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Abridgment of the Contemplation of Nature

By Mr. Bonnet, of GENEVA



I raise myself up to the Eternal Reason; I study his laws, and I adore him. I contemplate the universe with a philosophic eye. I search into the relations which by this immense chain constitute one whole. I stop a while to examine some links of it: struck with those marks of power, wisdom, and goodness, which I discover therein, I faintly attempt their description.

Chapter 1 - Of the First Cause

Chapter 2 - Of the Relative Perfection of Beings

Chapter 3 - A General View of the Gradual Progression of Beings

Chapter 4 - Continuation of the Gradual Progression of Beings

Chapter 5 - Of the Various Relations of Terrestrial Beings

Chapter 6 - Of Vegetable Economy

Chapter 7 - Of Animal Economy

Chapter 8 - Of Animal Economy, Considered in Insects

Chapter 9 - Continuation of Animal Economy Considered in Insects

Chapter 10 - Parallel Between Plants and Animals

Chapter 11 - Of the Industry of Animals

Chapter 12 - Continuation of the Industry of Animals