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The Works of James Arminius - Vol. 2

Private Disputations 

 James Arminius, D.D. On the Principal Articles of the Christian Religion. Commenced by the Author Chiefly for the Purpose of Forming a System of Divinity

"These Disputations, prepared by Arminius as a kind of Syllabus to his Private lectures, are incomplete. In the preface to the first edition, published in 1610, it is said, that it is believed that upwards of twenty Theses are wanting to crown the undertaking. " 

 Disputation 1: On Theology

 Disputation 2: On The Manner In Which Theology Must Be Taught

 Disputation 3: On Blessedness, The End Of Theology

 Disputation 4: On Religion

 Disputation 5: On The Rule Of Religion, The Word Of God, And The Scriptures In Particular

 Disputation 6: On The Authority And Certainty Of The Holy Scriptures

 Disputation 7: On The Perfection Of The Scriptures

 Disputation 8: On The Perspicuity Of The Scriptures

 Disputation 9: On The Meanings And Interpretation Of The Holy Scriptures

 Disputation 10: On The Efficacy Of The Scriptures

 Disputation 11: On Religion In A Stricter Sense

 Disputation 12: On The Christian Religion, Its Name And Relation

 Disputation 13: On The Christian Religion, With Regard To The Matter Generally

 Disputation 14: On The Object Of The Christian Religion: And, First, About God, Its Primary Object, And What God Is

 Disputation 15: On The Nature Of God

 Disputation 16: On The Life Of God

 Disputation 17: On The Understanding Of God

 Disputation 18: On The Will Of God

 Disputation 19: On The Various Distinctions Of The Will Of God

 Disputation 20: On The Attributes Of God Which Come To Be Considered Under His Will And, First, On Those Which Have An Analogy To The Affections Or Passions In Rational Creatures

 Disputation 21: On Those Attributes Of God Which Have Some Analogy To The Moral Virtues, And Which Act Like Moderators Of The Affections, Considered In The Preceding Disputation.

 Disputation 22: On The Power Or Capability Of God

 Disputation 23: On The Perfection, Blessedness And Glory Of God

 Disputation 24: On Creation

 Disputation 25: On Angels In General And In Particular

 Disputation 26: On The Creation Of Man After The Image Of God

 Disputation 27: On The Lordship Or Dominion Of God

 Disputation 28: On The Providence Of God

 Disputation 29: On The Covenant Into Which God Entered With Our First Parents

 Disputation 30: The Manner In Which Man Conducted Himself For Fulfilling The First Covenant, Or On The Sin Of Our First Parents

 Disputation 31: On The Effects Of The Sin Of Our First Parents

 Disputation 32: On The Necessity Of The Christian Religion

 Disputation 33: On The Restoration Of Man

 Disputation 34: On The Person Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

 Disputation 35: On The Priestly Office Of Christ

 Disputation 36: On The Prophetical Office Of Christ

 Disputation 37: On The Regal Office Of Christ

 Disputation 38: On The States Of Christ's Humiliation And Exaltation

 Disputation 39: On The Will, And Command Of God The Father And Of Christ, By Which They Will And Command That Religion Be Performed To Them By Sinful Man

 Disputation 40: On The Predestination Of Believers

 Disputation 41: On The Predestination Of The Means To The End

 Disputation 42: On The Vocation Of Sinful Men To Christ, And To A Participation Of Salvation In Him

 Disputation 43: On The Repentance By Which Men Answer To The Divine Vocation

 Disputation 44: On Faith In God And Christ

 Disputation 45: On The Union Of Believers With Christ

 Disputation 46: On The Communion Of Believers With Christ, And Particularly With His Death

 Disputation 47: The Communion Of Believers With Christ In Regard To His Life

 Disputation 48: On Justification

 Disputation 49: On The Sanctification Of Man

 Disputation 50: On The Church Of God And Of Christ: Or On The Church In General After The Fall

 Disputation 51: On The Church Of The Old Testament, Or Under The Promise

 Disputation 52: On The Church Of The New Testament, Or Under The Gospel

 Disputation 53: On The Head And The Marks Of The Church

 Disputation 54: On The Catholic Church, Her Parts And Relations

 Disputation 55: On The Power Of The Church In Delivering Doctrines

 Disputation 56: On The Power Of The Church In Enacting Laws

 Disputation 57: On The Power Of The Church In Administering Justice, Or On Ecclesiastical Discipline

 Disputation 58: On Councils

 Disputation 59: On The Ecclesiastical Ministrations Of The New Testament And On The Vocation To Them

 Disputation 60: On Sacraments In General

 Disputation 61: On The Sacraments Of The Old Testament, The Tree Of Life, Circumcision, And The Paschal Lamb

 Disputation 62: On The Sacraments Of The New Testament In General

 Disputation 63: On Baptism And Paedo-Baptism

 Disputation 64: On The Lord's Supper

 Disputation 65: On The Popish Mass

 Disputation 66: On The Five False Sacraments

 Disputation 67: On The Worship Of God In General

 Disputation 68: On The Precepts Of Divine Worship In General

 Disputation 69: On Obedience, The Formal Object Of All The Divine Precepts

 Disputation 70: On Obedience To The Commands Of God In General

 Disputation 71: On The Material Object Of The Precepts Of The Law In General

 Disputation 72: The Love, Fear, Trust, And Honor Which Are Due From Man To God

 Disputation 73: On Particular Acts Of Obedience, Or Those Which Are Prescribed In Each Precept, Or Concerning The Decalogue In General

 Disputation 74: On The First Command In The Decalogue

 Disputation 75: On The Second Command In The Decalogue

 Disputation 76: On The Third Precept Of The Decalogue

 Disputation 77: On The Fourth Command In The Decalogue

 Disputation 78: On The Fifth Command In The Decalogue

 Disputation 79: On The Sixth Precept