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The Journal of Charles Wesley

January 1 - April 30, 1746

Wed., January lst 1746. The Lord strengthened me at the chapel to stir up many by that word of his, "Let it alone this year also."

Tues., January 7th. I found a blessing in the cluster at Deptford.

Fri., January 9th. I filled a coach with our friends; and, in spite of the toothache, had a pleasant journey to Bristol.

Sun., January 12th. I gave the sacrament at Kingswood, and expressed the vehement desires of our souls in mighty prayer. The word at night was blessed to the quickening of many.

Tues., January 14th. I was much assisted in expounding Job xxiii.; and yet more next morning, in those words, "It is of thy mercy that we are not consumed." I found the old blessing and power at Weaver's-hall, while I put them in remembrance of their first love, from Psalm cxxvi.

Sun., January 19th. At Baptist-Mills there was a great awakening of those that had fallen asleep again; but in the Society the Lord stirred up his power in a wonderful manner, and came to his house. While I was reproving them He gave weight to the words; and for an hour and an half nothing was to be heard but cries and tears, and strong resolutions to return unto the Lord.

Mon., January 20th. The same blessing we found at Bath, while the Spirit applied the word, "He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved."

Tues., January 21st. I preached from Isai. xxxv. at Road, and took the names of near seventy of the Society.

Wed., January 22d. I preached at Bearfield, and Wrexal, in the barn, where we never miss of our Lord's presence. Many women of Canaan eried after him, and seemed resolved to take no denial.

Thur., January 23d. While I unfolded those precious promises of grace and glory, John xvii., our Lord came down among us, and filled us with his consolations.

Wed., January 29th. The power of the Highest overshadowed us. All were dissolved into that blessed mourning, so that we wept with the angel, and made supplication, such as the Lord will hear.

Sun., February 2d. I had a blessed meeting with our London children at the Lord's table.

Mon., February 3d. I opened our new chapel in Wapping, by preaching to a numerous audience, from I Cor. xv. 1.

Tues., February 4th. I wrote my thoughts to a friend as follows :--

"I cannot help expecting the sorest judgments to be poured out upon this land, and that suddenly. You allow us one hundred years to fill up the measure of our iniquity." You cannot more laugh at my vain fear, than I at your vain confidence. Now is the axe laid to the root of the tree; now is the decree gone forth; now is the day of visitation. It comes so strongly and continually upon me, that I almost think there is God in my prospect of war, famine, pestilence, and all the vials of wrath bursting on our heads."

Wed., February 5th. I visited our sister Webb, dying in child-bed: prayed with earnest faith for her. At hearing the child cry, she had broke out into vehement thanksgiving, and soon after fell into convulsions, which set her soul at liberty from all pain and suffering.

Thur., February 6th. We sang that hymn over her corpse, "Ah, lovely appearance of death," and shed a few tears of joy and envy.

Sun., February 16th. I buried our late sister Adams, who has finished her course with joy; and preached on, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord," with great consolation, and desire of following her.

Fri., February 28th. I invited the weary and heavy laden to Him who hath promised them rest. Many found it then.

Mon., March 3d, was a day of visitation. God put into my heart good desires, which lasted, with power to pray, best part of the day.

Sun., March 9th. I got abroad again after my painful confinement through the toothache, and officiated at the chapel.

Thur., March 13th. God confirmed the word, while I enforced the necessity of a single eye.

Sun., March 16th. He fulfilled that promise at the Foundery, "Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out."

Tues., March 18th. I rejoiced exceedingly to hear of the death of our sister Molly Godwin. Let my latter end be like hers!

Sun., March 23d. I explained that best of prayers, if rightly used, "His blood be upon us, and upon our children." All present, I believe, received then some benefit from His passion.

Mon., March 24th. In riding to Brentford with our sisters Davey, Alcroft, and Rich, our coach broke down. The only courageous person among us was the only person afraid. I prayed in our return by a dying prisoner of hope; and felt an humble confidence that his eyes shall see the salvation of God.

Good-Friday, March 28th. Every morning of this great and holy week the Lord was at his own feast; but especially this. The word, "Let us also go, and die with Him," was written on our hearts. We passed from two to three in solemn prayer at Short's-gardens. I drank tea at my sister Wright's, with Mrs. Rich and her two youngest daughters; one the greatest miracle of all accomplishlnents, both of mind and body, that I have ever seen.

Sat., March 29th. I administered the sacrament to a dying sinner, who did run well, but was now groaning out her last breath under the guilt of sin, and curse of God. I preached to her the sinner's Advocate. She received the faithful saying, and believed the Lord would save her at the last hour.

I passed the afternoon at Mrs. Rich's, where we caught a Physician by the ear, through the help of Mr. Lampe and some of our sisters. This is the true use of music.

Easter-day, March 30th. My text was, "If ye be risen with Christ, seek the things which are above." The Lord was present, convincing or comforting. We had another blessed opportunity in the evening.

Mon., March 31st. I preached and administered, not-withstanding a violent purging, which forced me to lie down all day. In the evening I rose, and, not being able to stand, preached sitting, with supernatural strength.

Thur., April 3d. I prayed by a dying relation, (Mrs.Richardson,) to our mutual comfort.

Mon., April 7th. My cousin Wilson brought me the joyful news of her mother's release, and last warning words to me. I set out with Mr. Waller in s chaise for Bristol, Monday, April 14th. .On Thursday afternoon I saluted our friends in the Horse-fair. I found the spirit of supplication as soon as I entered the house. I preached on, "Hosanna to the Son of David."

Sun., April 20th, was a day of salvation. We had a comfortable sacrament in Kingswood. I preached with great severity at Conham. The stones cried out on every side, and the Pharisees were offended. At night I expounded Heb. ix. 12: "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us." God stood in the midst of the congregation; but in the Society he was still more sensibly present. A loud cry was heard at first; but it sunk lower and lower, into the groans that could not be uttered. This joyful mourning continued two hours. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me as a Spirit of power and love. I thought I could at that time have laid down my life for their salvation. The backsliders were most upon my heart. One such caught hold of my hand in departing, and cried with great earnestness, "I have found my Saviour again: he has wrote forgiveness on my heart."

Mon., April 21st. I expounded Rev. iii. 2, 3: "Be watchful, and strengthen the things that remain," &c. Again the power of the Lord was present both to wound and heal. One who had fallen from grace, and lay in the pit of despair three years, was lifted up again, and a new song put in her mouth.

Wed., April 23d. I passed an hour with some of our first children, and found the Spirit of God as in the former days. It continued at Weaver's-hail; but in meeting the women-bands I was carried above things temporal. The cloud rested on the tabernacle: the spirit of supplication was poured forth. I broke out again and again into effectual prayer, their faith bearing me up. In the midst of strong cryings one was suddenly brought to me, whom I offered up to the throne of grace. It was one who had often strengthened my hands in the Lord. Immediately followed such a burst of divine power as broke all our hearts. All the members suffered with that one member; and God, who knoweth what is the mind of his Spirit, will surely bring back that wanderer to his fold.

Thur., April 24th. I declared the promises made to backsliders; and many rejoiced for the consolation. Mary Gee in particular was released, and once more laid hold on eternal life.

Sun., April 27th. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." He vouchsafed us at the sacrament the never-failing Spirit of intercession. At Conham, likewise, he refreshed us in his own house. A vast, quiet congregation attended at Baptist-Mills, to "Wisdom crying without, uttering her voice in the streets." The Society was with Him again on the mount.

Tues., April 29th. Through many perils I came at last to Road. I showed them at the Cross the end of Christ's coming; namely, "that they might have life," &c.

Wed., April 30th. I preached with double effect. A poor mourner had been crying for mercy all night in the Society-house. I conferred with several who have tasted the love of Christ, mostly under the preaching or prayers of our lay-helpers. How can anyone dare deny that they are sent of God O that all who have the outward call, were as inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to preach! O that they would make full proof of their ministry, and take the cause out of our weak hands!

I set out in our chaise; broke it in a slough, and made an hard shift to reach Bradford by noon. I preached close and searching on, "If any man enter by me, he shall be saved."


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