Wed., May 2d. Passing through the Mews, an heap of stones was east down within a quarter of a yard of me, which, had they fallen upon me, must have dashed my brains out. Mr. W. told me he had been with the Archbishop for orders; and, upon my blaming his hastiness, flew out of the house, as possessed by Legion.
I overtook my old friend Appee, in a ragged red waist-coat. He would not answer to his name; but followed and spoke with me. He has been a soldier some time, having run through the last stages of sin and misery.
Thur., May 3d. I set out for Bristol; and reached it the next day.
I left London with an heavy heart, quite weighed down by poor W.'s burden. He answers the character one of his intimates gave me of him: "I never thought him more than a mere speaker. I can see no grace he has. His conversation is quite contrary to the Gospel; all light and vain. He is haughty, revengeful, headlong, andunmanageable."
Sun., May 6th. At Kingswood I expounded the good Samaritan; and saw their tears with joy.
Tues., May 8th. I gave the sacrament to our brother Jones, a dying believer, therefore above all fear, or doubt, or desire. Sarah Perrin was one of the communicants, and found the Lord, in what she had been taught to call a carnal ordinance.
Wed., May 9th. I preached at Bath, and saw them fall under the word, broken or melted. Miss H., in particular, was as the woman in tears at the feet of Jesus.
I returned to Bristol, and finished my discourse on Simon and the woman that was a sinner. A general cry was heard throughout the congregation. We knew not how to part; being so closely united in the love that never faileth.
Thur., May 10th. I dined at Felix Farley's with Mr. Meriton, longing to escape to us out of the hands of Calvin.
Fri., May 11th. I took horse at three, and got to London by one the next day.
Sat., May 12th. My brother gave me a melancholy account of Mr. W. Disappointed of orders, he rages and rails on us, as Papists, tyrants, enemies of the Church, &c.; declares he has found us out, and runs about, scattering firebrands, and vowing revenge.
Whitsunday, May 13th. The root of bitterness is sprung up, and thereby many are defiled. Offences abound, mostly among the young women, who are ready to tear me to pieces for "my cruelty to poor dear Mr. W., and hindering him from getting orders."
I exhorted the Society to peace and charity, while my strength lasted.
Mon., May 14th. I could not sleep last night for thinking of the young man, Absalom.
We prayed mightily for our dear brother Nelson, pressed for a soldier, and a prisoner in York.
Tues., May 15th. I enforced the example of the woman of Canaan; and many cried after Him who was come into their coasts.
I spoke with all kindness to T. W., but could not in any measure humble him.
Sat., May 19th. I was waked this morning by the horrid blasphemies of one who did run well, and was plainly justified, but, through the spirit of offence, left the Society; then fell from one wickedness to another, such as drunkenness, adultery; and was now come to defy the living God. Him that thinketh he startdoth, let him take heed lest he fall. In vain hath God forgiven the whole debt, if the evil and wicked servant will not have mercy on his fellow-servant.
Once more I besought poor T. W. to return, and recover himself out of the snare of the devil. The Lord touched his proud heart; he burst into tears, and confessed the devil's devices to separate him from his best and only friends; and promised obedience for the time to come. I wept over him, and felt that, with all my heart, I could both forgive and forget.
Wed., May 23d. I took up my cross, to oblige my brother, and began examining the classes, after earnest prayer for meekness and discernment. This day I only left out one, an incorrigible, unconvincible, bitter scold.
Tues., May 29th. We have not had so great blessing in the word for a long time, as while I was explaining, "I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her."
Sat., June 2d. Mr. Larwood discovered to me Mr. W.'s real intention, "to set up for himself." Above five hundred of the Society, he told Larwood, would follow him.
Wed., June 6th. I visited poor Appee, in the Tower, ready for transportation.
Toward the end of my discourse at the chapel, Mr. Erakine was sent to receive a soldier brought by William Shent, to redeem John Nelson. He immediately took him to Lord Stairs, and got a discharge for John Nelson. Our brother Downes also we received out of the mouth of the lion. Our prayers return thick upon us.
Fri., June 8th. I took my last leave of my old friend Appee, who embarks to-day for America. I gave him books and advice, which perhaps may not be finally lost upon him.
Tues., June 12th. I preached on wrestling Jacob; and a glorious time it was. Many wept with the angel, and made supplication, and were encouraged to wait upon the Lord continually.
Fri., June l5th. I was grieved to hear more and more of W.'s ingratitude. A lying spirit, seems to have taken full possession of him. There is nothing so gross or improbable which he does not say.
Mon., June 18th. I wrote to a friend, "Be not you weary of well-doing, or overcome of evil. You see your calling, to suffer all things. Pray for me, that I also ,nay endure unto the end; for a thousand times I cry out, ' The burden of this people is more than I am able to bear.' O my good friend, you do not know them. Such depth of ingratitude I did not think was in the devils of hell."
At night I was informed, that a friend had entertained the deepest prejudice against me, on supposition that I meant her in a late discourse. Lord, what is man What is friendship
Wed., June 20th. By losing my way, I found, at a wavering brother's house, five stray sheep, whom I received back into the fold.
Sun., June 24th. Our brethren, Hodges, Taylor, and Meriton, assisted us at the sacrament. I received it with the whole Society, to our mutual comfort. At our lovefeast we were six ordained Ministers.
Mon., June 25th. We opened our Conference with solemn prayer, and the divine blessing. I preached with much assistance, and baptized Samuel Holloway; who felt in that moment the great burden taken off. We continued in Conference the rest of the week, settling our doctrines, practice, and discipline, with great love and unanimity.
Mon., July 2d. At night I was drawn out in prayer, with strong cryings and tears. I received my poor prodigal W. with open arms.
Sun., July 8th. I preached on our Lord's multiplying the loaves; neither did he send us empty away. I exhorted a large audience at the Foundery to take to them the whole armour of God; and continued my discourse for two hours, the Lord comforting us on every side.
Mon., July 9th. I took horse at two, with my friend and companion, Meriton; and acknowledged, the next day, in Bristol, "Hitherto the Lord hath helped us."
I was strengthened to preach on, "Let not your heart be troubled ;" and the Lord made me a son of consolation. A cry of distress first, and then of joy, ran through the congregation. Miss Bair, with many others, received the word into their hearts, and sorrow and sighing fled away before it.
Wed., July 11th. That I might ascribe nothing to my speaking, before I opened my mouth this morning, my heart was constrained, and filled with godly fear. I then expounded, "If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father :" and many found the benefit of his intercession.
I passed two hours in Christian conference and prayer with Dr. M., and the church in his house.
Thur., July 12th. I enforced our Lord's most seasonable saying, "He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved;" and set out with Mr. Meriton for Cornwall.
At Middlesea I called the weary and heavy-laden to Christ. He gave testimony to the word of his grace, and bowed the hearts of all present. It was a sweet mourning indeed!
Fri., July 13th. I set out with our guide, John Slocum, a poor baker's boy, whom God has raised up to help these sincere souls, and not only to labour, but also to suffer, for them. When tile press-warrants came out, the world would not lose tile opportunity of oppressing the Christians. H was taken, and, by his own uncle, dragged away to prison. They kept him a week, and then brought him before the Commissioners, who could find no cause to punish or detain him; being of Zaccheus's stature, and nothing terrified by his adversaries. They were obliged at last, notwithstanding all their threatenings, to let him go.
I called on Hannah Bidgood, at Sticklepath, and some others, mostly Quakers. My heart was drawn out toward them in prayer and love; and I felt, "He that doeth the will of my Father, the same is my brother and my sister and my mother."
I met an aged Clergyman, whom Mr. Thompson had sent to meet us, and found, in conversing, that he had been an acquaintance and contemporary with my father. Upon Mr. Thompson's preaching salvation by faith, he had received the kingdom as a little child; and has ever since owned the truth and its followers. He conducted us to his house near Trewint.
Sun., July 15th. He carried us to St. Ginnys, where our loving host and brother Thompson received us with open arms. I made proof of my ministry in his church from, "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," &c.; and again, from blind Bartimeus. The word took place in some hearts, I cannot doubt, though I am nothing.
Mon., July 16th. He read prayers in Mr. Benher's church: I preached on, "Fear not, little flock: it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom," &c.
Tues., July 17th. I came, by nine at night, with Mr. Bennet and Meriton, through the pits and shafts, to our host near Gwennap.
Here a little one is become a thousand. What an amazing work hath God done in one year; The whole country is alarmed, and gone forth after the sound of the Gospel.
In vain do the pulpits ring of "Popery, madness, enthusiasm." Our Preachers are daily pressed to new places, and enabled to preach five or six times a day. Persecution is kept off till the seed takes root. Societies are springing up everywhere; and still the cry from all sides is, "Come and help us."
I preached near Gwennap to about a thousand followers of Christ, on, "Fear not, little flock." Great love and joy appeared in their faces, such as the world knoweth not of.
When I came to meet the Society, I found almost the whole congregation waiting quietly without the door, longing to be admitted with the rest. I stood at the window, so as to be heard of all. I felt what manner of spirit they were of; and had sweet fellowship with them, and strong consolation.
Thur., July 19th. I found the same congregation at five, and pointed them to the Son of man lifted up as the serpent in the wilderness. I spake to each of the Society, as their state required.
I breakfasted with one who was a fierce persecutor when I was last in the country; but is now a witness of the truth she so bitterly opposed.
I preached at Crowen, to between one and two thousand tinners, who seemed started out of the earth. Several hid their faces, and mourned inwardly, being too deeply affected to cry out. I concluded with a strong exhortation to continue in the ship, the shattered sinking Church of England; and my brother Meriton, whose heart I spake, seconded and confirmed my saying. The poor people were ready to eat us up, and sent us away with many an hearty blessing.
We then set our faces against the world, and rode to St. Ives. Here the mob and Ministers together have pulled down the preaching-house; and but a fortnight ago went round in the dead of the night, and broke the windows of all that were only suspected of Christianity.
We entered John Nance's house without molestation. Four of our sisters there, on sight of me, sunk down, unable to utter a word through joy and love; but they welcomed me with their tears. It was a solemn, silent meeting. In some time we recovered our speech for prayer and thanksgiving. I got an hour by myself in the garden, and was suffered to feel my own great weakness. Without were fightings, within fears; but my fears were all scattered by the sight of my dear brethren and children. I rejoiced over them with singing; but their joy and love exceeded. We all rejoiced in hope of meeting Him in the air. The Spirit of glory rested on the sufferers for Christ's sake. My brother Meriton added a few words to mine; and their hearts clave to him. Such a feast I have not had for many months. Even our Father's hired servants had at this time bread enough and to spare.
We laid us down in peace, and took our rest; for the Lord only made us dwell in safety.
Fri., July 20th. While I applied our Lord's most comfortable words, John xiv. 1, we were all dissolved in tears of joy, desire, love; and seemed on the wing to our heavenly Father's house.
I walked through the town to church with Mr. Meriton. Our warm friend the Curate saluted us courteously; and none opened their mouth against us. Mr. Meritoh'S stature and band kept them in awe; or rather the fear of God was upon them, restraining them, though they knew it not.
We met at one, in obedience to our Church, and lifted up our voice for the remnant that is left. We tasted the blessedness of mourning; and doubt not, however God may deal with this sinful nation, but our prayers for Jerusalem will one day be answered.
Sat., July 21st. While we were walking near the quay, our friend the mob set up a shout against us, and gave plain marks of their Cainish disposition, if permitted. Only one stone was cast at us. We passed through the midst of them, and set out for St. Just.
I preached on the plain, and brother Meriton after me. Our Lord rides on triumphant through this place. Upward of two hundred are settled in classes, most of whom have tasted the pardoning grace of God.
Sun., July 22d. At nine I cried in the street, "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters!" The word ran very swiftly. When God gives it, who can hinder its course I had an opportunity of communicating with a sick brother; whence we all went to church. It was crowded with these schismatical Methodists, who have not all, it seems, left it through our means. The Curate is looked upon by his brethren as half a Methodist, only because he does not rail at us like them.
I preached at Morva, without, since I might not within, the church-walls. I told a man who contradicted me, that I would talk with him by and by. A visible blessing confirmed the word. Afterwards I took my rough friend by the hand, carried him to the house, and begged him to accept of a book. He was won; excused his rudeness, and left me hugely pleased.
I preached at Zunnor, where very few hold out against the truth, notwithstanding the Minister's pains to pervert the ways of the Lord. None are of his, but who are evidently on Satan's, side, even his drunken companions, whom he secures against the Methodists, and warns at the alehouse not to forsake the Church. I hastened back to Morva, and rejoiced over many who were lost, and are found. One hundred and fifty are joined in Society, and continue steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine, and in fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
Mon., July 23d. I breakfasted at Mr. L.'s, a poor slave of Satan, till, at the sound of the Gospel, his chains fell off, and left him waiting for the seal of his pardon. I pointed many sinners to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. All were in tears at the remembrance of His sufferings.
Tues., July 24th. I preached near Penzance, to the little flock encompassed by ravening wolves. Their Minister rages above measure against this new sect, who are spread throughout his four livings. His Reverend brethren follow his example. The grossest ties which are brought them they swallow without examination, and retail the following Sunday. One of the Society (James Dale) went lately to the Worshipful and Rev. Dr. Borlase for justice against a rioter, who had broke open his house, and stole
his goods. The Doctor's answer was, "Thou conceited fellow, art thou too turned religious They may burn thy house if they will: thou shalt have no justice." With these words he drove him from the judgment-seat.
I preached at St. Just to the largest company that had ever been seen there; and strongly warned the Society against spiritual pride.
Wed., July 25th. I enforced that most seasonable caution, "Him that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall;" two hours after expounded the pool of Bethesda, and dwelt upon our Lord's admonition to every justified sinner, "Go, and sin no more, lest a worse thing happen unto thee."
I found the brethren at Morva beginning to build a Society-house. We knelt down upon the place, and prayed for a blessing.
Before preaching at St. Ives I was so weighed down, that I would gladly have sunk into the earth or sea, to escape my own burden. But God lifted me up by the word I preached, and filled us all with an hope full of immortality. We looked through the veil of things temporal, to things eternal, and the mount of God, where we trust shortly to stand before the Lamb. Every soul did then, I believe, taste the powers of the world to come, in some measure, and longed for the appearing of Jesus Christ.
One of our sisters complained to the Mayor of some who had thrown into her house stones of many pounds' weight, which fell on the pillow within a few inches of her sucking child. The Magistrate damned her, and said, "You shall have no justice here. You see there is none for you at London, or you would have got it before now." With this saying he drove her out of his house.
Fri., July 27th. I preached at Gulval, and admitted some new members, particularly one who had been the greatest persecutor in all this country.
Sat., July 28th. The last midnight assault upon our brethren, I am now informed, was made by the townsmen, and a crew that are here fitting out for privateers; who thought it prudent to make the first proof of their courage upon their own unarmed countrymen. They made their regular approaches with beat of drum, to take the poor people's houses by storm. But they were only permitted to batter them with stones, and endanger the lives of a few women and children. Woe be to the first French or Spaniards, who fall into the hands of men so flushed with victory! They only want the Captain who drew upon me to head them, and then they would carry the world before them!
Sun., July 29th. I expounded Isai. xxxv. at St. Just; and many hands that hung down were lifted up. From church I hasted to Morva, and preached to a vast congregation, on, "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." At Zunnor I explained the parable of the sower. My brother Meriton added a few words, much to the purpose. I concluded with exhorting them to meet God in the way of his judgments.
We had our first love-feast at St. Ives. The cloud stayed the whole time on the assembly. Several were so overpowered with love and joy that the vessel was ready to break. I endeavoured to moderate their joy, by speaking of the sufferings which shall follow; and they who were then with Him as on Mount Tabor appeared all ready to follow Him to Mount Calvary.
Mon., July 30th. I cried to a mixed multitude of wakened and unawakened sinners near Penance, "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by" I prayed with the still-increasing flock, whose greatest persecutor is their Minister. He and the Clergy of these parts are much enraged at our people's being so ready in the Scriptures. One fairly told Jonathan Reeves, he wished the Bible were in Latin only, that none of the vulgar might be able to read it. Yet these are the men that rail at us as Papists.
Tues., July 31st. I expounded the woman of Canaan, to an house-full of sincere souls, who had sat up all night to hear the word in the morning. I spake with some who have tasted the good word of grace, though they live in Penzance, where Satan keeps his seat.
I visited a second time a poor dying sinner, who now gives up his own filthy rags for the best robe. His daughter, upon her request, I admitted into the Society.
I rode to St. Just. I climbed up and down Cape-Cornwall with my brother Meriton, to the needless hazard of our necks. I preached in the afternoon to a larger congregation than ever, and continued my discourse till night, from Luke xxi. 34. The Spirit of love was poured out abundantly, and great grace was upon all. I walked to the Society; stood upon the hill, and sang, and prayed, and rejoiced with exceeding great joy. I concluded the day and month as I would wish to conclude my life.
Wed., August 1st. I preached in a new place, to near two thousand listening strangers, "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever.".
I returned to St. Ives, and found our beloved brother Thompson, who was come to see us, and the children whom God had given us. Our enemies were alarmed by his coming, and the brethren strengthened. At night I set before them the example of the first Christians, who "continued steadfast in the Apostles' doctrine," &c. For two hours we rejoiced as men that divlde the spoil.
Thur., August 2d. I rode with Mr. Thompson and Meriton to a large gentleman's seat near Penryn. We saw the people come pouring in from Falmouth, and all parts. The court-yard, which might contain two thousand, was quickly full. I stood in a gallery above the people, and called, "Wash ye, make you clean," &c. They eagerly listened to the word of life: even the gentlemen and ladies listened, while I preached repentance towards God, and faith in Jesus Christ. I exhorted them in many words to attend all the ordinances of the Church; to submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake; to stop the mouth of gainsayers, by fearing God and honouring the King; and to prevent the judgments hanging over our heads by a general reformation.
Sat., August 4th. I preached at Gwennap, where the awakening is general. Very many who have not courage to enter into the Society have yet broke off their sins by repentance, and are waiting for forgiveness. The whole county is sensible of the change; for last Assizes there was a jail-delivery,--not one felon to be found in their prisons, which has not been known before in the memory of man. At their last revel they had not men enough to make a wrestling-match, all the Gwennap men being struck off the devil's list, and found wrestling against him, not for him.
Sun., August 5th. I preached my farewell sermon at Gwennap, to an innumerable multitude. They stood mostly on the green plain before me, and on the hill that surrounded it. Many scoffers from Redruth placed themselves on the opposite hill, which looked like Mount Ebal. O that none of them may be found among the goats in that day! I warned and invited all by threatenings and promises. The adversary was wonderfully restrained, and I hope disturbed in many of his children. My Father's children were comforted on every side. They hung upon the word of life; and they shall find it able to save their souls. I spoke on for two hours; yet knew not how to let them go. Such sorrow and love as they then expressed, the world will not believe, though a man declare it unto them. My brother Thompson was astonished, and confessed he had never seen the like among Germans, predestinariams, or any others. With great difficulty we got through them at last, and set out on our journey. Several men and women kept pace with our horses for two or three miles; then parted, in body, not in spirit. We lodged three miles short of Mitchel.
Mon., August 6th. Between five and six in the evening I got to Mr. Bennet's, and preached in his church, on, "Repent, and be converted." Upon my speaking against their drunken revels, one contradicted and blasphemed. I asked, "Who is he that pleads for the devil" and one answered in those very words, "I am he that pleads for the devil." I took occasion from hence to show the revellets their champion, and the whole congregation their state by nature. Much good I saw immediately brought out of Satan's evil. Then I set myself against his avowed advocate, and drove him out of the Christian assembly. I concluded with earnest prayer for him.
Tues., August 7th. In the afternoon Mr. Meriton read prayers in Trismere church, and I expounded the good Samaritan to a thronged audience. Some gentry were come eighteen miles to hear the word, and received it with joy. We have not had a more gracious season since we came into the country.
Wed., August 8th. I read prayers and preached at St. Ginnys. One of my audience was a neighbouring Clergy. man, my eotemporary at Christ-Church, who came in much love to invite me to his house.
It should not be forgot,--the concurrent testimony which my brethren bore with me last Monday night, in Mr. Benher's church, against harmless diversions, on my declaring that I was, by them, kept dead to God, asleep in the devil's arms, secure in a state of damnation for eighteen years; Mr. Meriton added, aloud, "And I for twenty-five;" "And I," cried Mr. Thompson, "for thirty-five ;" "And I," said Mr. Bennet, "for above seventy."
Thur., August 9th. I rode by Brlnsworthy, Mr. Thompson's house, near Barnstaple, to Minehead; where I besought near a thousand sinners to repent, and believe the Gospel. I found it possible to preach the law in its rigour, with such apparent goodwill, as shall convince without exasperating. But not unto me, O Lord, not unto me!
Sat., August 11th. At six I set sail in a sloop our sister Jones had sent to fetch me to Fonmon. We had a delight ful passage; landed at noon, near Abetthaw, and were received by our dear friend, and three of her little ones, with some sisters from Cardiff. We went on our way singing and rejoicing to the Castle.
Here I received the melancholy news of the miscarriage of one, whom I loved as my own soul. I was sensibly wounded by his ingratitude. He has verified all my warnings and fears. But that he should attempt to justify himself by blackening me, was beyond all that I could have imagined. Lord, humble him; but do him good in his latter end.
At night I met many faithful children whom the Lord hath given us, and discoursed to them on my favourite subject, "These are they that came out of great tribulation," &c. The God of all consolation was mightily with us, even the God who comforteth us in all our temptations. O how delightfully did we mourn after Him whom our soul loveth! not with the noisy, turbulent sorrow Of newly-awakened souls, which most times passes away as a morning-cloud, but with the deep contrition of love. All the congregation was in tears, in silent tears of desire or joy. This is the mourning wherewith I pray the Lord to bless me, till he wipes away all tears from my eyes.
Sun., August 12th. Mr. Hodges read prayers at Wenvo. I preached convincing words, and, after the sacrament, prayed; the Spirit sealing the answer on our hearts.
I preached, in the Castle-yard at Cardiff, "Enter into the rock, and into the clefts of the rock," &c. I visited two sick brethren, one waiting for the salvation of God, the other in good measure possessed of it.
Mon., August 13th. I called on the brethren again, assembled in their room, "Be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises."
I was much revived by our dying brother, who is now ready to be offered up. I asked him whether he had rather die or live. He answered, "To depart and to be with Christ is far better." He has been, both before and since his illness, a pattern for all Christian graces; was the first in this place who received the Gospel of full salvation. Now he only waits that most welcome word, "Come up hither."
I prayed with him again some hours after, and rejoiced over him with strong triumphant faith. He said, there was something near him which would make him doubt, but could not, for he knew his Saviour stood ready to receive his spirit. I desired his prayers, kissed him, and took my last leave. He looked up, like my Hannah Richardson, and broke out, "Lord Jesus, give him a double portion of thy Spirit." We were all in tears. Mine, I feet, flowed from envy and impatience of life,--where briers and thorns are with me, and I dwell in the midst of scorpions. I felt throughout my soul, that I would rather be in his condition, than enjoy the whole of created good.
I enlarged in the Castle on our Lord's lamentation over Jerusalem; and many wept, because they knew the time of their visitation. In the Society I was borne as on eagles' wings. All were partakers of my faith and joy. We wrestled in prayer for my son Absalom, (surely all their prayers and tears will not be lost,) for the flock in London, and for the whole church.
I now experienced the truth of a strange saying I once heard from a servant of Christ, that she could know when any were speaking evil of her, by the Spirit of God, then especially resting upon her. I could not help telling it the brethren, yet with a fear lest they should think of me above what they ought to think. It is fax better to be thought and spoke evil of. We continued rejoicing before God with reverence, and such deep solid comfort as I have rarely felt before. How then shall we triumph, when we are made the filth and offscouring of all things!
Tues., August 14th. We had prayed last night with joy full of glory for our departing brother, just while he gave up his spirit,--as I pray God I may give up mine. This morning I expounded that last best triumph of faith, "I have fought a good fight," &c. The Lord administered strong consolation to those that love his appearing. We sang a song of victory for our deceased friend; then went to the house, and rejoiced, and gave thanks; and rejoiced again with singing over him. The spirit, at its departure, had left marks of its happiness on the clay. No sight upon earth, in my eyes, is half so lovely.
Wed., August 15th. I preached near Cowbridge to many awakening sinners; and again in the Castle-yard on those solemn words, "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come."
Thur., August 16th. I preached to the prisoners, with the greatest presence of my Master that I have known in Wales: yet afterwards, in the room, confessed he had kept the greatest blessing till the last.
Fri., August 17th. I took horse at three; crossed the water in a quarter of an hour; and at two gave thanks in Bristol, for our success in all things. I wrote to T. B. as follows:--
"The things which have happened I know shall be for the furtherance of the Gospel: but can a mother forget her sucking child My love to those that hate me passeth the love of nature. Would to God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!
"O, Tommy! could you be to me what he is Indeed you could: such is the nature of man, although at present you and I should say, ' Is thy servant a dog, that he should do this I am persuaded God will never so abandon us; but we are capable of such ingratitude; indeed, my brother, we are; therefore ought not to be angry at poor T. W. O that his name and sin may be buried in oblivion; or that all would think of him as I do!"
Sun., August 19th. ! heard one of our sons in the Gospel at Kingswood. He spake sound words, which could not reproved.
My brother Meriton assisted me to administer the sacrament to our whole Society. The Spirit helped our infirmity. I asked, in an accepted time; life for my poor rebellious son, if he has not sinned the sin unto death.
I related in the Society all that has lately passed at London. They received the mournful account as they ought, with tenderest pity and just abhorrence. Could they help lamenting over one, who so often ministered grace to their souls No more than they could help cleaving to their old shepherds, who first brought them the glad tidings, and cherished them since, as a nurse her children. "Though many teachers, yet not many fathers." This their hearts and tears abundantly confessed. Great confidence I had in them, that if not only any one, but all, our Preachers forsook us, they should draw no disciples after them.
Tues., August 21st. I preached at Cirencester; and the next day found my brother, with a large company of our friends, at Oxford.
Thur., August 23d. I went to Christ-Church prayers, with several of the brethren, who thought it strange to see men in surplices talking, laughing, and pointing, as in a play.-house, the whole time of service.
I got two or three hours' conference with my brother; and found the spirit which had drawn us formerly in this place. I preached to a multitude of the brethren, gownsmen, and gentry from the races, who filled our inn and yard. The strangers that intermeddled not with our joy seemed struck and astonished with it, while we admonished one another in psalms, and hymns, &c. O that all the world had a taste for our diversion!
Fri., August 24th. I joined my brother in stirring up the Society. They did run well, till the Moravians turned them out of the way of God's ordinances.
At ten I walked with my brother, and Mr. Piers and Meriton, to St. Mary's, where my brother bore his testimony before a crowded audience, much increased by the racers. Never have I seen a more attentive congregation. They did not let a word slip them. Some of the Heads stood up the whole time, and fixed their eyes on him. If they can endure sound doctrine like his, he will surely leave a blessing behind him.*
[* The sermon which Mr. John Wesley preached on this occasion is entitled, "Scriptural Christianity," and is numbered IV. in his collected Works {Jackson} as well as in the Bicentennial Edition of the Works.--EDIT.]
The Vice-Chancellor sent after him, and desired his notes; which he sealed up, and sent immediately.
We walked back in form, the little band of us four, for of the rest durst none join himself to us. I was a little diverted at the coyness of an old friend, Mr. Wells, who sat just before me, but took great care to turn his back upon me all the time, which did not hinder my seeing through him. At noon my brother set out for London, and I for Bristol.
Sun., August 26th. I gave the sacrament at Kingswood. In the afternoon I expounded the woman of Canaan. Great was the cry after Jesus. Many a soul fell at his feet, and said, "Lord, help me."
Mon., August 27th. I administered the sacrament to our sister B., triumphing over death. We were all partakers of her joy.
I was comforted with three of our brethren from Wednesbury, who brought us news that God has given them rest from all their enemies round about them. When it is most for His glory and their good, they shall be tried again by persecution, and again praise God in the fires.
Fri., August 31st. I passed a blessed hour in intercession for the Church of England. Surely they that mourn for her shall rejoice with her, when the Lord doth bring again Sion.
I rode to Bath, and preached Jesus Christ to our own Society, and many strangers. For two hours after, I was comforted with our children, and found how good a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.