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The Immortality of the Soul

Preface to the Revised Edition

The first edition of this work having been stereotyped from badly worn letter, was imperfect in mechanical execution. The repeated calls for the work forbade allowing it to go out of print, which has induced the author to give it a thorough revision. It has been much improved in matter and arrangement, and is now presented to the reading public with the earnest prayers of the writer that it may do good.

That it may be seen that the author is not alone in commending the result of his investigation of the subject, the following notices of the first edition are appended.

"We feel deeply indebted to him for the research and ability evinced in the argument. It is incomparably the most compact and conclusive work on this all-important topic, that we have ever met with. The arguments are marshaled with skill and energy, and the style is of that sharp, clear quality, that assists the logic which it conveys. We think that theologians will be pleased with the work; and for the conviction of the popular mind, especially where this fundamental article of faith has been assailed, we are sure no work can be obtained so apt and so safe."-N. Y. Evangelist.

"An interesting argument by a forcible writer for the immortality of the soul, and against the doctrine that after the Resurrection the finally impenitent will be annihilated. Those, however, who are interested in the discussion of the question, will find that Mr. Lee has treated it with ability and candor."


"All the established arguments in proof of the great doctrine involved in its title, are here well presented in an original arrangement, while especial attention is given to the refutation of the doctrine of the annihilation of the wicked. The subject is thoroughly treated."-Zion's Herald.

"In this little volume we have the leading arguments for the immortality of the soul, ably and lucidly presented in a compact form, with a full index of the passages of Scripture quoted in the discussion. Such a work cannot fail of being useful to all classes of readers, and especially to Christians, who should always be ready to reply to the infidel, and lead him into the truth."-N. Y. Recorder.

"In this little volume can be found all the essential features of this momentous subject. It is the most compact and conclusive work on this topic that has come under our observation. There is great skill and energy displayed in the arguments, and the style, being of a penetrating and clear character, gives power to the logic of the author."- Christian Herald.

"The author of this little volume, has by some means acquired the very creditable appellation of the "logical Lee." And certainly by this effort of his pen he furnishes no unworthy proof that the acquisition is not adventitious; but, on the contrary, is well deserved. The subject discussed is one of vast importance to all men, in every age and country. His book is by no means to be regarded as of temporary and local interest. It is a condensation of lights scattered in too many volumes easily to be collected, and nevertheless, is not a collection of scraps, evincing the labor of a mere compiler. It is a work stamped with the characteristic of careful thinking, sound reasoning, original conception, and Scriptural teaching."-Pittsburgh Christian Advocate.

"In this volume the author has done good justice to the sublime subject of man's immortality. Many of the arguments are original and striking, and the whole discussion is conducted with much discrimination and ability. A good book; and worthy of extensive circulation."- Christian Advocate and Journal.