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The Journal of Charles Wesley

September 1 - December 28, 1750

Sat., September 1st. I finished Rapin's history, which has cured me, in some degree, of the prejudices of education.

Sun., September 2d. I baptized Hannah Skinner. He remembered His promise, "Lo, I am with you."

Tues., September 4th. I carried Sally to Mr. Haynes. I preached with an enlarged heart, as I always do at Wick.

Wed., September 5th. My worthy friend Mr. Evans looked upon us in his return to Oxford.

Sun., September 9th. I proclaimed, to a great multitude in the orchard, "Christ the way, the truth, and the life;" and left, I humbly hope, a blessing behind me.

Mon., September 10th. I set out with Sally, and parted; she for Ludlow, I for London; where I arrived on Wednesday morning.

Thur., September 18th. I met my brother and the Stewards.

Fri., September 14th. I met James Hervey at the Tabernacle, and in the fellowship of the Spirit of love.

Sun., September 16th. A great number of communicants perceived the Lord present. He gave us his blessing at our lovefeast also. I was restless all night, through a boil rising on my neck.

Mon., September 17th. I rose at two, and set out for the north. Beyond Islington my mare threw and fell upon me. I held on as far as St. Alban's, and was then forced to lie down; yet could not sleep, day or night.

Tues. afternoon, September 18th. With much difficulty I got back to London.

Fri., September 28th. I continued in great pain for several days, till the boil broke.

I passed three days at Newington-green, and found benefit by my physic and fresh air. Mr. Waller and his sisters frequently called, and rejoiced with the church in our house.

Sun., October 7th. I got out to the chapel on this and every Lord's day; the rest of the month confined to the house mostly. Dr. Wathen attended me constantly, till both my neck and swollen hand were quite well.

Mon., October 29th. I set out with Mr. Waller and Bridgin; slept the first night at Oxford, the second at Moreton.

Wed., October 31st. By ten I came to Evesham, and had great comfort in praying over our sick brother Watson. I lodged at Worcester, and was refreshed with the little handful at sister Blackmore's.

Thur., November 1st. I preached in Ludlow, where I stayed the whole month, exercised by severe and unexpected trials. One night (November 28th) Mr. W----- fell into convulsions, through the distractions of his mind. I was on the point of following him. Betsy and Juggy fainted away. Confusion reigned throughout the family.

Sat., December 1st. I rode out with Miss Becky, to meet Mrs. Allen and M. Dudley, and brought them to Ludlow.

Sun., December 2d. I encouraged a poor girl to seek for her cure from Him who had wounded her. She has the outward mark too; being daily threatened to be turned out of doors by her master, a great swearer, and strict Churchman; a constant communicant, and habitual drunkard.

Tues., December 4th. Mr. W.'s wedding-day. How unlike my own! I rose, after a sleepless night, in the spirit of heaviness. I prayed for them and with them. Soon after eight they were married;

"And 't was my ministry to deal the blow!"

Fri., December 7th. I left the house of woe, and the next day rejoiced to find myself among my friends at Bristol.

Sun., December 9th. I visited my sick friends; four of them in the triumph of faith. Sister Page was almost overpowered: she had desired to live only to see me. She began recovering from our praying together.

The Society seemed filled with consolation. It was a glorious time, and made me forget my late sorrows and sufferings.

Mon., December 10th. I visited our sister Arnett, aged eighty-six, just ripe for glory; and a child of brother Waleam's, departing in the spirit of praise and love.

Sun., December 16th. Two went home from the word justified.

Sun., December 23d. I gave a close exhortation to the Society, which seemed to sink into every heart.

Tues., Christmas-day. I rejoiced from four to six, with as many as our room could contain; then rode to Newbury with T. Hamilton. Eating immediately, he fainted away. I found myself a-going, and prevented it by a vomit.

Thur., December 27th. I did not reach the Foundery till eleven. I found Sally at Mrs. Allen's.

Fri., December 28th. I officiated at Spitalfields chapel, One received forgiveness with the sacrament.


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