Wesley Center Online

A Christian Library by John Wesley


Among his many writings, John Wesley edited and abridged a number of devotional classics and republished them in what he called A Christian Library

These "Extracts from and Abridgments of the Choicest Pieces of Practical Divinity Which Have Been Published in the English Tongue," as Wesley subtitled them, were first published in 50 volumes in 1750. The present digital collection was scanned from the 1821 edition of these classics, published in 30 volumes. 

Our thanks to Drs. Stanley Crow of Boise, Idaho, and Herbert McGonigle of the Nazarene Theological College, Didsbury, England for allowing the Wesley Center to scan their personal copies of the these priceless volumes. And thanks to Dr. Randy Maddox of Duke University for allowing us to use his index of Wesley's sources and his expanded table of contents.