make us acceptable in thy sight, through JESUS CHRIST.

A Prayer for Preservation.

O merciful GOD, by whose bounty alone it is, that this day is added to my life, I beseech thee so to guide me in it by thy grace, that I may do nothing which may dishonor thee, or wound my own soul, but that I may diligently apply myself to all such good works as you have prepared for me to walk in; and, Lord, I beseech thee, give thy angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways, that I and mine may be safe under thy gracious protection, through JESUS CHRIST.

O LORD, pardon the wanderings and coldness of these petitions; and deal with me, not according to my prayers or deserts, but according to my needs and thine own rich mercies in JESUS CHRIST, in whose blessed name and words Y conclude my imperfect prayers, saying, Our Father, (- At night, when it draws towards the time of rest, bethink thyself haw you have passed the day; examine thine own heart, what sin, either of thought, word, or deed, you have committed, and what opportunity of doing good you have omitted; and whatsoever thou findest to accuse thyself of, confess humbly to GOD, renew thy purposes of amendment, and beg his pardon in CHRIST; and this not slightly, but with all devout earnestness, as you wouldst do if. you went sure thy death were as near approaching as thy sleep, which for ought you knows may be, and therefore you should no more venture to sleep unreconciled to GOD, than you wouldst dare to die so. In the next place, consider what special mercies you have that day received, or if you have had any great deliverance, either front some dangerous temptations, or from any great and apparent peril, andff'er to God thy hearty praise for the same; or if nothing extra-ordinary have happened, and you have been kept even

from the approach of danger, you have not the less, but the greater cause to magnify GOD, who has so guarded thee, that not so notch as the fear of evil has assaulted thee. And therefore omit not to pay him the tribute of humble thankfulness, as well for his daily preservations as his more extraordinary deliverances. And above all, endeavor still, by the consideration of his mercies9 td have thy heart more closely knit to him, remembering that every favor received is a new obligation upon thee to love and obey him.


O HOLY, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three persons and one GOD, have mercy upon me a miserable sinner. LORD, I know not what to pray for as I ought: O let thy Spirit help me infirmities, and enable me to offer up a spiritual sacrifice, acceptable unto thee by JESUS CHRIST.

A Confession.

O most holy Lord GOD, who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, how shall I dare to appear before thee, who am nothing but pollution I am defiled in my very nature, having a backwardness to all good, and a readiness to all evil; but I have also defiled myself by my own actual sins. I have transgressed my duty to thee, my neighbor, and myself, and that in thought, in word, and in deed, by doing those things which you have forbidden, and by neglecting to do those things which you have commanded; and this, not only through ignorance and frailty, but knowingly, and willfully, against the motions of thy Spirit, and the checks of my own conscience. And to make all these sins beyond measure sinful, I have gone on in a daily course of repeating these provocations against thee, notwithstanding all thy calls to, and my own purposes nd vows of, amendment; yea, this very day I have not ceased to add new sins to my former guilt. [Mere name the particulars.] And now, O Lord, what shall I say, seeing I have done these things I know that the wages of sin is death: but O you who wiliest not the death of a sinner, have mercy upon me; work me, I beseech thee, a sincere contrition, and a perfect hatred of my sins; let me not daily con less, and yet daily renew them; but grant, O Lord, that from this instant I may give a bill of divorce to all my most beloved lusts, and then be you pleased to marry me to thyself in truth, in righteousness, and in holiness. For all my sins, O Lord, accept of that ransom which thy blessed Son has paid for me, and for his sake pardon all my offences, and receive me to thy favor. And when you have thus spoken peace to my soul, Lord keep me that I turn not any more to folly; and so establish me with thy grace, that no temptation of the world, the devil, or my own flesh, may ever draw me to offend thee; that being made free from sin, and become a servant unto GOD, I may have my fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life, through


A Thanksgiving.

O you Father of Mercies, who art kind even to the unthankful, I acknowledge myself to have abundantly experienced that gracious property of thine; for notwithstanding my daily provocations against thee, you still heapest loving-kindness upon me. All my contempt of thy favors has not yet made thee withdraw them, but in the riches of thy goodness, you still continuest to me the offers of grace and life in thy Son. The sins of this day you have not repaid, as justly you might, by sweeping me away with a swift destruction, but have spared and preserved me according to the greatness of thy mercy. [Here mention the particular mercies of that day.] What shall I render unto the Lord for all these benefits which he has done unto me Lord, let this goodness of thine lead me to repentance, and grant that I may not only offer thee thanks and praise, but may also order my conversation aright, that so I may at the last see the salvation of GOD, through JESUS CHRIST.

A Prayer for Preservation.

O blessed LORD, the keeper of Israel, that neither slumberest nor sleep, be pleased in thy mercy to watch over me this night. Keep me by thy grace from all works of darkness, and defend me by thy power from all dangers, Grant me moderate and refreshing sleep, such as may fib me for the duties of the day followings And Lord, make me ever mindful of that time when I shall he down in the dust; and because I know neither the day nor the hour of my Master's coming, grant that I may be always ready, that I may never live in such a state as I shall fear to die; in; but that whether I live, I may live unto the Lord, or whether I die, I may die unto the Lord, so that living and dying I may be thine, through JESUS CHRIST.

As you art putting off thy clothes, think with thyself that the time approaches when you must put of thy body also, and then thy soul must appear naked before God's judgment-seat; and therefore you haddt need be careful that it may be made clean and pure, so that He who will not look on iniquity may graciously behold and accept it.

Let thy bed put thee in mind of thy grave; and when you liest down, say, O blessed SAVIOR, who by thy precious death and burial didst take away the sting of death, and the power of the grave, grant me the joyful fruits of that thy victory, and be you gain to me, in life and death.

I will lay me down in peace and take my rest, for it is You, Lord, only that makest me to dwell in safety. Into thy hands I commend my spirit; for you hart

redeemed it, O Lord, you GOD of truth.




For Faith.

O BLESSED Lord, whom without faith it is impossible to please, let thy Spirit, I beseech thee, work in me such a faith as may be acceptable in thy sight, even such as worketh by love. O let me not rest in a dead faith, but grant it may be that victorious faith, which may enable me to overcome the world, and conform me to the image of that CHRIST on whom I believe; that so at the last I may receive the end of my faith, even the salvation of my soul, by the same JESUS CHRIST.

For Hope.

O Lord, who art the hope of all the ends of the earth, let me never be destitute of a well-grounded hope, nor yet possessed with a vain presumption. Suffer me not to think that you wilt either be reconciled to my sins, or reject my repentance; but give me, I beseech thee, such a hope as may be answerable to thy promises, and such as may both encourage and enable me to purify myself from all filthiness, both of flesh and spirit; that so it may indeed become to me an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, entering within the veil, whither the Fore-runner is for me entered, even JESUS CHRIST, My High-Priest and blessed Redeemer.

O holy and gracious LORD, who art infinitely excellent in thyself, and infinitely bountiful towards me, I beseech thee, suffer not my heart to be so hardened, through the deceitfulness of sin, as to resist such charms of love, but let them make deep and lasting impressions on my soul. LORD, you art pleased to require my heart, and you only has a right to it. O let me not alienate any part of it, but enable me to render it up whole and entire to thee. Take this unworthy heart of mine as thine own spoil; and refine it with the purifying fire of thy love, that it may be a fit habitation for thy Spirit. LORD, if you seest it fit, be pleased to let me taste of those joys, those ravishments of thy love, wherewith thy saints have been so trans-ported. But if in this I know not what I ask, if I may not choose my place in thy kingdom, yet, O LORD, deny me not to drink of thy cup; let me have such a degree of love as may make me endure any thing for thy sake, such a perfect love as may cast out all fear and sdoes too; so that nothing may seem to me too grievous to suffer, or too difficult to do, in obedience to thee; and that thus expressing my love by keeping thy commandments, I may, by thy mercy, at last obtain that crown of life, which you have promised to those that love thee, through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD.

For Sincerity.

O holy LORD, who requirest truth in the inward parts, I humbly beseech thee to purge me from all hypocrisy. The heart, O LoRD, is deceitful above all things; and my heart is deceitful above all hearts. O You, who searchest the heart and reins, try me, and seek the ground of my heart, and suffer not any accursed thing to lurk within me, but purify me even with fire, so you consume my dross. O LoRD, I cannot deceive thee, but I may easily deceive myself. I beseech thee, let me not rest in any such deceit, but bring me to a sight and hatred of my most bidden corruptions, that I may not cherish any darling lust, but make an utter destruction of every Amalekite. O suffer me not to speak peace to myself, when there is no peace; but grant that I may judge of myself as you judgest of me, so that I may never be at peace with myself, till I am at perfect peace with thee, and by purity of heart qualified to see thee in thy kingdom, through JESUS CHRIST.

For Devotion in Prayer.

O gracious LORD GOD, who not only permittest, but invitest, us miserable and needy creatures to present our petitions to thee; grant, I beseech thee, that the frequency of my prayer may be somewhat proportionable to those continual needs I have of thy mercy. LORD, I confess it is the greatest honor and greatest advantage thus to be allowed access to thee; yet so stupid is my heart, that it shuns or frustrates the opportunities of it. My soul, O LORD, is possessed with a spirit of infirmity; it is bowed together, and can in no wise lift up itself to thee. O be you pleased to cure this miserable disease, to enspirit and enliven this earthly and drossy heart, that it may freely mount towards thee; so that I may set a true value on this most valuable privilege, and take delight in approaching to thee; that my approaches may be with a reverence in some degree answerable to that awful Majesty before whom I come, with an importunity answerable to those pressing wants I have to be supplied, and with such a fixedness and attention of mind as no wandering thoughts may interrupt; that I may no more incur the guilt of drawing near to thee with my lips, when my heart is far from thee, but may so ask, that I may receive, seek, that I may find, and knock, that it may be opened unto me; and that front praying to thee here, I may be translated to the work of praising thee eternally in thy glory, through the merits and intercession of JESUS CHRIST.

For Humility.

O you high and lofty ONE, that inhabitest eternity, yet art pleased to dwell with the bumble spirit; pour into my heart, I beseech thee, that excellent grace of humility. LORD, convince me powerfully of my own wretchedness; make me to see that I am miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked; that so in all thy dispensations, I may lay my hand upon my mouth, and heartily acknowledge that I am less than the least of thy mercies, and deserving of greater punishment than the greatest of thy judgments. And, O LORD, grant me not only to walk humbly with my GOD, but with men also, that I may not only submit myself to thy rebukes, but even to those of myfellow-Christians, and with meekness receive and obey their admonitions; and make me so to behave myself towards all, that I may never do any thing through strife or vain-glory. And to that end, grant that, in lowliness of mind, I may esteem every other man better than myself, and be willing that others should esteem them so also; that I may neither nourish any high opinion of myself, nor covet it among others, but that, despising the praise of men, I may seek that praise which cometh from thee only. May I employ all my care to approve myself to thee, who resistest the proud, and givest grace to the humble. Grant this, O LORD, for his sake who humbled himself unto the death of the cross, JESUS CHRIST.

For Trust on God.

O Almighty LORD, who never failest them that trust on thee give me grace, I beseech thee, in all my difficulties and distresses, to have recourse to thee, to rest and depend on thee. You shall keep him, O LORD, in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. O let me always rest on this firm pillar, and never exchange it for the broken reeds of worldly succors; suffer not my heart to be over-charged with the cares of this life; but grant that having, by honest labor and industry, done my part, I may cheerfully commit myself to thy providence; casting all my care upon thee, and being careful for nothing, but to be of the number of those whom you ownest and carest for, even such as keep thy testimonies, and think upon thy commandments to do them. Seeking first thy kingdom and righteousness, may all these outward things be added unto me, in such a measure as thy wisdom knows best for me. Grant this, O LORD, for JESUS CHRIST'S sake.

For Contrition.

O holy LORD, who art a merciful embracer of true penitents, but yet a consuming fire towards obstinate sinners; be you pleased to soften and melt this hard heart, that I may bewail the iniquities of my life. Strike this rock, O LORD, that the waters may flow out. My drowsy soul has too long slept in sin: LORD, awaken it, though it be with thunder; and let me rather feel thy terrors, than not feel my sin. You sentest thy blessed Son to heal the broken-hearted; but, LORD, what will that avail me, if my heart be whole O break it, that it may be capable of this healing virtue; and grant, I beseech thee, that having once tasted the bitterness of sin, I may flee from it as from the face of a serpent, and bring forth fruits of repentance, to the glory of thy grace, in JESUS CHRIST, our blessed Redeemer.

For Chastity.

O holy JESUS, whose first descent was into the Virgin's womb, and who dost still love to dwell only in pure and virgin hearts, I beseech thee, send thy Spirit of purity to cleanse me from all filthiness, both of flesh and spirit. My body, O LORD, is the temple of the HOLY GHOST: O let me never pollute that temple with any uncleanness. And because out of the heart proceed the things that defile the man, LORD, grant me grace to keep my heart with all diligence, that no impure thoughts may be harbored there; and enable me to keep both body and soul pure and undefiled, that so I may glorify thee here, both in body and spirit, and be glorified in both with thee hereafter.

For Contentedness.

O merciful GOD, thy wisdom is infinite to choose, and thy love forward to dispense good things to us; O let me always entirely resign myself to thy disposal, and have no desires of my own, but a perfect satisfaction in thy choice for me; that so in whatsoever estate I am, I may be therein content. LORD, grant that I may never look with murmuring on my own condition, nor with envy on other men's: And to that end, I beseech thee, purge my heart of all covetous affections, that all my care may be to be rich towards GOD, to lay up my treasure in heaven, and to set my affections on things above; so that when CHRIST, who is my life, shall appear, I may also appear with him in glory. Grant this, O LoRD, for the merits of the same JESUS CHRIST.

For Charity.

O merciful LORD, who has made of one blood, and redeemed by one ransom, all nations of men, let me never harden my bowels against any that partake of the same nature and redemption with me, but grant me charity towards all men. Give me, O you Father of compassions, such a tenderness and meltingness of heart, that I may be deeply affected with all the miseries of my brethren, and diligently employ all my abilities for their succor and relief. O let not an unChristian self-love possess my heart, but drive out that accursed spirit, and let thy Spirit of love enter and dwell there, and make me seek, not to please myself, but my neighbor, for his good to edification, even as CHRIST pleased not himself. LORD, make me a faithful steward of all those talents which you have committed to me, that so when you shall call me to give an account of my stewardship, I may do it with joy, and not with grief. Grant this, merciful LORD, for JESUS CHRIST'S sake.

For Perseverance.

O eternal and unchangeable LORD GOD, who art the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever; be you pleased to communicate some small ray of that excellence, some degree of that stability, to me thy wretched creature, who am light and inconstant, turned about with every blast. My understanding is very deceivable; O establish it in thy truth, and keep it from the snares of seducing spirits, that I may not be led away with the error of the wicked, and fall from my own steadfastness. My will, O LORD, iS irresolute and wavering, and does not cleave steadfastly unto GOD; my goodness is but as the morning cloud, and as the early dew it passes away. O strengthen me; and whatever good work you have wrought in me, be pleased to accomplish and perform it until the day of CHatsr. LORD, you seest my weakness, and you knows the number and strength of those temptations I have to struggle with: O leave me not to myself, but cover you my head in the day of battle, and in all spiritual combats make me more than conqueror, through him that loved me. O let no terrors or flatteries, either of the world or my own flesh, ever draw me from my obedience to thee; but grant that I may continue steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, and by patient continuing in well-doing, seek, and at last obtain, glory, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life, through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.




O MOST merciful GOD, who have in thy great goodness prepared this spiritual feast for sick and famished souls, make my desires and gasping after it answerable to my need of it. I have, with the prodigal, wasted that portion of grace you bestowedst upon me, and therefore do infinitely want a supply out of thy treasury: but, O LORD, how shall such a wretch as I dare to approach this holy table I am a dog, how shall I presume to take the children's bread Or how shall this spiritual manna, this food of angels, be given to one who has chosen to feed on husks with swine O LORD, my guiltiness makes me tremble to come, and yet makes me not dare to keep away; for where shall my polluted soul be washed, if not in the fountain which you have opened for sin and for uncleanness Hither therefore I come; and you have promised, that him that cometh to thee you wilt in no wise cast out. This is, O LORD, the blood of the new testament; grant me so to receive it, that it may be to me for remission of sins; and though I have so often and so wretchedly broken my part of that covenant whereof this is a seal, yet be you graciously pleased to make good thine. Be merciful to my unrighteousness, and remember my sins and my iniquities no more. Put thy laws into my heart, and write them in my mind, and by the power of thy grace dispose my soul to such a sincere and constant obedience, that I may never again provoke thee. LORD, grant that in these holy mysteries I may not only commemorate, but effectually receive, my blessed Savior, and all the benefits of his passion; and to that end, give me such a preparation of soul as may qualify me for it. Give me a deep sense of my sins and unworthiness, that being weary and heavy laden, I may be capable of his refreshings. Raise up my dull and earthly mind from groveling here below, and inspire it with a holy zeal, that I may with spiritual affection approach this spiritual feast; and let the infinite love of CHRIST, in dying for so wretched a sinner, inflame my frozen soul, and kindle in me a sacred fire of love to him, so vehement that no waters may quench, no floods drown it; such as may burn up all my dross, and not leave one unmortified lust in my soul; and such as may also extend itself to all whom you have given me command and example to love, even enemies as well as friends. Finally, O LORD, I beseech thee to clothe me in the wedding-garment, and make me, though of myself most unworthy, yet by thy mercy an acceptable guest at this holy table, that I may not eat and drink my own condemnation, but may have my pardon sealed, my weakness repaired, my corruptions subdued, and my soul so inseparably united unto thee, that no temptations may ever be able to dissolve the union, but that being begun here in grace, it may be consummated in glory. Grant this, O LORD, for thy dear Son's sake, JESUS CHRIST.


O blessed JESUS, who once offeredst up thyself for me upon the cross, and now offerest thyself to me in this sacrament; let not, I beseech thee, my impenitence and unworthiness frustrate these so inestimable mercies, but qualify me by thy grace to receive the full benefit of them. O LOAD, I have abundant need of thee, but am so holden with the cords of my sins, that I am not able to move towards thee. O loose me from this band where-with SATAN and my own lusts have bound me, and draw me, that I may run after thee. O merciful JESUS, thy blood is my only refuge; O let this make my atonement, or I perish. Wherefore didst you shed it, but to save sinners Neither can the merit of it be overwhelmed either by the greatness or number of sins. I am a sinner, a great one; O let me find its saving efficacy. Be merciful unto me, O LORD, be merciful unto me, for my soul trusteth in thee, and in the clefts of thy wounds shall be my refuge, until thy Father's indignation be overpast. O You, who hast, as my high-priest, offered sacrifice for me, intercede for me also, and plead thy meritorious sufferings on my behalf; and suffer not, O my Redeemer, the price of thy blood to be utterly lost. And grant, O LORD, that as the sins I have to be forgiven are many, so I may love much. LORD, you seest what faint, what cold affections I have towards thee; O warm and enliven them; and as in this sacrament that transcendent love of thine in dying for me is set forth, so I beseech thee let it convey such grace unto me, as may enable me to make some returns of love. O let this divine fire descend from heaven into my soul, and let my sins be the burnt-offering for it to consume, that there may not any corrupt affection, any cursed thing, be sheltered inmy heart, and that I may never again defile that place which you have chosen for thy temple. You diedst, O JESUS, to redeem me from all iniquity, O let me not again work wickedness; but grant that I may approach thee at this time with most sincere and fixed resolutions of an entire reformation, and let me receive such grace from thee, as may enable me faithfully to per-form them. LORD, there are many diseases which my soul groans under. [Here mention thy most prevailing corruptions.] And though I he ever so long at the pool of Bethesda, or come ever so often to thy table, yet unless you be pleased to pour forth thy healing virtue, they will still remain uncured. O you blessed Physician of souls, heal me, and grant that I may so touch thee, that every one of these loathsome maladies may immediately cease, and that these sicknesses may not be unto death, but unto the glory of thy mercy in pardoning, and unto the glory of thy grace in purifying, so polluted a wretch. O CHRIST, hear me, and grant that I may now approach thee with such humility and contrition, such love and devotion, that you wayest vouchsafe to come unto me, and abide with me, communicating to me thyself, and all the merits of thy passion. And then, O LORD, let no accusations of SATAN, or of my own conscience, amaze and distract me; but having peace with thee, let me also have peace in myself, that this wine may make glad, and that this bread of life may strengthen my heart, and enable me cheerfully to run the way of thy commandments. Grant this, merciful Savior, for thine own bowels' and compassion's sake.




LORD, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof. I have sinned, what shall I do unto thee, O you preserver of men! [Here recollect some of thy greatest sins.]

If You, LORD, should be extreme to mark what is done amiss, O LORD, who may abide it But with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

Behold, O LORD, thy beloved Son, in whom you art well pleased. Hearken to the cry of his blood, which speaketh better things than that of Abel.

By his agony and bloody sweat, by his cross and passion, good LORD, deliver me. O Lamb of GOD, who takest away the sins of the world, grant me thy peace.

O Lamb of GOD, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon me.

Immediately before Receiving.

You have said, that he that eats thy flesh, and drinketh thy blood, has eternal life. Behold the servant of the LORD, be it unto me according to thy word.

At the Receiving of the Bread.

By thy crucified body deliver me from this body of death.

At the Receiving of the Cup.

O let this blood of thine purge my conscience from dead works to serve the living GOD. LORD, if you wilt, you can make me clean.

touch rue, and say, " I will, be you clean."

After Receiving.

What shall I render unto the LORD for all the benefits he has done unto me I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. Therefore, blessing, honor, glory, and power, be to him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever. Amen. I have sworn, and am steadfastly purposed, to keep thy righteous judgments. O hold you up my goings in thy paths, that my foot-steps slip not.



O You Fountain of all goodness, from whom every good and perfect gift cometh, and to whom all honor and glory should be returned, I desire with the most fervent and inflamed affections of a grateful heart, to bless and praise thee for these inestimable mercies. LORD, what is man that you should so regard him, as to send thy beloved Son to suffer such bitter things for him But, LORD, what am I, the worst of men, that I should have any part in this atonement, who have so often despised him and his sufferings O the heighth and depth of this mercy of thine, who art pleased to admit me to the renewing of that covenant with thee, which I have so often and perversely broken! That I, who am not worthy of the daily bread that sustains the body, should be made partaker of this bread of life, which nourisheth the soul, and that the GOD of all purity should vouchsafe to unite himself to so polluted a wretch! O my GOD, suffer me no more to turn thy grace into wantonness, or to make thy mercy an occasion of sinful security; but let this unspeakable love constrain me to obedience, that since my blessed LORD has died for me, I may no longer live unto myself, but unto him. O LORD, I know there is no concord between CHRIST and Belial; therefore, since he has now been pleased to enter my heart, let me never permit any lust to chase him thence; but let him that has so dearly bought me, still keep possession of me, and let nothing ever take me out of his hand. To this end, be you graciously pleased to watch over me, and defend me from all assaults of my spiritual enemies; but especially deliver me from myself, from the treachery of my own heart, which is too willing to yield itself a prey. Where you seest that I am either by nature or custom most weak, there do you magnify thy power in my preservation. [Here mention thy most dangerous temptations.] And, LORD, let my Savior's sufferings for my sins, and the vows I have now made against them, never depart from my mind; but let the remembrance of the one enable me to perform the other. May I never make truce with those lusts which nailed his hands, pierced his side, and made his soul heavy to the death; but having now anew enlisted myself under his banner, may I fight manfully, and follow the Captain of my salvation, even if called to pass through a sea of blood. LORD, lift up my hands that hang down, and my feeble knees, that I faint not in this warfare; O be you my strength, for I am not able of myself to struggle with the slightest temptations. How often have I turned my back in the day of battle! How many vows have I violated! And, LORD, I have still the same deceitful heart to betray me into the breach of this. O You, who art yea and amen, in, whom there is no shadow of change, communicate to me such a stability of mind, that I may no more start aside like a broken bow; but that having my heart whole with thee, 1 may continue steadfast in thy covenant, and that those good purposes, which thy Spirit has raised in me this day, may not vanish, but bring forth fruit unto life eternal. Grant this, O merciful Father, through the merits and mediation of my crucified Savior.


O BLESSED SAVIOR, who have male the cross the badge of thy disciples, enable me willingly and cheerfully to em-brace it. You seest, O LORD, that I am fallen into days, wherein he that departeth from evil inaketh himself a prey; O make me so readily to expose all my outward concernments, when my obedience to thee requires it, that what falls as a prey to men, may by thee be accepted as a sacrifice to GOD. LORD, preserve me so by thy grace, that I may never suffer as an evil-doer; and then, if it be my lot to suffer as a Christian, let me not be ashamed, but rejoice that I am counted worthy to suffer for thy name. O you who for my sake enduredst the cross, and despisedst the shame, let the example of that love and patience prevail against all the tremblings of my corrupt heart, that no terrors may ever be able to shake my constancy, but that how long soever you shall permit the rod of the wicked to he on my back, I may never put my hand unto wickedness. LORD, you knows whereof I am made, you rememberest that I am but flesh; and flesh shrinks at the approach of any thing grievous. It is thy Spirit alone that can uphold me: O establish me with thy free Spirit, that I be not weary or faint in my mind.

And the-greater you discernest my weakness to be, the more do you show forth thy power in me; and make me, O LORD, in all temptations steadfastly to look to thee, the author and finisher of my faith, that so I may run the race which is set before me, and resist even unto blood, striving against sin. O JESUS, hear me, and though SATAN desire to have me, that he may winnow me as wheat, yet do You, O blessed Mediator, pray for me that my faith fail not, but that, though it be tried with fire, it may be found unto praise and glory and honor, at thy appearing. And, O LORD, I beseech thee, grant that I may preserve not only constancy towards GOD, but charity also towards men, even towards those whom you shall permit to be the instruments of my sufferings. LORD, let me not fail to imitate that admirable meekness of thine, in loving and praying for my greatest persecutors; and do you over-come all their evil with thy infinite goodness, turn their hearts, and draw them powerfully to thyself, and at last receive both me and mine enemies into those mansions of peace and rest, where you reignest with the FATHER and the HOLY GHOST, one GOD for ever.



Say, Righteous art You, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments. But, O LORD, in judgment remember mercy; and though my sins have forced thee to strike, yet consider my weakness, and let not thy stripes be more heavy or more lasting, than you seest profitable for my soul. Correct me, but with the chastisement of a father, not with the wounds of an enemy; and though you take not off thy rod, yet take away thine anger. LORD, do not abhor my soul, nor cast thy servant away in displeasure; but pardon my sins, I beseech thee, and if yet in thy fatherly wisdom you see fit to prolong thy corrections, thy blessed will be done. I cast myself, O LORD, at thy feet; do with me what you pleasest. Try me as silver is tried, so you bring me out purified. And LORD, make even my flesh to subscribe to this resignation; that there may be nothing in me that may rebel against thy hand, but that having perfectly suppressed all repining thoughts, I may cheerfully drink of this cup. And how bitter soever you shall please to make it, LORD, let it prove medicinal, and cure all the diseases of my soul, that it may bring forth in me the peaceable fruit of righteousness: that so these light afflictions, which are but for a moment, may work for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, through JESUS CHRIST.




O JUST and holy LORD, who with rebukes dolt chasten man for sin, I desire unfeignedly to humble myself under thy mighty hand. I heartily acknowledge, O LORD, that all I do suffer, or can suffer, is but the due reward of my deeds, and therefore in thy severest inflictions I must still O BLESSED LORD, who art gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil, I thankfully acknowledge before thee, that you have not dealt with me after my sins, nor rewarded me according to my iniquities. My rebellions, O LORD, de-served to be scourged with scorpions, and you have corrected them only with a gentle and fatherly rod; neither has you suffered me to he long under that, but has given me a timely and a gracious issue out of my distresses. O LORD, I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy, for you have considered my trouble, and have known my soul in adversity. You have smitten, and you have healed me. O- let these various methods of thine have their proper effects upon my soul; that I who have felt the smart of thy chastisements, may stand in awe and not sin;that I, who have likewise felt the sweet refreshings of thy mercy, may have my heart ravished with it, and knit to to thee in the firmest bands of love;and that by both, I may be preserved in a constant and entire obedience to thee all my days, through JESUS CHRIST.




When You, findest thyself visited with sickness, you art immediately to remember that it is GOD, who with rebukes does chasten man for sin. And therefore let thy first care be, to find out what it is that provokes him to smite thee, and to that purpose examine thinr own heart, search diligently what guilt lies there, confess it humbly to GOD, and for the greater security renew thy repentance for all the old sins of thy former life, beg most earnestly his mercy and pardon in CHRIST JESUS, and put on sincere and zealous resolutions of forsaking every evil way for the rest of that time which GOD shall spare thee. And that thy own heart deceive thee not in this weighty business, it will be wisdom to send for some godly divine, not only to assist thee with his prayers, but with his counsel also. And to that purpose open thy heart freely to him, that he may be able to judge of thy repentance. And when you have thus provided for thy better part, then\ consider thy body also, and as the wise man says, Eccle's xxxviii. 12, " Give place to the physician, for the LORD has created him." Use such means as may be most likely to recover thy health, but always remember that the success of them must come from GOD; and beware of Asa's sin, who "sought to the physicians, and not to the LORD," 2 Chron. 16: 12. Dispose also betimes of thy temporal affairs, by making thy will, and setting all things in such order as you meanest finally to leave them in, and defer it not till thy sickness grow more violent: for then perhaps you shall not have such use of thy reason; or if you have, it will be then much more seasonable to employ thy thoughts on higher things, on the world you art going to, rather than that you art about to leave; we cannot carry the things of this world with us when we go hence, and it is not fit we should carry the thoughts of them. Therefore let those be early dispatched, that they may not disturb thee at last.

A PRAYER for a Sick Person.

O MERCIFUL and righteous LORD, the GOD of health and of sickness, of life and of death; I most unfeignedly acknowledge that my great abuse of those many days of strength which you have afforded me, has justly deserved thy present visitation. I desire, O LORD, humbly to accept of this punishment, and to bear the indignation of the LORD, because I have sinned against him. And, O you merciful Father, who designest not the ruin, but the amendment of those whom you scourgest, I beseech thee by thy grace so to sanctify this correction, that this sickness of my body may be a means of health to my soul: make me diligent to search my heart; and do You, O LORD, enable me to discover every accursed thing, how closely soever concealed, that by the removal thereof, I may make way for the removal of this punishment. Heal my soul, O LORD, which has sinned against thee; and then, if it be thy blessed will, heal my body also: restore the voice of joy and health unto my dwelling, that I may live to praise thee, and to bring forth fruits of repentance. But if in thy wisdom you have otherwise disposed, if you least determined that this sickness shall be unto death, I beseech thee to prepare me for it. Give me that sincere repentance, and faith in CHRIST, to which you have promised mercy and pardon; wean my heart from theworld, and-all its fading vanities; and make me to pant after. those more excellent joys, which are at thy right hand for ever. LORD, lift you up the light of thy countenance upon me; in all the pains of my body, in all the agonies of my spirit, let thy comforts refresh my soul, and enable me patiently to wait till my change come. And grant, O LORD, that when my earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved, I may have a building of GOD, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, for his sake who by his precious blood has purchased it for me, even JESUS CHRIST.

A THANKSGIVING for Recovery.

O GRACIOUS LORD, the GOD of the spirits of all flesh, in whose hand my time is, I praise and magnify thee, that you have in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption, and restored me to health again. It is you alone, O LORD, that have preserved my life fioin destruction; you have chastened and corrected me, but you have not given me over unto death. O let this life which you have thus graciously spared, be wholly consecrated to thee. Behold, O LORD, I am by thy mercy made whole; O make me strictly careful to sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto me. Let not this reprieve make me secure, as thinking that my LORD delayeth his coming; but grant me, I beseech thee, to make a right use of this long-suffering of thine, and so to employ every minute of that time you shall allow me, that when you shall appear, I may have confidence, and not be ashamed before thee at thy coming. LORD, I have found by this approach towards death, how dreadful a thing it would be to be taken unprepared; O let it be a perpetual admonition to me to watch for my Master's coming: and when the pleasures of sin shall present themselves, make me to remember how bitter they will be at the last. O LORD, hear me, and as you have in much mercy afforded me time, so

grant me grace to work out my own salvation, and to provide oil in my lamp, that when the Bridegroom cometh, I may go in with him to the marriage. Grant this, 1 beseech thee, fir thy dear Son's sake.

PRAYER at the Approach of Death.

O ETERNAL and ever-living God, who first breathedst into man the breath of life, and when you takest away that breath he dies and is turned again to his dust; look with compassion on me thy poor creature who am now drawing near to the gates of death. LORD, save now, or I perish eternally. O you who wiliest not that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, bring me, I beseech thee, to a sincere repentance, such as you wilt approve who triest the heart. Create in me, O GOD, a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. LORD, one day is with thee as a thousand years; O let thy mighty Spirit work in me now, in this my last day, whatsoever you seest wanting to fit me for thy final acceptation. Give me a perfect hatred of my sins; enable me to present to thee that sacrifice of a broken and contrite heart, which you have promised not to despise; and let me have an interest in that atonement which thy dear Son has made for all repenting sinners. He is the propitiation for our sins, he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was on him; O heal me by his stripes, and let the cry of his blood drown the clamor of my sins., I am indeed by nature a child of wrath, but he is the Son of thy love; for his sake spare me, O LORD, spare thy creature, whom he has redeemed with his most precious blood, and be not angry with me for ever, In his wounds, O LORD, I take sanctuary, O let not thy vengeance pursue Inc to this city of refuge: my soul hangeth upon hint, O let me not perish with a JESUS, a Savior, in my arms. But by his agony and bloody sweat, by his cross and passion, by all that he did and suffered for sinners, good LORD deliver me; deliver me from the wages of my sins, thy wrath and everlasting damnation, in this time of my tribulation, in the hour of death, and in the day of judgment. Hear me, O LORD, hear me, and do not now repay my former neglects of thy calls, by refusing to answer me in my greatest need. LORD, there is but a step between me and death, O let not my sun go down upon thy wrath, but seal my pardon before I go hence and be no more seen. Thy loving-kindness is better than, life itself; O let me have that in exchange, and I shall most gladly lay down this mortal life. LORD, you knows all my desire, and my groaning is not hid from thee; deal you with me according to thy name, for sweet is thy mercy; take away the sting of death, the guilt of my sins; and then, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil. 1 will lay me down in peace, and, LORD, when I awake up, let me be satisfied with thy presence in thy glory. Grant this, merciful GOD, for his sake, who is both the Redeemer and Mediator of sinners, even JESUS CHRIST.


O LORD, of whom may I seek for succor but of thee, who for my sins art justly displeased; yet, O LORD GOD most holy, O LORD most mighty, O holy and most merciful Savior, deliver me not unto the bitter pains of eternal death.

You knows, LORD, the secrets of my heart, shut not up thy merciful ears to my prayer, but hear me, O LORD most holy, O GOD most mighty, O holy and merciful Savior, you most worthy Judge eternal, suffer me not, at my last hour, for any pains of death to fall from thee.

Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am not worthy to he called thy child: yet, O LORD, do not you cast off the bowels and compassions of a father; but even as a father pitieth his own children, so be you merciful unto me.

LORD, the prince of this world cometh; O let him have nothing in me, but as he accuses do you absolve: he lays many and grievous things to my charge, and I have nothing to say for myself; do you answer for me, O LORD My GOD.

Behold, O GOD, the Devil is coming towards me, having great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time. O save and deliver me, lest he devour my soul like a lion, and tear it in pieces while there is none to help.

O my GOD, I know that no unclean thing can enter into thy Kingdom, and I am nothing but pollution, my very righteousnesses are as filthy rags. O wash me and make inc white in the blood of the Lamb, that so I may be fit to stand before thy throne.

LORD, the snares of death compass me round about, O let not the pains of hell also take hold upon me: but though I find trouble and heaviness, yet O LORD, I beseech thee, deliver my soul.

O JESUS, who has bought me with the price of thine own blood, challenge now thy purchase, and let not the malice of hell pluck me out of thy hand.

O blessed High Priest, who art able to save them to the utmost who come unto GOD by thee, save me, I beseech thee, who have no hope, but in thy merits and intercession.

O JESUS, I have, by my many and grievous sins, crucified thee afresh; yet do You, who prayedst for thy persecutors, intercede for me also, and suffer not, O my Redeemer, my soul, the price of thy blood, to perish.

O SPIRIT of grace, I have done despite to thee; yet, O blessed Comforter, though I have often grieved thee, be you pleased to succor and relieve me, and say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

Mine eyes look unto thee, O LORD, in thee is my trust, O cast not out my soul.

O LORD, in thee have I trusted, let me never be confounded.

O blessed LORD, who scourgest every son whom thou receivest, let me not be weary of thy correction, but give me such a perfect subjection to thee, the Father of spirits, that this chastisement may be for my profit, and that I may be partaker of thy holiness.

O you Captain of my salvation, who welt made perfect by sufferings, sanctify to me all the pains of body, all the terrors of mind, which you shall permit to fall upon me.

LORD, my sins have deserved eternal torments, make me cheerfully bear my present pains; chasten me as you pleasest here, that I may not be condemned with the world.

LORD, the waters are come in unto my soul. O let thy Spirit move upon these waters, and make them like the pool of Bethesda, that they may be instrumental in curing whatsoever spiritual disease you discernest in me.

O CHRIST, who first sufferedst many and grievous things, and then enteredst into thy glory, make me to suffer with thee, that I may also be glorified with thee. When you hadst overcome the sharpness of death, thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers. I believe that you shall come to be my Judge.

I pray thee, therefore, to help thy servant, whom thou have redeemed with thy most precious blood. Make me to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting.

You art the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in thee, though he were dead, yet shall he live: LORD, I believe, help you my unbelief. My flesh and heart faileth; but GOD is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. I desire to be dissolved, and to be with CHRIST, which it far better: LORD, I groan earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with that house from heaven. I desire to put off this my tabernacle: O be pleased to receive me into everlasting habitations. O

Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks unto thy name.

LORD, I have here to wrestle, not only with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness. O take me from these tents of Kedar, into the heavenly Jerusalem, where SATAN shall be utterly trodden under my feet. I cannot here attend one minute to thy service without distraction; O take me up to stand before thy throne, where I shall serve, thee day and night.

I am here in heaviness, through many tribulations; O receive me into that place of rest, where all tears shall be wiped from my eyes; where there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. I am here in a state of banishment and absence from the LORD; O take me where I shall ever behold thy face, and follow the Lamb whithersoever he go. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.

O blessed JESUS, who have loved me, and washed me from my sins in thine own blood, receive my soul. Into thy hands I commend my spirit, for you have redeemed me, O LORD, you GOD of truth. Come, LORD JESUS, come quickly.



O GOD, what balm is there in Gilead that can cure us, who, when you wouldst heal us, will not be healed We know you have pronounced, that there is no peace to the wicked; and how shall we then pray for peace that still retain our wickedness This, this, O LORD, is our sorest disease; O give us medicines to heal this sickness; heal our souls, and then we know you can soon heal our land. LORD, you have long spoken, by thy word to our ears, and by thy judgments even to all our senses; but unless you speak by thy Spirit to our hearts, all other calls will be ineffectual. O send out this voice, and let it be a mighty voice, such as may awaken us out of this lethargy: you that didst call Lazarus out of the grave, be pleased to call us who are dead in trespasses and sins, and make us to awake to righteousness. And though, O LORD, our frequent resistances, even of those inward calls, have justly provoked thee to give us up to the lusts of our own heart, yet, O you boundless ocean of mercy, who art good, not only beyond what we can desire, but beyond what we can wish, do not with-draw the influence of thy grace, and take not thy Holy Spirit from us. You wert found of those that sought thee not: O let that act of mercy be repeated to us, who are so desperately, yet so insensibly sick, that we cannot so much as look after the physician; and by how much our case is the more dangerous, so much the more sovereign remedies do you apply. LORD, help us, and consider not so much our unworthiness of thy aid, as our irremediable ruin, if we want it; save LORD, or we perish eternally. To this end, dispense to us in our temporal interest, what you seest may best secure our spiritual; if a greater degree of outward misery will tend to the cure of our inward evil, LORD, spare not thy rod, but strike yet more sharply. Cast out this devil, though with ever so much foaming and tearing. But if you see'st that mercy may be most likely to melt us, O be pleased so far to condescend to our wretchedness as to afford us that; and whether by thy sharper or thy gentler methods, bring us home to thyself. And then, O LORD, we know thy hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; but when you have delivered us from our sins, you can and wilt deliver us from our troubles. O show us thy mercy, and grant us thy salvation, that being redeemed both in our bodies and spirits, we may glorify thee in both, in a cheerful obedience, and praise the name of our GOD, that has dealt wonderfully with us, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.