Second Enoch is a pseudepigraphic apocalypse mixed with narrative, biblical midrash, and wisdom teaching. The first section of (chs. 1-68) deals with Enoch's life; the second (chs. 69-73), with events from the time of Enoch until the death of Noah. Themes discussed include Enoch's tour of heaven and hell, ethical teaching, Adam and Melkisedek, angels and the seven heavens, human souls, and the creation of the world out of nothing.
2 Enoch Slavonic Apocalypse of Enoch Tale of / Word of / Life of / Book of (the Secrets of) (Righteous or Wise) Enoch
No direct citations of the Old Testament, although it addresses subject material found in Genesis First Enoch Perhaps syncretistic Egyptian traditions from Roman times New Testament
Canonical Status: Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
Author: An anonymous Jew
Probably late 1st century AD Perhaps as early as the 1st century BC Perhaps as late as the 10th century AD
Original Language:
This book survives only in Old Slavonic manuscripts, probably translated from a Greek translation. Probably written originally in Hebrew or Aramaic. Notes prepared by Mark Seitz (Junior Biblical Literature Major)for the Wesley Center for Applied Theology at Northwest Nazarene University
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