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The Journal of Charles Wesley

September 1 - December 28, 1747

Tues., September 1st. I preached at Maesmynis and again in Builth, on Lam. i. 12: "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by" Now the great blessing came, even the constraining love of Christ crucified. All were melted down as wax before the fire. I took a sweet leave of the weeping flock, and plainly found that if we never met again upon earth, yet shall we never be parted.

I returned to Garth, and showed the end of Christ's mission, even to make all mankind happy. (Acts iii. 26.) We continued rejoicing in the Lord till past eleven.

Wed., September 2d. At six I met the family, both servants and children, and strongly explained, "I am come that they might have life," &c. All seemed to receive my testimony. We left them in body, not in spirit.

I took horse with Mr. Gwynne, Mr. Philips, and our guide, a brother from Anglesea. We found the seven miles to Raydor four good hours' ride. I preached in the church, and laboured to awake the dead, and to lift up the hands that hung down. The Minister seemed a man of a simple heart, and surely not eager for preferment, or he would not be contented with his salary of 3 a year. Three or four neighbouring Clergymen invited me to their churches, whom I had not time to visit. I rode forward to Llanidloes, and pointed a house-full of listening sinners to the all-atoning Lamb.

Thur., September 3d. I called near the Town-hall, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters." I rode to Dolgelly, where our dear friends, Mr. Gwynne and Philips, left us.

Fri., September 4th. I reached Tan-y-Bwlch by nine, and Bar-Myni Ferry by five. It blew so hard, there was no crossing till the tide was out. We waited two hours, part of which I slept on the ground. Then with much difficulty we got into the boat. The hurricane soon drove us out of danger. We rode in the dark over the heavy sands, and in an hour got to a little town in Anglesea. After midnight we came throughly wet to a brother's, where we dried ourselves, and pushed on to Holyhead by seven in the morning, having been in the saddle twenty-five hours.

Sun., September 6th. I sent an offer of my assistance to the Minister, who was ready to beat my messenger. I went to church, and wondered he did not refuse me the sacrament.

After evening service I preached, at the request of some gentlemen, who behaved as such, though the vulgar were rude enough.

Tues., September 8th. At ten we embarked. What wind we had was contrary. It increased in the evening, and at midnight was too high for us to sleep. Next morning, September 9th, we were taken into the smaller packet-boat, and by eleven the Lord brought us safe to Dublin.

Here, the first news we heard was, that the little flock stands fast in the storm of persecution, which arose as soon as my brother left them. The Popish mob has broke open their room, and destroyed all before them. Some of them are sent to Newgate, others belied. What will be the event we cannot tell till we see whether the Grand Jury will find the bill.

Wed., September 9th. I walked at five in the evening to the shattered room in Marlborough-street, where a few people were met, who did not fear what men or devils could do unto them. God has called me to suffer affliction with his people. The Popish mob, encouraged and assisted by the Protestant, are so insolent and outrageous, that, whatever street we pass through, it is up in arms. The Mayor would assist us, but cannot. The Grand Jury have had the plainest evidence of the riot laid before them; that a mixed rabble of Papists and Protestants broke open our room, and four locks, and a warehouse, stealing or destroying the goods to a considerable value; beat and wounded several with clubs, &c.; tore away the pulpit, benches, window-cases, &e., and burnt them openly before the gate, swearing they would murder us all. Yet it is much doubted whether the Grand Jury will find the bill! But doth not the Most High regard

I began my ministry with, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," &c. None made disturbance till I had ended. Then the rabble attended us with the usual compliments to our lodgings.

Thur., September 10th. At five all was quiet within doors; but we had men, women, and children upon us as soon as we appeared in the streets. One I observed crying, "Swaddler, swaddler!" (our usual title hero,) who was a young Ishmael indeed, and had not long learned to speak. I am sure he could not be four years old.

We dined with a gentleman, who explained our name to us. It seems we are beholdento Mr. Cennick for it, who abounds in such like expressions as, "I curse and blaspheme all the gods in heaven, but the babe that lay in the manger, the babe that lay in Mary's lap, the babe that lay in swaddling clouts," &e. Hence they nicknamed him, "Swaddler, or Swaddling John ;" and the word sticks to us all, not excepting the Clergy.

I met the Society, and the Lord knit our hearts together in love stronger than death. We both wept and rejoiced for the consolation. God hath sent me, I trust, to confirm their souls, and keep them together in the present distress.

Fri., September 11th. I met the Society at one, for the first time, and spent an hour in intercession for our nation and Church. We shah hear of these prayers again another day, even the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

I preached morning and evening, this and the following day, no man forbidding me, though every one reviled us, both coming and going.

Sun., September l3th. In the strength of the Lord I went forth to Oxmanton-green. I stood under the wall of the barracks, and preached Christ crucified. They all, both Protestants and Papists, gave diligent heed, as to words whereby they may be saved.

I received the sacrament at St. Patrick's, and from evening service returned to the Green. Thousands were now assembled to hear the word, and many to hinder them. Our dying Lord applied his own words, "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by" In vain did the poor blind Papists rage, and shout, and cast stones. None were suffered to hurt me, or any of the hearers.

The mob waited for me on a bridge. We tried in vain to get a coach; and were therefore forced, when it was dark, to walk home another way, without calling upon Our Catholic friends.

Tues., September 15th. Woe is me now, for my soul is wearied because of murderers, which this city is full of! The Ormond mob, and liberty mob, seldom part, till one or more are killed. A poor Constable was the last, whom they beat and dragged about, till they had killed him, and then hung him up in triumph. None was called in question for it; but the earth covered his blood. Last week a woman was beaten to death by the rabble; but that was all fair, for she was caught picking a pocket: so there is an end of her. No wonder if, in such a place, there should be no justice for Christians. A poor, weakly man, of Mr. Cennick's Society, was so abused by his neighhour, who knocked him down, and stamped upon his stomach, that he died soon after. The murderer was indeed brought to a trial; but acquitted, as usual.

I preached in the evening, without interruption; the mob being awed for the present, while our bill is depending. The utmost application has been made by them to the Jury, and none at all by us. We leave the matter to God. If man does us justice, it is more than we expect.

Thur., September 17th. I got a particular account of the late riot. On Sunday, August 30th, a mob of Papists and Protestants assaulted the house, where the Society was met after evening service. They met them going out, with sticks and stones, knocked down several, both men and women, and beat them in a barbarous manner. Some escaped the back way; others retreated to the house, and shut the door. The mob broke it open, and another inward door, tore down the desk and forms, carried two large counters, chairs, and part of the wainscot into the street, and openly burnt all, but what they stole.

There was a warehouse over the preaching-room, which they broke open and ransacked. Above one hundred pounds' worth of goods they seized as lawful prize, and committed the rest to the flames.

They have often threatened our lives. Mr. Paterson they knocked down, and cut in several places while on the ground; then threw him into a cellar, and cast stones on him. Mrs. Young and many others were treated in the same manner. Half-hour past nine the Mayor came with his guard, and saw with his own eyes the havoc the mob had made. He readily granted warrants to apprehend them. Some of the poorest, Papists mostly, were sent to Newgate; but the Better sort made a mock of his authority, and walked about the town, from alehouse to alehouse, with the Constables, whom, by drink and money, they had secured of their party.

Our hour of intercession was a solemn season, most present receiving a manifestation of the Spirit, even the spirit of contrition and prayer.

I dined at Mr. Powel's, the printer, who informed us that the Jury have thrown out the bill. It was no surprise to me. My soul was filled with comfort, and confidence that the Lord would now take the matter into his own hands. I met Mr. Millar, the Lutheran Minister, a simple, loving man, but not quite so courageous as Martin Luther.

Sat., September 19th. I breakfasted at Mr. Aggit's, and found him full of indignation at the injustice of the Jury. He did not seem to know that Christians are looked upon as outlaws, in all times and places.

Sun., September 20th. After commending our cause to God, I walked to the Green. I believed the Lord would make bare his arm in our defence. I called, in his name, "Come unto me, all ye that are weary," &c. His power was upon the hearers, keeping down all opposition. I spoke with great freedom to the poor Papists, urging them to repentance and the love of Christ, from the authority of their own Kempis, and their own Liturgy. None lifted up his voice or hand. All listened with strange attention. Many were in tears. I advised them to go to their respective places of worship. They expressed general satisfaction, especially the Papists. This also hath God wrought.

Returning, we were insulted by a gathering mob, when a Baptist came by, and desired us to take shelter in his house. We stayed and breakfasted; and left him quite happy in having protected us from the violence of the people.

The holiday folk were at the Green before me, it being the scene of all manner of diversions on Sunday afternoon. I lifted up my voice, and cried," Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters ;" A great multitude of serious hearers encompassed me, while those who had not ears to hear, withdrew on every side to the opposite hill, sat down in rows on the grass, and there remained the whole time. I never saw the hand of God more visible.

Mon., September 21st. I began examining the classes; and met several who received forgiveness under the word last week. But, justified or unjust'died, all are in earnest, and seem made without fear. I have not seen such soldiers before, so young, and yet so valiant.

Wed., September 23d. I heard that, on Sunday last, after I was gone, the Popish mob fell upon the women, but were beaten off by the soldiers. They threaten to come with all their forces next Sunday.

Going to the room, the mob insulted us, and forced us to take refuge at Mr. Aggit's. He was scandalized at such treatment of a Minister of the established Church; and very sure, a Popish Priest, so used, would be succoured by the Magistrste. I believe so too. Error of every kind may meet with favour; but the world never did, nor ever will, tolerate real Christianity.

In our return, the people gaped upon us with their mouths, like ramping and roaring lions. What restrains them from tearing us to pieces They want neither will nor power. The Jury have taken off the reins from the many-headed beast, and our Protestant brethren have sold us into their hands; who think they would do God service, and merit heaven, by killing us.

Fri., September 25th. I passed the evening very agree-ably at a Baptist's, a woman of sense and piety, sad a great admirer of my father's Life of Christ.

Sun., September 27th. Never have I seen a quieter congregation at the Foundery than we had at the Green, both morning and afternoon. Many of the soldiers were within hearing, though behind the doors and walls, for fear of their officers. The Papists stood like lambs. I quoted Kempis, which makes some of them confident I am a good Catholic.

Mon., September 28th. Our landlady yesterday nailed up our preaching-room; but we had it opened for the word this morning. We are now come to close quarters with the enemy, who threatens hard to drive us out of his kingdom.

I had an hour's conference with two serious Quakers, who hold the Head with us, and build on the one foundation.

Tues., September 29th. My subject in the evening was, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand: repent ye, and believe the Gospel." I was led, unawares, to describe the glorious appearing of our Lord; and the word came with power irresistible. The cries of the wounded almost drowned my voice. One, I afterwards heard, received a cure.

At Mr. Powel's I met Mr. Edwards, landlord of Mr. Cennick's preaching-house. He told us he quite disliked his tenants, was resolved to raise the rent, and asked if we should be willing to take the room, if they refused it. We answered, "If they had the first offer, and did not accept of it, we should be glad of the next refusal."

Fri., October 2d. I passed two hours with M. Powel, and another Baptist, whom I almost persuaded to give up their faith of adherence, so called, for the faith of the Gospel, which works by love, and is connected with peace, joy, power, and the testimony of the Spirit.

Sun., October 4th. At Marybone-lane I expounded those awful words, "The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God." Many trembled; and some rejoiced in hope of his glory. A Papist, behind the wall, at first lifted up his voice in curses; but in the end cried out, "The Lord bless you!"

Wed., October 7th. Several soldiers ventured to the word, notwithstanding the prohibition. Now and then officers came by, and stopped to see if any of their men were there. Then they skulked down, kneeling or sitting on the ground, behind the women.

Thur., October 8th. God is daily adding to our number. To-day I admitted two more into the Society; one a Papist, whom we caught in the Green.

Sun., October 11th. None has made the least disturbance for a week past, whether Protestant or Papist. Only one of the latter flung away in a rage, crying, I ought to be stabbed for lumping them all together, and telling them they might all be saved, of whatever church or party, if they would return, like the prodigal, to their heavenly Father.

I began preaching, with great reluctance, at Marybonelane, where the Spirit came pouring down like a flood. All present were in tears, either of sorrow or joy. We continued above an hour, singing and crying. A more refreshing time I have not known, since I left England.

I spent the evening with Mrs. M_____, a true mourner in Sion, till the Lord, on Wednesday, put the new song in her mouth. She set us all on fire with the warmth of her first love.

Sat., October 17th. I passed the day at the house we have purchased, near Dolphin'e barn, writing and meditating. I could almost have set up my rest here; but must not look for rest on this side eternity. I heard (as I do every day) of more sinners who have received the atonement.

Mon., October 19th. I dined at a gentleman's who offered us a large piece of ground to bmld upon, at a very moderate price. It seems as if the time for building were at hand, now the Magistrates are so favourable. The Mayor has declared he will send any man to Newgate who only calls after us in the streets: but we are not so vain as to think all the authority of man can long screen those who will live godly in Christ Jesus, from suffering persecution.

Fri., October 23d. I visited a sick man, who has been convinced by reading my brother's sermons, and justified, as far as I can find, by the immediate voice of Christ.

Sun., October 25th. I passed three hours at St. Patrick's, under my usual burden among the dry bones of the house of Israel. I seldom enter this place, but they are ready to drag me out as a profaner of the temple. The Dean I must except, who has always treated us with great courtesy; looks pleased to see us make the bulk of the communicants; appointed us a scat by ourselves; and constantly administers to me first, as the Rubric directs.

I opened our new house at Dolphiffs barn, by preaching to a great multitude within and without. After preaching five times to-day, I was as fresh as in the morning.

Mon., October 26th, I employed in examining the Society, and took in several new ones, and put out others, who had been too hastily admitted by our helpers. My hands were strengthened by meeting several who have found the pardoning love of God through my ministry.

Tues., October 27th. I prayed by our sister Baker, whom I had lately checked for her too great contempt of death, as it seemed to me. The trying time is come, yet she keeps her confidence.

Fri., October 30th. In our return from intercession, we were stoned for the length of a street or two. Charles Perrenet interposed his back to screen me. Here I received the first blow since I came to Dublin. At our lodgings the mob took their leave of us, without hurting either.

Sat., October 31st. I heard the best news of any since our coming hither, -that our sister Baker is departed in full triumph. To one who asked her this morning how she did, she answered, "Bravely! bravely! never better." The pains of death had then got hold on her, but she smiled on the welcome messenger; took leave of her husband and children with calm joy; expressed great satisfaction at having chosen to suffer affliction with the people of God; confirmed those about her in the same happy choice; and soon after fell asleep, and awoke in paradise.

I called at the house, as well to exhort the survivers as to see the late temple of the Holy Ghost. The happy soul had left a smile upon the clay, to tell where she was gone. We were all comforted in prayer and thanksgiving.

I preached for the last time in Marlborough-street, on, "These are they that came out of great tribulation, and washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." It was a time of solemn rejoicing in hope of His coming to wipe away all tears from our eyes.

Sun., November 1st. At St. Patrick's Mr. K. entertained us with a discourse so full of low, pitiful lies and nonsense, as I never heard from any, except the ingenious Mr. Hoblin.

Preaching five times is not more than twice a day, when the order of Providence calls us to it. My strength do I ascribe unto Thee, and all my success, and all my blessings!

Mon., November 2d. I admitted five or six into the Society, and among them, the soldier who was put under arrest last Sunday, for the high crime and misdemeanour

of hearing a sermon at the Green. The officer, after much threatening, let him go; but he continues refractory still, that is, resolved to work out his salvation.

Sat., November 7th. I prayed by a man near death. When we first visited him, he was quite unawakened; but is now saved from the fear both of death and hell, and waiting for the great salvation of God. We have several such instances of persons departing in the Lord, who never heard the Gospel till we preached it to them on their death-beds.

Tues., November 10th. I preached at a new place in Hanbury-lane, next door to a warm antagonist, the Rev. Mr. N. Therefore we did not expect to be long unmolested. Three nights, however, we have had peace.

Thur., November 12th. Hearing the Minister had procured a mob to hinder our preaching, I would not suffer any of the Preachers or people to expose themselves at Hanbury-lane. At night our adversaries, who till then had expected us in vain, broke into the house, and took possession.

Thur., November 26th. I spent the day in walking about and taking subscriptions for the building. At night I proposed it to the Society, who were glad to give of their little. This and the following day was subscribed upward of 70.

Fri., December 4th. I passed an hour at Mr. Millar's, the Lutheran Minister, who favoured me with a sight of Count Zinzendorf's famous declaration against my brother and me, and likewise his translation of the New Testament. We looked for St. James's Epistle, but he was not to be found, the Count having thrust him out of the canon by his own authority.

At midnight I was raised by a dying child, brought into my room to be baptized.

Sun., December 13th. We had a large increase of communicants at St. Patrick's, mostly of the Society. The good Dean expressed his approbation at the sight.

Mon. and Tues., December 14th and l5th. I had great rejoicing over our lately departed sister Witham. Her dying prayers for me I found strengthening my hands, and confirming my hope of shortly following her.

Wed., December 16th. Seldom have I been more alive than in the morning preaching, or more dead than in the evening.

Sat., December 19th. I spake from John i. 12: "As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God ;" and warned them against receiving Christ by halves, or so magnifying one of his offices, as to slight or deny the other. The Priest must not swallow up the King, nor the Saviour the Lord.

Wed., December 23d. I had a conference with two Clergymen concerning this way, which they seemed to believe was no schism, or new religion, but the faith once delivered to the saints. One of them invited me to his lodgings in the College.

Fri., Christmas-day. The people met at my lodgings between three and four. It was a day of rejoicing. So were the three following: suitable to the solemn occasion.

Mon., December 28th. I prayed by a constant hearer of the word, who was joyfully turning his face to the wall. The next morning he departed with that word, "Into thy hands I commend my spirit."


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