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The Journal of Charles Wesley

May 1 - August 31, 1749

Mon., May 1st. Never, since I preached the Gospel, have I been more owned and assisted of God, than now. He is always with me in the work of the ministry; therefore Ilive by the Gospel.

Thur., May 4th. I preached at Cirencester and Oxford, in my way to London; which I reached on Saturday afternoon.

Sun., May 7th. At the chapel my subject was, "The end of all things is at hand;" at the Foundery, "Thou shalt show me the path of life." The word was really a means of grace to our souls. I met the Society in very great love; which was only increased by my change of condition. I am married to more than one, or one thousand, of them.

Mon., May 8th. I found a blessing in examining the classes. I left out a careless girl; and her mother came abusing me with horrid oaths and curses. Satan, I perceived, did not like our work.

I heard, in the evening, that old Mr. Adams had brought two Constables for me. The poor men were hugely civil and hugely frightened; said, they would not see me, but I might send bail. J. Healey had threatened him in the morning, if he forced his way into the house again, to put him in the bathing-tub. I had shut the door upon him. Justice Fielding had very wisely granted him a warrant against me.

I chose to have a hearing of it directly, and went with Mr. Perronet, Hoy, Windsor, Briggs, and John, to the next Justice, Mr. Withers. He received us with great civility; said, "I am sorry, gentlemen, this has happened; but assure you, you shall have no farther trouble, only your bail." On mentioning Adams, "What !" cried he, "that old man who makes disturbance in the streets I saw him yesterday raising a riot, and he commanded me to attend him in the name of the Lord. I wonder my brother Fielding would grant a warrant to such a madman. He did not consider the consequence." After ten Mr. Adams came. The Justice examined the warrant particularly, and showed it was no assault; asked, "Did they threaten your life" "No; but Healey threatened to duck me," said the old man; abused the Justice, told him I had bribed him, and would have been sent to Newgate for so saying, had we not interposed.

The Justice assured us he would take care of him, if ever he molested us more; made the Clerk give back his fees; marked the warrant, "Litigious, malicious, vexatious, false ;" discharged the bail, and promised us all the assistance in his power on all occasions.

Fri., May 12th. I waited on him again, hearing Adams had got me presented at Hick's-hall. The Justice said I need give myself no trouble about it: he should be there himself. The next day the bill was thrown out.

Whitsunday, May 14th. I preached the promise of Christ and the Father, with the demonstration of that Spirit; and received it partly with the sacrament. Our brotherpartook with us, and declared "he was in heaven !"

Tues., May 18th. A woman, in baptism, received both the outward visible sign, and the inward spiritual grace.

Fri., May 19th. I joined in the Lord's supper with our happy dying sister Kempthorn.

Mon., May 22d. I left London at two in the afternoon, and came to Bath on Tuesday evening.

Thur., May 25th. My exhortation was blessed to the Society at Bristol. On mention of the persecution in Cork, a spirit of sympathy ran through all our hearts.

Sat., May 27th. I hired a small house, near my worthy friend Vigor's, such an one as suited a stranger and pilgrim upon earth.

Sun., May 28th. We had a glorious time at Kingswood, never better.

Mon. afternoon, May 29th. At Mrs. Dicken's in Bath, I met Miss Stonehouse, the sister of my old friend. Shall I ever meet my poor dear George again I preached to a very fine audience, whom I did not spare.

Fri., June 2d. I took horse at two, and got to Hereford by one. At half-hour past three my beloved Sally, with Mrs. Gwynne and her sister Peggy, found me at the Falcon. We sang, rejoiced, and gave thanks till Mr. and Mrs. Hervey came. After dinner we drank tea at their house, and went to see the cathedral. I wanted work; but there was no door opened.

Sat., June 3d. I carried my companion to Ludlow, to which the family lately removed. My mother and sisters Becky, Betsy, Baldwyn, received me as I expected. Brother Duke and the Captain could not be civiler.

Sun., June 4th. The pulpit was refused me; but not the sacrament. In the afternoon the boys began gathering, and throwing eggs and stones. Mr. Gwynne sent for Bailiff, who himself fetched the refractory Constable, and seized the ringleader of the mob. This quelled the increasing riot.

I preached with tolerable quiet on, "Repent, and believe the Gospel."

Mon., June 5th. With more enlargement, and to a better behaved congregation, from, "Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh," &c. I stood at the door; got one stone at last.

Tues., June 6th. I drove my wife to visit Captain Baldwyn, and very gently overturned without hurting her in the least. My hearers at night were very tumultuous; yet could do no mischief.

Thur., June 8th. I preached at the market-place in Leominster, "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by" All appeared quite eager to hear. I exhorted about forty serious people in an house at Ludlow to work out their salvation; and the blessing of the Lord was with us.

Fri., June 10th. I rode with Sally to Leominster, and expounded Isai. lv. in the market-place. The Minister was there again: all serious, some visibly affected. Dr. Young entertained us till we got to Coleford, late at night. It was fair-time. With difficulty we got a private lodgings.

Sat., June 10th. We came by noon to our dear M. Vigor's. The Lord welcomed us there, and at night among the Leaders, with the blessing of peace.

Sun., June llth. I preached first in the streets, and then at Kingswood. My partner and all present rejoiced in the Consolation of Israel.

Tues., June 13th. I felt every word I spoke this morning. What comes from the heart usually goes to the heart.

Wed., June 14th. I threw away some advice on an obstinate Preacher; (J. Wh. ;) for I could make no impression on him, or in any degree bow his stiff neck.

Thur., June 15th. I spake in conference with a woman admitted lately among the witnesses of pardoning love. At night I preached "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever." Most of the congregation were in tears; many cried after Him; some even fainted under the sense of his love.

Mon., June 10th. I found much life in the select band. J. Jones was carried out in fervent prayer for my partner and me. I carried her to Captain James, where Miss Burdock helped to increase our joy in the Lord.

Fri., June 23d. I expounded Moses's wish at the watchnight; and the Lord came down into many faithful hearts.

Sat., June 24th. We waited on Dr. Middleton, who received us very cordially. All look upon my Sally with my eyes.

Wed., June 28th. I read the Society an account of the persecution at Cork. All were inflamed with love, grief, pity. We parted in the spirit of prayer.

Thur., June 29th. I carried my companion by Bath, to Seen. Many listened to the word of grace.

Fri., June 30th. We lodged six miles short of Marlborough.

Sat., July lst. She was quite spent with heat and fatigue, when J. Healy and T. Hardwick met us at Salthill, with two chaises. Between eight and nine we got to our lodgings in Moorfields. Who should wait at M. Boult's to receive us, but Mrs.-----. as if she came to atone for her past misbehaviour, like cursing Shimei meeting David.

Sun., July 2d. The chapel was excessively crowded, while our Lord applied his own saying, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock," &e. Many heard, and testified they heard, His voice. Satan came with the sons of God, in the shape of an old perjured enthusiast. I ordered him (Mr. Adams) to be taken quietly out of the church he appeared to disturb the work of God. Colonel G----- was weak enough to be offended, and went out too; but the Lord did not depart.

He was with us again in his word, "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself;" and at our feast of love.

Wed., July 5th. God, by his word this morning, ministered strong consolation to those in the wilderness.

Thur., July 6th. I disowned J. Healy before the Society, for beating the poor old madman.

Sat., July 8th. Mr. Pertoner having come to see my partner, to-day we returned with him to Shoreham. There I left her with such as knew her value, and hastened back to meet the penitents.

Sun., July 9th. I closed the busy, blessed day with Dr. Young and faithful John Downes.

Mon., July 10th. I dined with the Preachers, and was troubled at J. Wh.'s obstinacy. He is gone to the north, expressly contrary to my advice. Whither will his wilfulness lead him at last

Thur., July 13th. I fetched my feeble companion from Shoreham.

Fri., July 14th. Ireturning from the watchnight, I found her extremely ill.

Wed., July 19th. I gave the sacrament to our old sister Batchelor, rejoicing in pain and sickness. I found brother Pike still happier, because nearer the haven where he would be.

Thur., July 20th. At Ned Perronet's I met Mrs. Vazeille, a woman of a sorrowful spirit.

Sun., July 23d. I preached a funeral sermon over sister Bouquet and brother Pike, departed in the Lord; and added a seasonable word at their graves.

Mon., July 24th. I was riding over Hounslow-heath with my wife behind me, when an highwayman crossed the road, passed us, and robbed all the coaches and passengers behind us. By Wednesday evening God blessed our coming in to Bristol.

Sat. afternoon, July 29th. Mr. B----n, with a troop of his friends, came to visit us at our lodgings in Stokescroft. Poor N. S., [Nancy Stafford, the sister of Mrs. Vigor.--EDIT.] at the sight of so many predestinarians, fell into a transport of passion and grief. I tried to pacify her with counsel and prayer. At night we were honoured with a crowd of the great vulgar; between forty and fifty of them in their coaches.

Sun., July 30th. Our worthy brother Grimshaw assisted at Kingswood, and partook of our feast.

I preached, in a field near Lawrence-hill, the word of power and truth and reconciliation.

At the Society we seemed filled with the spirit of love and of prayer.

Thur., August 3d. Our conference this week with Mr. Whitefield and Mr. Harris came to nought; I think, through their flying off.

Fri., August 4th. I kept a watchnight; but dismissed the people at ten, as an alarm was gone forth of the colliers rising.

Sat., August 5th. I gave the sacrament to a dying sister, unjustified till very lately; now ready for the Bridegroom: then to Sarah Pertin, desiring neither life nor death, but that God might be magnified.

Sun., August 6th. With my partner, and all our Kingswood children, I was exceedingly comforted at the Lord's table, my mouth being opened in strong exhortation and prayer.

Mon., August 7th. At six I took horse with Sally for Ludlow; and T. Butts, and Captain James, my brother, and Grace Murray overtook us before we reached the Passage. Near nine we took up witlx a sorry lodging two miles short of Hereford.

Tues., August 8th. I dined with our hospitable friends in Ludlow. Wed., August 9th. Several of the gentry listened to my brother at night.

Thur., August 10th. My brother having signed the settlement, set out at four with Grace Murray and JamesJones. T. Butts and I took horse at six. It rained all day. I preached at Evesham with much life; the next evening met my brother and G. M., who came through Birmingham to Oxford; and on

Sat., August 12th, I attended him to London.

Tues., August 15th. We had the satisfaction of two hours' conference at Mr. Watkins's, with that loving, mild, judicious Christian, Dr. Doddridge.

Tues., August 22d. I preached at Evesham with great effect.

Wed. afternoon, August 28d. I rejoiced to find Sally and the rest well at Ludlow. I continued with them a week, preaching the Gospel with little fruit.

Wed., August 30th. At nine I set out with Sally, Becky, Betsy, and Peggy. I preached in Leominster, from Isai. lxi., with a blessing, even the blessing of the Gospel. We lay at Hereford; whence Becky returned home.

Thur., August 31st. We lodged at Thombury.


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