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The Journal of Charles Wesley

May 1 - August 31, 1739

Tues., May lst. During the time of prayers, the Churchwardens still kept guard on the pulpit-stairs. I was not inclined to fight my way through them. Mr. Stonehouse preached a thundering sermon (unless their consciences seared). I took notes of it. I took water with James for Hastings. A poor harlot was struck down by the word. She, and all, were melted into tears, and prayers, and strong cries for her. I have a good hope this brand will also be plucked out of the fire.

Wed., May 2d. She was at Fetter-lane, where I expounded the prodigal.

Thur., May 10th. I expounded at Blendon; many fine folk from Eltham attending.

Fri., May 11th. I prayed at Welling, with a dying man, of humility, and faith, and love.

Sun., May 13th. I was enabled to discourse from the at Bexley.

Mon., May 14th. At West's my mouth was opened to expound Rom. viii. Miss Raymond was among my hearers.

Tues., May 15th. She was brought so strongly to my that I was even constrained to pray for her with tears.

Wed., May 16th. I preached with power and freedom in Marshalsea. I prayed by Mrs. Cameron; who owned herself convinced. She had been a Deist, because it is so incredible the Almighty God should condescend to die for his creatures.

I attended G. Whitefield to Blackheath. He preached the rain to many listening sinners. At Fetter-lane a arose about lay-preaching. Many, particularly Bray and Fish, were very zealous for it. Mr. Whitefield and I declared against it.

Sat., May 19th. At the Common, George preached from, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee." In the evening I found my brother at Mr. Hodges's.

Sun., May 20th. I received the sacrament at St. Paul's, with best part of our Society.

Mon., May 21st. At Mrs. Claggett's I found Miss Raymond, Rogers, J. Cennick, Harris, Whitefield, Piriam, Mason, the Delamottes. Mr. Claggett was very friendly, and invited me to Broadoaks.

Tues., May 22d. Miss Raymond carried me in her coach to Islington. My friend Stonehouse was delighted to see me. We sang together and prayed, as in the months that are past.

Thur., May 24th. J. Bray took upon him to reprove me for checking the course of the Spirit. I made him no answer; but I believe not every. spirit; nor any till I have tried it by the fruits and the written word.

I met Miss Raymond, (as almost every day,) and joined with her and our friends in prayer and singing. Mr. Claggett pressed me now, with the utmost importunity, to go with him to-morrow.

Fri., May 25th. At noon I set out on horseback; our sisters in the chaise. By two the next day, we surprised Miss Betty at Broadoaks. I was full of prayer, that the Lord would gather a church in this place.

Sun., May 27th. Still Mr. Claggett opposed my preaching. I went to church, where I preached the new birth. We returned singing. Mr. Claggett still more violent. I told him, he was doing the devil's work. Between jest and earnest, he struck me; raged exceedingly to see the people come flocking to the word. God gave me utterance to make known the mystery of the Gospel to four or five hundred listening souls.

Tues., May 29th. Franklyn, a farmer, invited me to preach in his field. I did so, to about five hundred, on, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." I returned to the house rejoicing.

Wed., May 30th. I convinced a sick man of unbelief. Another on his death-bed received forgiveness, and witnessed a good confession. I invited near a thousand sinners (with whom the whole house was filled at night) to come weary and heavy-laden to Christ for rest.

Thur., May 31st. A Quaker sent me a pressing invitation to preach at Thackstead. I scrupled preaching in another's parish, till I had been refused the church. Many Quakers, and near seven hundred others, attended, while I declared in the highways, "The Scripture hath concluded all under sin."

Fri., June 1st. My subject, to above one thousand attentive sinners, was, "He shall save his people from their sins." Many showed their emotion by their tears.

Sat., June 2d. At six I set out for London, with a quiet mind, leaving my beloved friends in the hands of God. The first thing I heard in town was, that my poor friend Stonehouse was actually married. It is a satisfaction to me, that I had no hand in it.

Sun., June 3d. G. Whitefield advised me (I thank him for his love) to follow Mr. Stonehouse's example. He preached in the morning in Moorfields, and in the evening at Kennington-Common, to an innumerable multitude.

Mon., June 4th. I walked with a young Quaker to Islington church. Satan hindered me; so Mr. Scott baptized him. He told me afterwards, "When the words were speaking, I sensibly found the Holy Ghost descend into my soul; the joy rose higher and higher, till at last I could neither speak nor move; but seemed rapt into the third heaven."

I had some conversation with Mrs. Stonehouse; surely a gracious, lovely soul; then with him. We joined in prayer; and I was better reconciled to their sudden marriage. I met Shaw, the self-ordained Priest. He was brim full of proud wrath and fierceness. His spirit suited to his principles. I could do him no good; but was kept calm and benevolent towards him; therefore he could do me no harm. I stood by G. Whitefield, while he preached on the mount in Blackheath. The cries of the wounded were heard on every side. What has Satan gained by turning him out of the churches

Tues., June 5th. I was with him at Blendon. Bowers and Bray followed us thither, drunk with the spirit of delusion. George honestly said, "They were two grand enthusiasts."

Wed., June 6th. Above sixty of the poor people had passed the night in Mr. Delamotte's barn, singing and rejoicing. I sang and prayed with them before the door. George's exhortation left them all in tears.

At the Society in the evening, Shaw pleaded for his spirit of prophecy; charged me with love of pre-eminence; with making my proselytes twofold more children of the devil than before. Fish said, he looked upon me as delivered over to Satan, &e. They declared themselves no longer members of the Church of England. We were kept tolerably meek; and parted at eleven. Now am I clear of them. By renouncing the Church, they have discharged me.

Thur., June 7th. Many of our friends have been pestered by the French Prophets, and such-like Pretenders to inspiration. J. Bray is the foremost to listen to them, and often carried away with their delusions. To-day I had the happiness to find at his house the famous Prophetess Lavington. She was sitting by Bowers; and Mrs. Sellers on the other side. The Prophet Wise asked, "Can a man attain perfection here ~" I answered, "No." The Prophetess began groaning. I turned, and said, "If you have anything to speak, speak it." She lifted up her voice, like the lady on the tripod, and cried out vehemently, "Look for perfection; I say absolute perfection!" I was minded to rebuke her; but God gave me uncommon recollection, and command of spirit, so that I sat quiet, and replied not. I offered at last to sing, which she allowed, but did not join. Bray pressed me to stay, and hear her pray. They knelt; I stood. She prayed most pompously, addressing to Bray with particular encomiums. I durst not say, Amen. She concluded with an horrible hellish laugh; and endeavoured to turn it off. She showed violent displeasure against our baptized Quaker, saying, "God had showed her, he would destroy all outward things."

Fri. and Sat., June 8th and 9th. I took the deposition of Anne Graham, M. Biddle, and M. Rigby, concerning her lewd life and conversation; and warned our friends everywhere against her. I joined at West's with Hutchins and Miss Kinchin, in earnest prayer for the promise of the Father.

Whitsunday, June 10th, 1739. I read the Society my account of the Prophetess. All were shocked but poor J. Bray. He now appeared, and strongly withstood me, and vindicated that Jezebel. I gave no place to him, no, not for a moment. My natural temper was kept down, and changed into a passionate concern for him, which I expressed in prayers and tears. All besides him were melted down. I kissed him, and testified my love; but could make no impression.

Mon., June 11th. I expounded with great liberty of spirit; and found the blessing of opposition.

Tues., June 12th. I heard more of my Prophetess, who told a brother, that she can command Christ to come to her in what shape she pleases; as a dove, an eagle, &c. The devil owed her a shame by bringing her again to Bray's. Wise, her gallant, came first; whom I urged with a plain question, whether he had or had not cohabited with her. He was forced to confess he had. J. Bray was vehement in her defence; when she came in; flew upon us like a tigress; tried to outface me; insisted that she was immediately inspired. I prayed. She cried, "The devil was in me. I was a fool, a blockhead, a blind leader of the blind; put out the people's eyes," &c. She roared outrageously; said it was the lion in her. (True; but not the Lion of Judah.) She would come to the Society in spite of me: if not, they would all go down.

I asked, "Who is on God's side Who for the old Prophets rather than the new Let them follow me." They followed me into the preaching-room. I prayed, and expounded the lesson with extraordinary power. The women, several of them, gave an account of their conversion through my ministry. Our dear brother Bowers confessed himself convinced of his error. We rejoiced and triumphed in the name of the Lord our God.

Wed., June 13th. My brother returned. We had over the Prophetess's affair before the Society. Bray and Bowers were much humbled. All agreed to disown the Prophetess. Brother Hall proposed expelling Shaw and Wolf. We consented, nem. con., that their names should be erased out of the Society-book, because they disowned themselves members of the Church of England.

Thur., June 14th. I heard my brother preach on Black-heath, "Christ our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption." We continued at the Green Man's, singing and rejoicing. George Whitefield gave a lively exhortation to about thirty of us. I slept with Seward and my brother.

Fri., June 15th. The last time I had met Mr. Stonehouse and our opposers in the vestry, he astonished by telling me, "He had consented that I should preach no more." I thought in myself, "What is man or what is friendship" and said nothing. To-day, in company with my brother and him, I mentioned, without intending it, my exclusion through his consent. He pleaded, that the Bishop of London had justified his Churchwardens in their forcible expulsion of me: but at last was quite melted down; would do anything to repair his fault; resolved no other should be excluded by him, as I had been.

Sun., June l7th. My brother preached to above ten thousand people (as was supposed) in Moorfields, and to a still larger congregation on Kennington-Common. I preached twice in the prison.

Mon., June 18th. I sang and prayed at Mrs. Euster's, a lively, gracious soul; but too apt to depend on her inward feelings.

Tues., June 19th. I was at Lambeth with Mr. Piers. His Grace expressly forbade him to let any of us preach in his church: charged us with breach of the canon. I mentioned the Bishop of London's authorizing my forcible exclusion. He would not hear me; said he did not dispute. He asked me what call I had. I answered, "A dispensation of the Gospel is committed to me." "That is, to St. Paul; but I do not dispute: and will not proceed to excommunication YET." "Your Grace has taught me in your book on Church Government, that a man unjustly excommunicated is not thereby cut off from communion with Christ." "Of that I am the judge." I asked him, if Mr. Whitefield's success was not a spiritual sign, and sufficient proof of his call: recommended Gamaliel's advice. He dismissed us; Piers, with kind professions; me, with all the marks of his displeasure.

I felt nothing in my heart but peace. I prayed and sang at Bray's: but some hours after, at West's, sank down in great heaviness and discouragement. I found a little relief from the scripture that first offered: Acts xvii. 8: Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ."

Fri., June 22d. The sower of tares is beginning to trouble us with disputes about predestination. My brother was wonderfully owned at Wapping last week, while asserting the contrary truth. To-night I asked in prayer, that if God would have all men to be saved, he would show some token for good upon us. Three were justified in immediate answer to that prayer. We prayed again; several fell down under the power of God, present to witness his universal love.

Sat., June 23d. Some of the persons set at liberty came, and called on me to return him thanks in their behalf, Twelve received forgiveness, it seems, last night; another in this hour. I dined at Mr. Stonehouse's. My inward conflict continued. I perceived it was the fear of man; and that, by preaching in the field next Sunday, as George Whitefield urges me, I shall break down the bridge, and become desperate. I retired, and prayed for particular direction; offering up my friends, my liberty, my life, for Christ's sake and the Gospel's. I was somewhat less burdened could not be quite easy, till I gave up all.

Sun., June 24th. St. John Baptist’s day. The first scripture I cast my eye upon, was, "Then came the servant unto him, and said, Master, what shall we do" I prayed with West, and went forth in the name of Jesus Christ. I found near ten thousand helpless sinners waiting for the word, in Moorfields. I invited them in my Master's words, as well as name: "Come unto me, all ye that travail, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." The Lord was with me, even me, his meanest messenger, according to his promise. At St. Paul's, the Psalms, Lemons, &e., for the day, put fresh life into me. So did the sacrament. My load was gone, and all my doubts and scruples. God shone upon my path; and I knew this was his will concerning me. At Newington, the Rector, Mr. Motte, desired me to preach. My text was, "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely," &e. I walked on to the Commons and cried to multitudes upon multitudes, "Repent ye, and believe the Gospel." The Lord was my strength, and my mouth, and my wisdom. O that all would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness! I was refreshed with the Society, at a primitive lovefeast.

Fri., June 29th. At Wycombe I heard of much disturbance and sin, occasioned by Bowers's preaching in the streets. I reached Oxford the next day.

Sat., June 30th. I waited upon the Dean, who spoke with unusual severity against field-preaching and Mr. Whitefield: explained away all inward religion, and union with God.

That the world, and their God, abhor our manner of acting, I have too sensible proof. This whole week has the messenger of Satan been buffering me with uninterrupted temptation.

Sun., July lst. I preached my sermon on justification before the University, with great boldness. All were very attentive. One could not help weeping. At night I received power to expound; several Gownsmen were present; some mocked.

Mon., July 2d. Mr. Gambold came. He had been with the Vice-Chancellor, and well received. I visited the Vice-Chancellor, at his own desire: gave him a full account of the Methodists; which he approved: but objected the irregularity of our doing good in other men's parishes; charged Mr. Whitefield with insincerity, and breach of promise; appealed to the Dean, and appointed a second meeting there. All were against my sermon, as liable to be misunderstood.

Tues., July 3d. Poor wild Bowers had been laid hold on for preaching in Oxford. To-day the Beadle brought him to me. I spoke to him very home. He had nothing to reply; but promised to do so no more; and thereby obtained his liberty.

At night I had another conference with the Dean; who cited Mr. Whitefield to judgment. I said, "Mr. Dean, he shall be ready to answer your citation." He used his utmost address to bring me off from preaching abroad, from expounding in houses, from singing psalms: denied justification by faith only, and all vital religion: promised me, however, to read Law and Pascal.

Wed., July 4th. I returned to London.

Sun., July 8th. Near ten thousand, by computation, gave diligent heed to the word preached in Moorfields: "Thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins." Numbers seemed greatly affected. Walking over an open field to Kennington-Common, I was met by a man, who threatened me for a trespass. I preached "Christ our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption," to double my morning congregation: and the Lord Almighty bowed their hearts before him.

Mon., July 9th. I corrected Mr. Cennick's hymns for the press.

Tues., July l0th. I stepped Oakley, just going to Germany; and brought him quite off his design. Mrs. H., a brand plucked out of the burning through my brother's ministry, ford me her wonderful history, which filled my heart with pity and love.

Sat., July 14th. Many were pierced through this evening with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Sun., July 15th. My subject in Moorfields was, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself :" on the Common, "Blessed are the poor in spirit."

Sun., July 22d. I never knew till now the strength of temptation, and energy of sin. Who, that conferred with flesh and blood, would covet great success I live in a continual storm. My soul is always in my hand. The enemy thrusts sore at me, that I may fall; and a worse enemy than the devil is my own heart. Miror aliquem praedicatorem salvari! I received, I humbly hope, a fresh pardon in the sacrament at St. Paul's. I would have preached at the Fleet; but the Warden forbad. I preached at the Marshalsea.

Mon., July 23d. I talked in Newgate with five condemned malefactors.

Wed., July 26th. I was served with a writ by Mr. Gofer, for walking over his field to Kennington. I sent Oakley to the Lawyer, who confessed he did not so much as know what his client sued me for.

I saw Dr. Doddridge at Mr. Burnham's; but did not see much of him.

Thur., July 26th. The Lord applied his word at Bray's, so that one received forgiveness under it.

Sat, August 4th. I dined with my friend George Whitefield at Mrs. Sparrow's, in Lewisham. In the evening at Mrs. Euster's; whom I visit most days for my own sake.

Sun., August 5th. In the fields, I discoursed on the promise, "I will pray the Father, and he shall send you another Comforter" My subject was the same at Kennington. In the bands, one witnessed her having received her pardon. We gave thanks with her, whom the Lord hath redeemed.

Tues., August 7th. I preached repentance and faith at Plaistow: and at night expounded, in a private house, Lazarus dead and raised. The next day I called with Hedges on Thomas Keen, a mild and candid Quaker: preached at Marybens. Too well pleased with my success, which brought upon me the buffeting of Satan. I preached on Kennington-Commons "Repent ye, and believe the Gospel."

Fri., August 10th. I gave George Whitefield some account both of my labours and my conflicts.

"Dear George,--I forgot to mention the most material occurrence at Plaistow; namely, that a Clergyman was there convinced of sin. He steed under me, And appeared, throughout my discourse, under the strongest perturbation of mind. In our return we were much delighted with an old spiritual Quaker, who is clear in justification by faith only. At Marybone a footman was convinced of more than sin; and now waits with confidence for all the power of faith. Friend Keen seems to have experience, and is right in the foundation.

"I cannot preach out on the week-days for the expense of coach, nor accept of dear Mr. Seward's offer; to which I should be less backward, would he take my advice. But while he is so lavish of his Lord's goods, I cannot consent that this ruin should in any degree to be under my hand.

"I am continually tempted to leave off preaching, and hide myself like J. Hutchins. I should then be freer from temptation, and at leisure to attend my own improvement, God continues to work by me, but not in me, that I can perceive. Do not reckon upon me, my brother, in the work God is doing: for I cannot expect he should long employ one who is ever longing and murmuring to be discharged. I rejoice in your success, and pray for its increase a thousand fold."

To-day I carried J. Bray to Mr. Law, who resolved all his feelings and experiences into fits or natural affections, and advised him to take no notice of his comforts, which he had better be without than with. He blamed Mr. Whitetleld's Journals, and way of proceeding; said, he had had great hopes, that the Methodists would have been dispersed by little and little into livings, and have leavened the whole lump. I told him my experience. "Then am I," said he, "far below you, (if you are right,) not worthy to bear your shoes." He agreed to our notion of faith, but would have it, that all men held it: was fully against the laymen's expounding, as the very worst thing, both for themselves and others. I told him, he was my schoolmaster to bring me to Christ; but the mason why I did not come sooner to Him, was, my seeking to be sanctified before I was justified. I disclaimed all expectation of becoming some great one.

Among other things, he said, "Was I so talked of as Mr. Whitefield is, I should run away, and hide myself entirely." "You might," I answered;" but God would bring you back like Jonah." Joy in the Holy Ghost, he told us, was the most dangerous thing God could give. I replied, "But cannot God guard his own gifts" He often disclaimed advising, "seeing we had the Spirit of God;" but mended upon our hands, and at last came almost quite over.

Sun., August 12th. I received power, great power, to explain the good Samaritan. I communicated at St. Paul's, as every Sunday. I convinced multitudes at the Common from, "Such were some of you; but ye are washed," &c.; and before the day was past, felt my own sinfulness so great, that I wished I had never been born.

Mon., August 13th. I wrote, in a letter to Seward, "I preached yesterday to more than ten thousand hearers: am so buffeted, both before and after, that, was I not forcibly detained, I should fly from every human face. If God does make a way for me to escape, I shah not easily be brought back again. I cannot like advertising. It looks like sounding a trumpet.

"I hope our brother Hutchins will come forth at last, and throw away, which he seems to have taken up, my mantle of reserve. But then he will no longer make Mr. Broughton his counsellor."

Tues., August 14th. I carried Cossart, a Moravian, to Mr. Law, and left them together. The whole congregation at Kennlngton seemed moved by my discourse on those words, "He shall reprove the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment." I could hardly get from them. We hear every day of more and more convinced or pardoned.

Wed., August 15th. I wrote to George Whitefield, "Let not Cossart's opinion of your letter to the Bishop weaken your hands. Abundans cantela nocet. It is the Moravian infirmity. To-morrow I set out for Bristol. I pray you all a good voyage, and that many poor souls may be added to the church by your ministry, before we meet again. Meet again, I am confident we shall; perhaps both here and in America. The will of the Lord be done with us, and by us, in time and in eternity."

I called on our brother Bell, just as his wife received "like precious faith;' We were all partakers of her joy.

Thur., August 16th. I rode to Wycombe; and, being refused the church, would have preached in an house; but Bowers's preaching here has shut the door against me, by confirming their natural aversion to the Gospel. The next day we came to Oxford, and the day after that to Evesham.

I sent my brother and friends accounts of our going on from time to time: the following to my brother :--

"Bengeworth and Evesham, August 20th, 1739.

"Dear Brother,--We left the brethren at Oxford much edified, and two gownsmen, besides C. Graves, thoroughly awakened. On Saturday afternoon God brought us hither. Mr. Seward being from home, there was no admittance for us, his wife being an opposer, and having refused to see G. Whitefield before me. At seven Mr. Seward found us at our inn, and carried us home. I expounded at eight in the school-room, which contains two hundred; and held out the promises from John xvi.: 'I will send the Comforter,' &o. "On Sunday morning I preached from George Whitefield's pulpit, the wall, 'Repent ye, and believe the Gospel’

The notice being short, we had only a few hundreds, but such as those described in the morning lesson, 'These were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind; In the evening I showed to near two thousand their Saviour in the good Samaritan. Many, I am persuaded, found themselves stripped, and wounded, and half-dead: and are therefore ready for the oil and wine. Once more God strengthened me at nine to open the new covenant at the school-house which was crowded with deeply attentive sinners"

Mon., August 20th. I spoke from Acts ii. 87 to two or those hundred market-people and soldiers; all as orderly and decent as could be desired. I now heard that the Mayor had come down on Sunday to take a view of us; and soon after an officer struck a countrymen in the face, without any provocation. A serious woman besought the poor man not to resist evil, as the other only wanted to make a riot. He took patiently several repeated Mows, telling the man he might beat him as long as he pleased.

I took a walk with Mr. Seward, whose eyes it has pleased God to open, to see he would have all men to be saved. His wife, who refuses to see me, is miserably bigoted to the particular scheme.

We had the satisfaction of meeting with Mr. Seward's cousin Molly, whom I had endeavoured to convince of sin at Islington. The Spirit has now convinced her of righteousness also. To-day she told us a young lady here upon a visit had been deeply struck on Sunday night, under the word, seeing and feeling her need of a physician; and earnestly desired me to pray for her. We immediately joined in thanksgiving and intercession. After dinner I spoke with her. She burst into tears; told us she had come hither thoughtless and dead in pleasures and sin, but resolved against ever being a Methodist; that she was alarmed at seeing us so happy and full of love; had gone to the Society, but never found herself out, till the word came with power to her soul; that all the following night she had been as in an agony; could not pray; could not bear our singing, nor have any rest in her spirit. We betook ourselves to prayer; and God hearkened. She received forgiveness in that instant, and triumphed in the name of the Lord her God. We were all of us upon the mount the rest of the day.

At six I explained the nature of faith from, "Not I, but Christ liveth in me,--who loved me, and gave himself for me." Afterwards I showed them, in the school-house, their own case in dead Lazarus. Some of those that were dead, I trust, begin to come forth. Several serious people from the neighbouring towns came home with us. We continued our rejoicings till midnight.

Tues., August 21st. I besought my hearers to be reconciled unto God. I found Miss P. had been greatly strengthened by last night's expounding, and could scarce forbear crying out, "She was that Lazarus; and if they would come to Christ, he would raise them, as he had her." All night she continued singing in her heart; and discovers more and more of that genuine mark of his disciples, love.

I was prevailed upon to stay over this day. God soon showed us his design in it. Our singing in the garden drew two sincere women to us, who sought Christ sorrowing. After reading the promises in Isaiah, we prayed, and they received them accomplished in themselves. We were upon a mount, which reminded us of Tabor, through the joy wherewith our Master filled us. How shall I be thankful enough for his bringing me hither I While we were singing, a poor drunken servant of Mr. Seward's was struck. His master had last night given him warning; but now he seems effectually called. We spent the afternoon most delightfully in Isaiah. At seven the Society met. I could hardly speak through my cold; but it was suspended, while I showed the natural man his picture in blind Bartimeus.

Many were ready to cry after Jesus for mercy. The three that had lately received their sight were much strengthened. Miss P. declared her cure before two hundred witnesses; many of them gay young gentlewomen. They received her testimony, flocked round about her, and pressed her on all sides to come to see them. By this open confession, she purchased to herself great boldness in the faith.

Wed., August 22d. This morning the work upon poor Robin appeared to he God's work. The words that made the first impression were, "Tis mercy all, immense and free, For, O my God, it found out me!"

He now seems full of sorrow, and joy, and astonishment, and love. The world, too, set to their seal that he belongs to Christ.

Here I cannot but observe the narrow spirit of those that hold particular redemption. I have had no disputes with them, yet they have me in abomination. Mrs. Seward is irreconcilably angry with me; "for he offers Christ to all." Her maids are of the same spirit; and their Baptist teacher insisted that I ought to have my gown stripped over my ear.

When Mr. Seward, in my hearing, exhorted one of the maids to a concern for her salvation, she answered, "It was to no purpose; she could do nothing." The same answer he received from his daughter, of seven years old. See the genuine fruits of this blessed doctrine!

"Gloucester, August 23d.

"By ten last night the Lord brought us hither through many dangers and difficulties. In mounting, I fell over my horse, and sprained my hand. Riding in the dark, I bruised my foot. We lost our way as often as we could. Two horses we had between three; for Robin bore us company. Here we were turned back from a friend's house, by his wife's sickness. Last night my voice and strength wholly failed me. To-day they are in some measure restored. At night I with difficulty got in to the crowded Society; preached the law and the Gospel from Rom. iii. They received it with all readiness. Three Clergymen were present. Some without attempted to make a disturbance by setting on the dogs, but in vain: the dumb dogs rebuked the rioters."

"Gloucester, August 25th.

"Before I went forth into the streets and highways, I sent, after my custom, to borrow the church. The Minister (one of the better disposed) sent back a civil message, that he would be glad to drink a glass of wine with me, but durst not lend me his pulpit for fifty guineas.

"Mr. Whitefield durst lend me his field, which did just as well. For near an hour and a half God gave me voice and strength to exhort about two thousand sinners to repent and believe the Gospel. My voice and strength failed together; neither do I want them when my work is done. Being invited to Painswick, I waited upon the Lord, and renewed my strength. We found near one thousand gathered in the street. I have but one subject, on which I discoursed from 2 Cor. v. 19: ' God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself.' I besought them earnestly to be reconciled, and the rebels seemed inclinable to lay down their arms. A young Presbyterian teacher clave to us. I received fresh strength to expound the good Samaritan, at a public-house, which was full above stairs and below"

Sat., August 25th. I showed them in the street, that to them and to their children was the promise made. Some are, I trust, on the point of receiving it. Three Clergymen attended. I prayed by a young woman, afraid of death, because it had not lost its sting. I showed her, the promise was to those that are afar off, even before they actually receive it; if they can but trust that they shall receive it. This revived her much; and we left her patiently waiting for the salvation of God.

At nine I exhorted and prayed with an house full of sincere souls; and took my leave, recommended by their affectionate prayers to the grace of God.

At Gloucester I received an invitation from F. Drummond. I dined with her and several of the friends, particularly Josiah Martin, a spiritual man, as far as I can discern. My heart was enlarged, and knit to them in love. I went to the field at five. An old intimate acquaintance (Mrs. Kirkham) stood in my way, and challenged me, "What, Mr. Wesley, is it you I see Is it possible that you who can preach at Christ-church, St. Mary's, &c., should come hither after a mob" I cut her short with, "The work which my Master giveth me, must I not do it" and went to my mob, or (to put it in the Pharisees' phrase) this people which is accursed. Thousands heard me gladly, while I told them their privilege of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, and exhorted them to come for him to Christ as poor lost sinners. I continued my discourse fill night.

"Runwlck, August 26th.

"The Minister here lent me his pulpit. I stood at the window, (which was taken down,) and turned to the larger congregation of above two thousand, in the church-yard. They appeared greedy to hear, while I testified, 'God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son,' &e. These are, I think, more noble than those at Evesham.

"After sermon, a woman came to me, who had received faith in hearing Mr. Whitefield. She was terrified at having lost her comfort. I explained to her that wilderness-state into which the believer is generally led by the Spirit to be tempted, as soon as he is baptized by the Holy Ghost. This confirmed her in a patient looking for His return whom her soul loveth.

"We dined at Mr. Ellis's of Ebly. I met our brother Ellis, who has the blessing of believing parents; two sisters awakened; one only brother continues an abandoned prodigal. In the afternoon I preached again to a Kennington congregation. The church was full as it could crowd. Thousands stood in the church-yard. It was the most beautiful sight I ever beheld. The people filled the gradually-rising area, which was shut up on three sides by a vast perpendicular hill. On the top and bottom of this hill was a circular row of trees. In this amphitheatre they stood, deeply attentive, while I called upon them in Christ's words, 'Come unto me, all that are weary.' The tears of many testified that they were ready to enter into that rest. God enabled me to lift up my voice likes trumpet; so that all distinctly heard me. I concluded with singing an invitation to sinners.

"It was with difficulty we made our way through this most loving people, and returned amidst their prayers and blessings to Ebly. Here I expounded the second lesson for two hours, and received strength and faith to plead the promise of the Father. A good old Baptist pressed me to preach at Stanley, in my way to Bristol." Accordingly,

Mon., August 27th, I set out at seven. The sky was overcast, and the Prince of the power of the air wetted us to the skin. This, I thought, portended good. We could not stay to dry ourselves, there being, contrary to our expectation, a company of near one thousand waiting. I preached from a table, (having been first denied the pulpit,) upon, "Repent, and believe the Gospel." The hearers seemed so much affected, that I appointed them to meet me again in the evening. The Minister was of my audience.

I rode back to Ebly, and was informed by brother Oakley, that he had fastened upon the poor prodigal, and spoke to his heart. His convictions were heightened by the sermon. We prayed and sang alternately, till faith came.

God blew with his wind, and the waters flowed. He struck the hard rock, and the waters gushed out, and the poor sinner, with joy and astonishment, believed the Son of God loved him, and gave himself for him. Sing, ye heavens, for the Lord hath done it; shout, ye lower parts of the earth!

In the morning I had told his mother the story of St. Austin's conversion. Now I carried her the joyful news, "This thy son was dead, and is alive again." I expounded at a gentlewoman's house, in my way to Stanley, but could hardly speak through my cold. I went forth in faith, and preached under a large elm- tree, on the prodigal son, and returned to Ebly rejoicing; where I expounded the woman of Samaria.

Tues., August 28th. In the evening I accompanied my brother to the preaching-room, in the Horsefair, Bristol. A drunken Quaker (Benjamin Rutter) made a great disturbance by bawling out for his wife. Some of the brethren hardly saved him from the mob.

Wed., August 29th. At six o'clock we had prayers, with a large company of our brethren and sisters, who have learned of Christ to come to the temple, early in the morning. None of them as yet think it part of their Christian liberty, to forsake the means of grace. I spent the day with my brother in visiting several of the Society.

Thur., August 30th. My brother expounded, and took leave of them. His short absence cost them many tears.

Fri., August 31st. I entered upon my ministry at Weaver's-hall, and began expounding Isaiah, with much freedom and power. They were melted into tears all around. So again at one, when the bands met to keep the church-fast. We were all of one heart and of one mind. I was much carried out in pleading the promises; forgot the contradiction wherewith they grieved my spirit at London; fell all at once into the strictest intimacy with these delightful souls; and could not forbear saying, "It is good for me to be here."

I spoke to the poor colliers on, "The blind receive their sight, the lame walk," &c. Then began the Gospel at Gloucester-lane, and preached with power on, "Thou shalt call his name Jesus; for," &e. I went home to Mr. Grevil's, stronger in body than when I rose.


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