CAP 1 1 And it was doon aftir the deeth of Moyses, seruaunt of the Lord, that the Lord spak to Josue, sone of Nun, the mynystre of Moyses, and seide to hym, Moises, my seruaunt, is deed; 2 rise thou, and passe this Jordan, thou, and al the puple with thee, in to the lond which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel. 3 Y schal yyue to you ech place which the step of youre foot schal trede, as Y spak to Moyses, 4 fro the deseert and Liban til to the greet flood Eufrates; al the lond of Etheis, `til to the greet see ayens the goyng doun of the sunne, schal be youre terme. 5 Noon schal mow ayenstonde you in alle the daies of thi lijf; as Y was with Moises, so Y schal be with thee; Y schal not leeue, nether Y schal forsake thee. 6 Be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; for thou schalt departe bi lot to this puple the lond, for which Y swoor to thi fadris, that Y schulde yyue it to hem. 7 Therfor be thou coumfortid, and be thou ful strong, that thou kepe and do al the lawe, which Moyses, my seruaunt, comaundide to thee; bowe thou not fro it to the riyt side, ether to the left side, that thou vndirstonde alle thingis whiche thou doist. 8 The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it. 9 Lo! Y comaunde to thee; be thou coumfortid, and be thou strong; nyle thou drede `withoutforth, and nyle thou drede withynne; for thi Lord God is with thee in alle thingis, to whiche thou goost. 10 And Josue comaundide to the princis of the puple, and seide, Passe ye thoruy the myddis of the castels; and comaunde `ye to the puple, and seie ye, Make ye redi metis to you, 11 for after the thridde dai ye schulen passe Jordan, and ye schulen entre to welde the lond, which youre Lord God schal yyue to you. 12 Also he seide to men of Ruben, and `to men of Gad, and to the half lynage of Manasses, Haue ye mynde of the word which Moises, 13 the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you, and seide, Youre Lord God hath youe to you reste and al the lond; 14 youre wyues and youre sones and beestis schulen dwelle in the lond which Moises yaf to you biyende Jordan; but passe ye armed, `alle strong in hond, bifor youre britheren; and fiyte ye for hem, 15 til the Lord yyue reste to youre britheren, as `he yaf also to you, and `til also thei welden the lond which youre Lord God schal yyue to hem; and so turne ye ayen in to the lond of youre possessioun, and ye schulen dwelle in that lond which Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to you ouer Jordan, ayens the `rysyng of the sunne. 16 And thei answeriden to Josue, and seiden, We schulen do alle thingis whiche thou comaundidist to vs, and we schulen go, whidir euer thou sendist vs; 17 as we obeieden in alle thingis to Moises, so we schulen obeie also to thee; oneli thi Lord God be with thee, as he was with Moyses. 18 Die he that ayenseith thi mouth, and obeieth not to alle thi wordis, whiche thou comaundist to hym; oneli be thou coumfortid, and do thou manli. CAP 2 1 Therfor Josue, the sone of Nun, sente fro Sethym twei men, aspieris in hiddlis, and seide to hem, Go ye, and biholde ye the lond, and the citee of Jerico. Whiche yeden, and entriden into the hous of a womman hoore, `Raab bi name, and restiden at hir. 2 And it was teld, `and seid to the kyng of Jerico, Lo! men of the sones of Israel entriden hidir bi nyyt, to aspie the lond. 3 Therfor the kyng of Jerico sente to Raab the hoore, and seide, Brynge out the men, that camen to thee, and entriden in to thin hous; for thei ben aspieris, and thei camen to biholde al the lond. 4 And the womman took the men, and hidde hem, and seide, Y knowleche, thei camen to me, but Y wiste not of whenus thei weren; 5 and whanne the yate was closid in derknessis, and thei yeden out to gidire, Y noot whidur thei yeden; pursue ye soone, and ye schulen take hem. 6 Forsothe sche made the men to stie in to the soler of hir hows, and hilide hem with stobil of flex, that was there. 7 Sotheli thei, that weren sent, sueden hem bi the weie that ledith to the fordis of Jordan; and whanne thei weren goon out, anoon the yate was closid. 8 Thei that weren hid, slepten not yit, and lo! the womman stiede to hem, and seide, 9 Y knowe that the Lord hath bitake to you this lond; for youre feerdfulnesse felde in to vs, and alle the dwelleris of the lond `weren sike. 10 We herden, that the Lord driede the watris of the Reed See at youre entryng, whanne ye yeden out of Egipt; and what thingis ye diden to twei kyngis of Ammorreis, that weren biyende Jordan, to Seon and Og, whiche ye killiden; 11 and we herden these thingis, and we dredden, and oure herte `was sike, and spirit dwellide not in vs at youre entryng; for youre Lord God hym silf is God in heuene aboue, and in erthe bynethe. 12 Now therfor swere ye to me bi the Lord God, that as Y dide merci with you, so and ye do with the hows of my fadir; and yyue ye to me a veri signe, 13 that ye saue my fadir and modir, and my britheren and sistris, and alle thingis that ben herne, and dilyuere oure lyues fro deeth. 14 Whiche answeriden to hir, Oure lijf be for you in to deeth, if netheles thou bitraiest not vs; and whanne the Lord hath bitake to vs the lond, we schulen do mercy and treuthe in thee. 15 Therfor sche let hem doun fro the wyndow bi a corde; for hir hows cleuyde to the wal. 16 And sche seide to hem, Stie ye to the hilli places, lest perauenture men turnynge ayen meete you; and be ye hidde there three daies, til thei comen ayen; and so ye schulen go bi youre weie. 17 Whiche seiden to hir, We schulen be giltles of this ooth, bi which thou hast chargid vs, 18 if, whanne we entren in to the lond, this reed corde is not a signe, and thou byndist it not in the wyndow, bi which thou lettist vs doun; and thou gaderist not in to thi hows thi fadir and modir, and britheren, and al thi kynrede; the blood of hym schal be on his heed, 19 that goith out at the dore of thin hows, and we schulen be alien, that is, giltles; forsothe the blood of alle men that ben in the hows with thee, schal turne in to oure heed, if ony man touchith hem. 20 `That if thou wolt betraie vs, and brynge forth in to the myddis this word, we schulen be cleene of this ooth, bi which thou hast chargid vs. 21 And sche answeride, As ye han spoke, so be it doon. And sche lefte hem, that thei schulden go, and sche hangide a reed corde in her wyndow. 22 Sotheli thei yeden, and camen to the hilli places, and dwelliden there three daies, til thei turneden ayen that pursueden; for thei souyten bi ech weie, and founden not hem. 23 And whanne the sekeris entriden in to the citee, the spieris turneden ayen, and camen doun fro the hille; and whanne thei hadde passid Jordan, thei camen to Josue, the sone of Nun; 24 and thei telden to hym alle thingis that bifelden to hem, and seiden, The Lord hath bitake al the lond in to oure hondis, and alle the dwelleris thereof ben casten doun bi drede. CAP 3 1 Therfor Josue roos bi nyyt, and mouede tentis; and thei yeden out of Sechym, and camen to Jordan, he and alle the sones of Israel, and dwelliden there thre daies. 2 And whanne tho daies weren passid, crieris yeden thorouy the myddis of tentis, 3 and bigunnen to crie, Whanne ye seen the arke of boond of pees of youre Lord God, and the preestis of the generacioun of Leuy berynge it, also rise ye, and sue the biforgoeris; 4 and a space of twey thousynde cubitis be bitwixe you and the arke, that ye moun se fer, and knowe bi what weie ye schulen entre, for ye `yeden not bifore bi it; and be ye war, that ye neiye not to the arke. 5 And Josue seide to the puple, Be ye halewid, for to morew the Lord schal make merueilis among you. 6 And Josue seide to the preestis, Take ye the arke of the boond of pees `of the Lord, and go ye bifor the puple. Whiche filliden the heestis, and tooken the arke, and yeden bifor hem. 7 And the Lord seide to Josue, To dai Y schal bigynne to enhaunse thee bifor al Israel, that thei wite, that as Y was with Moises, so Y am also with thee. 8 Forsothe comaunde thou to preestis, that beren the arke of bond of pees, and seie thou to hem, Whanne ye han entrid in to a part of the watir of Jordan, stonde ye therynne. 9 And Josue seide to the sones of Israel, Neiye ye hidur, and here ye the word of youre Lord God. 10 And eft he seide, In this ye schulen wite that the Lord God lyuynge is in the myddis of you; and he schal distrye in youre siyt Cananey, Ethei, Euey, and Feresei, and Gergesei, and Jebusei, and Amorrei. 11 Lo! the arke of boond of pees of the Lord of al erthe schal go bifor you thorouy Jordan. 12 Make ye redi twelue men of the twelue lynagis of Israel, bi ech lynage o man. 13 And whanne the preestis, that beren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord God of al erthe, han set the steppis of her feet in the watris of Jordan, the watris that ben lowere schulen renne doun, and schulen faile; forsothe the watris that comen fro aboue schulen stonde togidere in o gobet. 14 Therfor the puple yede out of her tabernaclis to passe Jordan; and the preestis that baren the arke of boond of pees yeden bifor the puple. 15 And whanne the preestis entriden in to Jordan, and her feet weren dippid in the part of watir; forsothe Jordan `hadde fillid the brynkis of his trow in the tyme of `ripe corn; 16 the watris yeden doun, and stoden in o place, and wexiden grete at the licnesse of an hil, and apperiden fer fro the citee that was clepid Edom, `til to the place of Sarthan; sotheli the watris that weren lowere yeden doun in to the see of wildirnesse, which is now clepid the deed see, `til the watris failiden outirli. 17 Forsothe the puple yede thorouy Jordan; and the preestis, that baren the arke of the boond of pees of the Lord, stoden gird on the drie erthe in the myddis of Jordan, and al the puple passide thorouy the drie trow. CAP 4 1 And whanne thei weren passid ouer, the Lord seide to Josue, 2 Chese thou twelue men, 3 by ech lynage o man, and comaunde thou to hem, that thei take fro the myddis of the trow of Jordan, where the `feet of preestis stoden, twelue hardiste stoonys; whiche thou schalt sette in the place of castels, where ye schulen sette tentis in this nyyt. 4 And Josue clepide twelue men, whiche he hadde chose of the sones of Israel, of ech lynage o man; 5 and he seide to hem, Go ye bifore the arke of youre Lord God to the myddis of Jordan, and bere ye fro thennus in youre schuldris ech man o stoon, bi the noumbre of the sones of Israel, 6 that it be a signe bitwixe you. And whanne youre sones schulen axe you to morewe, that is, in tyme `to comynge, and schulen seie, What wolen these stonus `to hem silf? 7 ye schulen answere to hem, The watris of Jordan failiden bifor the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, whanne the arke passide Jordan; therfor these stoonus ben set in to mynde of the sones of Israel, til in to withouten ende. 8 Therfor the sones of Israel diden as Josue comaundide to hem, and baren fro the myddis of the trow of Jordan twelue stoonys, as the Lord comaundide to hem, bi the noumbre of the sones of Israel, `til to the place in which thei settiden tentis; and there thei puttiden tho stonys. 9 Also Josue puttide othire twelue stoonys in the myddis of the trow of Jordan, where the preestis stoden, that baren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord; and tho stoonys ben there `til in to present dai. 10 Forsothe the preestis, that baren the arke, stoden in the myddis of Jordan, til alle thingis weren fillid, whiche the Lord comaundide, that Josue schulde speke to the puple, as Moises hadde seide to hym. And the puple hastide, and passide. 11 And whanne alle men hadden passid, also the arke of the Lord passide, and the preestis yeden bifor the puple. 12 Also the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and half the lynage of Manasse, yeden armed bifor the sones of Israel, as Moyses comaundide to hem. 13 And fourti thousynde of fiyters yeden bi her cumpanyes and gaderyngis on the pleyn and feeldi places of the citee of Jerico. 14 In that day the Lord magnyfiede Josue bifor al Israel, that thei schulden drede hym, as thei dreden Moises, while he lyuede yit. 15 And the Lord seide to Josue, 16 Comaunde thou to the preestis that beren the arke of boond of pees, that thei stie fro Jordan. 17 And Josue comaundide to hem, and seide, Stie ye fro Jordan. 18 And whanne thei hadden stied, berynge the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, and hadde bigunne to trede on the drie erthe, the watris turneden ayen in to her trowe, and flowiden, as tho weren wont before. 19 Forsothe the puple stiede fro Jordan in the tenthe dai of the firste monethe, and thei settiden tentis in Galgalis, ayens the eest coost of the citee of Jerico. 20 Also Josue puttide in Galgalis the twelue stonys, whiche thei hadden take fro the trow of Jordan. 21 And he seide to the sones of Israel, Whanne youre sones schulen axe to morewe her fadris, and schulen seie to hem, What wolen these stoonys `to hem silf? 22 ye schulen teche hem, and ye schulen seie, We passiden this Jordan bi the drie botme, 23 for oure Lord God driede the watris therof in oure siyt, til we passiden, 24 as he dide bifore in the Reed See, which he driede while we passiden, 25 that alle the puplis of londis lurne the strongeste hond of the Lord, that also ye drede youre Lord God in al tyme. CAP 5 1 Therfor aftir that alle kyngis of Ammorreys herden, that dwelliden ouer Jordan at the west coost, and alle the kyngis of Canaan, that weldiden nyy places of the greet see, that the Lord hadden dried the flowyngis of Jordan bifor the sones of Israel, til thei passiden, the herte of hem was failid, and spirit dwellide not in hem, dredynge the entring of the sones of Israel. 2 In that tyme the Lord seide to Josue, Make to thee knyues of stoon, and circumside thou the sones of Israel, in the secunde tyme. 3 Josue dide tho thingis whiche the Lord comaundide, and he circumside the sones of Israel in the `hil of prepucies. 4 Sotheli this is the cause of the secunde circumcisioun; al the puple of male kynde, that yede out of Egipt, alle men fiyteris, weren deed in deseert bi the lengeste cumpassis of weie, 5 whiche alle weren circumsidid. Sotheli the puple 6 that was borun in deseert bi fourti yeer, in the weie of broddeste wildirnesse, was vncircumsidid til thei weren waastid, that herden not the `vois of the Lord, and to whiche he swoor bifore, that he schulde schewe to hem the lond flowynge with mylk and hony. 7 The sones of hem camen aftirward in to the place of fadris, and thei weren circumsidid of Josue; whiche, as thei weren borun, weren in prepucie, nether ony man hadde circumsidid hem in the weie. 8 Forsothe aftir that alle weren circumsidid, thei dwelliden in the same place of tentis, til thei weren heelid. 9 And the Lord seide to Josue, To dai Y haue take awei fro you the schenschip of Egipt. And the name of that place was clepid Galgala, `til in to present dai. 10 And the sones of Israel dwelliden in Galgalis, and maden pask in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe at euentide, in the feeldi places of Jerico; 11 and `thei eten of the fruytis of the lond `in the tothir day, therf looues, and potage of the same yeer, `ether cornys seengid and frotid in the hond. 12 And manna failide aftir that thei eten of the fruytis of the lond; and the sones of Israel vsiden no more that mete, but thei eten of the fruytis of present yeer of the lond of Canaan. 13 Sothely whanne Josue was in the feeld of the cite of Jerico, he reiside the iyen, and siy a man stondynge ayens hym, and holdynge a drawun swerd; and Josue yede out to hym, and seide, Art thou oure, ethir `of aduersaries? 14 To whom he answeride, Nay, but Y am prince of the `hoost of the Lord, and now Y come. 15 Josue felde lowe to erthe, and worschipide, and seide, What spekith my Lord to his seruaunt? 16 He seide, Vnlace thi schoo fro thi feet, for the place, in which thou stondist, is hooli. And Josue dide, as it was comaundid to hym. CAP 6 1 Forsothe Jerico was closid and wardid, for the drede of the sones of Israel, and no man durste entre, ethir go out. 2 And the Lord seide to Josue, Lo! Y yaf in to thin hondis Jerico, and the king therof, and alle strong men. 3 Alle ye fiyteris, cumpasse the citee onys bi the day; so ye schulen do in sixe daies. 4 Forsothe in the seuenthe dai the preestis schulen take seuene clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubile; and thei schulen go bifor the arke of boond of pees; and seuen sithes ye schulen cumpasse the citee, and the preestis schulen trumpe with clariouns. 5 And whanne the vois of the trumpe schal sowne lengere, and more bi whiles, and schal sowne in youre eeris, al the puple schal crie togidere with gretteste cry; and the wallis of the citee schulen falle alle doun, and alle men schulen entre bi the place, ayens which thei stonden. 6 Therfor Josue, the sone of Nun, clepide preestis, and seide to hem, Take ye the ark of boond of pees, and seuene othere preestis take seuene clariouns of iubile yeeris, and go thei bifor the arke of the Lord. 7 Also Josue seide to the puple, Go ye, and cumpasse ye the citee, and go ye armed bifor the arke of the Lord. 8 And whanne Josue hadde endid the wordis, and seuene preestis trumpiden with seuen clariouns bifor the arke of boond of pees of the Lord, 9 and al the puple armed yede bifore, the tothir comyn puple of fiyteris suede the arke, and alle thingis sowneden with clariouns. 10 Sotheli Josue comaundide to the puple, and seide, Ye schulen not crye, nethir youre vois schal be herd, nethir ony word schal go out of youre mouth, til the dai come, in which Y schal seie to you, Crye ye, and make ye noyse. 11 Therfor the arke of the Lord cumpasside the citee onys bi day, and turnede ayen in to the castels, and dwellide there. 12 Therfor while Josue roos bi nyyt, preestis tooken the arke of the Lord; 13 and seuene of the preestis token seuen clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubilee, and yeden bifor the arke of the Lord, `and yeden, and trumpiden; and the puple yede armed bifor hem. Sotheli the tother comyn puple suede the arke, and sownede with clariouns. 14 And thei cumpassiden the citee in the secunde dai onys, and turneden ayen in to the castels; so thei dyden in sixe daies. 15 Sotheli in the seuenthe dai thei risiden eerli, and cumpassiden the citee, as it was disposid, seuen sithis. 16 And whanne in the seuenthe cumpas preestis sowneden with clariouns, Josue seide to al Israel, Crie ye, for the Lord hath bitake the citee to vs; 17 and this citee be cursid, ethir distried, and alle thingis that ben therynne be halewid to the Lord. Raab the hoor aloone lyue, with alle men that ben with hir in the hows; for sche hidde the messangeris whiche we senten. 18 Forsothe be ye war, lest ye touchen ony thing of these that ben comaundid to you, and ye ben gilti of trespassyng; and alle the castels of Israel be vndur synne, and be troblid. 19 Sotheli what euer thing is of gold, and of siluer, and of brasun vessels, and of yrun, be halewid to the Lord, and be kept in hise tresoris. 20 Therfor while al the puple criede, and the trumpis sowneden, aftir that the sowne sownede in the eeris of the multitude, the walles felden doun anoon; and ech man stiede bi the place that was ayens hym. And thei token the citee, 21 and killiden alle thingis that weren therynne, fro man `til to womman, fro yong child `til to eld man; also thei smytiden bi the scharpnesse of swerd, oxun, and scheep, and assis. 22 Forsothe Josue seide to twei men, that weren sent aspieris, Entre ye in to the hows of the womman hoore, and brynge ye forth hir, and alle thingis that ben herne, as ye maden stedfast to hir bi an ooth. 23 And the yonge men entriden, and ledden out Raab, and her fadir, and modir, and britheren, and al the purtenaunce of houshold, and the kynrede `of hir; and maden to dwelle without the castels of Israel. 24 Sotheli thei brenten the citee, and alle thingis that weren foundun therynne, without gold, and siluer, and brasun vesselis, and yrun, which thei halewiden in to the `treserie of the Lord. 25 Sotheli Josue made Raab the hoore to lyue, and `the hows of hir fadir, and alle thingis that sche hadde; and thei dwelliden in the myddis of Israel, `til in to present dai; for sche hidde the messangeris, whiche he sente to asspie Jerico. In that tyme Josue preiede hertli, 26 and seide, Cursid bifor the Lord be the man, that reisith and bildith the citee of Jerico! Leie he the foundementis therof in his firste gendrid sone, and putte he the yatis therof in the laste of fre children. 27 Therfor the Lord was with Josue, and his name was pupplischid in ech lond. CAP 7 1 Forsothe the sones of Israel braken `the comaundement, and mystoken of the halewid thing; for Achar, the son of Charmy, sone of Zabdi, sone of Zare, of the lynage of Juda, toke sum thing of the halewid thing; and the Lord was wrooth ayens the sones of Israel. 2 And whanne Josue sente men fro Jerico ayens Hai, which is bisidis Bethauen, at the eest coost of the citee Bethel, he seide to hem, Stie ye, and aspie ye the lond. Whiche filliden `the comaundementis, and aspieden Hay; 3 and thei turneden ayen, and seiden to hym, `Not al the puple stie, but twey ether thre thousynde of men go, and do awei the citee; whi schal al the puple be trauelid in veyn ayens feweste enemyes? 4 Therfor thre thousynde of fiyteris stieden, whiche turneden the backis anoon, 5 and weren smytun of the men of Hay; and sixe and thretti men of hem `felden doun; and aduersaries pursueden hem fro the yate til to Saberym; and thei felden doun fleynge bi lowe places. And the herte of the puple dredde, and was maad vnstidefast at the licnesse of watir. 6 Sotheli Josue torente hise clothis, and felde lowe to the erthe bifor the arke of the Lord, `til to euentid, as wel he, as alle the elde men of Israel; and thei castiden powdir on her heedis. 7 And Josue seide, Alas! alas! Lord God, what woldist thou lede this puple ouer the flood Jordan, that thou schuldist bitake vs in the hond of Ammorrey, and schulde leese vs? Y wolde, that as we bygunnen, we hadden dwellid biyondis Jordan. 8 My Lord God, what schal Y seie, seynge Israel turnynge the backis to hise enemyes? 9 Cananeys, and alle dwelleris of the lond schulen here, and thei schulen be gaderid togidere, and schulen cumpas vs, and schulen do awei oure name fro erthe; and what schalt thou do to thi grete name? 10 And the Lord seide to Josue, Rise thou; whi liggist thou low in the erthe? 11 Israel synnede, and brak my couenaunt; and thei token of the halewid thing, and thei han stole, and lieden, and hidden among her vessels. 12 And Israel may not stonde bifore hise enemyes, and Israel schal fle hem, for it is defoulid with cursyng; Y schal no more be with you, til ye al to breke hym which is gilti of this trespas. 13 Rise thou, halewe the puple, and seie thou to hem, Be ye halewid ayens to morewe; for the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, A! Israel! cursyng is in the myddis of thee; thou schalt not mowe stonde bifor thin enemyes, til he that is defoulyd bi this trespas, be doon awei fro thee. 14 And ye schulen come eerli, alle men bi youre lynagis; and whateuer lynage the lot schal fynde, it schal come bi hise meynees; and the meynee schal come bi housis, and the hous schal come bi men. 15 And whoeuer schal be takun with this trespas, he schal be brent bi fier with al his catel, for he brak the couenaunt of the Lord, and dide vnleueful thing in Israel. 16 Therfor Josue roos eerly, and settide in ordre Israel, bi hise lynagis; and the lynage of Juda was foundun; 17 and whanne that lynage was brouyt forth bi hise meynees, the meyne of Zare was foundun. And Josue brouyte forth it bi men, ethir housis, and foond Zabdi; 18 whos hows he departide in to alle men bi hemsilf; and he foond Achar, the sone of Charmy, sone of Zabdi, sone of Zare, of the lynage of Juda. 19 And he seide to Achar, My sone, yyue thou glorie to the Lord God of Israel, and knowleche thou, and schew to me what thou hast do; hide thou not. 20 And Achar answeryde to Josue, and seide to hym, Verily, Y synnede bifor the Lord God of Israel, and Y dide `so and so; 21 for among the spuylis Y siy a reed mentil ful good, and two hundrid siclis of siluer, and a goldun reule of fifti siclis; and Y coueytide, and took awei, and hidde in the erthe, ayens the myddis of my tabernacle; and Y hilide the siluer with erthe doluun. 22 Therfor Josue sente mynystris, whyche runnen to his tabernacle, and foundun alle thingis hid in the same place, and the siluer togidere; and thei token awei fro the tente, 23 and brouyten `tho thingis to Josue, and to alle the sones of Israel; and thei castiden forth bifor the Lord. 24 Therfor Josue took Achar, the sone of Zare, and the siluer, and the mentil, and the goldun reule, and hise sones, and douytris, oxun, assis, and scheep, and the tabernacle `it silf, and al the purtenaunce of household, and al Israel with Josue; and thei ledden hem to the valei of Achar; 25 where Josue seide, For thou disturblidist vs, the Lord schal disturble thee in this dai. And al Israel stonyde hym; and alle thingis that weren hise, weren wastid bi fier. 26 And thei gaderiden on hym a greet heep of stoonys, whiche dwellen til in to present day. And the strong veniaunce of the Lord was turned awei fro hem; and the name of that place was clepid the valey of Achar `til to day. CAP 8 1 Forsothe the Lord seide to Josue, Nether drede thou `withoutforth, `nether drede thou withynne; take with thee al the multitude of fiyteris, and rise thou, and stie in to the citee of Hay; lo, Y haue bitake in thin hond the king therof, and the puple, and the citee, and the lond. 2 And thou schalt do to the citee of Hay, and to the king therof, as thou didist to Gerico, and to the king therof; sotheli ye schulen take to you the prey, and alle lyuynge beestis; sette thou `aspies, ethir buyschementis, to the citee bihynde it. 3 And Josue roos, and al the oost of fiyteris with hym, to stie in to Hay; and bi nyyte he sente thretti chosen thousynde of stronge men; 4 and comaundide to hem, and seide, Sette ye buyschementis bihynde the citee, and go ye not ferthere; and alle ye schulen be redi; 5 forsothe Y, and the tothir multitude which is with me, schulen come on the contrarie side ayens the citee; and whanne thei schulen go out ayens vs, as we diden bifore, we schulen fle, and turne the backis, 6 til thei pursuen, and ben drawun away ferthir fro the citee; for thei schulen gesse, that we schulen fle as bifore. 7 Therfor while we schulen fle, and thei pursue, ye schulen ryse fro the buyschementis, and schulen waste the citee; and youre Lord God schal bitake it in to youre hondis. 8 And whanne ye han take it, `brenne ye it; `so ye schulen do alle thingis, as Y comaundide. 9 And Josue lefte hem, and thei yeden to the place of buyschementis, and saten bitwixe Bethel and Hay, at the west coost of the citee of Hay. Forsothe Josue dwellide `in that nyyt in the myddis of the puple. 10 And he roos eerli, and noumbride felowis, and stiede with the eldere in the frount of the oost, and was cumpassid with the helpe of fiyteris. 11 And whanne thei hadden come, and hadden stied ayens the citee, thei stoden at the north coost of the citee, bitwixe which citee and hem the valei was in the myddis. 12 `Sotheli he hadde chose fyue thousynde men, and hadde sette in buyschementis bitwixe Bethauen and Hay, in the west part of the same citee. 13 Sotheli al the tothir oost dresside scheltroun to the north, so that the laste men of the multitude touchiden the west coost of the citee. Therfor Josue yede in that nyyt, and stood in the myddis of the valei; 14 and whanne the kyng of Hai had seyn that, he hastide eerli, and yede out with al the oost of the citee, and he dresside scheltrun ayens the deseert; and wiste not that buyschementis weren hid bihinde the bak. 15 Forsothe Josue and al the multitude `of Israel yauen place, feynynge drede, and fleynge bi the weie of wildirnesse; and thei crieden togidere, 16 and excitiden hem silf togidere, and pursueden hem. And whanne thei hadden go awey fro the citee, 17 and sothely not oon hadde left in the citee of Hai and Bethauen, that `pursuede not Israel, and thei leften the citees opyn, as thei hadden broke out, 18 the Lord seide to Josue, `Reise thou the scheeld which is in thin hond, ayens the citee of Hay; for Y schal yyue it to thee. 19 And whanne he hadde reisid the scheld ayens the citee, buyschementis, that weren hid, riseden anoon; and thei yeden to the citee, and token, and brenten it. 20 Forsothe the men of the citee, that pursueden Josue, bihelden, and siyen the smoke of the citee stie `til to heuene; and thei myyten no more fle hidur and thidur; most sithen thei that hadden feyned fliyt, and yeden to wildirnesse, withstoden stronglieste `ayens the pursueris. 21 And Josue siy, and al Israel, that the citee was takun, and the smoke of the citee stiede; and he turnede ayen, and smoot the men of Hay. 22 Sotheli also thei that hadden take and brent the citee, yeden out of the cytee ayens her men, and bigunnen to smyte the myddil men of enemyes; and whanne aduersaries weren slayn `on euer ethir part, so that no man of so greet multitude was sauyd, 23 thei tokun also the kyng of Hay lyuynge, and brouyten to Josue. 24 Therfor, whanne alle men weren slayn, that pursueden Israel goynge to deseert, and felden bi swerd in the same place, the sones of Israel turneden ayen, and smytiden the citee. 25 Forsothe thei that `felden doun in the same dai, fro man `til to womman, weren twelue thousynde of men, alle men of the citee of Hay. 26 Sotheli Josue withdrow not the hond, which he hadde dressid an hiy holdynge `the scheld, til alle the dwelleris of Hay weren slayn. 27 Forsothe the sones of Israel departiden to hem silf the werk beestis, and the preye of the citee, as the Lord comaundide to Josue; 28 which brente the citee, and made it an euerlastynge biriel. 29 And he hangide the king therof in a iebat, `til to the euentid and the goynge doun of the sunne. And Josue comaundide, and thei puttiden doun his deed bodi fro the cros; and thei `castiden forth him in thilke entryng of the citee, and gaderiden on hym a greet heep of stoonus, which heep dwellith `til in to present dai. 30 Thanne Josue bildide an auter to the Lord God of Israel in the hil of Hebal, 31 as Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to the sones of Israel, and it is writun in the book of Moises lawe, an auter of stoonys vnpolischid, whiche yrun touchide not. And he offride theron brent sacrifice to the Lord, and he offride pesible sacrifices; 32 and he wroot on the stoonys the Deutronomye of Moises lawe, `which he hadde declarid bifor the sones of Israel. 33 Sotheli al the puple, and the grettere men in birthe, and the duykis, and iugis stoden on `euer either side of the arke, in the siyt of preestis and dekenes, that baren the arke of boond of pees of the Lord; as a comeling, so and a man borun in the lond; the mydil part of hem stood bisidis the hil Garasym, and the myddil part stood bisidis the hil Hebal, as Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide. And first `sotheli he blesside the puple of Israel. 34 Aftir these thingis he redde alle the wordis of blessyng and of cursyng, and alle thingis that weren writun in the book of lawe. 35 He lefte no thing vntouchid of these thingis that Moises comaundide; but he declaride alle thingis bifor al the multitude of Israel, to wymmen, and litle children, and to comelyngis that dwelliden among hem. CAP 9 1 And whanne these thingis weren herd, alle the kyngis biyende Jordan, that lyueden in the hilly places, and in `the feeldi places, in the coostis of the see, and in the brynke of the greet see, and thei that dwellen bisidis Liban, Ethei, and Ammorrei, Cananei, and Feresey, Euey, and Jebusey, 2 weren gaderid togidere to fiyte ayens Josue and Israel, with o wille, and the same sentence. 3 And thei that dwelten in Gabaon, herden alle thingis whiche Josue hadde do to Jerico, and to Hay; and thei thouyten felli, 4 and token to hem silf metis, and puttyden elde sackis on assis, and wyn botels brokun and sewid, and ful elde schoon, 5 whiche weren sewid togidere with patchis, to `the schewyng of eldenesse; and thei weren clothid with elde clothis; also looues, whiche thei baren for lijflode in the weie, weren harde and brokun in to gobetis. 6 And thei yeden to Josue, that dwellide thanne in tentis in Galgala; and thei seiden to hym, and to al Israel togidere, We comen fro a fer lond, and coueyten to make pees with you. And the men of Israel answeriden to hem, 7 and seiden, Lest perauenture ye dwellen in the lond, which is due to vs bi eritage, and we moun not make bond of pees with you. 8 And thei seiden to Josue, We ben thi seruauntis. To whiche Josue seide, What men ben ye, and fro whennus camen ye? 9 Thei answeriden, Thi seruauntis camen fro a ful fer lond in the name of thi Lord God, for we herden the fame of his power, alle thingis whiche he dide in Egipt, 10 and to twei kyngis of Ammorreis biyendis Jordan; to Seon king of Esebon, and to Og kyng of Basan, that weren in Astroth. 11 And the eldere men and alle the dwelleris of oure lond seiden to vs, Take ye metis in youre hondis, for lengeste weie; and go ye to hem, and seie ye, We ben youre seruauntis; make ye boond of pees with vs. 12 And we token hoote looues, whanne we yeden out of oure housis to come to you; now tho ben maad drye and brokun, for greet eldenesse; 13 we filliden newe botels of wyn; now tho ben brokun and vndoon; the clothis and schoon, with whiche we ben clothid, and whiche we han `in the feet, ben brokun and almost wastid, fro the lengthe of lengere weie. 14 Therfor `the sones of Israel token of the metis of hem, and thei axiden not `the mouth of the Lord. 15 And Josue made pees with hem. And whanne the boond of pees was maad, he bihiyte, that thei schulden not be slayn; and the princes of the multitude sworen to hem. 16 Forsothe aftir thre daies of the boond of pees maad, thei herden, that thei dwelliden in nyy place, and that thei schulden be among hem. 17 And the sones of Israel mouyden tentis, and camen in the thridde dai in to the citees of hem, of whiche citees these ben the names; Gabaon, and Caphira, and Beroth, and Cariathiarym. 18 And thei smytiden not hem, for the princis of the multitude hadden swore to hem in the name of the Lord God of Israel. Therfor al the comyn puple grutchide ayens the princis of Israel; 19 whiche answeriden to hem, We sworen to hem in the name of the Lord God of Israel, and therfor we moun not touche hem; 20 but we schulen do this thing to hem, sotheli be thei reserued that thei lyue, lest the ire of the Lord be stirid ayens vs, if we forsweren to hem; 21 but so lyue thei, that thei hewe trees, and bere watris, in to the vsis of al the multitude. And while thei spaken these thingis, 22 Josue clepide Gabonytis, and seide to hem, Whi wolden ye disseyue vs bi fraude, `that ye seiden, We dwellen ful fer fro you, sithen ye ben in the myddis of vs? 23 Therfor ye schulen be `vndur cursyng, and noon schal faile of youre generacioun, hewynge trees and berynge watris, in to the hows of my God. 24 Whiche answeryden, It was told to vs thi seruauntis, that thi Lord God bihiyte to Moises, his seruaunt, that he schulde bitake to you al the lond, and schulde leese alle the dwelleris therof; therfor we dredden greetli, and purueiden to oure lyues, and weren compellid bi youre drede, and we token this counsel. 25 `Now forsothe we ben in `thin hond; do thou to vs that, that semeth riytful and good to thee. 26 Therfor Josue dide, as he seide, and delyuerede hem fro the hondis of the sones of Israel, that thei schulden not be slayn. 27 And in that dai Josue demyde hem to be in to the seruyce of al the puple, and of the auter of the Lord, and to hewe trees, and to bere watris, `til in to present tyme, in the place which the Lord hadde chose. CAP 10 1 And whanne Adonysedech, kyng of Jerusalem, hadde herde these thingis, that is, that Josue hadde take Hai, and hadde destried it; for as Josue hadde do to Jerico and to the kyng therof, so he dide to Hay, and to the kyng therof; and that Gabaonytis hadden fled to Israel, and weren boundun in pees with hem, 2 Adonysedech dredde greetli; for Gabaon was a greet citee, and oon of the kyngis citees, and grettere than the citee of Hai, and alle the fiyteris therof weren most stronge. 3 Therfor Adonysedech, kyng of Jerusalem, sente to Ocham, kyng of Ebron, and to Pharam, kyng of Herymoth, and to Japhie, kyng of Lachis, and to Dabir, kyng of Eglon, and seide, 4 Stie ye to me, and helpe ye, that we fiyte ayens Gabaon, for it was yoldun to Josue, and to the sones of Israel. 5 Therfor fyue kyngis of Ammorreis, the kyng of Jerusalem, the kyng of Ebron, the kyng of Herymoth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon, weren gaderid, and stieden togidere with her oostis; and settiden tentis ayens Gabaon, and fouyten ayens it. 6 Sotheli the dwelleris of the citee of Gabaon, `that weren bisegid, senten to Josue, that dwellide than in tentis at Galgala, and seide to hym, Withdrawe not thin hondis fro the help of thi seruauntis; `stie thou soone, and delyuere vs, and helpe thou; for alle the kyngis of Amorreis, that dwelliden in the hilli places, camen togidere ayens vs. 7 And Josue stiede fro Galgala, and al the oost of fiyters, `the strengeste men, `with hym. 8 And the Lord seide to Josue, Drede thou not hem, for Y yaf hem in to thin hondis; noon of hem schal mow ayenstonde thee. 9 Therfor Josue felde sodenli on hem, and stiede in al the nyyt fro Galgala; 10 and the Lord `disturblide hem fro the face of Israel, and al to-brak with greet veniaunce in Gabaon. And Josue pursuede hem bi the weie of the stiyng of Betheron, and smoot `til to Azecha and Maceda. 11 And whanne thei fledden the sones of Israel, and weren in the goyng doun of Betheron, the Lord sente grete stoonus on hem fro heuene, til to Azecha; and many mo weren deed bi the `stoonys of hail, than thei whiche the sones of Israel `smytiden bi swerd. 12 Thanne Josue spak to the Lord, in the dai in which he bitook Amorrey in the siyt of the sones of Israel; and Josue seide bifore hem, Sunne, be thou not mouyd ayens Gabaon, and the moone ayens the valei of Hailon. 13 And the sunne and the moone stoden, til the folc of God vengide it silf of hise enemyes. Whether this is not writun in the book of iust men? And so the sunne stood in the myddis of heuene, and hastide not to go doun in the space of o dai; so long a dai was not bifore and aftirward; 14 for the Lord obeiede to the vois of man, and fauyt for Israel. 15 And Josue turnede ayen, with al Israel, in to the tentis of Galgala. 16 Forsothe fyue kyngis fledden, and hidden hem silf in the denne of the citee of Maceda. 17 And it was teld to Josue, that fyue kyngis weren foundun hid in the denne of the citee of Maceda. 18 Which Josue comaundide to felowis, and seide, Walewe ye grete stoonus to the `mouth of the denne, and putte ye witti men, that schulen kepe the closid kyngis; sotheli nyle ye stonde, 19 but pursue ye the enemyes, and slee ye alle the laste of fleeris; and suffre ye not hem entre in to the strengthis of her citees, whiche enemyes youre Lord God bitook in to youre hondis. 20 Therfor whanne the aduersaries weren betun with greet veniaunce, and weren almost wastid `til to deeth, thei that myyten fle Israel, entriden in to the strengthid citees. 21 And al the oost turnede ayen hoole, and in hoole noumbre to Josue, in to Maceda, where the tentis weren thanne; and no man was hardi to grutche, `ether to make priuy noise, ayens the sones of Israel. 22 And Josue comaundide, and seide, Opene ye the `mouth of the denne, and brynge forth to me the fyue kyngis that ben hid therynne. 23 And the mynystris diden, as it was comaundid to hem; and thei brouyten forth to Josue fyue kyngis fro the denne; the kyng of Jerusalem, the kyng of Ebron, the kyng of Herymoth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon. 24 And whanne thei weren led out to Josue, he clepide alle the men of Israel, and seide to the princes of the oost, that weren with hym, Go ye, and sette youre feet on the neckis of these kyngis. And whanne thei hadden go, and trediden the neckis of `the kyngis suget `to her feet, 25 eft Josue seide to hem, Nyle ye drede, nethir `drede ye with ynne, be ye coumfortid, and be ye stronge; for the Lord schal do so to alle youre enemyes, ayens whiche ye schulen fiyte. 26 And Josue smoot, and killide hem, and hangide on fyue trees; and thei weren hangid `til to euentid. 27 And whanne the sunne yede doun, he comaundide to felowis, that thei schulden put hem doun fro the iebatis; and whanne thei weren put doun, thei `castiden forth hem in to the denne, in which thei weren hid; and thei puttiden grete stoonus on the mouth therof, whiche stoonus dwellen `til to present tyme. 28 In the same dai Josue took also Maceda, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and killide the kyng therof, and alle the dwelleris therof; he lefte not therynne, nameli, litle relikis; and he dide to the kyng of Maceda as he hadde do to the kyng of Jerico. 29 Forsothe Josue passide with al Israel fro Maceda in to Lempna, and fauyt ayens it, 30 which the Lord bitook, with the kyng therof, in the hond of Israel; and thei smytiden the citee bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and alle the dwelleris therof, and leften not ony relikis therynne; and thei diden to the kyng of Lempna as thei hadden do to the kyng of Jerico. 31 Fro Lempna he passide with al Israel in to Lachis; and whanne the oost was disposid bi cumpas, he fauyt ayens it. 32 And the Lord bitook Lachis in the hond of the sones of Israel; and he took it in the tothir dai, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and ech man, that was therynne, as he hadde do to Lempna. 33 In that time Yram, kyng of Gazar, stiede to helpe Lachis; whom Josue smoot, with al his puple, til to deeth. 34 And he passide fro Lachis in to Eglon, 35 and cumpasside, and ouercam it in the same dai; and he smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd alle men that weren therynne, bi alle thingis whiche he hadde do to Lachis. 36 Also he stiede with al Israel fro Eglon in to Ebron, and fauyt ayens it, 37 and took, and smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd; and the kyng therof, and alle citees of that cuntrey, and alle men that dwelliden therynne; he lefte not ony relikis therynne; as he hadde do to Eglon so he dide also to Ebron, and wastide bi swerd alle thingis that weren therynne. 38 Fro thennus he turnyde in to Dabir, and took it, and wastide; 39 and he smoot bi the scharpnesse of swerd the kyng therof, and alle tounnes `bi cumpas; he lefte not ony relikis therynne; as he hadde do to Ebron, and to Lempna, and to `the kyngis of tho, so he dide to Dabir, and to the kyng therof. 40 And so Josue smoot al the `lond of the hillis, and of the south, and `of the feeld, and Asedoch with her kyngis; he lefte not therynne ony relikis, but he killide al thing that myyte brethe, as the Lord God of Israel comaundide to hym; 41 fro Cades Barne `til to Gazan, and al the lond of Jesson, `til to Gabaon Josue took, 42 and wastide with o fersnesse alle the kyngis, and `cuntreis of hem; for the Lord God of Israel fauyt for hym. 43 And he turnede ayen with al Israel to the place of tentis in Galgala. CAP 11 1 And whanne Jabyn, kyng of Asor, hadde herd these thingis, he sente to Jobab, kyng of Madian, and to the kyng of Semeron, and to the kyng of Acsaph; forsothe to the kyngis of the north, 2 that dwelliden in the hilli places, and in the pleyn ayens the south of Seneroth, and in the feeldi places, and cuntreis of Dor, bisidis the see, 3 and `to Cananei fro the eest and west, and to Ammorrey, and Ethei, and Feresei, and Jebusei, in the `hilli places, and to Euey, that dwellide at the rootis of Hermon, in the lond of Maspha. 4 And alle yeden out with her cumpanyes, a ful myche puple, as the grauel which is in the `brynk of the see, and horsis, and charis, of greet multitude. 5 And alle these kyngis camen togidere at the watris of Meron, to fiyte ayens Israel. 6 And the Lord seyde to Josue, Drede thou not hem, for to morewe, in this same our, Y schal bitake alle these men to be woundid in the siyt of Israel; thou schalt hoxe `the horsis of hem, and thou schalt brenne `the charis bi fier. 7 And Josue cam, and al his oost with hym, ayens hem sodenli, at the watris of Meron, `and felden on hem. 8 And the Lord bitook hem in to the hondis of Israel; whiche smytiden hem, `that is, the hethen kyngis and her oostes, and pursueden `til to grete Sidon, and the watris of Maserophoth, and to the feeld of Maspha, which is at the eest part therof. Josue smoot so alle men, that he lefte no relikis of hem; 9 and he dide as the Lord comaundide to hym; he hoxide `the horsis of hem, and brente the charis. 10 And he turnede ayen anoon, and took Asor, and `smoot bi swerd the kyng therof; for Asor helde bi eld tyme the prinsehed among alle these rewmes. 11 And `he smoot alle persoones that dwelliden there, he lefte not ony relikys therynne, but he wastide alle thingis `til to deeth; also he distriede thilke citee bi brennyng. 12 And he took alle `citees bi cumpas, and `the kyngis of hem, and smoot, and dide awei, as Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, 13 comaundide to hym, without citees that weren set in the grete hillis, and in litle hillis; and Israel brente the othere citees; flawme wastide oneli o citee, Asor, the strongeste. 14 And the sones of Israel departiden to hem silf al the prei, and werk beestis of these citees, whanne alle men weren slayn. 15 As the Lord comaundide to his seruaunt Moises, so Moises comaundide to Josue, and `he fillide alle thingis; he passide not of alle comaundementis, `nether o word sotheli, which the Lord comaundide to Moises. 16 And so Josue took al the `lond of the hillis, and of the south, the lond of Gosen, and the pleyn, and the west coost, and the hil of Israel, and the feeldi places therof; 17 and the part of the hil that stieth to Seir `til to Baalgath, bi the pleyn of Liban vndur the hil of Hermon; Josue took, and smoot, and killide alle the kyngis of tho places. 18 Josue fauyt myche tyme ayens these kyngis; 19 `no citee was, which bitook not it silf to the sones of Israel, out takun Euey that dwellide in Gabaon; he took alle bi batel. 20 For it was the sentence of the Lord, that `the hertis of hem schulde be maad hard, and that thei schulden fiyte ayens Israel, and schulden falle, and schulden not disserue ony mercy, and schulden perische, as the Lord comaundide to Moises. 21 Josue cam in that tyme, and killide Enachym, that is, giauntis, fro the `hilli placis of Ebron, and of Dabir, and of Anab, and fro al the hil of Juda, and of Israel, and dide awei `the citees of hem. 22 He lefte not ony man of the generacioun of Enachim in the lond of the sones of Israel, without the citees of Gasa, and Geth, and Azotus, in whiche aloone thei weren left. 23 Therfor Josue took al the lond, as the Lord spak to Moyses, and he yaf it in to possessioun to the sones of Israel, bi her partis and lynagis; and the lond restide fro batels. CAP 12 1 These ben the kyngis whiche the sones of Israel han smyte, and weldiden `the lond of hem, biyende Jordan, at the `risyng of the sunne, fro the stronde of Arnon `til to the hil of Hermon, and al the eest coost that biholdith the wildirnesse. 2 Seon, the kyng of Amorreis, that dwellide in Esebon, was lord fro Aroer, which is set on the brenke of the stronde of Arnon, and of the myddil part in the valey, and of half Galaad, til to the stronde of Jaboth, which is the terme of the sones of Amon, and fro the wildirnesse `til to the see of Ceneroth, 3 ayens the eest, and `til to the see of deseert, which is the saltist see at the eest coost, bi the weie that ledith to Bethessymoth, and fro the south part that liggith vndur Assedoch, `til to Phasga. 4 The terme of Og, kyng of Basan, of the relikis of Raphaym, `that is, giauntis, that dwelliden in Astoroth and in Edraym, and he was lord in the hil of Hermon, and in Salacha, and in al Basan, `til to the termes of Gessuri and Machati, 5 and of the half part of Galaad, and to the terme of Seon, kyng of Esebon. 6 Moyses, the `seruaunt of the Lord, and the sones of Israel `smytiden hem; and Moises yaf `the lond of hem in to possessioun to Rubenytis and `to Gadditis and to half the lynage of Manaasses. 7 These ben the kyngis of the lond, whiche Josue and the sones of Israel smytiden biyende Jordan, at the west coost, fro Algad in the feeld of Liban, `til to the hil whos part stieth in to Seir; and Josue yaf it in to possessioun to the lynagis of Israel, to ech his owne part, 8 as wel in `hilli placis as in pleyn and feeldi placis; in Asseroth, and in wildirnesse, and in the south was Ethei, and Ammorrei, Cananie, and Pheresei, Euey, and Jebusei. 9 The kyng of Jerico oon; the kyng of Hai, which is at the side of Bethel, oon; 10 the kyng of Jerusalem, oon; the kyng of Ebron, oon; 11 the kyng of Herymoth, oon; the kyng of Lachis, oon; the kyng of Eglon, oon; 12 the kyng of Gazer, oon; 13 the kyng of Dabir, oon; the kyng of Gader, oon; 14 the kyng of Herma, oon; 15 the kyng of Hedreth, oon; the kyng of Lempna, oon; the kyng of Odollam, oon; 16 the kyng of Maceda, oon; the kyng of Bethel, oon; 17 the kyng of Thaphua, oon; 18 the kyng of Affer, oon; the kyng of Affeth, oon; the kyng of Saron, oon; the kyng of Madon, oon; 19 the king of Asor, oon; 20 the kyng of Semeron, oon; the kyng of Axaph, oon; 21 the kyng of Thenach, oon; the kyng of Magedo, oon; the kyng of Cetes, oon; 22 the kyng of Jachanaem of Carmele, oon; 23 the kyng of Dor and of the prouince of Dor, oon; the kyng of folkis of Galgal, oon; 24 the kyng of Thersa, oon; alle the kyngis, oon and thretti. CAP 13 1 Josue was eld and of greet age; and the Lord seide to him, Thou hast woxe eld, and art of long tyme; and largeste lond is left, which is not yit departid bi lot; 2 that is, al Galile, Filistiym, and al Gessuri, 3 fro the troblid flood that moistith Egipt, `til to the termes of Acaron ayenus the north; the lond of Chanaan, which is departid `in to fyue litle kyngis of Filistym, of Gaza, and of Azotus, of Ascolon, of Geth, and of Accaron. 4 Forsothe at the south ben Eueis, al the lond of Canaan, and Maara of Sidonyes, `til to Affetha, and to the termes of Amorrei, and the coostis of hym; 5 and the cuntrei of Liban ayens the eest, fro Baalgath, vndur the hil of Hermon, til thou entrist into Emath, 6 of alle men that dwelliden in the hil, fro the Liban `til to the watris of Masserephoth, and alle men of Sidon; Y am, that schal do awei hem fro the face of the sones of Israel; therfor come it in to the part of eritage of Israel, as Y comaundide to thee. 7 And thou now departe the lond in to possessioun to the nyne lynagis, and to the half lynage of Manasses, 8 with which lynage Ruben and Gad weldiden the lond, which lond Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to hem biyende the flowyngis of Jordan, at the eest coost; 9 fro Aroer, which is set in the brynke of the stronde of Arnon, in the middis of the valei, and alle the feeldi places of Medaba, 10 `til to Dibon, and alle the citees of Seon, kyng of Amorreis, that regnyde in Esebon, `til to the termes of the sones of Amon, 11 and of Galaad, and to the termes of Gessuri, and of Machati, and al the hil of Hermon, and al Basan, `til to Salecha; 12 al the rewme of Og in Basan, that regnede in Astoroth, and in Edraym; `he was of the relikis of Rafaym, `that is, of giauntis; and Moises smoot hem and dide awey hem. 13 And the sones of Israel nolden destrye Gessurri and Machati; and thei dwelliden in the myddis of Israel, `til in to present dai. 14 Sotheli he yaf not possessioun to the lynage of Leuy, but sacrifices, and slayn sacrifices of the Lord God of Israel; that is `his eritage, as God spak to hym. 15 Therfor Moises yaf possessioun to the lynage of the sones of Ruben, bi her kynredis; 16 and `the term of hem was fro Aroer, which is set in the brenke of the stronde of Arnon, and in the myddil valei of the same stronde, al the pleyn that ledith to Medaba, 17 and Esebon, and alle the townes of tho, that ben in the feeldi places; and Dibon, and Baal Bamoth, and the citee of Baal Meon, 18 and Gesa, and Sedymoth, and Mephe, 19 and Cariathaym, and Sabana, and Sarathaphar, in the hil of the valey of Betheroeth, 20 and of Asedoch, Phasca, and Bethaissymoth; 21 alle the feeldi citees, and alle the rewmes of Seon, kyng of Amorrey, that regnede in Esebon, whom Moyses smoot, with hise princes, Madian, Euey and Recten, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebee, duykis of Seon, enhabiters of the lond. 22 And the sones of Israel killiden bi swerd Balaam, the fals diuynour, the sone of Beor, with othere men slayn. 23 And the terme of the sones of Ruben was maad the flood of Jordan; this is the possessioun of Rubenytis bi her kynredis of citees and of townes. 24 And Moises yaf to the lynage of Gad, and to the sones therof, bi her kynredis, possessioun, of which this is departyng; 25 he yaf the termes of Jazer, and alle the citees of Galaad, and the half part of the lond of the sones of Amon, `til to Aroer which is ayens Tabba; 26 and fro Esebon `til to Ramoth of Masphe, and Bethamyn, and Manayn, `til to the termes of Dabir; 27 and in the valei he yaf Betharan, and Bethneuar, and Socoth, and Saphan, the tother part of the rewme of Seon, kyng of Esebon; and the ende of this is Jordan, `til to the laste part of the see of Cenereth ouer Jordan, at the eest coost. 28 This is the possessioun of the sones of Gad, bi her meynees, the citees and townes of tho. 29 He yaf also possessioun to the half lynage of Manasses, and to hise sones, bi her kynredis, 30 of which possessioun this is the bigynnyng; he yaf Ammaym, and al Basan, and alle the rewmes of Og, kyng of Basan, and alle the townes of Jair, that ben in Basan, sixti citees; 31 and half the part of Galaad, and Astoroth, and Edray, the citees of the rewme of Og, kyng of Basan; to the sones of Machir, sones of Manasses, and to half the part of the sones of Machir, bi her kynredis. 32 Moises departide this possessioun in the feeldi placis of Moab ouer Jordan, ayens Jericho, at the eest coost. 33 Forsothe he yaf not possessioun to the lynage of Leuy; for the Lord God himself of Israel is the possessioun of Leuy, as the Lord spak to hym. CAP 14 1 This `thing it is, which the sones of Israel weldiden in the lond of Canaan, which lond Eleazar the preest, and Josue, the sone of Nun, and the princes of meynees bi the lynagis of Israel yauen to hem, 2 and departiden alle thingis bi lot, as the Lord comaundide in the hond of Moises, to nyne lynagis and the half lynage. 3 For Moises hadde youe to `the twey lynagis and to the half lynage `possessioun ouer Jordan; without the Leuytis, that token no thing of the lond among her britheren; 4 but the sones of Joseph weren departid in to twei lynagis, of Manasses and of Effraym, and `weren eiris in to the place of hem. And `the Leuytis token noon other part in the lond, no but citees to dwelle, and the subarbis of tho to werke beestis and her scheep to be fed. 5 As the Lord comaundide to Moises, so the sones of Israel diden, and departiden the lond. 6 And so the sones of Juda neiyiden to Josue in Galgalis; and Caleph, the sone of Jephone, of Ceneth, spak to him, Thou knowist, what the Lord spak to Moises, the man of God, of me and of thee in Cades Barne. 7 Y was of fourti yeer, whanne Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, sente me fro Cades Barne, that Y schulde biholde the lond, and Y teelde to hym that, that semyde soth to me. 8 Forsothe my britheren, thats tieden with me, discoumfortiden the herte of the puple, and neuertheles Y suede my Lord God. 9 And Moises swoor in that dai, and seide, The lond, which thi foot trad, schal be thi possessioun, and of thi sones withouten ende; for thou suedist thi Lord God. 10 Sotheli the Lord grauntide lijf to me, as he bihiyte, `til in to present dai. Fourti yeer and fyue ben, sithen the Lord spak this word to Moises, whanne Israel yede bi the wildirnesse. To dai Y am of `foure scoor yeer and fyue, 11 and Y am as myyti, as Y was myyti in that time, whanne Y was sent to aspie; the strengthe `of that tyme dwellith stabli in me `til to dai, as wel to fiyte, as to go. 12 Therfor yyue thou to me this hil, which the Lord bihiyte to me, while also thou herdist, in which hil ben Enachym, and grete `citees, and strengthid; if in hap the Lord is with me, and Y mai do hem awei, as he bihiyte to me. 13 And Josue blesside hym, and yaf to hym Ebron in to possessioun. 14 And fro that tyme Ebron was to Caleph, sone of Jephone, of Cenez, `til in to present dai; for he suede the Lord God of Israel. 15 The name of Ebron was clepid bifore Cariatharbe. Adam, the gretteste, was set there in the lond of Enachym; and the lond ceesside fro batels. CAP 15 1 Therfor this was the part of the sones of Juda, bi her kynredis; fro the terme of Edom `til to deseert of Syn ayens the south, and `til to the laste part of the south coost, 2 the bigynnyng therof fro the hiynesse of the saltist see, and fro the arm therof, that biholdith to the south. 3 And it goith out ayens the stiyng of Scorpioun, and passith in to Syna; and it stieth in to Cades Barne, and cometh in to Ephron, and it stieth to Daran, and cumpassith Cariacaa; 4 and fro thennus it passith in to Asemona, and cometh to the stronde of Egipt; and the termes therof schulen be the greet see; this schal be the ende of the south coost. 5 Sotheli fro the eest the bigynnyng schal be the saltiste see, `til to the laste partis of Jordan, and tho partis, that biholden the north, fro the arm of the see `til to the same flood of Jordan. 6 And the terme stieth in to Bethaegla, and passith fro the north in to Betharaba; and it stieth to the stoon of Boen, 7 sone of Ruben, and goith `til to the termes of Debera, fro the valei of Achar ayens the north; and it biholdith Galgala, which is `on the contrarie part of the stiyng of Adomyn, fro the south part of the stronde; and it passith the watris, that ben clepid the welle of the sunne; and the outgoyngis therof schulen be to the welle of Rogel. 8 And it stieth bi the valei of the sone of Ennon, bi the side of Jebusei, at the south; this is Jerusalem; and fro thennus it reisith it silf to the cop of the hil, which is ayens Jehennon at the west, in the hiynesse of the valei of Raphaym, ayens the north; 9 and it passith fro the `cop of the hil til to the wel of the watir Nepthoa, and cometh `til to the tounes of the hil of Ephron; and it is bowid in to Baala, which is Cariathiarym, that is, the citee of woodis; 10 and it cumpassith fro Baala ayens the west, `til to the hil of Seir, and it passith bi the side of the hil Jarym to the north in Selbon, and goith doun in to Bethsamys; and it passith in to Thanna, 11 and cometh ayens the partis of the north bi the side of Accaron; and it is bowid to Secrona, and passith the hil of Baala; and it cometh in to Gebneel, and it is closid with the ende of the grete see, ayens the west. 12 These ben the termes of the sones of Juda, bi cumpas in her meynees. 13 Sotheli Josue yaf to Caleph, sone of Jephone, part in the myddis of the sones of Juda, as the Lord comaundide to hym, Cariatharbe, of the fadir of Enach; thilke is Ebron. 14 And Caleph dide awei fro it thre sones of Enach, Sisai, and Achyman, and Tholmai, of the generacioun of Enach. 15 And Caleph stiede fro thennus, and cam to the dwelleris of Dabir, that was clepid bifore Cariathsepher, that is, the citee of lettris. 16 And Caleph seide, Y schal yyue Axa, my douyter, wijf to hym that schal smyte Cariathsepher, and schal take it. 17 And Othynyel, sone of Ceneth, the yongere brother of Caleph, took that citee; and Caleph yaf Axa, his douytir, wijf to hym. 18 And whanne `sche yede togidere, hir hosebonde counseilide hir, that sche schulde axe of hir fadir a feeld; and sche siyyide, as sche sat on the asse; 19 `to whom Caleph seide, What hast thou? And sche answeride, Yyue thou blessyng to me; thou hast youe to me the south lond and drye; ioyne thou also the moist lond. And Caleph yaf to hir the moist lond, aboue and bynethe. 20 This is the possessioun of the lynage of the sones of Juda, bi her meynees. 21 And the citees weren fro the laste partis of the sones of Juda, bisidis the termes of Edom, fro the south; Capsahel, and Edel, and Jagur, Ectyna, 22 and Dymona, Edada, 23 and Cades, and Alor, 24 and Jethnan, and Ipheth, and Thelon, 25 and Balaoth, and Asor, Nobua, and Cariath, Effron; 26 this is Asseromam; Same, 27 and Molida, and Aser, Gabda, and Assemoth, 28 Bethfelech, and Asertual, and Bersabee, 29 and Baiohia, and Baala, and Hymesen, 30 and Betholad, and Exul, and Herma, 31 and Sichelech, and Meacdemana, and Sensena, 32 Lebeoth, and Selymetem Remmoth; alle `the citees, nyn and thretti, and the townes `of tho. 33 Sotheli in the feeldi places, Escoal, and Sama, 34 and Asena, and Azanoe, and Engannem, and Taphua, 35 and Enaym, and Jecemoth, Adulam, Socco, and Azecha, and Sarym, 36 Adytaym, and Gedam, and Giderothaym; fourtene citees, and `the townes of tho; 37 Sanam, and Aseba, and Magdalgad, 38 Delen, and Melcha, Bethel, Lachis, 39 and Baschat, and Esglon, 40 Esbon, and Leemas, 41 and Cethlis, and Gideroth, and Bethdagon, and Neuma, and Maceda; sixtene citees, and `the townes of tho; `Jambane, 42 and Ether, and Asam, 43 Jepta, and Jesua, 44 and Nesib, and Ceila, and Azib, and Mareza, nyn citees, and `the townes of tho; 45 `Accaron with hise townes and vilagis; 46 fro Accaron til to the see, alle thingis that gon to Azotus, and the townes therof; 47 Azotus with hise townes and vilagis; Gaza with hise townes and villagis, til to the stronde of Egipt; and the grete see is the terme therof; 48 and in the hil, Samyr, 49 and Jeccher, and Socco, and Edema, Cariath Senna; 50 this is Dabir; Anab, and Ischemo, 51 and Ammygosen, and Olom, and Gilo, enleuene `citees, and the townes of tho; 52 `Arab, and Roma, 53 and Esaam, and Amum, 54 and Bethfasua, and Afecha, Ammacha, and Cariatharbe; this is Ebron; and Sior, nyn citees, and `the townes of tho; 55 `Maon, and Hermen, and Ziph, and Jothae, 56 Zerahel, and Zocadamer, and Anoe, and Chaym, 57 Gabaa, and Kanna, ten citees, and `the citees of tho; 58 `Alul, and Bethsur, 59 and Jodor, Mareth, and Bethanoth, and Bethecen, sixe citees, and the townes of tho; 60 Cariathbaal; this is Cariathiarym, the citee of woodis; and Rebda, twei citees, and `the townes of tho; 61 in deseert, `Betharaba, Medyn, and Siriacha, Nepsan, 62 and the citee of salt, and Engaddi, sixe citees, and `the townes of tho; `the citees weren togidere an hundrid and fiftene. 63 Sotheli the sones of Juda myyten not do awei Jebusei, the dwellere of Jerusalem; and Jebusei dwellide with the sones of Juda in Jerusalem `til in to present day. CAP 16 1 And the lot, `ethir part, of the sones of Joseph felde fro Jordan ayens Jerico, and at the watris therof, fro the eest; is the wildirnesse, that stieth fro Jerico to the hil of Bethel, 2 and it goith out fro Bethel `in to Luzan, and passith the terme of Architaroth, 3 and it goith doun to the west, bisidis the terme of Jefleti, `til to the termes of the lowere Bethoron, and of Gazer; and the cuntrees therof ben endid with the greet see, 4 whiche cuntreis Manasses and Effraym, the sones of Joseph, weldiden. 5 And the terme of the sones of Effraym, bi her meynees, and `the possessioun of hem was maad ayens the eest, Accarothaddar `til to the hiyere Bethoron. 6 And the coostis goon out in to the see; sotheli Mathmetath biholdith the north, and cumpassith the termes ayens the eest in Tharnarselo, 7 and passith fro the stronde of Janee; and it goith doun fro Janee in to Atharoth and Noathara, and cometh in to Jerico; and it goith out to Jordan fro Taphua, 8 and passith ayens the see in to the valey of `the place of rehedis; and the goyngis out therof ben to the salteste see. This is the possessioun of the sones of Effraym, bi her meynees; 9 and citees and the townes of tho ben departid to the sones of Effraym, in the myddis of the possessioun of the sones of Manasses. 10 And the sones of Effraym killiden not Cananey, that dwellide in Gazer; and Cananey dwellide tributarie in the myddis of Effraym til in to this day. CAP 17 1 Forsothe lot felde in to the lynage of Manasse, for he is the firste gendrid sone of Joseph; lot felde to Machir, the firste gendrid sone of Manasses, to the fadir of Galaad, that was a werriour, and he hadde possessioun Galaad and Basan. 2 And lot felde to the othere of the sones of Manasses, bi her meynees; to the sones of Abiezer, and to the sones of Heleth, and to the sones of Hesriel, and to the sones of Sichen, and to the sones of Epher, and to the sones of Semyda; these ben the sones of Manasse, sone of Joseph, the male children, bi her meynees. 3 Sotheli to Salphaat, the sone of Epher, sone of Galaad, sone of Machir, sone of Manasses, weren not sones, but douytris aloone; of whiche these ben the names, Maala, and Noa, and Eegla, and Melcha, and Thersa. 4 And thei camen in the siyt of Eleazar, preest, and of Josue, sone of Nun, and of the princes, and seiden, The Lord comaundide bi the hond of Moises, that possessioun should be youun to vs in the myddis of oure britheren. And Josue yaf to hem possessioun, bi comaundement of the Lord, in the myddis of the britheren of her fadir. 5 And ten cordis, `that is, londis mesurid bi ten cordis, felden to Manasses, without the lond of Galaad and of Basan biyende Jordan; 6 for the douytris of Manasses weldiden eritage in the myddis of the sones of hym. Sotheli the lond of Galaad felde in to the part of the sones of Manasses, that weren residue. 7 And the terme of Manasses was fro Azer Machynathath, that biholdeth Sichem, and goith out to the riyt side, bisidis the dwelleris of the welle Taphue; 8 for the lond of Thaphue, which is bisidis the terme of Manasses, and of the sones of Effraym, felde in the lot of Manasses. 9 And the terme of the valey of place of rehedis goith doun in the south of the stronde of the citees of Effraym, that ben in the myddis of the citees of Manasses. The terme of Manasses is fro the north of the stronde, and the goyng out therof goith to the see; 10 so that the possessioun of Effraym is fro the south, and the possessioun of Manasses fro the north, and the see closith euer either; and tho ben ioyned to hem silf in the linage of Aser fro the north, and in the lynage of Isachar fro the eest. 11 And the eritage of Manasses was in Isachar and in Aser, Bersan, and the townes therof, and Jeblaan, with hise townes, and the dwellers of Dor, with her citees; and the dwelleris of Endor, with her townes, and also the dwelleris of Thanath, with her townes, and the dwelleris of Maiedo, with her townes, and the thridde part of the citee Nophet. 12 And the sones of Manasses miyten not distrie these citees, but Cananei bigan to dwelle in this lond. 13 Sotheli aftir that the sones of Israel weren stronge, thei maden suget Cananeis, and maden tributaries to hem silf, and killiden not Cananeis. 14 And the sones of Joseph spaken to Josue, and seiden, Whi hast thou youe to me lond in to possessioun of o lot and part, sithen Y am of so greet multitude, and the Lord hath blesside me, `that is, hath alargid me in children? 15 To whiche Josue seide, If thou art myche puple, stie thou into the wode, and kitte doun to thee spaces in the lond of Feresei, and of Raphaym, for the possessioun of the hil of Effraym is streiyt to thee. 16 To whom the sones of Joseph answerden, We moun not stie to the hilli places, sithen Cananeis, that dwellen in the `lond of the feeld, vsen ironne charis; in which lond Bersan, with hise townes, and Jesrael, weldynge the myddil valey, ben set. 17 And Josue seide to the hows of Joseph, and of Effraym, and of Manasses, Thou art myche puple, and of greet strengthe; thou schalt not haue o lot, 18 but thou schalt passe to the hil, and thou schalt kitte doun to thee; and thou schalt clense spaces to dwelle. And thou schalt mow go forth ferthere, whanne thou hast distried Cananei, whom thou seist to haue irone charis, and to be moost strong. CAP 18 1 And alle the sones of Israel weren gaderid in Silo, and there thei `settiden faste the tabernacle of witnessing; and the lond was suget to hem. 2 Sotheli seuene linagis of the sones of Israel dwelliden, that hadden not yit takun her possessiouns. 3 To whiche Josue seide, Hou longe faden ye `bi cowardise, `ethir slouthe, and entren not to welde the lond, which the Lord God of youre fadris yaf to you? 4 Chese ye of ech lynage thre men, that Y sende hem, and thei go, and cumpasse the lond; and that thei discryue `the lond bi the noumbre of ech multitude, and brynge to me that, that ye han discriued. 5 Departe ye the lond to you in to seuene partis; Judas be in hise termes at the south coost, and `the hows of Joseph at the north; 6 discryue ye `the myddil lond bitwixe hem in to seuene partis; and thanne ye schulen come to me, that Y sende lot to you here bifor youre Lord God; 7 for the part of Leuytis is not among you, but the preesthod of the Lord, this is the eritage `of hem. Forsothe Gad, and Ruben, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden take now her possessiouns ouer Jordan, at the eest coost, whiche possessiouns Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to hem. 8 And whanne the men hadden rise to go, to discryue the lond, Josue comaundide to hem, and seide, Cumpasse ye the lond, and discryue it, and turne ayen to me, that Y sende lot to you here in Silo, bifore youre Lord God. 9 And so thei yeden, and cumpassiden that lond, and departiden `in to seuene partis, writynge in a book; and thei turneden ayen to Josue, in to the castels in Silo. 10 Which Josue sente lottis bifor the Lord God in Silo, and departide the lond to the sones of Israel, in to seuene partis. 11 And the firste lot of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her meynees, stiede, that thei schulden welde the lond bitwixe the sones of Juda and the sones of Joseph. 12 And the terme of hem was ayens the north fro Jordan, and passide bi the side of Jerico of the north coost; and it stiede fro thennus ayens the west to the hilli places, and it cam to the wildirnesse of Bethauen; 13 and it passide bisidis Luza to the south; thilke is Bethel; and it goith doun in to Astoroth Adar, in to the hil which is at the south of lowere Betheron; and is bowid, 14 and cumpassith ayens the see, at the south of the hil that biholdith Betheron ayens the north; and the outgoyngis therof ben in to Cariathbaal, which is clepid also Cariathiarym, the citee of the sones of Juda; this is the greet coost ayens the see, at the west. 15 Sotheli fro the south, bi the part of Cariathiarym, the terme goith out ayens the see, and cometh til to the wel of watris of Nepthoa; 16 and it goith doun in to the part of the hil that biholdith the valei of the sones of Ennon, and is ayens the north coost, in the laste part of the valey of Raphaym; and Jehennon, that is, the valei of Ennon, goith doun bi the side of Jebusei, at the south, and cometh to the welle of Rogel, 17 and passith to the north, and goith out to Emsemes, that is, the welle of the sunne, 18 and passith to the litle hillis that ben ayens the stiyng of Adomyn; and it goith doun to Taben Boen, that is, the stoon of Boen, sone of Ruben, and passide bi the side of the north to the feeldi places; and it goith doun in to the pleyn, 19 and passith forth ayens the north to Bethagala; and the outgoyngis therof ben ayens the arm of the salteste see, fro the north, in the ende of Jordan at the south coost, 20 which is the terme therof fro the eest. This is the possessioun of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her termes in cumpas, and bi her meynees; 21 and the citees therof weren Jerico, and Bethagla, and the valei of Casis, 22 Betharacha, and Samaraym, 23 and Bethel, and Anym, and Affara, 24 and Offira, the toun of Hesmona, and Offym, and Gabee, twelue citees, and `the townes of tho; 25 Gabaon, and Rama, 26 and Beroth, and Mesphe, and Caphera, and Ammosa, 27 and Recem, Jarephel, and Tharela, 28 and Sela, Heleph, and Jebus, which is Jerusalem, Gabaath, and Cariath, fouretene citees and `the townes of tho; this is the possessioun of the sones of Beniamyn, bi her meynees. CAP 19 1 And the secounde lot of the sones of Symeon yede out, bi her meynees; and the eritage of hem, 2 in the myddis of possessioun of the sones of Juda, was Bersabee, and Sabee, 3 and Melada, and Asersua, Bala, 4 and Asem, and Betholaad, Bethularma, and Siceleth, 5 and Bethmarchaboth, and Asersua, 6 and Bethelebaoth, and Saroem, threttene citees, and `the townes of tho; 7 Aym, and Remmon, and Athar, and Asam, foure citees, and `the townes of tho; alle the townes bi cumpas of these citees, 8 `til to Balath Brameth, ayens the south coost, weren seuentene citees. This is the eritage of the sones of Symeon, bi her meynees, 9 in the possessioun and part of the sones of Juda, for it was more; and therfor the sones of Symeon hadden possessioun in the myddis of the eritage therof. 10 And the thridde lot of the sones of Zabulon felde, bi her meynees; and the terme of possessioun of the sones of Zabulon was maad `til to Sarith; 11 and it stieth fro the see, and Medala; and it cometh in to Debbaseth, `til to the stronde which is ayens Jecenam; 12 and it turneth ayen fro Sarith, ayens the eest, in to the coostis of Sechelech Tabor; and goith out to Daberth; and it stieth ayens Jasie; 13 and fro thennus it passith to the eest coost to Gethefer, and Thacasym; and it goith out in to Remmon, Amphar, and Noa; and cumpassith to the north, and Nachon; 14 and the goyngis out therof ben the valei of Jeptael, 15 and Cathel, and Neamai, and Semrom, and Jedaba, and Bethleem, twelue citees, and `the townes of tho. 16 This is the eritage of the lynage of the sones of Zabulon, bi her meynees, and the citees and `townes of tho. 17 The fourthe lot yede out to Isacar, bi hise meynees; and the eritage therof was Jezrael, 18 and Casseloth, 19 and Symen, and Affraym, and Seon, 20 and Anaarath, and Cabith, and Cesion, Hames, 21 and Ramech, and Enganym, and Enadda, and Bethfeses. 22 And the terme therof cometh `til to Tabor, and Seesyma, and Hethsemes; and the outgoyngis therof weren Jordan, sixtene citees, and `the townes of tho. 23 This is the possessioun of the sones of Ysachar, bi her meynees, the citees and the townes of tho. 24 And the fiuethe lot felde to the lynage of the sones of Aser, by her meynees; 25 and the terme of hem was Alchat, and Adi, and Bethen, 26 and Mesaph, and Elmelech, and Amaad, and Messal; and it cometh `til to Carmel of the see, and Sior, and Labanath; and it turneth ayen, 27 ayens the eest, to Bethdagan; and passith `til to Zabulon, and to the valei of Jeptael, ayens the north, in Bethemeth, and Neyel; and it goith out to the left side to Gabul, 28 and Acran, and Roob, and Omynon, and Chane, `til to grete Sidon; 29 and it turneth ayen in to Horma, `til to the strongeste citee Tire, and `til to Ossam; and the outgoyngis therof schulen be in to the see, fro the part of Aczyma, 30 and Affeth, and Roob; two and twenti citees, and `the townes of tho. 31 This is the possessioun of the sones of Aser, bi her meynees, `the citees, and `townes of tho. 32 The sixte lot of the sones of Neptalym felde, bi her meynees; 33 and the terme bigan of Heleth, and Helon, and Sannaira, and Adarny, `which is Neceb, and Jebnael, `til to Letum; and the outgoyng of hem til to Jordan; 34 and the terme turneth ayen, ayens the west, in to Arnoth of Thabor; and fro thennus it goith out in to Hucota, and passith in to Zabulon, ayens the south, and in to Asor, ayens the west, and in to Juda, at Jordan, ayens the risyng of the sunne; 35 of the strongeste citee Assydym, Ser, and Amraath, 36 and Rechath, Cenereth, and Edema, 37 and Arama, Asor, and Cedes, and Edrai, 38 Nason, and Jeron, and Magdael, Horem, and Bethanath, and Bethsemes; nyntene citees, and `the townes of tho. 39 This is the possessioun of the lynage of the sones of Neptalym, bi her meynees, the citees, and the townes of tho. 40 The seuenthe lot yede out to the lynage of the sones of Dan, bi her meynees; 41 and the terme of the possessioun therof was Saraa, and Ascahol, and Darsemes, that is, the citee of the sunne, 42 Selenym, and Hailon, and Jethala, 43 Helom, and Thenna, and Acrom, 44 Helthecem, Jebtom, and Baalath, Lud, 45 and Benebarach, and `Jethremmon, and Ihercon, 46 and Arecon, with the terme that biholdith Joppen, 47 and is closid with that ende. And the sones of Dan stieden, and fouyten ayens Lesem; and thei token it, and smytiden it bi the scharpnes of swerd, and hadden in possessioun, and dwelliden therynne; and thei clepiden the name therof Lesan Dan, by the name of Dan, her fadir. 48 This is the possessioun of the lynage of Dan, bi her meynees, the citees, and townes of tho. 49 And whanne thei hadden fillid to departe the lond bi lot to alle men bi her lynagis, the sones of Israel yauen possessioun to Josue, sone of Nun, 50 in the myddis of hem, bi the comaundement of the Lord, the citee which he axide, Thannath Sara, in the hil of Effraym; and he bildide the citee, and dwellide therynne. 51 These ben the possessiouns whiche Eleazar, preest, and Josue, sone of Nun, and the princis of meynees, and of the lynagis of the sones of Israel, departiden bi lot in Silo, bifor the Lord, at the dore of tabernacle of witnessing, and departiden the lond. CAP 20 1 And the Lord spak to Josue, and seide, Spek thou to the sones of Israel, and seie thou to hem, 2 Departe ye the citees of fugytyues, `ether of men exilid for vnwilful schedyng of blood, of whiche citees Y spak to you bi the hond of Moises, 3 that whoeuer sleeth vnwytyngli a man, fle to tho citees; 4 that whanne he hath fled to oon of these citees, he may ascape the ire of the neiybore, which is veniere of blood. And he schal stonde bifor the yatis of the citee, and he schal speke to the eldre men of that citee tho thingis that schulen preue hym innocent; and so thei schulen reseyue hym, and schulen yyue to hym place to dwelle. 5 And whanne the vengere of blood pursueth hym, thei schulen not bitake hym in to the hondis of the vengere; for vnwityngli he killide his neiybore, and is not preued his enemy bifor the secounde dai ethir the thridde dai. 6 And he schal dwelle in that citee, til he stonde bifor the doom, and yelde cause of his dede. And he that killide a man, dwelle `in that citee, til the grete preest die, which is in that tyme; thanne the mansleere schal turne ayen, and he schal entre in to his citee and hows, `fro which he fledde. 7 And thei ordeyneden Cedes in Galilee, of the hil of Neptalym, and Sichem in the hil of Effraym, and Cariatharbe, thilke is Ebron, in the hil of Juda. 8 And biyende Jordan, ayens the eest coost of Jerico, thei ordeyneden Bosor, which is set in the feeldi wildirnesse of the lynage of Ruben, and Ramoth in Galaad, of the lynage of Gad, and Gaulon in Basan, of the lynage of Manasses. 9 These citees weren ordeyned to alle the sones of Israel, and to comelyngis that dwellen among hem, that he that killide vnwityngli a man, schulde fle to tho citees; and he schulde not die in the hond of neiybore, coueitynge to venge the blood sched out, til he stood bifor the puple, to declare his cause. CAP 21 1 And the princes of meynees of Leuy neiyiden to Eleazar, preest, and to Josue, sone of Nun, and to the duykis of kynredis, bi alle the lynagis of the sones of Israel; 2 and the Leuytis spaken to hem in Sylo, of the lond of Canaan, and seiden, The Lord comaundide bi the honde of Moises, that citees schulden be youun to vs to dwelle ynne, and the subarbis of tho to werk beestis to be fed. 3 And the sones of Israel yauen `of her possessiouns, bi comaundement of the Lord, citees and the subarbis of tho. 4 And the lot yede out in to the meynee of Caath, of the sones of Aaron, preest, of the lynages of Juda, and of Symeon, and of Beniamyn, threttene citees; 5 and to the othere of the sones of Caath, that is, to dekenes that weren left, of the lynagis of Effraym, and of Dan, and of the half lynage of Manasse, ten citees. 6 Sotheli lot yede out to the sones of Gerson, that thei schulden take of the lynagis of Isachar, and of Aser, and of Neptalym, and of the half lynage of Manasses `in Basan, threttene citees in noumbre; 7 and to the sones of Merari, bi her meynees, of the lynagis of Ruben, and of Gad, and of Zabulon, twelue citees. 8 And the sones of Israel yauen to dekenes cytees, and the subarbis `of tho, as the Lord comaundide bi the hond of Moises; and alle yauen bi lot. 9 Of the lynagis of the sones of Juda, and of Symeon, Josue yaf citees; 10 to the sones of Aaron, bi the meynees of Caath, of the kyn of Leuy, of whiche citees these ben the names; for the firste lot yede out to hem; 11 Cariatharbe, of the fadir of Enach, which is clepid Ebron, in the hil of Juda, and the subarbis therof bi cumpas; 12 sotheli he hadde youe the feeldis and townes therof to Caleph, sone of Jephone, to haue in possessioun. 13 Therfor Josue yaf to the sones of Aaron, preest, Ebron, a citee of refuyt, and the subarbis `of it, and Lebnam with hise subarbis, 14 and Jether, and Yschymon, 15 and Elon, and Dabir, and Ayn, and Lethan, 16 and Bethsames, with her subarbis; nyne citees, of twei lynagis, as it is seid. 17 Sotheli of the lynage of the sones of Beniamyn, he yaf Gabaon, and Gabee, and Anatoth, and Almon, with her subarbis; 18 `foure citees. 19 Alle the citees togidere of the sones of Aaron, preest, weren threttene, with her subarbis. 20 Forsothe to `the othere, bi the meynees of the sones of Caath, of the kyn of Leuy, this possessioun was youun; 21 of the lynage of Effraym, the citee of refuyt, Sichen, with hise subarbis, in the hil of Effraym, and Gazer, 22 and Sebsam, and Bethoron, with her subarbis; 23 `foure citees; also of the lynage of Dan, Helthece, and Gebethon, and Haialon, 24 and Gethremmon, with her subarbis; 25 `foure citees; sotheli of the half lynage of Manasses, Thanach, and Gethremon, with her subarbis; `twei citees. 26 Alle the citees ten, and the subarbis `of tho weren youun to the sones of Caath, of the lowere degree. 27 Also to the sones of Gerson, of the kyn of Leuy, Josue yaf of the half lynage of Manasses, citees of refuyt, Gaulon in Basan, and Bosra, with her subarbis, `twei citees. 28 Forsothe of the lynage of Isachar, he yaf Cesion, and Daberath, 29 and Jerimoth, and Engannym, with her subarbis; `foure citees. 30 Of the lynage of Aser, he yaf Masal, and Abdon, 31 and Elecath, and Roob, with her subarbis; `foure citees. 32 Also of the lynage of Neptalym, `he yaf the citee of refuyt, Cedes in Galile, and Amodor, and Carthan, with her subarbis; `thre citees. 33 Alle the citees of the meynees of Gerson weren threttene, with her subarbis. 34 Sotheli to the sones of Merary, dekenes of the lowere degree, bi her meynees, was youun Getheran, of the linage of Zabulon, and Charcha, and Demna, and Nalol; 35 `foure citees, with her subarbis. 36 And of the lynage of Gad, he yaf the citee of refuyt, Ramoth in Galaad, and Manaym, and Esebon, and Jaser; `foure citees, with her subarbis. 37 And of the lynage of Ruben, biyende Jordan, ayens Jerico, he yaf `the citee of refuyt, Bosor in the wildirnesse of Mysor, and Jazer, and Jecson, and Maspha; `foure citees, with her subarbis. 38 Alle the citees of Merary, bi her meynees and kynredis, weren twelue. 39 And so alle the citees of Leuytis, in the myddis of possessioun of the sones of Israel, weren eiyte and fourti, with her subarbis; 40 and alle citees weren departid by meynees. 41 And the Lord yaf to Israel al the lond which he swoor hym silf to yyue to the fadris `of hem, and thei hadden it in possessioun, and dwelliden therynne. 42 And pees was youun of hym in to alle naciouns `by cumpas; and noon of enemyes was hardi to withstonde hem, but alle weren dryuen in to the lordschip `of hem. 43 Forsothe nether o word, which he bihiyte him silf to yyue to hem, was voide, but alle wordis weren fillid in werkis. CAP 22 1 In the same tyme Josue clepide men of Ruben, and men of Gad, and half the lynage of Manasses, 2 and seide to hem, Ye han do alle thingis whiche Moises, `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you, also ye obeieden to me in alle thingis; 3 nether ye han lefte youre britheren in mych tyme til in to present dai, and ye kepten the comaundement of youre Lord God. 4 Therfor for youre Lord God yaf reste and pees to youre britheren, as he bihiyte, turne ye ayen, and go ye in to youre tabernaclis, and in to the loond of youre possessioun, which lond Moyses, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to you biyende Jordan; 5 so onely that ye kepe bisili, and fille in werk the comaundement and lawe, `which lawe Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, comaundide to you; that ye loue youre Lord God, and go in alle hise weies, and kepe hise heestis, and cleue to hym and serue him in al youre herte, and in al youre soule. 6 And Josue blesside hem, and lefte hem, whiche turneden ayen in to her tabernaclis. 7 Sotheli Moyses hadde youe possessioun in Basan to the half lynage of Manasses; and therfor to the half lynage that lefte Josue yaf part among her othere britheren biyendis Jordan, at the west coost therof. And whanne Josue leet hem go in to her tabernaclis, and hadde blessid hem, 8 he seyde to hem, With myche catel and richessis turne ye ayen to youre seetis; with siluer and gold, and bras, and yrun, and myche clothing; departe ye the prey of enemyes with youre britheren. 9 And the sones of Ruben, and the sones of Gad, and `half the lynage of Manasses turneden ayen, and yeden fro the sones of Israel fro Silo, which is set in the lond of Canaan, that thei schulden entre in to Galaad, the lond of her possessioun, which thei gaten bi `comaundement of the Lord in the hond of Moises. 10 And whanne thei hadden come to the litle hillis of Jordan, in to the lond of Canaan, thei bildiden bisidis Jordan an auter of greetnesse ouer comyn mesure. 11 And whanne the sones of Israel hadden herd this, and certeyn messangeris hadden teld to hem, that the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden bildid an auter in the lond of Canaan, on the heepis of Jordan, ayens the sones of Israel, 12 alle camen togidir in Silo, that thei schulden stie, and fiyte ayens hem. 13 And in the meene tyme thei senten to hem in to the lond of Galaad, Fynees, preest, 14 the sone of Eleazar, and ten princes with hym; of ech lynage o prince. 15 Whiche camen to the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half lynage of Manasses, in to the lond of Galaad, and seiden to hem, 16 Al the puple of the Lord sendith these thingis; What is this trespassyng? Whi han ye forsake the Lord God of Israel, and han bildid a cursid auter, and han go awei fro the worschiping of hym? 17 Whether it is litil to you that ye synneden in Belfegor, and the wem of this trespas dwellith in you til in to present dai, and many of the puple felden doun? 18 And to day ye han forsake the Lord, and to morewe, that is, in tyme to comynge, the ire of hym schal be feers ayens al Israel. 19 That if ye gessen, that the lond of youre possessioun is vncleene, passe to the lond, `in which the tabernacle of the Lord is, and dwelle ye among vs, oneli that ye go not awei fro the Lord, and fro oure felouschipe, bi an auter bildid outakun the auter of oure Lord God. 20 Whether not Achar, the sone of Zare, passide the comaundement of the Lord, and his ire felde on al the puple of Israel? And he was o man; and we wolden that he aloone hadde perischid in his trespas. 21 And the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half the lynage of Manasses, answeriden to the princes of the message of Israel, 22 The strongeste Lord God hym silf of Israel knowith, and Israel schal vndirstonde togidere; if we bildiden this auter for entent of trespassyng, `that is, of ydolatrye, he kepe not vs, but punysche in present time; 23 and if we diden bi that mynde, that we schulden putte theronne brent sacrifice, and sacrifice, and pesible sacrifices, he seke, and deme; 24 and not more `bi that thouyt and tretyng that we seiden, Youre sones schulen seie `to morew to oure sones, What is to you and to the Lord God of Israel? Ye sones of Ruben, 25 and ye sones of Gad, the Lord hath set a terme, the flood Jordan, bitwixe vs and you; and therfor ye han not part in the Lord; and bi this occasioun youre sones schulen turne awei oure sones fro the drede of the Lord. Therfor we gessiden betere, 26 and seiden, Bilde we an auter to vs, not in to brent sacrifices, nethir to sacrifices to be offrid, 27 but in to witnessyng bitwixe vs and you, and bitwixe oure children and youre generacioun, that we serue the Lord, and that it be of oure riyt to offre brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices; and that youre sones seie not to morewe to oure sones, No part in the Lord is to you. 28 And if `youre sones wolen seie this, `oure sones schulen answere hem, Lo! the auter of the Lord, which oure fadris maden, not in to brent sacrifices, nether in to sacrifice, but in to oure and your witnessing euerlastinge. 29 Fer be this trespas fro vs, that we go awei fro the Lord, and forsake hise steppis, bi an auter bildid to brent sacrifices, and sacrifices, and sacrifices of preisyng to be offrid, outakun the auter of oure `Lord God, which is bildid bifore his tabernacle. 30 And whanne these thingis weren herd, Fynees, preest, and the princes of message of Israel, that weren with hym, weren plesyd; and thei resseyueden gladli the wordis of the sones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half lynage of Manasses. 31 And Finees, preest, the sone of Eleazar, seide to hem, Now we wyten, that the Lord is with you; for ye ben alien fro this trespassyng, and ye han delyuered the sones of Israel fro the hond, `that is, punyschyng, of the Lord. 32 And Fynees turnede ayen with the princes fro the sones of Ruben and of Gad, fro the lond of Galaad to the coost of Canaan, to the sones of Israel; and he telde to hem. 33 And the word pleside to alle men herynge; and the sones of Israel preisiden God, and seiden, that no more `thei schulden stie ayens hem, and fiyte, and do awei the lond of her possessioun. 34 And the sones of Ruben and the sones of Gad clepiden the auter, which thei hadden bildid, Oure Witnessyng, that the Lord hym silf is God. CAP 23 1 Forsothe whanne myche tyme was passid after that the Lord had youe pees to Israel, for alle naciouns `in cumpas weren suget; and whanne Josue was thanne of long lijf, and `of ful eld age, Josue clepide al Israel, 2 and the grettere men in birthe, and the princes, and dukis, and maistris, and seide to hem, Y `wexide elde, and Y am of grettere age; 3 and ye seen alle thingis whiche youre Lord God hath do to alle naciouns `bi cumpas, hou he fauyt for you. 4 And now for he departide to you bi lot al the lond, fro the eest part of Jordan `til to the grete see, and many naciouns ben left yit, 5 youre Lord God `schal distrie hem, and schal take awei fro youre face; and ye schulen welde the lond, as he bihiyte to you. 6 Oneli be ye coumfortid, and be ye bisy, that ye kepe alle thingis that ben writun in the book of Moises lawe, and bowe not awei fro tho, nether to the riyt side nether to the left side, 7 lest aftir that ye han entrid to the hethene men, that schulen be among you, ye swere in the name of `the goddis of hem, and ye serue tho goddis, and worschipe hem. 8 But cleue ye to youre Lord God, which thing ye han do `til in to this dai; 9 and thanne the Lord God schal do awei in youre siyt grete folkis, and strongeste; and noon schal mow ayenstonde you. 10 Oon of you schal pursue a thousynde men of enemyes, for youre Lord God schal fiyte for you, as he bihiyte. 11 Be ye war bifore moost diligentli of this thing oneli, that ye loue youre Lord God. 12 That if ye wolen cleue to the errouris of these folkis that dwellen among you, and wolen medle mariagis with hem, and couple frenschipis, 13 wite ye riyt now, that `youre Lord God schal not do awei hem bifor youre face, but thei schulen be to you in to a dich, and a snare, and in to hirtyng of youre side, and in to stakis in youre iyen, til youre Lord God take awei you, and distrie fro this beste loond, which he yaf to you. 14 Lo! Y entre to dai in to the weye of al erthe; and ye schulen knowe `with al soule, that of al wordis whiche the Lord bihiyte hym silf to yyue to you, not oon passide in veyn. 15 Therfor as he fillide in werk that, that he bihiyte, and alle thingis bifelden `bi prosperite, so he schal brynge on you whateuer thing of yuelis he manaasside, til he take awei you, and distrie fro this beste lond, which he yaf to you. 16 For ye braken the couenaunt of `youre Lord God, which he made with you, and serueden alien goddis, and worschipeden hem, sone and swiftli the strong veniaunce of the Lord schal rise `on to you; and ye schulen be takun awei fro this beste lond, which he yaf to you. CAP 24 1 And Josue gaderide alle the lynagis of Israel in to Sechem; and he clepide the grettere men in birthe, and the princes, and iugis, and maistris; and thei stoden in the siyt of the Lord. 2 And he spak thus to the puple, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Youre fadris dwelliden at the bigynnyng biyende the flood Eufrates, Thare, the fadir of Abraham, and Nachor, and thei serueden alien goddis. 3 Therfor Y took youre fadir Abraham fro the coostis of Mesopotanye, and Y brouyte hym in to the lond of Canaan; and Y multipliede `the seed of hym, 4 and Y yaf Isaac to hym; and eft Y yaf to Isaac, Jacob, and Esau, of whiche Y yaf to Esau the hil of Seir, to `haue in possessioun; forsothe Jacob and hise sones yeden doun in to Egipt. 5 And Y sente Moises and Aaron, and Y smoot Egipt with many signes and wondris, 6 and Y ledde you and youre fadris out of Egipt. And ye camen to the see, and Egipcians pursueden youre fadris with charis, and multitude of knyytis, `til to the Reed See. 7 Forsothe the sones of Israel crieden to the Lord, and he settide derknessis bitwixe you and Egipcians; and he brouyte the see on hem, and hilide hem. Youre iyen sien alle thingis, whiche Y dide in Egipt. And ye dwelliden in wildirnesse in myche tyme. 8 And Y brouyte you in to the lond of Ammorrei, that dwellide biyende Jordan; and whanne thei fouyten ayens you, Y bitook hem in to youre hondis, and ye hadden in possessioun `the lond of hem, and ye killiden hem. 9 Sotheli Balach, the sone of Sephor, the king of Moab, roos, and fauyt ayens Israel; and he sente, and clepide Balaam, the sone of Beor, that he schulde curse you. 10 And Y nolde here hym, but ayenward bi hym Y blesside you, and delyuerede you fro hise hondis. 11 And ye passiden Jordan, and camen to Jerico; and men of that citee fouyten ayens you, Ammorrei, and Feresei, and Cananei, Ethei, and Gergesei, and Euei, and Jebusei; and Y bitook hem in to youre hondis. 12 And Y sente flies with venemouse tongis bifor you, and Y castide hem out of her places; Y kyllide twei kyngis of Ammorreis, not in thi swerd and bowe. 13 And Y yaf to you the lond in which ye traueiliden not, and citees whiche ye bildiden not, that ye schulden dwelle in tho, and vyneris, and places of olyue trees, whiche ye plauntiden not. 14 Now therfor drede ye the Lord, and serue ye hym with perfite herte and moost trewe; and do ye awei the goddis, to whiche youre fadris seruyden in Mesopotanye, and in Egipt; and serue ye the Lord. 15 But if it semeth yuel to you, `that ye serue the Lord, chesyng is youun to you; chese ye to you to dai that, that plesith, whom ye owen most to serue; whether to goddis, whiche youre fadris serueden in Mesopotanye, whether to the goddis of Ammorreis, in whose lond ye dwellen; forsothe Y, and myn hows schulen serue the Lord. 16 And al the puple answeride and seide, Fer be it fro vs that we forsake the Lord, and serue alien goddis. 17 `Oure Lord God hym silf ledde vs and oure fadris out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hows of seruage, and dide grete signes in oure siyt; and he kepte vs in al the weie, bi which we yeden, and in alle puplis, bi whiche we passiden; and he castide out alle folkis, 18 Ammorrei, the dwellere of the lond, in to which we entriden. Therfor we schulen serue the Lord, for he is `oure Lord God. 19 And Josue seide to the puple, Ye moun not serue the Lord; for God is hooli, and a strong feruent louyere, and he foryyueth not youre trespassis and synnes. 20 If ye forsaken the Lord, and seruen alien goddis, the Lord schal turne `hym silf, and schal turment you, and schal distrie, after that he hath youe goodis to you. 21 And the puple seide to Josue, It schal not be so, as thou spekist, but we schulen serue the Lord. 22 And Josue seide to the puple, Ye ben witnessis, that ye han chose the Lord to you, that ye serue him. And thei answeriden, We ben witnessis. 23 Therfor, he seide, Now do ye awei alien goddis fro the myddis of you, and bowe ye youre hertis to the Lord God of Israel. 24 And the puple seide to Josue, We schulen serue `oure Lord God, and we schulen be obedient to hise heestis. 25 Therfor Josue smoot a boond of pees in that dai, and settide forth to the puple comaundementis and domes in Sichen. 26 And he wroot alle these wordis in the book of Goddis lawe. And he took a greet stoon, and puttide it vndur an ook, that was in the seyntuarie of the Lord. 27 And he seide to al the puple, Lo! this stoon schal be to you in to witnessing, that ye herden alle the wordis of the Lord, whiche he spak to you, lest perauenture ye wolden denye aftirward, and lye to youre Lord God. 28 And he lefte the puple, ech man in to his possessioun. 29 And after these thingis Josue, the sone of Nun, the `seruaunt of the Lord, diede, an hundride yeer eld and ten. 30 And thei birieden hym in the costis of his possessioun, in Thannath of Sare, which is set in the hil of Effraym, fro the north part of the hil Gaas. 31 And Israel seruede the Lord in alle the daies of Josue, and of the eldre men, that lyueden in long tyme aftir Josue, and whiche eldre men knewen alle the werkis of the Lord, whiche he hadde do in Israel. 32 Also `the sones of Israel birieden the boonys of Joseph, whiche thei baren fro Egipt in Sichen, in the part of the feeld, which feeld Jacob bouyte of the sones of Emor, fadir of Sichen, for an hundrid yonge scheep; and it was in to possessioun of the sones of Joseph. 33 Also Eliazar, sone of Aaron, preest, diede; and Fynees and hise sones biryden hym in Gabaa, which was youun to hym in the hil of Efraym.